26 research outputs found

    Trends in learning foreign languages in the era of globalization

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    Development of Ukrainian higher education institutions during the Russian-Ukrainian war

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    The purpose of the work is to analyze the changes and measures taken to ensure the proper quality of educational and research activities of higher education institutions during the war

    Procedure of complex braided wrapping of ascending aorta in her poststenotic dilation while doing correction of aortal stenosis

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    Objective. To study clinical possibilities of original procedure of the ascending aorta braid-like bandage for her poststenotic dilation while performance of the aortal stenosis surgical correction. Materials and methods. To the main Group 196 patients were included those, who were operated on for prevailing aortal stenosis, conjoined with poststenotic dilation of ascending aorta. In accordance to the echocardiographic investigation data the ascending aorta diameter preoperatively have constituted (47.7 ± 1.7) mm. In all the patients the aortal valve prosthesis was performed together with complex braided wrapping of ascending aorta. Into the control group 121 patients were included, in whom Bentall intervention was accomplished with vascular prosthesis of ascending aorta. Results. Hospital lethality in the main group have constituted 0.5%. Diameter of ascending aorta in the moment of hospital discharge have constituted (39.1 ± 1.5) mm, and in late follow-up period - (40.3 ± 1.1) mm. Conclusion. Basing on clinical experience gained, it is expedient to recommend the original procedure of braided wrapping of ascending aorta in presence of her poststenotic dilation while performing surgical correction of prevailing aortal stenosis

    Дослідження закономірностей формування оздоровчих антиоксидантних електронодонорних властивостей функціональної питної води, модифікованої аскорбіновою та лимонною кислотою

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    Drinking water is a food of special physiological value, as evidenced by a critically short for health and life endurance of complete dehydration of the body (no replenishment of drinking water) in 9–10 days along with 45–49 days of life without food. However, even without extreme circumstances, without any shortage of drinking water and food, the quality of the latter has a serious impact on human health. For some time, as environmental pollution increased, the efforts of hygienists were aimed at ensuring the safety of drinking water through its appropriate physical and chemical treatment. Then came the realization that the microbiological and chemical safety of drinking water does not guarantee its inherent in the best samples of natural water physiological value. The meaning of this newly introduced into the normative circulation of the concept is the awareness of the importance of water as a source of replenishment of the body physiologically necessary for normal life minerals and trace elements. Subsequently, nutrients were synthesized that are produced by the body itself and the normal content of which in cells is critical for life. Natural sources of replenishment of the body with nutrients (good food and especially vegetables, berries, fruits, etc.) for various reasons are not always available to many people, so specially prepared drinking (functional) water has gained in recent years growing popularity and high health value. The presented results of research of functional water on the basis of ascorbic and citric acid are our contribution to the development of methods of health nutrition. The influence of functional water with acquired antioxidant properties on the human body is substantiated. The developed water provides drinking water with a pleasant harmonious taste, which has a tonic and healing effect, increasing the body's resistance to fatigue and stress. The development relates to the field of production of soft drinks, in particular drinking water.Питна вода є продуктом харчування особливої фізіологічної цінності, про що свідчить критично короткий для здоров’я і життя термін витривалості повного зневоднення організму (відсутності поповнення його питною водою) – 9–10 діб поряд з 45–49 добами життя без продуктів харчування. Але й без екстремальних обставин без жодного дефіциту питної води і продуктів  доброякісність останньої серйозно впливає на показники здоров’я людини. Певний час в міру зростаючого забруднення довкілля зусилля гігієністів були спрямовані на те, щоб домогтися безпеки питної води шляхом її відповідної фізико-хімічної обробки. Далі прийшло розуміння того, що мікробіологічна та хімічна безпека вживання питної води не гарантує їй притаманної кращим зразкам природної води фізіологічної повноцінності. Сенсом цього нововведеного в нормативний обіг поняття є усвідомлення важливості води як джерела поповнення організму фізіологічно необхідними для нормальної життєдіяльності мінералами та мікроелементами. Згодом було синтезовано біогенні речовини, котрі виробляються самим організмом і нормальний вміст яких в клітинах критично важливий для життя. Природні джерела поповнення організму біогенними речовинами (доброякісні продукти харчування і насамперед овочі, ягоди, фрукти, тощо) з різних причин не завжди доступні багатьом людям, тому спеціально підготовлена питна (функціональна) вода набула останніми роками зростаючої популярності та високої оздоровчої цінності. Подані результати досліджень функціональної води на основі аскорбінової та лимонної кислоти є нашим внеском в розвиток методів оздоровчого харчування. Обґрунтовано вплив функціональної води з надбаними антиоксидантними властивостями на організм людини. Розроблена вода забезпечує отримання питної води з приємним гармонійним смаком, що володіє загальнозміцнюючою і оздоровчою дією, підвищення стійкості організму до перевтоми і стресів. Розробка належить до галузі виробництва безалкогольних напоїв, зокрема питної води

    Оperation «labyrinth» in surgical treatment of combined mitral-аоrtic failures

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    Objective. Studying possibilities concerning the proposed procedure of intraoperative restoration of the sinus rhythm in surgical treatment of combined mitral-аоrtic failures. Маterials and methods. Results of treatment of 42 patients, suffering combined mitral-aortic failures and constant forms of the atria fibrillation, who were operated in Аmosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery in period from 01.01.2006 tо 01.01.2013 yr. Median presence of the atria fibrillation have constituted (3.7 ± 0.4) yrs. Besides correction of the valve pathology, in the patients a simultant operation «labyrinth» was performed. Fragmentation in left atrium was performed, using a low-frequency (25 - 35 W in regime of diathermocoagulation) аblation of the left atrium wall in the operation variant «left labyrinth-III». Оbligatory condition of fragmentation have served the external ligation and resection of the left atrium auricle. Plasty of left atrium with re-entry was performed in 29 (69.0%) patients with the objective of its diameter reduction and exclusion of the waves expansion. Аtrioplasty was performed, using method of paraannular plication of the left atrium posterior wall (16 patients) and of triangular plasty (13 patients). In late period, in (9.1 ± 2.1) yr at average, the treatment results in 37 (94.9%) patients were studied. Results. Of 42 оperated patients 3 died (hospital mortality have constituted 7.1%) during the hospital stage. The sinus rhythm have had restored after the operation immediately in 34 (80.9%) patients, аnd in discharge from the hospital (11 - 13th postoperative day) persisted in 31 (73.8%) patient. Rate of restoration and preservation of the sinus rhythm in group of patients, in whom plasty of left atrium was performed, was higher, than in group of patients without plasty of left atrium: 86.2 and 46.2%, accordingly (р < 0.05). In late period good and satisfactory results of the operation were noted in 83.8% patients. During first 5 postoperative years the sinus rhythm have been preserved in 67.8% patients. Conclusion. After correction of combined mitral-aortic failures with the simultant fragmentation operation on left atrium («labyrinth») in our modification in concomitant fibrillation of the heart atria a successful restoration of the sinus rhythm was noted in 73.8% patients on the hospital stage and its preservation during 5 postoperative years in 67.8% of the patients. Reduction of left atrium in its dilatation enhances possibility of the sinus rhythm restoration. Immediate and late results of operations permits to estimate the proposed procedure gains positively

    An Early Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis in Presence of COVID-19-Associated Pneumonia

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    Introduction. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-associated pneumonia was a dangerous disease at the beginning of 2021. However, there are almost no records of early infectious endocarditis of prosthetic heart valve in the presence of such a disease. We present an interesting clinical case of successful treatment of complicated pathology. The COVID-19 outbreak involved unique clinical complications that were superimposed on the progressive heart failure due to prosthetic mitral valve dysfunction (its detachment) which did not allow time for active antiinflammatory therapy. Urgent replacement of the prosthesis made it possible to eliminate the infection and paved the way for successful long-term antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral therapy. The aim. To determine the features of management of patients with complex clinical pathology: prosthetic valve endocarditis associated with COVID-19 and severe lung inflammation in the early postoperative period. Case report. This work presents rare clinical case. A 46-year old male patient underwent successful surgery (mitral valve replacement with posterior leaflet preservation and left atrium resection) at the Department of Surgical Treatment of Acquired Heart Diseases of the National Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery and was discharged in satisfactory condition. One month later, he was hospitalized again and diagnosed with an early infectious endocarditis of prosthetic mitral valve and bilateral polysegmental COVID-19-associated pneumonia. After a week of medicinal preparation (antibacterial therapy), the patient underwent repeat mitral valve replacement in the presence of progressive heart insufficiency due to increasing paravalvular insufficiency. Postoperative period elapsed without significant complications. The patient was discharged in satisfactory condition on day 15 after surgery and primary rehabilitation. Conclusion. Having a specific etiology, pneumonia significantly damaged mitral prosthesis structures by increasing paravalvular insufficiency. Consequently, the patient underwent life-saving repeat mitral valve replacement in the presence of COVID-19-associated pneumonia and under massive antibacterial treatment which continued for 60 days after the patient’s discharge. An important element of successful treatment of COVID-19-associated pneumonia is the selection of adequate antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral drugs

    Preservation of the left ventricle contractility while performing of the combined mitral-aortal failure correction

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    Objective. The studying of possibilities of procedures, directed on preservation of left ventricle while doing a mitral valve prosthesis in operative correction of combined mitral-aortal failure. Materials and methods. In the analysis the results of surgical treatment of 340 patients, suffering combined mitral-aortal failure and a left-sided ventriculomegaly, who were operated in N. M. Amosov National Institute of Cardio-Vascular Surgery NAMS of Ukraine, were included. In all the patients a mitral valve prosthesis in combination with the aortal failure correction (prosthesis) was performed. In 83 patients the mitral valve prosthesis with complete preservation of posterior flap (Group A) was conducted, in 97 - with translocation of chords with papillar muscles of anterior flap in combination with posterior flap (Group B), in 160 - without preservation of the undervalvular apparatus (Group C). Definitely-systolic index of left ventricle in Groups A, B and C have constituted (87.4 ± 10.5), (88.4 ± 11.1) and (89.4 ± 11.5) ml/m2 accordingly; left ventricular ejection fraction have constituted 0.51 ± 0.03, 0.5 ± 0.03 and 0.51 ± 0.03 accordingly. Results. In Group A on a hospital stage 2 (2.5%) patients died, in Group B - 2 (2.1%) patients, and in Group C - 5 (3.1%). Definitely-systolic index of left ventricle on the tenth-eleventh postoperative day in Groups A, B and C have constituted (74.3 ± 9.8), (69.4 ± 8.2) and (76.4 ± 9.2) ml/m2 accordingly, while in late follow-up period - (55.4 ± 8.4), (49.4 ± 7.2) and (62.4 ± 7.2) ml/m2 accordingly. The left ventricle ejection fraction on the tenth-eleventh postoperative day in Groups A, B and C have constituted 0.54 ± 0.03, 0.55 ± 0.03 and 0.53 ± 0.03 accordingly, and in late follow-up period - 0.55 ± 0.03, 0.57 ± 0.03 and 0.54 ± 0.03 accordingly. Conclusion. In the left-sided ventriculomegaly and combined mitral-aortal failure the a maximal preservation of undervalvular structures of mitral valve, while its prosthesis performance, constitutes a serious component, which leads to improvement of morphometric indices of left ventricle on hospital stage and in follow-up period as well

    Synthesis and characterization of nickel-based mixed oxides for ethanol steam reforming

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    En el projecte s'han avaluat els òxids mixtes de níquel-ferro-alumini, derivats de precursors amb estructura hidrotalcita, per a la producció d'hidrogen mitjançant reformat d'etanol amb vapor d'aigua. S'ha investigat la influència de diversos paràmetres: la relació níquel-ferro (de 3 a 0.5), la temperatura de calcinació del precursor de hidrotalcita (773 i 1073K), l'efecte de la temperatura de reacció (400°C, 500°C i 600°C) i la quantitat d'alumini en el sistema Ni-Fe-Al amb fórmula comuna Ni3Al1-xFex. S'ha determinat que una quantitat més gran de ferro (només fins a una relació Ni/Fe de 1) afecta positivament tant l'activitat com la selectivitat, a causa d'una millor dispersió del níquel metàl·lic i d’una menor deposició de carboni. Una temperatura de calcinació baixa indueix la formació d'un òxid mixt de níquel-ferro ben dispersat, mentre que una temperatura elevada condueixen a la formació d'una espinela. Aquesta última presenta una activitat menor i una desactivació ràpida. En comparació amb els sistema binaris purs (Ni3Al i Ni3Fe), els sistemes ternaris es van mostrar més eficaços per al reformat d'etanol, aconseguint de forma estable una selectivitat a hidrogen propera al 70% en proves de 100 h de reacció.n el proyecto se han evaluado los óxidos mixtos de níquel-hierro-aluminio, derivados de precursores con estructura hidrotalcita, para la producción de hidrógeno mediante reformado de etanol con vapor de agua. Se ha investigado la influencia de diversos parámetros: la relación níquel-hierro (de 3 a 0.5), la temperatura de calcinación del precursor de hidrotalcita (773 y 1073K), el efecto de la temperatura de reacción (400°C, 500°C y 600°C) y la cantidad de aluminio en el sistema Ni-Fe-Al con fórmula común Ni3Al1-xFex. Se ha determinado que una cantidad mayor de hierro (solo hasta una relación Ni/Fe de 1) afecta positivamente tanto la actividad como la selectividad, debido a una mejor dispersión del níquel metálico y a una deposición de carbono menor. Una temperatura de calcinación baja induce la formación de un óxido mixto de níquel-hierro bien dispersado, mientras que una temperatura elevada conducen a la formación de una espinela. Esta última presenta una actividad menor y una desactivación rápida. En comparación con los sistema binarios puros (Ni3Al i Ni3Fe), los sistemas ternarios se mostraron más eficaces para el reformado de etanol, alcanzando de forma estable una selectividad a hidrógeno cercana al 70% en pruebas de 100 h de reacción.Nickel-iron-aluminum mixed oxides derived from hydrotalcite-like precursors have been evaluated in the steam reforming of ethanol for hydrogen production. Several different parameters have been studied: the influence of the nickel-to-iron ratio (from 3 to 0.5), the calcination temperature of the hydrotalcite precursor (773K and 1073K), the effect of reaction temperature (400°C, 500°C and 600°C) and amount of aluminium in Ni-Fe-Al system with common formula Ni3Al1-xFex. It has been found that a higher amount of iron (only till Ni/Fe=1 ratio) positively affects both activity and selectivity due to a better dispersion of metallic nickel and lower carbon deposition. Lower calcination temperature induces the formation of a well-dispersed nickel-iron mixed oxide, while higher calcination temperature lead to spinel crystallization. The latter exhibits a decreased activity and fast deactivation. Compared to pure binary systems (Ni3Al and Ni3Fe), the ternary systems showed the best performance in ethanol reforming, leading to a high and stable hydrogen selectivity of up to ca. 70% in 100 h-reaction tests