34 research outputs found

    Adolescents, new social relations and media practices : a research in the Metropolitan City of Bologna (Italy)

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    Currently almost 99% of Italian teenagers own a smartphone and with it they can enter the world of the infosphere: this fact has profoundly changed the online habits of teenagers. The pedagogical literature grafted onto Media Education has highlighted the cognitive and relational opportunities favoured by smartphones and their use by adolescents. Which are today’s adolescent’s online media-practices? In which terms these practices have an impact on adolescents’ socialisation? This contribution intends to explore these questions and focus attention on the ways in which these devices are managed by teenagers on a personal level, offering a descriptive picture of the media practices activated in the context of the reticular society for the school and family context and consequent reflections on identity and on the sociability of adolescents. The research involved nine upper secondary schools with different curricula in the Metropolitan City of Bologna (1657 students, age 14–19) in school year 2020/2021. The data collected through questionnaires and focus groups highlight how technologies and social media play a role of fundamental importance not only as daily mediators in the relationships of young adolescents but also as a space for negotiation of their identity. And this role was crucial for their well-being during periods of lockdown due to Covid-19

    Letter concerning:‘Response to:‘The epidemiology of malignant mesothelioma in women: gender differences and modalities of asbestos exposure’by Marinaccio et al’

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    Finkelstein1 invited physicians and researchers interested in mesothelioma to investigate on past usage of talcum powders by affected people. In Italy, asbestos contamination in talc for industrial use has been documented,2 and, as he underlines tremolite contamination at low levels of cosmetic and pharmaceutical talc has been reported in USA by Blount3 and Gordon and colleagues.4 In the Italian National Mesothelioma Register (ReNaM), the analysis of intensive exposure to talc has been evaluated with respect to occupational and environmental history. The catalogue of possible asbestos exposure circumstances (a tool for the interviewers) reports the potential presence of industrial talcs in quarries or mines working activities, in leather tanning and in rubber industries. The use of intensive cosmetic talc for personal use is evaluated by means of a structured questionnaire,5 as reported in the ReNaM guidelines (see https://www.inail.it/cs/internet/docs/all-linee-guida-renam.pdf?section=attivita, p82, p98, in Italian). In our paper regarding gender differences in mesothelioma epidemiology,6 we have presented figures referring to 21 463 MM cases detected by ReNaM with a diagnosis between 1993 and 2012. Among female case list (6087 cases), 4374 cases (71.9%) have been interviewed for defining exposure. During the interview, 30 MM female cases referred an intensive use of talc in the context of occupational or life habits. For five of them, the regional centre has identified an exposure to asbestos due to intensive talc use, classifying such modality of exposure as ‘leisure activities’ (see ReNaM guidelines5). For the remaining 25 cases, an occupational exposure to asbestos in other working (or familiar or environmental) circumstances has been identified and coded. Registry data such as those provided by ReNaM cannot provide estimates of the mesothelioma risk associated with any particular exposure circumstance. We plan to include talc exposure at work and cosmetic talc usage in the analyses of a case–control study on pleural mesothelioma currently under way. A specific survey to compare and discuss how the modalities of exposure to talc have been evaluated in patients with mesothelioma in countries where epidemiological surveillance systems are active could improve knowledge and support prevention policies

    The epidemiology of malignant mesothelioma in women: gender differences and modalities of asbestos exposure

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    INTRODUCTION: The epidemiology of gender differences for mesothelioma incidence has been rarely discussed in national case lists. In Italy an epidemiological surveillance system (ReNaM) is working by the means of a national register. METHODS: Incident malignant mesothelioma (MM) cases in the period 1993 to 2012 were retrieved from ReNaM. Gender ratio by age class, period of diagnosis, diagnostic certainty, morphology and modalities of asbestos exposure has been analysed using exact tests for proportion. Economic activity sectors, jobs and territorial distribution of mesothelioma cases in women have been described and discussed. To perform international comparative analyses, the gender ratio of mesothelioma deaths was calculated by country from the WHO database and the correlation with the mortality rates estimated. RESULTS: In the period of study a case list of 21 463 MMs has been registered and the modalities of asbestos exposure have been investigated for 16 458 (76.7%) of them. The gender ratio (F/M) was 0.38 and 0.70 (0.14 and 0.30 for occupationally exposed subjects only) for pleural and peritoneal cases respectively. Occupational exposures for female MM cases occurred in the chemical and plastic industry, and mainly in the non-asbestos textile sector. Gender ratio proved to be inversely correlated with mortality rate among countries. CONCLUSIONS: The consistent proportion of mesothelioma cases in women in Italy is mainly due to the relevant role of non-occupational asbestos exposures and the historical presence of the female workforce in several industrial settings. Enhancing the awareness of mesothelioma aetiology in women could support the effectiveness of welfare system and prevention policies

    The epidemiology of malignant mesothelioma in women: gender differences and modalities of asbestos exposure

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    ntroduction The epidemiology of gender differences for mesothelioma incidence has been rarely discussed in national case lists. In Italy an epidemiological surveillance system (ReNaM) is working by the means of a national register. Methods Incident malignant mesothelioma (MM) cases in the period 1993 to 2012 were retrieved from ReNaM. Gender ratio by age class, period of diagnosis, diagnostic certainty, morphology and modalities of asbestos exposure has been analysed using exact tests for proportion. Economic activity sectors, jobs and territorial distribution of mesothelioma cases in women have been described and discussed. To perform international comparative analyses, the gender ratio of mesothelioma deaths was calculated by country from the WHO database and the correlation with the mortality rates estimated. Results In the period of study a case list of 21 463 MMs has been registered and the modalities of asbestos exposure have been investigated for 16 458 (76.7%) of them. The gender ratio (F/M) was 0.38 and 0.70 (0.14 and 0.30 for occupationally exposed subjects only) for pleural and peritoneal cases respectively. Occupational exposures for female MM cases occurred in the chemical and plastic industry, and mainly in the non-asbestos textile sector. Gender ratio proved to be inversely correlated with mortality rate among countries. Conclusions The consistent proportion of mesothelioma cases in women in Italy is mainly due to the relevant role of non-occupational asbestos exposures and the historical presence of the female workforce in several industrial settings. Enhancing the awareness of mesothelioma aetiology in women could support the effectiveness of welfare system and prevention policie

    Spectro-polarimetric observations of the CIZA J2242.8+5301 northern radio relic: no evidence of high-frequency steepening

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    Observations of radio relics at very high frequency (>10 GHz) can help to understand how particles age and are (re-)accelerated in galaxy cluster outskirts and how magnetic fields are amplified in these environments. In this work, we present new single-dish 18.6 GHz Sardinia Radio Telescope and 14.25 GHz Effelsberg observations of the well known northern radio relic of CIZA J2242.8+5301. We detected the relic which shows a length of \sim1.8 Mpc and a flux density equal to S14.25GHz=(9.5±3.9)mJy\rm S_{14.25\,GHz}=(9.5\pm3.9)\,mJy and S18.6GHz=(7.67±0.90)mJy\rm S_{18.6\,GHz}=(7.67\pm0.90)\,mJy at 14.25 GHz and 18.6 GHz respectively. The resulting best-fit model of the relic spectrum from 145 MHz to 18.6 GHz is a power-law spectrum with spectral index α=1.12±0.03\alpha=1.12\pm0.03: no evidence of steepening has been found in the new data presented in this work. For the first time, polarisation properties have been derived at 18.6 GHz, revealing an averaged polarisation fraction of 40%\sim40\% and a magnetic field aligned with the 'filaments' or 'sheets' of the relic.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Impact of different exposure models and spatial resolution on the long-term effects of air pollution.

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    Abstract Long-term exposure to air pollution has been related to mortality in several epidemiological studies. The investigations have assessed exposure using various methods achieving different accuracy in predicting air pollutants concentrations. The comparison of the health effects estimates are therefore challenging. This paper aims to compare the effect estimates of the long-term effects of air pollutants (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm, PM10, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2) on cause-specific mortality in the Rome Longitudinal Study, using exposure estimates obtained with different models and spatial resolutions. Annual averages of NO2 and PM10 were estimated for the year 2015 in a large portion of the Rome urban area (12 × 12 km2) applying three modelling techniques available at increasing spatial resolution: 1) a chemical transport model (CTM) at 1km resolution; 2) a land-use random forest (LURF) approach at 200m resolution; 3) a micro-scale Lagrangian particle dispersion model (PMSS) taking into account the effect of buildings structure at 4 m resolution with results post processed at different buffer sizes (12, 24, 52, 100 and 200 m). All the exposures were assigned at the residential addresses of 482,259 citizens of Rome 30+ years of age who were enrolled on 2001 and followed-up till 2015. The association between annual exposures and natural-cause, cardiovascular (CVD) and respiratory (RESP) mortality were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for individual and area-level confounders. We found different distributions of both NO2 and PM10 concentrations, across models and spatial resolutions. Natural cause and CVD mortality outcomes were all positively associated with NO2 and PM10 regardless of the model and spatial resolution when using a relative scale of the exposure such as the interquartile range (IQR): adjusted Hazard Ratios (HR), and 95% confidence intervals (CI), of natural cause mortality, per IQR increments in the two pollutants, ranged between 1.012 (1.004, 1.021) and 1.018 (1.007, 1.028) for the different NO2 estimates, and between 1.010 (1.000, 1.020) and 1.020 (1.008, 1.031) for PM10, with a tendency of larger effect for lower resolution exposures. The latter was even stronger when a fixed value of 10 μg/m3 is used to calculate HRs. Long-term effects of air pollution on mortality in Rome were consistent across different models for exposure assessment, and different spatial resolutions

    Personalizing Cancer Pain Therapy: Insights from the Rational Use of Analgesics (RUA) Group

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    Introduction: A previous Delphi survey from the Rational Use of Analgesics (RUA) project involving Italian palliative care specialists revealed some discrepancies between current guidelines and clinical practice with a lack of consensus on items regarding the use of strong opioids in treating cancer pain. Those results represented the basis for a new Delphi study addressing a better approach to pain treatment in patients with cancer. Methods: The study consisted of a two-round multidisciplinary Delphi study. Specialists rated their agreement with a set of 17 statements using a 5-point Likert scale (0 = totally disagree and 4 = totally agree). Consensus on a statement was achieved if the median consensus score (MCS) (expressed as value at which at least 50% of participants agreed) was at least 4 and the interquartile range (IQR) was 3–4. Results: This survey included input from 186 palliative care specialists representing all Italian territory. Consensus was reached on seven statements. More than 70% of participants agreed with the use of low dose of strong opioids in moderate pain treatment and valued transdermal route as an effective option when the oral route is not available. There was strong consensus on the importance of knowing opioid pharmacokinetics for therapy personalization and on identifying immediate-release opioids as key for tailoring therapy to patients’ needs. Limited agreement was reached on items regarding breakthrough pain and the management of opioid-induced bowel dysfunction. Conclusion: These findings may assist clinicians in applying clinical evidence to routine care settings and call for a reappraisal of current pain treatment recommendations with the final aim of optimizing the clinical use of strong opioids in patients with cancer

    Metaverse and education : which pedagogical perspectives for the school of tomorrow?

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    I grandi investimenti delle grandi aziende tecnologiche e la grande attenzione che i decisori politici di tutto il mondo stanno concen-trando sul concetto di metaverso stanno contribuendo a renderlo la “prossima grande novità” nel corso della rivoluzione digitale che sperimenteremo nel prossimo decennio. Questo concetto, il metaverso, però, non è del tutto nuovo. Qualche decennio fa, esperienzecome Second Life, videogiochi come World of Warcrafto Fortnite, o certe piattaforme social fortemente basate su interazioni para-sociali (es. Twitch) hanno già fornito scorci di quello che potrebbe essere lo scenario futuro di un internet arricchito dal metaverso. È grazie a casi come questi che, in questa fase esplorativa, possiamo sollevare interrogativi e riflessioni significative e importanti sulla dimensione educativa, formativa e didattica del metaverso. Quali sfide e quali opportunità può portare il metaverso al mondo dell'istruzione? Quali sono i prossimi tipi di divario digitale che devono essere affrontati? Come potrebbe cambiare il concetto di relazione educativa e di presenza educativa? Il contributo intende rispondere, in chiave pedagogica, a queste e ad altre domande che il nuovo progetto immersivo proposto da Meta necessariamente poneThe large investments from big tech-companies and the vast attention that policy-makers around the globe are concentrating on the concept of metaverse are contributing in making it the “next big thing” in the course of the digital revolution that we will experience in the next decade. This concept, the metaverse, though, is not entirely new. A few decades ago, experiences such as Second Life, video games such as World of Warcraftor Fortnite, or certain social platforms strongly based on para-social interactions (e.g. Twitch) have already provided glimpses of what could be the future scenario of an internet enriched by the metaverse. It is thanks to cases like these that, in this exploratory phase, we can raise meaningful and important questions and reflections about the education-al, training and didactic dimension of the metaverse. Which challenges and which opportunity can the metaverse bring to the world of education? What are the next kinds of digital divide that need to be addressed? How could the concept of educational relationship and educational presence change? The contribution intends to answer, with a pedagogical perspective, these, and other questions that the new immersive project proposed by Meta necessarily raise

    La frammentazione del leggere oltre la pandemia. Analisi critico-riflessiva sui tempi della lettura nell'era digitale

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    In recent years, with the temporal distortions produced by the pandemic, distance learning has emerged as an emerging, temporary and partial solution, thanks to new technologies. In the digital era, the relationship between learning and technological devices is worthy of investigation. Studies on changes in cognitive processes (reading and memory) deriving in part from the habit of persistent use of ICT raise questions about the school of the future. In this paper, we want to explore the role that deep reading takes on in the hyper-accelerated context of digital contemporaneity, in which reading has been fragmented. Starting from philosophical references (Braidotti, Floridi, Stiegler), the contribution intends to expand theoretically Maryanne Wolf's proposal on the need for bi-literacy (alphabetic and digital) as a key to today's education.Negli ultimi anni, con le distorsioni temporali prodotte dalla pandemia, la didattica a distanza (DaD o DDi) è emersa come una soluzione temporanea e parziale, grazie alle nuove tecnologie. Nell'era digitale il rapporto tra apprendimento e dispositivi tecnologici è oggetto di ricerca. Gli studi sui cambiamenti nei processi cognitivi (lettura e memoria) derivanti in parte dall'abitudine all'uso persistente delle TIC, sollevano interrogativi sulla scuola del futuro. Con questo contributo si vuole esplorare il ruolo che la lettura profonda assume nel contesto iperaccelerato della contemporaneità digitale, in cui la lettura è stata frammentata. Partendo da riferimenti filosofici (Braidotti, Floridi, Stiegler), il contributo intende ampliare teoricamente la proposta di Maryanne Wolf sulla necessità della bi-alfabetizzazione (alfabetica e digitale) come chiave per l'educazione odierna