49 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study is to analyse new axes of cleavages which came into existence in Poland after 2005. The analysis is presented in the context of generally accepted notions and concepts of political cleavages. The methods used for the analysis are: comparative method and historical method. Findings of the research are presented in the following way. First, the author determines that cleavages in Poland only partially correspond to classical cleavages, then identifies and analyses new stimulators of political cleavages in Poland, which appeared after 2005. A significant role in the consolidation of cleavages played political parties, which instead of translating the existing social conflicts to the level of authority, became the creators of cleavages.KEYWORDS: socio-political cleavage, political parties, transition in Poland

    Relacje pomiędzy samorządem terytorialnym a administracją rządową w warunkach pandemii COVID-19

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    The aim of the study is to show the mutual relations between the government administration and local government units in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article uses the decision-making method in order to analyse the actions taken and the decision-making process. Discourse analysis is used to study the communication process between the government administration and local government administration. To analyse the legal acts adopted during the pandemic, an institutional and legal analysis was used. New, serious challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic did not change the difficult, tense relations between the local government and the central administration, nor did they weaken the conflict between them. In the period of the epidemic, the current animosities, which had existed even before its outbreak, were reinforced. They were related to the dispute between the omnipotence of the state and decentralist tendencies. Additionally, new discrepancies, resulting from the consequences of the epidemic and radical actions taken in relation to it, arose

    Christian Democratic Parties and Groups in Poland After 1989

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    Poland has a multi-party political system. After 1989, in Poland there are a several parties that can be described as a Christian-democratic. The party's ideological sources were principally to be found in Catholic social teaching. However, in Poland, there was not a typical Christian Democratic party. Polish parties different from other European Christian Democratic parties

    Modern methods of business management – benchmarking

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    Benchmarking to jedno kluczowych i najbardziej efektywnych narzędzi służących doskonalenia organizacji. Jest to praktyczna realizacją przysłowia: "trzeba się uczyć na błędach, ale lepiej uczyć się na cudzych błędach, niż na swoich". Praca składa się z pięciu rozdziałów. Pierwszą stanowi ogólny zarys ewolucji metod w zarządzaniu. W drugiej części przedstawiona została analiza procesów przygotowujących do benchmarkingu oraz case study. Część trzecia poświęcona jest metodom organizowania procesów pracy w benchmarkingu. Dwa ostatnie rozdziały analizują ograniczenia i etyczną stronę zagadnienia. Przedstawione zostały w nich tematy związane z respektowaniem zasad społecznego współżycia.Celem pracy jest analiza skuteczności benchmarkingu, jako nowoczesnej metody zarządzania firmą i zmianą. W pracy postawione zostały następujące pytania:1. Jakie są przyczyny wprowadzenia w zarządzaniu metod benchmarkingu w Polsce? 2. W jaki sposób należy przeprowadzić kolejne etapy procesów przygotowujących do benchmarkingu?3. Jakie działania należy przeprowadzić w celu skutecznego przeprowadzenia zmiany z zachowaniem zasad etyki?Praca opiera się na metodologii nauk z zakresu ekonomii i zarządzania. Przedstawiona literatura przedmiotu, strony internetowe oraz dane statystyczne pozwoliły na stworzenie bazy źródłowej, niezbędnej do realizacji tematu.Benchmarking is the key and the most effective tools for the improvement of the organization. This is a practical implementation of the proverb: "you have to learn from mistakes, but it's better to learn from others mistakes rather than on his own." The work consists of five chapters. The first is an overview of the evolution of management methods. The second part presents an analysis of the processes of preparation for benchmarking and case study. The third part is devoted to the methods of organizing work processes in benchmarking. The last two chapters analyze the constraints and ethical side of the issue.The aim of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of benchmarking as a modern management and changes implementation method. The work answers the following questions:1. What are the reasons for the management methods of benchmarking in Poland? 2. How should be carried out the next steps to prepare for the benchmarking process?3. What action should be done in order to carry out the changes with the principles of ethics effectively?The work is based on the methodology of science in economics and management. The presented literature, websites and statistical data made ​​it possible to create a source base, necessary for the implementation of the subject

    Pomiędzy decentralizacją a omnipotencją. Stosunki samorządu terytorialnego I administracji rządowej w II i III Rzeczypospolitej

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    The aim of the study is to compare the institutional solutions and practical activities of the government and local government administration in two periods: the Second and the Third Republic of Poland. Because of the need to refer to the documents from the period of the Second Republic of Poland, it was necessary to refer to the historical method. The study is based on the comparison of two orders from different periods, therefore it was necessary to use the comparative method for the purpose of the analysis conducted. In the study also a system approach was applied to the analysis of institutional solutions. Decentralist and centralist concepts clashed both in the period of the Second Republic of Poland and during the political transformation. The beginnings of the political change were characterised by the predominance of naturalist tendencies, while in the further stages of the development of the Polish state there were growing tendencies to increase the omnipotence of the state

    Possibilities of adaptation of attics in the nineteenth and twentieth century bourgeois buildings for utility purposes

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    Niniejsza publikacja traktuje o zagadnieniach adaptacji oraz naprawy przestrzeni dachowej do współczesnych celów użytkowych. Artykuł przedstawia charakterystykę najczęściej stosowanych rozwiązań projektowych, w odniesieniu do struktur dachowych budynków wzniesionych według tradycyjnych technologii budowlanych pod koniec XIX i na początku XX wieku, na gęsto zaludnionych obszarach miejskich, które często zlokalizowane są w strefach ochrony konserwatorskiej. Zaproponowana charakterystyka poparta jest przykładami projektów przestrzeni dachowej oraz rodzajów konstrukcji więźb dachowych i drewnianych stropów.The publication covers the issues of adaptation and repair of roof space for contemporary utility functions. The article presents the characteristics of the most common design solutions of roof structures in buildings erected in traditional construction technologies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in a dense urban area, which often are located in conservation areas. The proposed characterization is supported by actual examples of roof space design and construction types of timber roof truss and wooden ceilings

    Zawartosc fluoru i olowiu w wybranych warzywach uprawianych w zasiegu emisji zwiazkow tych pierwiastkow przez Hute Szkla Gospodarczego [ HGS ] Irena w Inowroclawiu

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    Metodami spektroskopowymi oznaczono zawartość fluoru i ołowiu w niektórych warzywach zebranych 1990 roku z Pracowniczych Ogródków Działkowych (POD) „Transportowiec" odległych ok. 500 m od HSG ,,Irena" oraz z POD „Irena"położonych w odległości ok. 2600 m od emitorów huty. Otrzymane wyniki badań porównano z wynikami badań z poprzednich ośmiu lat jak i z analogicznymi badaniami roślin zebranych w 1989 roku z POD „Podzamcze" w Szczytnej położonych w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie Huty Szkła „Sudety".By means of spectroscopy fluorine and lead were determined in selected vegetables gathered in 1990 from Workers' Gardening Plots "Transportowiec" lying about 500 m from the Irena glass plant and similar plots "Irena" situated about 2600 m from the emitters of the plant. The obtained results were compared with those of similar measurements in the preceding 8 years, and with analogous determinations in the vegetables gathered in 1989 from "Podzamcze" gardening plots in Szczytna in immediate vicinity of the glass plant "Sudety". The study extended over many years showed that in the vicinity of such plants, the soil, the vegetables and fruit are contaminated with fluorine and lead. Moving of "Irena" gardening plots from 50 - 350 m from the plant to a distance of 1800 m from it caused that only the parts of the vegetables above soil level contained higher amounts of fluorine and lead. Certain above-soil parts of the plants from the "Podzamcze" gardening plots contained fluorine in amounts exceeding the acceptable level. Most vegetables, both roots and higher parts, were contaminated with lead, indicating that the soil was contaminated with lead also