93 research outputs found

    Chapter 1 Quarantine and territory in Spain during the second half of the nineteenth century

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    This chapter provides a thorough investigation of the modes by which the sanitary administration coevolved coherently with and inseparably from the Spanish state’s modern transport-communication and economic-industrial infrastructures throughout the nineteenth century. It also investigates examines how quarantine institutions functioned as sanitary gateways or entry checkpoints at borders, physically marking and consolidating while protecting the national territorial space. The paper traces the ideas underpinning the configuration and development of the sanitary network on Spanish national territory, which occurred unevenly – with the most evolved parts depending on certain strategic ports and on links with the railway transport infrastructure that was still under construction. It also suggests that the gradual relaxation of quarantine in liberal Spain was periodically called into question by economic and political policies that defined the relation between the coastal and inland regions of the country

    Recintos sanitarios y espacios de control. Un estudio morfológico de la arquitectura cuarentenaria

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    Tomando como ámbito cronológico el periodo comprendido entre la pandemia de Peste Negra y los inicios de la era bacteriológica y como ámbito territorial Europa, el Mediterráneo y Norteamérica, este artículo se ocupa de la morfología de los lazaretos en su conjunto, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes tradiciones y saberes que influyeron en su configuración

    Air, bodies, affects and quarantines: containing fear and constructing atmospheres of security and tranquillity

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    This article will investigate, based on the idea of “atmosphere”, the possibilities raised by the study of the containment of fear in the case of an epidemic in nineteenth-century Marseille. Following Derek P. McCormack, atmospheres will be understood from different and, as will become clear, complementary perspectives. The first is atmosphere understood in its meteorological sense, that is the zone of gaseous material surrounding our bodies and which will be treated here as something that can play a role in the onset and dissemination of epidemics. The second is atmosphere in an affective sense, a set of “shared feelings and moods in a particular space or environment”. Drawing on the contributions of Gernot Böhme on the aesthetics of the reception and production of atmospheres, it will be argued that the atmospheres of security and tranquillity that emerged in Marseille in the presence of epidemic danger were low-intensity atmospheres with the capacity to last over time. Within these atmospheres, elements of a diverse nature were combined, some continuous and others more exceptional, which, taken together, helped create an affective community

    Crime and space in intermediate cities: fine-tuning a model of territorial analysis in Gerona, Tarragona and Lérida

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    This article investigates the location logic of petty larcenies and mugging with violence and intimidation, for the period: 2008-2011, in three intermediate cities of Catalonia. The aim is to validate and fine-tune previously-formulated hypotheses on crimes which follow patterns of a structural nature, that is, which have a tendency towards territorial stability linked to urban features and functions. These crimes have been compared with crimes against public order and assaults. This study has enabled a definition of the type of areas that attract and stabilise such phenomena; this makes possible consideration of the characteristics of public space that can favour the citizen's sense of securi

    Delito y espacio en ciudades intermedias afinando un modelo de análisis territorial en Gerona, Tarragona y Lérida

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    En estas páginas se estudia la lógica locacional de ciertos delitos en tres ciudades intermedias de Cataluña: Gerona, Lérida y Tarragona; con el objetivo de validar y afinar modelos formulados con anterioridad. Se analiza el emplazamiento de contravenciones con una lógica estructural, es decir, con una tendencia a la estabilidad territorial vinculada a funciones y rasgos urbanos. El análisis se ha centrado en los hurtos y en los robos con violencia o intimidación, cotejando estos últimos con las lesiones y los delitos contra el orden público para esclarecer sus dinámicas internas. El trabajo ha permitido definir áreas específicas que atraen y estabilizan estas contravenciones y abre la reflexión sobre los rasgos del espacio público que pueden propiciar la sensación de seguridad en la ciudadanía.These pages investigate the location logic of certain crimes in three intermediate cities of Catalonia: Gerona, Lérida and Tarragona, with the aim of validating and fine-tuning previously formulated models. It analyzes the location of crimes that show a structural logic, that is, that have a tendency towards territorial stability linked to urban features and functions. The analysis has focussed on robberies or thefts with violence and intimidation. These have then been compared and contrasted with assaults and crimes against public order in order to clarify their internal dynamics. The research has allowed us to identify and define specific areas that attract and foment these sorts of violations and to invite further thinking about features of public space that can be conducive to a sense of security amongst urban citizens.Este artículo es fruto de dos proyectos de investigación financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: Espacio urbano, delincuencia y percepción ciudadana: el caso de Lleida (SEJ2005-01879GEOG); Delito, conflicto, seguridad y paisaje urbano en ciudades intermedias de Cataluña: los casos de Gerona, Tarragona y Lleida (CSO2008-02746GEOG

    Compartiendo modelos arquitectónicos: morfologías y vigilancias del siglo XVII al XIX

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    Spatial and territorial organization is an important factor in the configuration of control and surveillance strategies at work in our society. Architecture in general and certain buildings in particular have been key devices in exercising said control and surveillance. In these pages we look at the building structures in facilities specially designed for the control and custody of their occupants. We begin with the Casas de Misericordia, which appeared in the 16th century and were designed to house marginalized people mostly from urban environments, and go over the morphologies of prisons, hospitals, and quarantine stations. We analyze the transfer of building structures from one kind of establishment to another, and discuss how their specific functions progressively fixed their morphologies. Finally, we focus on the discourse built in Spain, from its origins in the 16th century until its realizations in the first half of the 19th century, when a marked institutional specialization took place and building structures became more stable, dealing with theoretical proposals as well as what was done in the practice.La organización espacial y territorial es un factor importante en la configuración de las estrategias de control y vigilancia que funcionan en nuestra sociedad. La arquitectura en general, y determinados edificios en particular, han sido dispositivos importantes para el desempeño de tales tareas. En estas páginas se estudian las estructuras constructivas de establecimientos especialmente diseñados para el control y la custodia de sus habitantes, comenzando por las “Casas de Misericordia” diseñadas para recoger a los marginados, principalmente urbanos, desde el siglo XVI, y se rastrean las morfologías de cárceles, hospitales y lazaretos. Analizamos la transferencia de estructuras constructivas de un establecimiento a otro y cómo la reflexión sobre las funciones específicas de cada uno de ellos fue fijando sus morfologías. Finalmente, se presta atención al discurso construido en España, desde sus orígenes en el siglo XVI hasta sus concreciones en el XIX, ocupándonos tanto de las propuestas teóricas como de las realizaciones.This paper is part of a research project financed by the Ministry of Finance and Competitiveness and entitled La gestión espacial de la conflictividad social. La ordenación urbana de los espacios colectivos y las morfologías arquitectónicas (CSO2015-64643-R)

    Esbozos para un atlas de geografía del arte

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    Geography and art have had a productive relationship for centuries that continues today in a much stronger way than ever. I am going to begin this text by reviewing these relationships in recent decades within the framework of the spatial turn and the creative or aesthetic turn to see the types of approach that each of the disciplines makes of the other. Next, I am going to use an art installation of which I am a co-author to show how geographic knowledge can be built from working with art.La geografía y el arte han tenido una relación productiva desde hace siglos que continua en la actualidad de un modo mucho más fuerte que nunca. Voy a empezar este texto repasando estas relaciones en las últimas décadas dentro del marco del giro espacial y del giro creativo o estético para ver los tipos de aproximación que cada una de las disciplinas hace de la otra. A continuación, voy a utilizar una instalación artística de la que soy coautor para mostrar cómo se puede construir conocimientos geográficos a partir de un trabajo con el arte