190 research outputs found


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    Die Forschergruppe untersucht auf zwei miteinander verknüpften Ebenen erstens Abbildungskonventionen und kognitive Prozesse bei der Visualisierung räumlicher Konstellationen in den Bildern der Antike und zweitens die durch Bilder bezeugte Markierung und Strukturierung von Landschaftsräumen und sozialen Handlungsräumen. Der Transfer zwischen einem habituell implizit vermittelten und durch Expertenwissen geschulten Raumwissen in die konstruierte Wirklichkeit der Bilder wird in zehn Einzelstudien aus den Bereichen der Ägyptologie, Klassischen Archäologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie unter Heranziehung archäologisch-schriftlicher Quellen und heuristischer Konzepte verfolgt. Dabei rücken bewusst unterschiedliche Bildgattungen und Bildformate – ägyptische Wandtableaus und Felsbilder, griechische Tafel- und Vasenmalerei, Münzen, römische Wandmalerei, altvorderasiatische Rollsiegel und Figurinen, monumentale Bildfriese aus dem altvorderasiatischen und griechischen Bereich – ins Zentrum der Betrachtung. Durch Vergleich und Kontrastierung dieser Einzelstudien soll der Blick für das Allgemeine und das Besondere in der kulturspezifischen Praxis der Bilder geschärft werden. In regelmäßigen Forschergruppentreffen und gemeinsamen Tagungen wurden die Fragestellungen diskutiert und präzisiert. Zusätzlich geplante Tagungen und der Austausch mit an ähnlichen Fragen interessierten Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen erweitern das Spektrum der kulturübergreifenden Vergleichsmöglichkeiten. Im Ergebnis lassen sich sowohl gemeinsame als auch abweichende Kategorien bei der visuellen Repräsentation von Raum und raumordnendem Wissen erkennen. Dadurch eröffnen sich auch neue übergreifende Perspektiven auf das methodisch und inhaltlich auszubauende Spektrum der Forschergruppe

    Esarhaddon’s expedition from Palestine to Egypt in 671 BCE

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    Plenary Agenda Report for Research Group B-II-1

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    Political authority over extensive territories is a well-known phenomenon of the ancient world, and one conceptualized already in antiquity through the image of the succession of empires. Each such politico-spatial order was based on the successful interrelationship of heterogeneous symbolic and concrete forms of governance in the context of contingent structural conditions. While each major empire must be regarded as a singular historical case, the question nonetheless presents itself of how an awareness of such structures of political administration were constituted in premodern states. In the framework of Area B »Mechanisms of Control and Social Spaces« large-scale phenomena of governance were examined particularly with regard to the forms of knowledge associated with the organizational implementation of these of hegemonic structures. This research group investigates the interdependency of spatial structures and the organization of authority with reference to four major empires. Brought to light through the analysis of contrasting interventions into these territories are continuities and discontinuities of practice within which the spectrum of forms of knowledge as well as the object of knowledge itself become discernible. The geographic region of investigation is the Near East. Three ancient Near Eastern case studies, namely the Hittite and Mittani Kingdoms and the Middle Assyrian Empire, illustrate the region of Anatolia-Upper Mesopotamia in a dense chronological stratification which traverses a period lasting circa 500 years. Emerging within this chronotope both geographically and chronologically are intersections through which commonalities and differences in the organization of governance are revealed, not least of all in their spatial conditionality. In contrast, the subproject in Ancient History dealing with the system of rule of the Imperium Romanum in the Ancient Near East focuses on the early period of the Principate, with a special focus on the Palestinian-Syrian realm. In terms of systematics and chronology, two detailed studies contrast the relatively homogeneous perspectives of the four above-named empires: the first examines »trade relations« in the Neo-Babylonian empire of the 1st millennium BCE, and the second »multiethnicity« in the formation of the ancient Near Eastern empires of the later 1st millennium BCE. The analysis proceeds via archaeological, philological, and historical methods and focuses on concrete forms of political authority as exercised in interdependency with the governed regions on various scales. Settlement structures, artifacts, and border formations have been investigated along with a multiplicity of textual genres, including historical documents such as treaties, but also epigraphic materials, legal, and commercial documents. Some of the sources are being made accessible and published for the first time in the framework of these investigations. A web- supported map project will permit links to be created between geographically defined discursive horizons and object data such as settlement patterns, areas of settlement, and texts

    Experimental Studies of the Mechanism and Kinetics of Hydration Reactions

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    The mechanism and the kinetics of hydration reactions are important for the application of a salt hydrate as a thermochemical heat storage material. MgSO4·H2O and Na2SO4 were chosen in this study because they are both promising candidates for such an application. Considering that the hydration of these salts yields MgSO4·7H2O and Na2SO4·10H2O as the reaction products, the maximum overall heat effect can be calculated from the heat of condensation of water vapor (44 kJ mol–1) and the heats of hydration of 75 kJ·mol-1 (for MgSO4·H2O) and 81 kJ mol-1 (for Na2SO4). Based on the densities of the two hydrated phases, this results in the very high theoretical energy densities of 2.3 GJ·m-3 and 2.4 GJ·m-3, respectively, for MgSO4·7H2O and Na2SO4·10H2O. Not only the energy density is important for the dimensioning of a storage system, but also the kinetics of hydration reactions play a major role for the application as storage material. In the present study, hydration reactions under varying climatic conditions were investigated by using water vapor sorption measurements and in-situ Raman microscopy. Using the phase diagrams, it can be clearly shown that the mechanism and the kinetics depend on the climatic conditions. Below the deliquescence humidity of the lower hydrated phase the hydration proceeds as solid state reaction, whilst above the deliquescence humidity a through solution mechanism takes place

    First application of OSL dating to a chalcolithic well structure in Qulban Bani Murra, Jordan

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    This study presents the first OSL dates for a well structure presumed to have been built by pastoralists in Qulbān Banī Murra, Jordan. The site is assumed to belong to the Chalcolithic culture (5th millennium BC). It includes partly megalithic burial fields connected to a water management system. Two sediment samples, composed from reddish silty material used as a hardened lining material for the well structures, were dated using OSL (quartz OSL and feldspar post IR-IRSL). The good agreement between the two chronometers confirms that the sediment was fully reset at the time of burial, and so gives confidence in the reliability of the chronology. The average age derived from quartz of the two samples is 4.6±0.2 BC and 4.77±0.27 BC for ages derived from feldspar. Both ages are in agreement with earlier assumptions. These dates represent some of the first instrumental ages for this widespread water-using culture

    Experimentos de inclinação com gravímetros do tipo linear

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    Orientador: Manfred BonatzTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanáResumo: Experimentos de inclinação foram realizados com cinco gravímetros Askania modificados. Estudou-se a possibilidade de se avaliar os fatores de escala, bem como a adequação das séries de dados à parábola teórica. A questão dos fatores de escala foi analisada pelo método combinado do ajustamento de observações a mínimos quadrados. Para os testes de adequação, as séries de dados foram representadas por meio de polinômios ortogonais.Abstract: Tilt experiments were performed with five transformed Askania gravimeters. The possibility os estimating the scale factors was studied; investigations concerning the adequacy of the data series to the theoretical parabola were also realized. The scale factor's question was analyzed through the combined method for least squares observations' adjustment. As for the adequacy tests, the data series were represented by means of orthogonal polynomials.Zusammenfassung: Neigungsexperimente wurden mit fünf modifizierten Askania Gravimetern durchgeführt. Damit wurde die Möglichkeit für die Maßstabfaktorenschätzung studiert; der Vergleich der Datenreihen zu der theoretischen Parabel wurde auch untergesucht. Das Problem der Maßstabfaktoren wurde mittels der kombinierten Methode der Ausgleichungsrechnung analysiert. Für die Ähnlichkeitstests, wurden die Datenreihen durch Orthogonalpolynpinen dargestellt

    Experimentos de inclinação com gravímetros do tipo linear

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    Orientador: Manfred BonatzTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanáResumo: Experimentos de inclinação foram realizados com cinco gravímetros Askania modificados. Estudou-se a possibilidade de se avaliar os fatores de escala, bem como a adequação das séries de dados à parábola teórica. A questão dos fatores de escala foi analisada pelo método combinado do ajustamento de observações a mínimos quadrados. Para os testes de adequação, as séries de dados foram representadas por meio de polinômios ortogonais.Abstract: Tilt experiments were performed with five transformed Askania gravimeters. The possibility os estimating the scale factors was studied; investigations concerning the adequacy of the data series to the theoretical parabola were also realized. The scale factor's question was analyzed through the combined method for least squares observations' adjustment. As for the adequacy tests, the data series were represented by means of orthogonal polynomials.Zusammenfassung: Neigungsexperimente wurden mit fünf modifizierten Askania Gravimetern durchgeführt. Damit wurde die Möglichkeit für die Maßstabfaktorenschätzung studiert; der Vergleich der Datenreihen zu der theoretischen Parabel wurde auch untergesucht. Das Problem der Maßstabfaktoren wurde mittels der kombinierten Methode der Ausgleichungsrechnung analysiert. Für die Ähnlichkeitstests, wurden die Datenreihen durch Orthogonalpolynpinen dargestellt

    Early Visual Cultures and Panofsky’s Perspektive als ‘symbolische Form’

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    This paper investigates the historical dimension of perspectival representations. It aims to provide a heterogeneous though comparative picture of culturally unrelated visual con- ceptualizations of pictorial spaces, written with a view toward explaining how the multiple modes of perspective were introduced in antiquity. Point of departure for this critical approach is Erwin Panofsky’s essay Die Perspektive als ‘symbolische Form’ , published in 1927. His essay analyses the pictorial visualization of space and spatiality in different historical contexts, examining their cultural codification in terms of the heuristic category of ‘sym- bolic form’. However, ‘perspective’, which is commonly understood as synonymous with ‘linear perspective’, deserves a new discussion in the context of diverse visual cultures: A ‘naturalisation’ of the gaze as it is suggested by pictorial spaces which function mimetically is primarily associated with the early modern period in Western art. Instead of merely re- reading Panofsky’s canonical text, this paper presents an interdisciplinary re-viewing of a selection of the pictorial examples chosen by Panofsky, commenting upon their perspec- tive(s) from different vantage points