31 research outputs found

    Study of the Qualitative Characteristics of Rapeseed Oil Obtained by Cold Pressing

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    Oil from spring rape seeds obtained by cold pressing was selected as the object of this study. Oil samples were obtained under the following technological conditions: the annular gap was 0.7 mm in a grain chamber and the screw rotation speed was 160 rpm at a pressing temperature of 315 K. The oil composition was studied by gas-liquid chromatography on the Chromotech 5000 apparatus. Rapeseed oil characteristics were obtained with chromatograms. An increased content of linoleic acid 20% (ω6) and linolenic acid 12% (ω3) was revealed in the fatty acid composition of the sample. Fatty acids contribute to lipid metabolism regulation. They are of primary importance in the diet. The presence of 58.6% oleic acid (ω9) was identified. The resulting rapeseed oil had healing properties due to the presence of ω3, ω6 and ω9. Vitamin B, vitamin K, traces of vitamin A, and α, β + γ, δ-tocopherols were found. α, β + γ-tocopherols contribute to the oxidation process. According to these results, rapeseed oil can be confidently recommended for introduction into various food recipes. Keywords: rapeseed oil, vitamins, fatty acid compositio

    Expression of human beta-defensins-1, 2 and 4 mRNA in human lung tumor tissue: a pilot study

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    To analyze the patterns of human beta-defensin-1, 2, 4 (hBDs) expression in human lung tumors. Materials and Methods: Tissue samples of surgically resected human lung tumors (squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), n = 10; adenocarcinoma (AC), n = 10) paired with conditionally normal tissue samples were analized for expression of hBD-1, 2, 4 mRNA by semiquantitive RT-PCR. Results: In a number of studied lung cancer tissue samples, overexpression of defensin mRNA was registered: hBD-1 mRNA (50% of SCC and 60% AC), hBD-2 mRNA (60% of SCC and 50% of AC) or hBD-4 (40% of SCC and 20% AC). No correlation was detected between the levels of hBD-1, hBD-2 and hBD-4 mRNA and histological type, differentiation grade of the tumor, and the stage of the disease, as well as the content of hBD-2 peptide in blood serum of lung cancer patients. Conclusion: Human beta-defensins-1 and -2 are often up-regulated in human lung tumors.Цель: проанализировать особенности экспрессии мРНК бета-дефенсинов-1, 2, 4 (hBDs) в ткани опухоли легкого человека. Материалы и методы: с помощью метода полуколичественного RT-PCR-анализа изучали уровень экспрессии мРНК hBD-1, 2, 4 в образцах ткани хирургически удаленных опухолей легкого человека (плоскоклеточный рак — ПКР, n = 10; аденокарцинома — AК, n = 10) по сравнению с образцами условно-нормальной ткани легкого тех же пациентов. Результаты: в ряде исследованных образцов опухолей легкого выявлена повышенная экспрессия мРНК hBD-1 (50% ПКР и 60% AК), hBD-2 (60% ПКР и 50% АК) или hBD-4 (40% ПКР и 20% AК). Зависимости между уровнем экспрессии бета-дефенсинов и гистологическим типом опухоли, стадией заболевания и содержанием пептида hBD-2 в сыворотке крови больных не установлено. Выводы: в ткани опухоли легкого человека часто активирована экспрессия hBD-1 и hBD-2

    Education as a condition for social wel-being of human

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    This article touches upon the idea of new educational models which are a guarantee of social well-being. We argue that a classical model of university should necessarily go through a series of changes due to many objective reasons. Contemporary epistemology is symbolizing renaissance. Nowadays knowledge is transformed into information. Hence, information may be interpreted as that, what changes us or as past experience. We bring to the attention different educational models such as: a model of world-class university, an elitist model, a mass model, a two-level model, a networking model, a university of the third age. University is more and more involved in solution of many problems of modern world such as, training of specialists, social elite education, and provision of universal level of education. We also argue that the key task of educational process now is pragmatic values formation instead of the development of inner world of a person through educational process. There are new criteria for understanding the level of developing society. We put particular emphasis and consider the educational model of lifelong learning as one that gives the opportunity to students of different ages to study in various fields of science. This is unlimited research process the sense of which is to find truth, discover new form of knowledge during whole life-time

    Features of French, American and Russian intercultural interaction

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    The article deals with the functioning of cultural stereotypes in French, American and Russian linguistic consciousness. Cross-cultural interaction is interpreted within the framework of mastering linguocultural communication codes and the worldview of allophones. The analysis of factual data is based on the linguosemiotic approach to its interpretation within a discursive utterance

    Молоко А2 як альтернатива козиному у виробництві йогуртів

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    The article discusses and analyzes the prospects for the use of cow’s milk A2 as an alternative to goat milk in the production of yoghurt. It has been analyzed that goat’s milk is less allergenic than cow’s milk. The genotype of A1 and A2 milk samples was determined using molecular biological analysis of allele recognition by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in real time. The organoleptic characteristics of yoghurts made from cow’s milk A1, A2, goat’s milk, from a mixture of goat’s and cow’s milk of different genotypes were studied and presented in the work in the form of a profile analysis using the significance coefficients of each individual descriptor (color, smell, taste, appearance and consistency). The physicochemical parameters (protein and fat content) of yoghurts made from cow’s milk A1, A2, goat’s milk, from a mixture of goat’s and cow’s milk of different genotypes were determined. High fat and protein content was found in sample № 3 made from goat milk. The protein content is 3.99 g per 100 g of product, fat – 4.1 g per 100 g of product. Sample No. 2 is made from A2 cow’s milk contains 0.5 g per 100 g of product less protein and 0.6 g per 100 g of product less fat than sample No. 1 made from A1 cow milk. The best result in terms of protein and fat content in the sample of yogurt № 4, made from a mixture of cow and goat milk. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the energy value of yoghurts based on cow’s milk A1, A2, goat’s milk, from a mixture of goat’s and cow’s milk of different genotypes. It should be noted that the highest numerical values of the level of balance in terms of organoleptic indicators and energy value were obtained by samples of yoghurts made from a mixture of cow’s A2 milk and goat’s milk. Studies have shown that yoghurts made from a mixture of goat and cow milk meet the requirements of the standard.У статті розглянуто та проаналізовано перспективи використання молока коров’ячого А2 як альтернативи козиному у виробництві йогуртів. Показано, що козине молоко є менш алергенним  на відміну від коров’ячого. Визначено генотип зразків молока А1 та А2 за допомогою молекулярно-біологічного аналізу розпізнавання алелей методом полімеразно ланцюгової реакції (ПЛР) у реальному часі. Досліджено органолептичні показники йогуртів, виготовлених з молока коров’ячого А1, А2, козиного молока, з суміші козиного та коров’ячого молока різних генотипів та подано в роботі у вигляді профільного аналізу з використанням коефіцієнтів вагомості кожного окремого дескриптора (колір, запах, смак, зовнішній вигляд та консистенція). Визначено фізико-хімічні показники (вміст білка та жиру) йогуртів, виготовлених з молока коров’ячого А1, А2, козиного молока, суміші козиного та коров’ячого молока різних генотипів. Найвищий вміст жиру та білка виявлено у зразку № 3, виготовленому із козиного молока. Вміст білка становить 3,99 г на 100 г продукту, жиру – 4,1 г на 100 г продукту. Зразок № 2, виготовлений із молока коров’ячого А2, містить на 0,5 г на 100 г продукту менше білка та 0,6 г на 100 г продукту менше жиру, ніж зразок № 1, виготовлений із молока коров’ячого А1. Найкращий результат за вмістом білка та жиру у зразку йогурту № 4, виготовленого із суміші коров’ячого А2 та козиного молока. У даній роботі наведено порівняльний аналіз енергетичної цінності йогуртів на основі молока коров’ячого А1, А2, козиного молока, з суміші козиного та коров’ячого молока різних генотипів. Варто зазначити, що найвищі чисельні значення рівня збалансованості за органолептичними показниками та енергетичною цінністю отримали зразки йогуртів, виготовлені з суміші молока коров’ячого А2 та козиного. Проведені дослідження показали, що йогурти, виготовлені із суміші козиного і коров’ячого молока, відповідають вимогам стандарту


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    Purposeful use of proteins of connecting fabrics is based first of all on structural and mechanical and physical and chemical properties of collagen, his physiology to a human body. Traditional source of collagen is the split of skins of the cattle, but in view of the objective reasons (spongy encephalopathy, reduction of a livestock of cattle), there was a need for search of alternative sources. The particular interest and popularity represent collagenic proteins in biomedical technologies, when receiving surgical sutural materials, wound healing means, prolongator of medicines, artificial organs and fabrics, implatant. New data on use the collagen containing of sources are directly connected with expansion of a source of raw materials of processing industries of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of deep processing of biological resources and their maximum involvement in the main and special production with significant growth in an exit of useful products from raw materials unit. In this regard, researches of a microstructure of skins and fractional composition of proteins of objects of research are conducted; data on the general chemical composition and the content of collagen in them are received. Experimental data showed that the most perspective source of collagen from the studied fishes of internal reservoirs is the skin of a silver carp that is caused by the high content of target substance collagen, the low content of fat. The technology of receiving collagenic substances with the high technical characteristics allowing to apply them in production of medical materials is proved and realized in vitro. The comparative analysis showed that substances from a split of skins of cattle and a silver carp have an identical set of amino acids, but are characterized by the different content of separate amino acid s

    Post-Pandemic Education: Falling or Preparing for a Jump?

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    Abstract. Relevance. The article provides an overview and analysis of the consequences of changes in the global educational space during the period of action of measures to counter the spread of the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection.The aim of the work was to understand the current state and identify possible trajectories of developmentof educational systems in the “post-pandemic” era. Research methodology and methods. The main methods used in the preparation of the work were methods of analysis and synthesis. The review and understanding of various standpoints on the educational organizations functioning in the situation of emergency introduction of quarantine measures and the uncertainty of their consequences allowed us to summarize the main challenges facing the education system today. The forecasting method was used to systematize the capabilities of universities in overcoming crisis phenomena and determine the strengths that can be used as the basis for the transformation of University management.Results. The analysis of the trajectories of the prospective organization of the educational process at the University of “post-pandemic” time is carried out. The article highlights the main ways of the educational system adaptation to work in the conditions of an unpredictable crisis consequences and presents the authors’ vision of the future of higher education in Russia, which is inextricably linked with the country’s attractiveness in the global educational space.Scientific novelty. The authors systematize the impact of the pandemic on various sectors of the economy, including the education sector. The results of the analysis of the practical experience of educational systems in  the new conditions are presented. Scenarios of educational organizations development in an unfavorable dynamic uncertain environment are shown.Practical significance. The results obtained will be useful in adjusting University management systems and developing strategies for universities to overcome the crisis caused by COVID-19 and its consequences

    Immunohistochemical analysis of beta-defensin-2 expression in human lung tumors

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    The aim of this paper is to present research was directed on analysis of the expression patterns of human beta-defensin-2 (hBD-2) in human lung tumors

    Modern approaches to pharmacotherapy of chronic gastritis

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    The definition of gastritis is based on the histological features of the gastric mucosa. This is not the erythema observed during gastroscopy, and there are no specific clinical manifestations or symptoms that determine it. The modern classification of gastritis is based on time (acute and chronic), histological features, anatomical distribution and the main pathological mechanisms. Acute gastritis will develop into chronic if left untreated. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is the most common cause of gastritis worldwide. However, from 60 to 70% H. pylori-negative subjects with functional dyspepsia or non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux were also found to have gastritis. H. pylori-negative gastritis is considered when a person meets all four of these criteria: negative triple staining of biopsies of the gastric mucosa, no history of treatment of H. pylori. In these patients, the cause of gastritis may be associated with tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and / or the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or steroids. Other causes of gastritis include autoimmune gastritis associated with antibodies of serum anti-parietal and anti-internal factor; organisms other than H. pylori, such as Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, Herpes simplex and Cytomegalovirus; gastritis caused by acid reflux; Rare causes of gastritis include collagen gastritis, sarcoidosis, eosinophilic gastritis and lymphocytic gastritis. The clinical picture, laboratory studies, gastroscopy, as well as histological and microbiological examination of tissue biopsies are important for the diagnosis of gastritis and its causes. Treatment of gastritis caused by H. pylori leads to the rapid disappearance of polymorphic-nuclear infiltration and a decrease in chronic inflammatory infiltrate with gradual normalization of the mucous membrane. Other types of gastritis should be treated based on their etiology

    Education as a condition for social wel-being of human

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    This article touches upon the idea of new educational models which are a guarantee of social well-being. We argue that a classical model of university should necessarily go through a series of changes due to many objective reasons. Contemporary epistemology is symbolizing renaissance. Nowadays knowledge is transformed into information. Hence, information may be interpreted as that, what changes us or as past experience. We bring to the attention different educational models such as: a model of world-class university, an elitist model, a mass model, a two-level model, a networking model, a university of the third age. University is more and more involved in solution of many problems of modern world such as, training of specialists, social elite education, and provision of universal level of education. We also argue that the key task of educational process now is pragmatic values formation instead of the development of inner world of a person through educational process. There are new criteria for understanding the level of developing society. We put particular emphasis and consider the educational model of lifelong learning as one that gives the opportunity to students of different ages to study in various fields of science. This is unlimited research process the sense of which is to find truth, discover new form of knowledge during whole life-time