90 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research is the analysis of the functional transformation of Kosanica settlements as an indicator of tourism development. Kosanica is a historical and geographical area in the basin of the river of the same name in southern Serbia. There are 90 settlements in the area. Starting from the view that the functional characteristics of the network of settlements reflect the economic characteristics of the working population, the interrelations of the functional transformation of settlements are analysed in this paper on one hand, along with the tourist development on the other. The focus of the analysis is the geographical area of Kosanica and the changes in the functional structure of the settlements that are caused by the development of tourism or are of significance for the tourism development

    An Example of Passive Micromixer Desing, Simulation and Optimization

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    The paper presents the designing process of the passive micromixer. Design parameters of microfluidic channel’s geometry are optimized based on flow simulation results. CAD software Solid Works and application Flo Xpress are used for designing and simulation. Aim of presented student’s work is not connected to any actual research activities. However part of MSc Thesis shows outcome of student’s ability that is accomplished at Biomedical department. This is one of outcomes of BioEMIS TEMPUS project, and therefore the future work on this topic regarding practical implementation is not given here

    Psychological problems of women during infertility treatment and their correlation with the outcomes of in vitro fertilization.

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    Cilj: Ispitati psihološke probleme infertilnih ţena podvrgnutih vantelesnoj oplodnji (VTO) i analizirati dvosmernost psihološko-ovarijalnih odnosno psihološko-uterusnih odnosa. Metode: Prospektivna kohortna studija obuhvatila je 120 infertilnih ţena od kojih je 29 ţena imalo PCOS, 38 neobjašnjen infertilitet (UI), 38 endometriozu, 15 tubarni faktor (TFI). Psihopatološke faktore pratili smo skalom BPRS-19, anksioznost skalom HAMA-14, a distres skalom DASS-21. Merenja smo izveli na poĉetku i kraju ovarijalne stimulacije (COH), preoperativno (OPU), pre embriotransfera (ET) i prilikom serumskog testiranja beta-hCG (ST). Rezultati: VTO je udruţen sa promenama psihološkog stanja ţene. Anksiozno-depresivni simptomi BPRS-ad rastu u ST fazi: kod UI sa 2.03±1.92 na 2.42±1.70 (p=0.017) i TFI sa 2.20±1.42 na 3.50±2.71 (p=0.004). Kod endometrioze BPRS-ad pada tokom COH i OPU faze sa 3.00±1.79 na 2.70±1.51. Tokom VTO kod UI i endometrioze opadaju: agresivnost (BPRS-hs) 0.68±0.89 do 0.36±0.68 (p=0.000) odn. 0.66±1.02 do 0.23±0.50 (p=0.001), i poremećaj mišljenja (BPRS-td) 0.45±1.01 do 0.11±0.40 (p=0.011) odn. 0.47±0.77 do 0.21±0.48 (p=0.030). Medju ţenama sa PCOS dobijeno je uvećanje u Anksioznosti HAMA-14 sa 4.59±3.65 na 8.73±3.62 (p<0.0001). Porast stresa (DASS-s) karakteriše TFI sa 4.13±2.70 na 4.79±4.69, p=0.006. Stres pada u ET fazi kod PCOS (sa 4.21±3.26 na 2.86±3.19, p=0.029), UI sa 4.32±3.68 na 3.08±4.07, p=0.019 i endometrioze sa 5.08±3.32 na 3.21±3.49, p=0.011. Kod UI ţena u COH fazi, atretiĉne oocite i embrioni dobrog kvaliteta pozitivno su udruţeni sa distresom i povuĉenošću (BPRS-wr) (p=0.018, p=0.006). Kod ţena sa endometriozom u ET i ţena sa TFI u ST fazi postoji pozitivna udruţenost izmeĊu BPRS-ad, BPRS-wr, BPRS-hs i debljine endometriuma (p=0,002, p=0,027, p=0.041). U ET i ST fazi manji distres dobijen je u trudnih u poreĊenju sa netrudnima (p=0.049, p=0.010 ponaosob). Zaključci: Ţene sa PCOS u VTO proceduri pokazuju porast depresije, stresa i anksioznosti...Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate psychological problems in infertile women and to analyze interaction between psychological-ovarian and psychological-uterine relationships. Methods: Prospective cohort study analyzed 120 infertile women. Study population encompassed 29 women with PCOS, 38 with unexplained infertility (UI), 38 with endometriosis and 15 with tubal infertility (TFI). BPRS-19 scale was applied to evaluate psychopathological factors, HAMA-14 scale to measure anxiety and DASS-21 scale to analyze distress. The scales were applied in each woman at the beginning and at the end of ovarian stimulation (COH), 30 minutes before operation (OPU), at the day of embryo transfer (ET), and at the day of pregnancy tests (HCG-ST). Results: IVF is associated with changes in psychological status of women. Anxious-depressive symptoms evaluated by BPRS-ad increased in the ST. This increase was in UI women from 2.03±1.92 to 2.42±1.70 (p=0.017) and in TFI women from 2.20±1:42 to 3:50±2.71 (p=0.004). In women with endometriosis BPRS-ad decreased during COH and OPU from 3:00±1.79 to 2.70±1.51. During IVF treatment we have noticed among women with UI and endometriosis the decrease of Hostility (BPRS-hs), from 0.68±0.89 to 0.36±0.68 (p=0.000), and from 0.66±1.02 to 0.23±0.50 (p=0.001), and Thinking-Disorder (BPRS-td) from 0.45±1.01 to 0.11±0.40 (p=0.011) and from 0.47±0.77 to 0.21±0.48 (p=0.030). Among PCOS women the increase in Anxyeti HAMA-14 was found from 4.59±3.65 to 8.73±3.62 (p<0.0001). Among TFI women the increase in stress (DASS-s) was found from 4.13±.70 to 4.79±4.69, p=0.006. Conversely, decrease in stress was found in women with PCOS from 4.21±3.26 to 2.86±3.19, p=0.029, with UI from 4.32±3.68 to 3.08±4.07, p=0.019 and with endometriosis from 5.08±3.32 to 3.21±3.49, p=0.011 during ET. In women with UI, during COH, atretic oocytes and Embryo good quality were positively correlated with distress and withdrawal-retardation (BPRS-wr) (p=0.018, p=0.006)..

    Antimikrobno dejstvo eteričnih ulja na oralne patogene

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    Periodontal disease and Dental caries associated with dental plaque are the most common bacterial diseases, but also, significant oral health problem is Candidiasis. Candida albicans, is an opportunistic pathogen that can, under certain conditions proliferate and cause infections. The need for prevention and alternative forms of treatment and products for oral diseases comes from the rise in disease incidence, increased resistance by pathogenic bacteria to currently used chemotherapeutics. The products derived from medicinal plants have proven to be a source of biologically active substances, and thanks to their active principles, products based on medical herbs are more prevalent in modern phytotherapy. Essential oils are complex natural mixtures of volatile secondary metabolites - aliphatic and aromatic, terpinen and phenyl- propane compounds isolated from plants. The main constituents of essential oils are terpenes and sesquiterpenes including carbohydrates, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes and ketones, which are responsible for the fragrant and biological properties of plants. Different oils produce various pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancerogenic properties, but also oils are biocides. There are numerous in vitro studies that dealt with the research activities of natural herbal substances against oral bacteria that are known to be etiological factors in the development of oral and dental diseases. The phenolic major compounds of essential oils have been suggested to have a potential antifungal activity. There is ample of evidence that plant extracts and essential oils have the potential to be developed into agents that can be used as preventative or treatment therapies of oral diseases.Parodontopatija i dentalni karijes, čiji je nastanak povezan sa dentalnim plakom, predstavljaju najčešća bakterijska oboljenja. Takođe, značajni oralni zdravstveni problem predstavlja i kandidijaza. Candida albicans je oportunistički patogen koji pod pojedinim okolnostima može da proliferiše i uzrokuje infekciju. Potreba za prevencijom i alternativnim oblicima lečenja i produktima za oralna oboljenja proizilazi zbog povećanja učestalosti oboljenja i povećane rezistencije patogenih bakterija na primenu hemoterapeutika koji se trenutno upotrebljavaju. Dokazano je da su produkti dobijeni od lekovitog bilja izvor biološko aktivnih supstanci, a zahvaljujući svojim aktivnim principima, produkti na bazi lekovitog bilja zastupljeniji su u modernoj fitoterapiji. Eterična ulja su kompleksne prirodne mešavine isparljivih sekundarnih metabolita - alifatičnih i aromatičnih, terpenskih i fenil-propanskih jedinjenja izolovanih iz biljaka. Glavni sastojci etarskih ulja su terpeni i seskviterpeni, uključujući i ugljene hidrate, alkohol, etar, aldehide i ketone, koji su odgovorni za mirisna i biološka svojstva biljaka. Različita ulja imaju brojne farmakološke efekte, kao što su antiinflamatorno, antioksidativno i antikancerogeno dejstvo, ali su takođe i biocidi. Postoje brojne in vitro studije koje su se bavile istraživanjem aktivnosti prirodnih biljnih supstanci usmerenih na oralne bakterije za koje je poznato da su etiološki faktori u nastanku oralnih i dentalnih oboljenja. Navedeno je da glavne fenolne komponente eteričnih ulja imaju potencijalnu antigljivičnu aktivnost. Postoje brojni dokazi da biljni ekstrakti i eterična ulja imaju potencijal da se razviju u agense koji se mogu koristiti u preventivi ili u lečenju oralnih oboljenja

    Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti materijala na bazi polimetil metakrilata implantiranih u koštano tkivo

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    The aim of histopathological investigations was to evaluate the effect of PMMA based material on bone tissue of experimental animals. In the femoral bone of laboratory Wistar rats pastes were implanted for canal obturation SEALPEX (Kerr, Romulus, USA), AH-26 (DeTrey, Zurich, Switzerland) and poly methyl metacrylate (PMMA) based material, called SPONGI CEMENT (Tomic, 1981, US PATENT 4296209). As control material sterile wax was used. The rats were sacrificed 60 days after implantation, and the material was prepared by standard histological method and hematoxillin eosine stained. The results of microscopic investigations suggested that implanted PMMA based material was in direct contact with the new completely formed bone. SEALPEX and AH-26 implanted in bone tissue of rats was surrounded with inflamed infiltrate. Implantation of wax produced fibrous tissue capsule around the material. These findings suggest biocompatibility of polymethyl metacrylate material (PMMA).Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita efekt materijala za punjenje kanala na bazi PMMA na koštano tkivo laboratorijskih životinja. U femoralnu kost laboratorijskih pacova Wistar soja implantirane su paste za opturaciju kanala SEALAPEX (Kerr, Romulus, USA), AH-26(DeTrey, Zurich, Switzerland) i SPONGIO CEMENT preparat na bazi polimetilmetakrilat(PMMA)-(Tomić, 1981, US PATENT 4296209). Kao kontrolni materijal korišten je stomatološki roze vosak. Životinje su žrtvovane nakon 60 dana, a materijal je pripreman za patohistološka istraživanja standardnom tehnikom i bojen hematoksilineozinom. Mikroskopski nalaz je pokazao da je Spongio cement u direktnom kontaktu sa zrelom košću. Paste Ah-26 i Sealapex implantirane u koštanom tkivu su okruženi zapaljenskim infiltratom. Roze vosak je okružen kapsulom ožiljnig vezivnog tkiva. Ovaj nalaz ukazuje na biokompatibilnost materijala na bazi polimetil metakrilata(PMMA)

    Morphological characterization of sweet sorghum genotypes across environments

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    Sweet sorghum being a C4 crop accumulates more sugar in its stalks, also suitable for biofuel production and has high degree of tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Morphological characteristics i.e., plant height, plant biomass, leaves on the stem, panicle length and yield of crude biomass of sweet sorghum genotypes were studied across different environments. Environments and genotype by environment interaction (GEI) had a significant effect on the yield of crude biomass. The smallest yield of crude biomass was achieved in 2016 (42.54 t ha(-1)), which was found significantly lower as compared to that in 2014 and 2015. The average plant height had a significant and positive correlation with the number of leaves (0.54) and number of leaves had highly a significant and positive correlation with the mass of stem (0.46) and panicle length (0.61). Biomass yield was positively and significantly correlated with precipitation (0.72) and negatively significantly correlated with temperature (-0.57). In breeding of sweet sorghum, the highest attention should be given to biomass yield as it manage the whole variation and controlled by polygenes

    Application of coal combustion byproducts in selfcompacting concrete: influence on flowability

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    Compared to traditional concrete, self-compacting concrete (SCC) demonstrates greater flowability, which is achieved by including an extra high percentage of ultra-fine particles. As a result, the required high paste content is obtained while the cement content is strictly limited. The coal combustion byproduct (fly ash) is one of the most efficient SCC fillers because it extends the lifecycle of SCC by improving its microstructural properties, strength, and durability. In this study, the amounts of fly ash in SCC compositions varied. The changes in physical and mechanical characteristics of fresh SCC samples related to variations in the water/binder ratio were monitore

    Evaluation of European railway companies efficiency: Application of a two-stage analysis

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    The aim of this paper is efficiency assessment of railway companies from larger Europe during the most recent time period, taking into account different input-output configurations. For this aim, two-stage analysis is employed, where efficiency scores are obtained by DEA in the first stage, while in the second stage different statistical tests are conducted and Tobit analysis is used in order to evaluate influence of different environmental factors. It has been found that railways were oriented either on passenger or freight transportation, with only few companies demonstrating high performance in both modes. While companies from Western Europe showed higher performance than companies from Central and Eastern Europe regarding passenger and overall transportation, this is not the case concerning freight transportation. Except for few companies, there are no clear trends in performance during the period observed, in terms of constant efficiency level increase or decrease. Great impact of factors selection on results has been identified

    Terpenes as Useful Markers in Differentiation of Natural Populations of Relict Pines Pinus heldreichii , P . nigra , and P . peuce

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    Comparative analysis of terpene diversity and differentiation of relict pines Pinus heldreichii, P. nigra, and P. peuce from the central Balkans was performed at the population level. Multivariate statistical analyses showed that the composition of needle terpenes reflects clear divergence among the pine species from different subgenera: P. peuce (subgenus Strobus) vs. P. nigra and P. heldreichii (subgenus Pinus). In addition, despite the described morphological similarities and the fact that P. nigra and P. heldreichii may spontaneously hybridize, our results indicated differentiation of their populations naturally growing in the same area. In accordance with recently proposed concept of 'flavonic evolution' in the genus Pinus, we assumed that the terpene profile of soft pine P. peuce, defined by high amounts of six monoterpenes, is more basal than those of hard pines P. nigra and P. heldreichii, which were characterized by high content levels of mainly sesquiterpenes. In order to establish precise positions of P. heldreichii, P. nigra and P. peuce within the taxonomic and phylogenetic tree, as well as develop suitable conservation strategies and future breeding efforts, it is necessary to perform additional morphological, biochemical, and genetic studies

    Utjecaj ekspozicije krošnje na morfološka svojstva iglica devet četinjača

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    The aim of this research was to investigate if the crown exposure of some conifers influenced to needle properties. The leaf morphological traits of sixty-six trees of nine conifers: Atlas cedar, Austrian pine, Blue spruce, Douglas fir, European spruce, European yew, Serbian spruce, Silver fir, and White fir, from six Belgrade parks, were analyzed. Five needles were measured from each of the four main crown exposures. Length, width, area and perimeter of needles were investigated. Species, parks in which they were found, as well as crown exposures, differed mostly in needle length and needle width. Correlations between measured needle traits were determined by linear regression analysis. Strong positive correlations were found between the length, perimeter, and area of needles. The differences among the species in terms of light requirement determine species for individual planting as light-loving or partial shade species (Atlas cedar, European spruce, Serbian spruce, Blue spruce, Austrian pine and Douglas fir), or for group planting as shade-loving species (Silver fir, White fir and European yew).Analizirano je 66 stabala devet vrsta četinjača: atlaskog cedra, crnog bora, bodljikave smreke, duglazije, obične smreke, šumske tise, Pančićeve omorike, koloradske  jele i obične jele, iz šest beogradskih parkova. Analizirano je pet iglica sa svake od četiri glavne ekspozicije krošnje. Ispitivana je duljina, širina, površina i opseg iglica. Vrste, parkovi u kojima su pronađene, kao i ekspozicije njihovih kruna, razlikovali su se po duljini i širini iglica. Korelacije između izmjerenih svojstava iglica određene su linearnom regresijskom analizom. Utvrđene su jake pozitivne korelacije između duljine, opsega i površine iglica. Razlike među vrstama u zahtjevima za svjetlom određuju vrste za pojedinačnu sadnju kao vrste koje vole svjetlo ili polusjenu (atlaski cedar, obična smreka, Pančićeva omorika, bodljikava smreka, crni bor i duglazija) ili za grupnu sadnju kao sjenoljubne vrste (obična jela, dugoigličava jela i šumska tisa)