106 research outputs found

    Corsari schiavi siciliani nel mediterraneo (Secoli XVIII-XIX)

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    Nel Cinquecento, la Sicilia era diventata terra di frontiera in un Mediterraneo che vedeva sempre più minacciosa la presenza dell’Impero Ottomano che, giunto al massimo della sua espansione territoriale, aveva chiuso l’Europa in una morsa. Sicché nel corso del Seicento, il Parlamento siciliano, deliberò un finanziamento straordinario per accrescere il numero delle galere, piano che non potè essere attuato a causa della crisi  finanziaria che a quel tempo colpiva tutte le aree sotto l’influenz..

    BOTOX injection to treat strabismus after infant botulism type B infection

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    Purpose: The significance of botulinum toxin to ophthalmologists is twofold. Botulism, a medical emergency, frequently presents with ocular findings including blurred vision, diplopia, ptosis, and photophobia as a result of the neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum. However, botulinum toxins also have therapeutic uses for medical conditions including strabismus. The safety and efficacy of Botulinum toxin A in patients with a history of botulism has not been reported. Observations: We report a 9-week-old infant, diagnosed with type B toxin positive infant botulism treated with human botulism immune globulin, who developed a large angle exotropia. The infant was treated with intramuscular injections of botulinum toxin A to the extraocular muscles resulting in a favorable initial response but ultimately required strabismus surgery. Clinical manifestations and management of botulism are reviewed and botulinum toxin in the treatment of pediatric strabismus is discussed. Conclusions and importance: This case demonstrates safe administration of onabotulinumtoxinA to an infant with a history of antitoxin-treated botulism, resulting in a transient improvement in control of infantile exotropia


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    La lontananza, sia nello spazio che nel tempo, fra la cultura cinese e quella italiana, è un elemento da non sottovalutare dal punto di vista degli sforzi che, nel processo di acquisizione e conoscenza della lingua e cultura italiana, lo studente di madrelingua cinese deve compiere. Il presente articolo propone un confronto tra le culture dei due Paesi; lo scopo è fornire una serie di informazioni su argomenti socio-culturali di vario genere “illustrandone” punti in comune e divergenze affinché lo studente cinese possa, nel percorso di apprendimento della L2, conoscere non soltanto gli aspetti tipici di una lingua intesa come sistema di comunicazione, ma anche e soprattutto gli aspetti extralinguistici e pragmatici che fanno di una lingua un insieme con la cultura, la storia, le usanze e il modo di pensare di un popolo. L’articolo utilizza il disegno illustrativo come mezzo esplicativo dell’analisi contrastiva e costituisce in tal modo una risorsa di studio diretta e incisiva per lo studente sinofono.     A socio-cultural compariosn between italy and china: an illustrated process   Distance, in space and time, between Italian and Chinese culture is not to be underestimated in the process of acquiring and learning Italian language and culture for mother-tongue Chinese students. This article compares the cultures of the two countries.  The purpose is to supply a series of information on socio-cultural topics of various types to “illustrate” the similarities and differences so that Chinese students studying Italian L2 can learn about both the typical aspects of language as a communication system, but above all the extra-linguistic and pragmatic aspects that make a language one with its culture, history, customs and the way people from a give culture think. The article uses illustrations in the comparative analysis and is this a study resource for Chinese-speaking students

    Corsari schiavi siciliani nel mediterraneo (Secoli XVIII-XIX)

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    Nel Cinquecento, la Sicilia era diventata terra di frontiera in un Mediterraneo che vedeva sempre più minacciosa la presenza dell’Impero Ottomano che, giunto al massimo della sua espansione territoriale, aveva chiuso l’Europa in una morsa. Sicché nel corso del Seicento, il Parlamento siciliano, deliberò un finanziamento straordinario per accrescere il numero delle galere, piano che non potè essere attuato a causa della crisi  finanziaria che a quel tempo colpiva tutte le aree sotto l’influenz..

    Retinal Vasculitis: A Case Study

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    Purpose: To describe a case of idiopathic retinal vasculitis. Methods: Case report and literature review. Case: A healthy 25-year-old female presented with a one-week history of a large floater in her right eye. Patient’s subjective complaint of floaters, including the scotoma on VF and the FA findings were most consistent with retinal vasculitis displaying predominant venous involvement. However, findings for acute macular neuroretinopathy and multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS) were present as well. Autoimmune and infectious disease panels were negative. Neuro consult and brain MRI showed nonspecific, non contributory findings. Several weeks later, following Medrol dose pack, patient reported significantly improved visual field and this was consistent with improved clinical and diagnostic findings. Conclusion: Although cases of retinal vasculitis have been linked to infectious, neoplastic, systemic and autoimmune diseases, idiopathic cases can present concurrently with other retinopathies

    The Treatment of Geographical Dialect in Literary Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

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    This paper discusses problems involved in the translation of literary works that apply linguistic varieties, especially geographical dialects. It surveys selected approaches to the functions of dialects in literature and to the strategies of dealing with linguistic variation in translation, arguing that the understanding of the issue may be deepened and systematized by applying notions drawn from relevance theory. The use of dialect in literary texts is interpreted as a communicative clue and the translators′ approach to its rendering is described with reference to the cognitive environment of the recipients and the balance of processing effort and communicative gain. Examples are drawn from the Polish translations of The Secret Garden by F.H. Burnett, the oldest coming from 1917 and the newest from 2012, which highlight the translators′ changing assumptions on the recipients′ cognitive environment reflected in the choice of the strategy of dialect rendition

    Servicios ambientales: naturaleza de la compensación y dificultades de su valorización

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    La definición general de servicios ambientales se refiere a los beneficios que el mundo natural suministra a las personas.Estos beneficios son numerosos y variados, e incluyen servicios que mejoran la calidad de la tierra, el aire y el agua.Los servicios ambientales ni se transforman ni se gastan en el proceso de utilización del consumidor, ésta es su característica principal que los distingue de los bienes ambientales, utilizados como insumos en los sistemas productivos, en cuyo proceso se transforman y se agotan. El paisaje, la polinización y el reciclado de nutrientes son ejemplos de servicio ambiental.Bajo esta perspectiva, se ha analizado la naturaleza de los servicios ambientales dentro de un marco jurídico, destacando también la importancia de la valorización de los mismos, así como la problemática que implica