137 research outputs found

    Peak-load pricing for the European Air Traffic Management system using modulation of en-route charges

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    This paper extends the use of peak-load pricing (PLP) to the context of the European Air Traffic Management system, as EU regulation No 391/2013 allows the modulation of en-route charges to avoid network capacity-demand imbalance in a specific area or on a specific route at specific times. In particular, we propose a centralised approach to PLP (CPLP) where a Central Planner (CP) is responsible for setting en-route charges on the network and Airspace Users (AUs) assess the routing of each flight. Set en-route charges should guarantee that air navigation service providers (ANSPs) are able to recover their operational costs, and that AUs perform their flights avoiding imbalances between demand and available airspace capacity. Like in the current charging system, in CPLP AUs react to en-route charges (which are imposed by CP instead of ANSPs) by choosing alternative and cheaper routes. Hence, we model this relationship between the CP and the AUs as a Stackelberg game where a leader (CP) makes his/her decision first, with complete knowledge on how the follower(s) (AUs) would react to it. The Stackelberg equilibrium is obtained by means of an optimisation problem formulated as a bilevel mixed-integer linear programming model, where the CP sets, for each ANSP, one peak and one off-peak en-route charge and the AUs make their routing choice. Preliminary results on real data instances on a regional scale are presented

    An Online Learning Theory of Brokerage

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    We investigate brokerage between traders from an online learning perspective. At any round tt, two traders arrive with their private valuations, and the broker proposes a trading price. Unlike other bilateral trade problems already studied in the online learning literature, we focus on the case where there are no designated buyer and seller roles: each trader will attempt to either buy or sell depending on the current price of the good. We assume the agents' valuations are drawn i.i.d. from a fixed but unknown distribution. If the distribution admits a density bounded by some constant MM, then, for any time horizon TT: āˆ™\bullet If the agents' valuations are revealed after each interaction, we provide an algorithm achieving regret Mlogā”TM \log T and show this rate is optimal, up to constant factors. āˆ™\bullet If only their willingness to sell or buy at the proposed price is revealed after each interaction, we provide an algorithm achieving regret MT\sqrt{M T} and show this rate is optimal, up to constant factors. Finally, if we drop the bounded density assumption, we show that the optimal rate degrades to T\sqrt{T} in the first case, and the problem becomes unlearnable in the second


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    Sažetak: Cilj istraživanja: Glavni je cilj ovoga istraživanja utvrditi koliko je cjelovito opisan lijek kao intervencija registriran u pododjeljku Intervention u registru ClinicalTrials.gov u kliničkim ispitivanjima interakcija lijekova koja su intervencijskog dizajna i koja su u spomenutom Registru imala naveden samo jedan ili najviÅ”e dva različita lijeka kao intervenciju. Materijal i metode: U naprednu tražilicu registra ClinicalTrials.gov (u okviru većeg istraživanja čiji je dio ova pilotna studija) upisan je ključni pojam za pretraživanje ā€œdrug-drug interaction(s)ā€ te su identificirana sva klinička ispitivanja koja su 1) imala registracijski NCT broj, 2) bila registrirana 16. listopada 2015. ili prije, te 3) bila označena kao zatvorena i dovrÅ”ena. Dva su istraživača (AB i DJ) provela nezavisnu probnu ekstrakciju podataka za slučajni uzorak od 10% ispitivanja, te je tada utvrđen zavrÅ”ni ekstrakcijski protokol. Prikupljene su informacije za 12 stavki iz TIDieR liste za provjeru. Podatci su obrađeni u Excelu, a opisna analiza izvedena je uz statistički program MedCalc, verzija 17.9.4 (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium). Rezultati: Većina intervencija nije imala prikladan opis farmakoloÅ”ke intervencije i navedene sve potrebne podatke sukladno s preporukama iz TIDieR liste za provjeru. Generički naziv lijeka registriran je u 77,0% slučajeva, a trgovački za 25,6% intervencija. Samo poseban kod, koriÅ”ten je u 21,9% slučajeva. Suprotno preporukama većina intervencija nije imala naveden farmaceutski oblik, a skoro trećina nikakav podatak o dozi, trajanju primjene i putu primjene. Proizvođač je naveden u svega 1.2% slučajeva. ViÅ”e od polovine kliničkih ispitivanja nije imalo navedeno teorijsko objaÅ”njenje ili hipoteze nego samo navedeno ispitivanje farmakokinetskih ili farmakodinamskih osobitosti, ili sigurnosti primjene. Većina ispitivanja također nije imala navedeno ni mjesto dostave farmakoloÅ”ke intervencije uključenim ispitanicima (72,2%), kao ni osobu koja je bila odgovorna za dostavu intervencije (99,5%). Zaključci: Trebali bi postojati stroži zahtjevi prilikom registriranja kliničkih istraživanja farmakoloÅ”kih intervencija u registru ClinicalTrials.gov. Potencijalna rjeÅ”enja uključuju: bolje regulatorne zahtjeve, proÅ”irenje dosadaÅ”njih smjernica za klinička ispitivanja farmakoloÅ”kih intervencija, strože i opÅ”irnije zahtjeve za sve komponente uključene u opis farmakoloÅ”ke intervencije u odjeljku Descriptive Information registra ClinicalTrials.gov.Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine how to fully describe the drug as an intervention registered in the Intervention section of the ClinicalTrials.gov Registry in clinical interaction studies involving interventional designs and which has only one or two different drugs in the Register mentioned as an intervention. Methods: An advanced search engine for the ClinicalTrials.gov (in the scope of a major study part of this pilot study) has included a key term for drug-drug interaction (s), and all clinical trials that have 1) had a registration NCT number, 2 ) were registered on October 16, 2015 or earlier, and 3) were marked as closed and completed. Two researchers (AB and DJ) carried out an independent random sample extraction for a random sample of 10% of the conducted trials, and a final extraction protocol was then determined. Information for 12 items from TIDieR Checklist was collected. The data were processed in Excel, and a descriptive analysis were performed with the MedCalc statistical version, version 17.9.4 (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium). Results: Most of the interventions did not have a good description of the pharmacological intervention and listed all the required information in accordance with recommendations from the TIDieR checklist. The generic name of the drug was registered in 77,0% cases, and trade name for 25,6% of interventions. 21,9% of the cases included just the special code. Contrary to recommendations most interventions did not have the indicated pharmaceutical form and almost one third of them did not have information about dose, duration of use, or route of administration. The manufacturer is listed in only 1,2% of cases. More than half of the clinical trials did not have a theoretical explanation or the hypothesis mentioned above, but only the pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic specificity test or the safety of the application. Most of the studies also had no mention of the delivery of the pharmacological intervention to the patients (72,2%), nor the person responsible for the intervention (99,5%).Conclusions: There should be more stringent requirements when registering clinical studies of pharmacological interventions in the ClinicalTrials.gov register. Potential solutions include: better regulatory requirements, extension of the current guidelines for clinical trials of pharmacological interventions, stricter and more extensive requirements for all components included in the description of pharmacological intervention in the Descriptive Information Registry ClinicalTrials.gov section

    Maintenance Interval Determination of Dash 8-Q400 Aircraft due to the Flight Time

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    Cilj svakog zračnog prijevoznika je imati Å”to viÅ”e operativno raspoložive zrakoplove, kako bi zrakoplovi Å”to manje vremena proveli u održavanju. Upravo na to moguće je utjecati analizama intervala potrebnog održavanja na zrakoplovu s obzirom na nalet. U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu analizira se interval održavanja zrakoplova Dash 8-Q400 s obzirom na ostvaren nalet u promatranom periodu od jedne godine. Analiza podataka obuhvaća planirano i neplanirano održavanje te će analiza pokazati koji zrakoplovni sustavi uzrokuju najveći broj otkaza, posljedično i najviÅ”e zastoja i neplaniranog održavanja. Takvim analizama moguće je smanjiti vrijeme potrebno za održavanje te uz to preduhitriti neke neplanirane događaje koji nisu poželjni za zračnog prijevoznika, a uz to zadržati zahtijevanu razinu sigurnosti te pouzdanosti zrakoplova.The main purpose of every air carrier is to have as many operational aircraft available in order fot them to spend minimal amount of flight time in maintenance. That time can be affected by necessary aircraft maintenance interval analysis in consideration with aircraft flight time. This thesis analyzes maintenance intervals for aircraft Dash 8 Q-400 in regard to its flight time within observed period of one year. Data analysis contains both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance records and will pinpoint which aircraft systems are causing the largest number of failures and subsequently largest delays and unscheduled maintenance. By utilizing such analysis it is possible to decrease maintenance times, foresee and prevent unscheduled occurrences that are undesirable for every airline besides that maintain desired level of safety and reliability of the aircraft

    Maintenance Interval Determination of Dash 8-Q400 Aircraft due to the Flight Time

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    Cilj svakog zračnog prijevoznika je imati Å”to viÅ”e operativno raspoložive zrakoplove, kako bi zrakoplovi Å”to manje vremena proveli u održavanju. Upravo na to moguće je utjecati analizama intervala potrebnog održavanja na zrakoplovu s obzirom na nalet. U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu analizira se interval održavanja zrakoplova Dash 8-Q400 s obzirom na ostvaren nalet u promatranom periodu od jedne godine. Analiza podataka obuhvaća planirano i neplanirano održavanje te će analiza pokazati koji zrakoplovni sustavi uzrokuju najveći broj otkaza, posljedično i najviÅ”e zastoja i neplaniranog održavanja. Takvim analizama moguće je smanjiti vrijeme potrebno za održavanje te uz to preduhitriti neke neplanirane događaje koji nisu poželjni za zračnog prijevoznika, a uz to zadržati zahtijevanu razinu sigurnosti te pouzdanosti zrakoplova.The main purpose of every air carrier is to have as many operational aircraft available in order fot them to spend minimal amount of flight time in maintenance. That time can be affected by necessary aircraft maintenance interval analysis in consideration with aircraft flight time. This thesis analyzes maintenance intervals for aircraft Dash 8 Q-400 in regard to its flight time within observed period of one year. Data analysis contains both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance records and will pinpoint which aircraft systems are causing the largest number of failures and subsequently largest delays and unscheduled maintenance. By utilizing such analysis it is possible to decrease maintenance times, foresee and prevent unscheduled occurrences that are undesirable for every airline besides that maintain desired level of safety and reliability of the aircraft

    Italian Camps on Yugoslav Teritory Annexed 1941.

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    U travnju 1941. godine Kraljevinu Jugoslaviju okupirale su države Osovine. Kraljevina Italija, kao jedna od njih, okupirala je područje istočne obale Jadrana te je krÅ”enjem međunarodnog ugovora anektirala neke dijelove jugoslavenskog teritorija koji su danas u sastavu slovenske, hrvatske i crnogorske države. Na pripojenom teritoriju faÅ”ističke vlasti provode sustavnu talijanizaciju nad većinskim netalijanskim narodom. Kao reakcija na to javlja se oružani otpor među domicilnim pučanstvom. Kako bi faÅ”isti razbili otpor partizana, pribjegavaju radikalnim metodama odmazda nad civilnim stanovniÅ”tvom. Prvenstveno se to manifestiralo kroz strijeljanja, najčeŔće nevinih civila, te odvođenja velikih grupa ljudi, ponekad i čitavih sela, u koncentracijske logore. Osim razbijanja partizanskog otpora, takve drastične mjere bile su posljedica planski provođenog etničkog čiŔćenja područja. StanovniÅ”tvo anektiranih krajeva trebalo je raseliti diljem Apeninskog poluotoka, ili čak u talijanske afričke kolonije, a prostor istočne obale Jadrana naseliti Talijanima. Veliku ulogu u tom procesu imao je sustav koncentracijskih logora. Najpoznatiji talijanski koncentracijski logori na anektiranom jugoslavenskom području nalazili su se na Kamporu, Molatu, Zlarinu, Mamuli i Prevlaci, a uz njih je postojao i niz manjih logora. Velik broj ljudi bio je iz tih logora transferiran u one na Apeninskom poluotoku Å”to je bilo u skladu s planovima faÅ”ističkih vlasti. Iako je kamporski logor postavio negativne standarde po pitanju uvjeta interniraca, svim logorima na anektiranom teritoriju bila je zajednička nebriga za internirce koja se odražavala u nedostatku prehrane, vode, higijenskih uvjeta, adekvatnog smjeÅ”taja i slično. Takvi uvjeti uzrokovali su smrt određenog broja ljudi, a na druge su ostavili cjeloživotne posljedice


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    Sažetak: Cilj istraživanja: Glavni je cilj ovoga istraživanja utvrditi koliko je cjelovito opisan lijek kao intervencija registriran u pododjeljku Intervention u registru ClinicalTrials.gov u kliničkim ispitivanjima interakcija lijekova koja su intervencijskog dizajna i koja su u spomenutom Registru imala naveden samo jedan ili najviÅ”e dva različita lijeka kao intervenciju. Materijal i metode: U naprednu tražilicu registra ClinicalTrials.gov (u okviru većeg istraživanja čiji je dio ova pilotna studija) upisan je ključni pojam za pretraživanje ā€œdrug-drug interaction(s)ā€ te su identificirana sva klinička ispitivanja koja su 1) imala registracijski NCT broj, 2) bila registrirana 16. listopada 2015. ili prije, te 3) bila označena kao zatvorena i dovrÅ”ena. Dva su istraživača (AB i DJ) provela nezavisnu probnu ekstrakciju podataka za slučajni uzorak od 10% ispitivanja, te je tada utvrđen zavrÅ”ni ekstrakcijski protokol. Prikupljene su informacije za 12 stavki iz TIDieR liste za provjeru. Podatci su obrađeni u Excelu, a opisna analiza izvedena je uz statistički program MedCalc, verzija 17.9.4 (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium). Rezultati: Većina intervencija nije imala prikladan opis farmakoloÅ”ke intervencije i navedene sve potrebne podatke sukladno s preporukama iz TIDieR liste za provjeru. Generički naziv lijeka registriran je u 77,0% slučajeva, a trgovački za 25,6% intervencija. Samo poseban kod, koriÅ”ten je u 21,9% slučajeva. Suprotno preporukama većina intervencija nije imala naveden farmaceutski oblik, a skoro trećina nikakav podatak o dozi, trajanju primjene i putu primjene. Proizvođač je naveden u svega 1.2% slučajeva. ViÅ”e od polovine kliničkih ispitivanja nije imalo navedeno teorijsko objaÅ”njenje ili hipoteze nego samo navedeno ispitivanje farmakokinetskih ili farmakodinamskih osobitosti, ili sigurnosti primjene. Većina ispitivanja također nije imala navedeno ni mjesto dostave farmakoloÅ”ke intervencije uključenim ispitanicima (72,2%), kao ni osobu koja je bila odgovorna za dostavu intervencije (99,5%). Zaključci: Trebali bi postojati stroži zahtjevi prilikom registriranja kliničkih istraživanja farmakoloÅ”kih intervencija u registru ClinicalTrials.gov. Potencijalna rjeÅ”enja uključuju: bolje regulatorne zahtjeve, proÅ”irenje dosadaÅ”njih smjernica za klinička ispitivanja farmakoloÅ”kih intervencija, strože i opÅ”irnije zahtjeve za sve komponente uključene u opis farmakoloÅ”ke intervencije u odjeljku Descriptive Information registra ClinicalTrials.gov.Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine how to fully describe the drug as an intervention registered in the Intervention section of the ClinicalTrials.gov Registry in clinical interaction studies involving interventional designs and which has only one or two different drugs in the Register mentioned as an intervention. Methods: An advanced search engine for the ClinicalTrials.gov (in the scope of a major study part of this pilot study) has included a key term for drug-drug interaction (s), and all clinical trials that have 1) had a registration NCT number, 2 ) were registered on October 16, 2015 or earlier, and 3) were marked as closed and completed. Two researchers (AB and DJ) carried out an independent random sample extraction for a random sample of 10% of the conducted trials, and a final extraction protocol was then determined. Information for 12 items from TIDieR Checklist was collected. The data were processed in Excel, and a descriptive analysis were performed with the MedCalc statistical version, version 17.9.4 (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium). Results: Most of the interventions did not have a good description of the pharmacological intervention and listed all the required information in accordance with recommendations from the TIDieR checklist. The generic name of the drug was registered in 77,0% cases, and trade name for 25,6% of interventions. 21,9% of the cases included just the special code. Contrary to recommendations most interventions did not have the indicated pharmaceutical form and almost one third of them did not have information about dose, duration of use, or route of administration. The manufacturer is listed in only 1,2% of cases. More than half of the clinical trials did not have a theoretical explanation or the hypothesis mentioned above, but only the pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic specificity test or the safety of the application. Most of the studies also had no mention of the delivery of the pharmacological intervention to the patients (72,2%), nor the person responsible for the intervention (99,5%).Conclusions: There should be more stringent requirements when registering clinical studies of pharmacological interventions in the ClinicalTrials.gov register. Potential solutions include: better regulatory requirements, extension of the current guidelines for clinical trials of pharmacological interventions, stricter and more extensive requirements for all components included in the description of pharmacological intervention in the Descriptive Information Registry ClinicalTrials.gov section

    Dvije slike iz Zbirke starih majstora Pomorskog i povijesnog muzeja Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka nastale prema djelima Bernarda Strozzija

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    This paper focuses on two paintings in the Old Masters Collection at the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka, which can be associated with the name of Bernardo Strozzi (Genoa, 1582 ā€“ Venice, 1644). The Head of a Bearded Man stands out for its quality and is almost identical to another work attributed to Strozzi, or his imitator, which has been offered at auctions of the prominent auction houses Christieā€™s and Sothebyā€™s during the past 15 years. The work sold in New York in 2010 most likely served as a workshop model, which is confirmed by the Rijeka painting, since unlike the original, it shows the old manā€™s cloak and his left hand in the lower part of the composition. Regardless of whether the auction version was cut off at some point or the Rijeka painting is, in fact, a patchwork of several studies by Strozzi, the high quality of the latter, its distinguished style and decisive brush strokes indicate that it was a quality work of the masterā€™s workshop. The painting Saint James the Elder is a copy of Strozziā€™s original that used to be part of a private collection in Milan and has recently been offered for sale at Christieā€™s auction house in New York. The author of the Rijeka painting is most likely a Lombard copyist from the 17th century. Although the provenance of Strozziā€™s Saint James the Elder is unknown, the fact that the Rijeka copy, artistically relatively modest, shows the features of Lombard painting from the middle or second half of the 17th century indicates that this painting was probably privately owned in Lombardy soon after its creation, and has therefore remained completely unknown to the experts as well as the general public.U ovom se članku upućuje na dva rada iz Zbirke starih majstora u Pomorskom i Povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka Å”to se mogu povezati s imenom Bernarda Strozzija (Genova, 1582. ā€“ Venecija, 1644.). Glava bradatog starca ističe se svojom kvalitetom i gotovo je istovjetna radu pripisanom Strozziju, odnosno njegovu imitatoru, Å”to je tijekom posljednjih 15 godina bio ponuđen na dražbama uglednih aukcijskih kuća Christieā€™s i Sothebyā€™s. Djelo prodano u New Yorku 2010. godine najvjerojatnije je služilo kao radionički predložak, a to potvrđuje i riječka slika na kojoj se, za razliku od izvornika, u donjem dijelu kompozicije vide starčev plaÅ”t i lijeva Å”aka. Bez obzira na to je li aukcijska verzija u jednom trenutku bila rezana ili je riječka slika, zapravo, patchwork viÅ”e Strozzijevih studija, kvaliteta potonje, njezina specifična faktura i odlučan potez upućuju na to da je riječ o kvalitetnu djelu majstorove radionice. Platno Sveti Jakov Stariji je pak kopija Strozzijeva originala Å”to se nalazio u milanskoj privatnoj zbirci, a nedavno je ponuđen na dražbi aukcijske kuće Christieā€™s u New Yorku. Autor riječke slike je najvjerojatnije lombardski kopist iz 17. stoljeća. Iako je provenijencija Strozzijeva Svetog Jakova Starijeg nepoznata, činjenica da njegova riječka, likovno relativno skromna kopija iskazuje odlike lombardskog slikarstva sredine ili druge polovice 17. stoljeća, upućuje na to da se ova slika ubrzo nakon nastanka vjerojatno nalazila u privatnom vlasniÅ”tvu na području Lombardije i stoga ostala potpuno nepoznata poznavateljskoj ili Å”iroj javnosti

    Mehanochemical synthesis of calcium oxalate from calcium sulfate

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    Kalcijevi oksalati su sastavni dio bubrežnih kamenaca i oni su kalcijeve soli oksalne kiseline. Sve viÅ”e ljudi u danaÅ”nje vrijeme ima problema sa bubrežnim kamencima stoga su istraživanja na tu temu sve intenzivnija, najviÅ”e se istražuju procesi taloženja kalcijevih oksalata te načini njihova mogućeg uklanjanja ili prevencije njihova nastanka. U medicinskom smislu ovaj problem se naziva urolitijaza ili nefrolitijaza. Ovisno o uvjetima, kalcijev oksalat može kristalizirati u tri hidratna oblika, kalcijev oksalat monohidrat (COM) koji je termodinamički najstabilniji, te metastabilni dihidrat (COD) i trihidrat (COT) koji se vrlo rijetko može naći u sastavu bubrežnih kamenaca. U ovom radu je cilj bio provjeriti koji hidratni oblik kalcijeva oksalata nastaje mehanokemijskom sintezom i to na dva načina, bez dodatka otapala (samo praÅ”kasti reaktanti) i s dodatkom minimalne količine otapala, u ovom slučaju vode. Dobiveni rezultati su obrađeni i interpretirani FT-IR spektroskopijom, termogravimetrijskom analizom te optičkom mikroskopijom.Calcium oxalates are components of kidney stones and they are calcium salts of oxalic acid. Nowadays more and more people have problems with kidney stones therefore research on this subject are more intensive, mainly precipitation processes of calcium oxalate and the ways of their possible removal or prevention of crystal growth. In medical way this problem is known as urolithiasis of nefrolithiasis. Depending on conditions, calcium oxalate cristallizes in three hidrate forms, calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) which is thermodynamically most stable, and metastable dihydrate (COD) and trihydrate (COT) which is the rarest to be found in kidney stone composition. The goal of this work was to see which hydrate form of calcium oxalate will form by mechanochemical synthesis and it was done in two ways, without adding minimum quantity of solvent (only pulverised reactants) and with adding a minimum quantity of water, in this case water. Results were processed and interpreted with FT-IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and optical microscopy

    Models for 17th-Century Paintings in the Collection of the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka

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    U Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka 1987. godine formirana je Zbirka starih majstora koja sadrži oko sto trideset slika. Sačinjena je uglavnom od radova Å”to su ih sakupljali članovi uglednih riječkih obitelji tijekom 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća, a manji je dio u zbirku pristigao iz riječkih sakralnih objekata. Riječ je o djelima relativno skromnih umjetničkih dosega, a već se inicijalnim istraživanjem utvrdilo da su neke od slika nastale prema grafičkim predloÅ”cima. Kako sustavno istraživanje predložaka za djela iz Zbirke starih majstora Pomorskog i povijesnog muzeja Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka do sada nije bilo provedeno, iznesen je niz upitnih i problematičnih datacija i atribucija. Kada je riječ o slikama nastalim tijekom 17. stoljeća, utvrđeni su predloÅ”ci za prikaze NavjeÅ”tenja, Bogorodice od Ružarija, Svadbe u Kani Galilejskoj, Poklonstva pastira te Bičevanja Krista. NavjeÅ”tenje je inspirirano grafikom Giovannija Jacopa Caraglia (Verona, o. 1505. ā€“ Krakov, 1565.) ili nekom njezinom kasnijom derivacijom, dok je riječka Bogorodica od Ružarija nastala kopiranjem otiska grafike Domenica Marije Canutija (Bologna, 1626. ā€“ 1684.). Svadba u Kani Galilejskoj napravljena je pak prema Vannijevoj (Firenca/Pisa, 1599. - Firenca, 1660.) grafici iz 1637. godine ili jednoj od njezinih kasnijih derivacija, Å”to su urezane prema famoznoj Veroneseovoj (Verona, 1528. ā€“ Venecija, 1588.) slici koja je danas izložena u Louvreu, a Poklonstvo pastira nastalo je prema bakrorezu Jana (I) Sadelera (Bruxelles, 1550. ā€“ Venecija, 1600.). Slika Bičevanje Krista nastala je kombinacijom istoimenog grafičkog lista i onog s prikazom Izrugivanja Krista. Obje su ove grafike djelo Jana (I) Sadelera, odnosno njegova kopista.In 1987 the Old Masters Collection was founded at the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka, comprising about one hundred and thirty paintings. It mainly consists of artworks once belonging to prominent Rijeka families that were acquired during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Only a smaller portion of the Collection came from the cityā€™s religious institutions. These are all works of relatively modest artistic quality, thus the initial research revealed that quite a few were made after prints or more or less famous paintings. Since no systematic study of these models has hitherto been conducted, a number of questionable attributions and dates of execution concerning the paintings belonging to the Collection was proposed during the last decade of the 20th century. As far as the 17th-century paintings are concerned, the author has identified models for the paintings representing the Annunciation, Our Lady of the Rosary, the Marriage at Cana, the Adoration of the Shepherds and the Flagellation of Christ. The Annunciation was inspired by a print executed by Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio (Verona, ca. 1505 ā€“ Krakow, 1565) or its later derivation, while Our Lady of the Rosary was made after a print by Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna, 1626-1684). The Marriage at Cana was painted after an engraving by Giovanni Battista Vanni (Florence/Pisa, 1599 ā€“ Florence, 1660) dating in 1637 or one of its later derivations. The engraving was, in its turn, made after the famous painting by Veronese (Verona, 1528 ā€“ Venice, 1588) exhibited today at the Louvre, while the Adoration of the Shepherds was made after an engraving by Jan (I) Sadeler (Brussels, 1550 ā€“ Venice, 1600). The Flagellation of Christ is a combination of a print of the same title and one depicting the Mocking of Christ. Both are work of Jan (I) Sadeler or by his copyist
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