79 research outputs found

    Clustering Coefficients of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

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    The properties of certain networks are determined by hidden variables that are not explicitly measured. The conditional probability (propagator) that a vertex with a given value of the hidden variable is connected to k of other vertices determines all measurable properties. We study hidden variable models and find an averaging approximation that enables us to obtain a general analytical result for the propagator. Analytic results showing the validity of the approximation are obtained. We apply hidden variable models to protein-protein interaction networks (PINs) in which the hidden variable is the association free-energy, determined by distributions that depend on biochemistry and evolution. We compute degree distributions as well as clustering coefficients of several PINs of different species; good agreement with measured data is obtained. For the human interactome two different parameter sets give the same degree distributions, but the computed clustering coefficients differ by a factor of about two. This shows that degree distributions are not sufficient to determine the properties of PINs.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, in Press PRE uses pdflate

    Fast chromatin immunoprecipitation assay

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    Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a widely used method to explore in vivo interactions between proteins and DNA. The ChIP assay takes several days to complete, involves several tube transfers and uses either phenol–chlorophorm or spin columns to purify DNA. The traditional ChIP method becomes a challenge when handling multiple samples. We have developed an efficient and rapid Chelex resin-based ChIP procedure that dramatically reduces time of the assay and uses only a single tube to isolate PCR-ready DNA. This method greatly facilitates the probing of chromatin changes over many time points with several antibodies in one experiment

    Microplate-based platform for combined chromatin and DNA methylation immunoprecipitation assays

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The processes that compose expression of a given gene are far more complex than previously thought presenting unprecedented conceptual and mechanistic challenges that require development of new tools. Chromatin structure, which is regulated by DNA methylation and histone modification, is at the center of gene regulation. Immunoprecipitations of chromatin (ChIP) and methylated DNA (MeDIP) represent a major achievement in this area that allow researchers to probe chromatin modifications as well as specific protein-DNA interactions <it>in vivo </it>and to estimate the density of proteins at specific sites genome-wide. Although a critical component of chromatin structure, DNA methylation has often been studied independently of other chromatin events and transcription.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To allow simultaneous measurements of DNA methylation with other genomic processes, we developed and validated a simple and easy-to-use high throughput microplate-based platform for analysis of DNA methylation. Compared to the traditional beads-based MeDIP the microplate MeDIP was more sensitive and had lower non-specific binding. We integrated the MeDIP method with a microplate ChIP assay which allows measurements of both DNA methylation and histone marks at the same time, Matrix ChIP-MeDIP platform. We illustrated several applications of this platform to relate DNA methylation, with chromatin and transcription events at selected genes in cultured cells, human cancer and in a model of diabetic kidney disease.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The high throughput capacity of Matrix ChIP-MeDIP to profile tens and potentially hundreds of different genomic events at the same time as DNA methylation represents a powerful platform to explore complex genomic mechanism at selected genes in cultured cells and in whole tissues. In this regard, Matrix ChIP-MeDIP should be useful to complement genome-wide studies where the rich chromatin and transcription database resources provide fruitful foundation to pursue mechanistic, functional and diagnostic information at genes of interest in health and disease.</p

    Halogenated imidazole derivatives block RNA polymerase II elongation along mitogen inducible genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aberrant activation of protein kinases is one of the essential oncogenic driving forces inherent to the process of tumorigenesis. The protein kinase CK2 plays an important role in diverse biological processes, including cell growth and proliferation as well as in the governing and transduction of prosurvival signals. Increased expression of CK2 is a hallmark of some cancers, hence its antiapoptotic properties may be relevant to cancer onset. Thus, the designing and synthesis of the CK2 inhibitors has become an important pursuit in the search for cancer therapies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a high-throughput microarray approach, we demonstrate that two potent inhibitors of CK2, 4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-benzimidazole (TBBz) and 2-Dimethyloamino-4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1H-benzimidazole (DMAT), blocked mitogen induced mRNA expression of immediate early genes. Given the impact of these inhibitors on the process of transcription, we investigated their effects on RNA Polymerase II (RNAPII) elongation along the mitogen inducible gene, <it>EGR1 </it>(early growth response 1), using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay. ChIP analysis demonstrated that both drugs arrest RNAPII elongation. Finally, we show that CDK9 kinase activity, essential for the triggering of RNAPII elongation, was blocked by TBBz and to lesser degree by DMAT.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our approach revealed that small molecules derived from halogenated imidazole compounds may decrease cell proliferation, in part, by inhibiting pathways that regulate transcription elongation.</p

    Bodily Sensory Inputs and Anomalous Bodily Experiences in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Evaluation of the Potential Effects of Sound Feedback

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    Neuroscientific studies have shown that human's mental body representations are not fixed but are constantly updated through sensory feedback, including sound feedback. This suggests potential new therapeutic sensory approaches for patients experiencing body-perception disturbances (BPD). BPD can occur in association with chronic pain, for example in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). BPD often impacts on emotional, social, and motor functioning. Here we present the results from a proof-of-principle pilot study investigating the potential value of using sound feedback for altering BPD and its related emotional state and motor behavior in those with CRPS. We build on previous findings that real-time alteration of the sounds produced by walking can alter healthy people's perception of their own body size, while also resulting in more active gait patterns and a more positive emotional state. In the present study we quantified the emotional state, BPD, pain levels and gait of twelve people with CRPS Type 1, who were exposed to real-time alteration of their walking sounds. Results confirm previous reports of the complexity of the BPD linked to CRPS, as participants could be classified into four BPD subgroups according to how they mentally visualize their body. Further, results suggest that sound feedback may affect the perceived size of the CRPS affected limb and the pain experienced, but that the effects may differ according to the type of BPD. Sound feedback affected CRPS descriptors and other bodily feelings and emotions including feelings of emotional dominance, limb detachment, position awareness, attention and negative feelings toward the limb. Gait also varied with sound feedback, affecting the foot contact time with the ground in a way consistent with experienced changes in body weight. Although, findings from this small pilot study should be interpreted with caution, they suggest potential applications for regenerating BDP and its related bodily feelings in a clinical setting for patients with chronic pain and BPD

    Single cell epigenetic visualization assay

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    Abstract Characterization of the epigenetic status of individual cells remains a challenge. Current sequencing approaches have limited coverage, and it is difficult to assign an epigenetic status to the transcription state of individual gene alleles in the same cell. To address these limitations, a targeted microscopy-based epigenetic visualization assay (EVA) was developed for detection and quantification of epigenetic marks at genes of interest in single cells. The assay is based on an in situ biochemical reaction between an antibody-conjugated alkaline phosphatase bound to the epigenetic mark of interest, and a 5′-phosphorylated fluorophore-labeled DNA oligo tethered to a target gene by gene-specific oligonucleotides. When the epigenetic mark is present at the gene, phosphate group removal by the phosphatase protects the oligo from λ-exonuclease activity providing a quantitative fluorescent readout. We applied EVA to measure 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and H3K9Ac levels at different genes and the HIV-1 provirus in human cell lines. To link epigenetic marks to gene transcription, EVA was combined with RNA-FISH. Higher 5mC levels at the silenced compared to transcribed XIST gene alleles in female somatic cells validated this approach and demonstrated that EVA can be used to relate epigenetic marks to the transcription status of individual gene alleles.</jats:p

    Allele-specific transcriptional elongation regulates monoallelic expression of the IGF2BP1 gene

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Random monoallelic expression contributes to phenotypic variation of cells and organisms. However, the epigenetic mechanisms by which individual alleles are randomly selected for expression are not known. Taking cues from chromatin signatures at imprinted gene loci such as the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene 2 (<it>IGF2</it>), we evaluated the contribution of CTCF, a zinc finger protein required for parent-of-origin-specific expression of the <it>IGF2 </it>gene, as well as a role for allele-specific association with DNA methylation, histone modification and RNA polymerase II.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using array-based chromatin immunoprecipitation, we identified 293 genomic loci that are associated with both CTCF and histone H3 trimethylated at lysine 9 (H3K9me3). A comparison of their genomic positions with those of previously published monoallelically expressed genes revealed no significant overlap between allele-specifically expressed genes and colocalized CTCF/H3K9me3. To analyze the contributions of CTCF and H3K9me3 to gene regulation in more detail, we focused on the monoallelically expressed <it>IGF2BP1 </it>gene. <it>In vitro </it>binding assays using the CTCF target motif at the <it>IGF2BP1 </it>gene, as well as allele-specific analysis of cytosine methylation and CTCF binding, revealed that CTCF does not regulate mono- or biallelic <it>IGF2BP1 </it>expression. Surprisingly, we found that RNA polymerase II is detected on both the maternal and paternal alleles in B lymphoblasts that express <it>IGF2BP1 </it>primarily from one allele. Thus, allele-specific control of RNA polymerase II elongation regulates the allelic bias of <it>IGF2BP1 </it>gene expression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Colocalization of CTCF and H3K9me3 does not represent a reliable chromatin signature indicative of monoallelic expression. Moreover, association of individual alleles with both active (H3K4me3) and silent (H3K27me3) chromatin modifications (allelic bivalent chromatin) or with RNA polymerase II also fails to identify monoallelically expressed gene loci. The selection of individual alleles for expression occurs in part during transcription elongation.</p

    Growth and development alter susceptibility to acute renal injury.

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    Many of the studies of acute renal injury have been conducted in young mice usually during their rapid growth phase; yet, the impact of age or growth stage on the degree of injury is unknown. To address this issue, we studied three forms of injury (endotoxemic-, glycerol-, and maleate-induced) in mice ranging in age from adolescence (3 weeks) to maturity (16 weeks). The severity of injury within each model significantly correlated with weight and age. We also noticed a progressive age-dependent reduction in renal cholesterol content, a potential injury modifier. As the animals grew and aged they also exhibited stepwise decrements in the mRNAs of HMG CoA reductase and the low density lipoprotein receptor, two key cholesterol homeostatic genes. This was paralleled by decreased amounts of RNA polymerase II and the transcription factor SREBP1/2 at the reductase and lipoprotein receptor gene loci as measured by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Our study shows that the early phase of mouse growth can profoundly alter renal susceptibility to diverse forms of experimental acute renal injury

    Microplate-based chromatin immunoprecipitation method, Matrix ChIP: a platform to study signaling of complex genomic events

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    The chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay is a major tool in the study of genomic processes in vivo. This and other methods are revealing that control of gene expression, cell division and DNA repair involves multiple proteins and great number of their modifications. ChIP assay is traditionally done in test tubes limiting the ability to study signaling of the complex genomic events. To increase the throughput and to simplify the assay we have developed a microplate-based ChIP (Matrix ChIP) method, where all steps from immunoprecipitation to DNA purification are done in microplate wells without sample transfers. This platform has several important advantages over the tube-based assay including very simple sample handling, high throughput, improved sensitivity and reproducibility, and potential for automation. 96 ChIP measurements including PCR can be done by one researcher in one day. We illustrate the power of Matrix ChIP by parallel profiling 80 different chromatin and transcription time-course events along an inducible gene including transient recruitment of kinases