75 research outputs found

    Оцінка якості життя у вікових першовагітних та вагітних з великим інтергенетичним інтервалом

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    Проведено изучение показателей качества жизни у 120 возрастных первобеременных и 240 беременных с большим интергенетическим интервалом с использованием опросника SF-36 Health Status Survey, разработанного The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, USA. Исследование показало, что пациентки обеих групп имеют низкие показатели качества жизни. При сравнении большинство изучаемых параметров оценки качества жизни в обследованных группах не отличались, однако у пациенток с большим интергенетическим интервалом – достоверно выше оценка социальной роли и энергетичности. Оценка качества жизни у возрастных первобеременных и беременных с большим интергенетическим интервалом является важным сегментом наблюдения во время беременности, который оценивает перспективы развития беременности в психологическом, физическом и социальном аспектах.A study of the life quality of 120 over-age primigravidas and of 240 women with a large intergenetic interval has been carried out using the questionnaire SF-36 Health Status Survey developed by The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, USA. This research has shown that the patients in the both groups have a low quality of life. The major part of the life quality parameters were the same in the both groups, however, in patients with a large interval between births the values of the social role and the energy level were significantly higher. The life quality of over-age primigravidas and pregnant women with a large interval between successive births is an important sector of observation during pregnancy, which allows assessing the prospects of pregnancy in the psychological, physical, and social aspects

    Les espèces du genre <i>Trachypenaeopsis</i> (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae). Approches morphologiques et moléculaires

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    Jusqu’à présent le genre Trachypenaeopsis Burkenroad, 1934 était connu dans l’Indo-Ouest Pacifique par deux espèces, T. richtersii (Miers, 1884) décrite de l’île Maurice et mentionnée par la suite jusqu’en Indonésie, au Japon et aux Hawaii, et T. minicoyensis Thomas, 1972, connue uniquement des îles Laccadives. Le présent travail montre que T. minicoyensis est un synonyme de T. richtersii, que les identifications de T. richtersii faites en Chine, à Taiwan, au Japon et aux Hawaii sont erronées et que les spécimens récoltés dans ces régions ne peuvent être morphologiquement séparés de l’espèce atlantique, T. mobilispinis (Rathbun, 1915) décrite des Antilles. Des analyses d’ADN ont clairement établi que les spécimens pacifiques autres que T. richtersii appartiennent à une seule et même espèce (distances génétiques n’excédant pas 2,2 %) ; par contre ces analyses ont montré qu’entre les spécimens du Pacifique et ceux de l’Atlantique les distances génétiques sont en moyenne de 3,6 % ; l’absence de toute différence morphologique entre les deux groupes nous a toutefois amenés à considérer que l’on se trouve devant un début de différentiation pas encore assez fortement marquée pour que l’on puisse admettre, dès à présent, que l’on se trouve devant deux espèces distinctes. Les colorations des spécimens atlantiques et pacifiques n’ayant pu être comparées, il est toutefois possible que cette comparaison, lorsqu’elle pourra être faite, montre que l’on se trouve devant deux espèces jumelles.The genus Trachypenaeopsis Burkenroad, 1934 has been known in the Indo-West Pacific region by two species, T. richtersii (Miers, 1884), described from Mauritius and recorded afterwards as far as Indonesia, Japan, and Hawaii, and T. minicoyensis Thomas, 1972, known only from the Laccadive Is. The present work shows that T. minicoyensis is a synonym of T. richtersii, that identifications of material from China, Taiwan, and Hawaii are erroneous and that these specimens are not morphologically distinguishable from the Atlantic species, T. mobilispinis (Rathbun, 1915), described from the West Indies. DNA analyses show that Pacific specimens other than T. richtersii belong to one species: genetic divergence is not higher than 2.2%, while the genetic distance between Pacific and Atlantic populations averages 3.6%. The absence of morphological differences between these two sets of populations indicates that the populations are becoming genetically different but cannot yet be considered separate species. The colour patterns of the Atlantic and Pacific specimens have not been determined so it is possible that these populations could eventually be shown to represent separate sibling species.</p

    Les espèces du genre Trachypenaeopsis (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae). Approches morphologiques et moléculaires

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    Crosnier, Alain, Machordom, Annie, Boisselier-Dubayle, Marie-Catherine (2007): Les espèces du genre Trachypenaeopsis (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae). Approches morphologiques et moléculaires. Zoosystema 29 (3): 471-489, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.539935

    Barcoding type specimens helps to identify synonyms and an unnamed new species in Eumunida Smith, 1883 (Decapoda : Eumunididae)

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    13 páginas, 2 figuras, 3 tablas.The primary purpose of DNA-barcoding projects is to generate an efficient expertise and identification tool. This is an important challenge to the taxonomy of the 21st century, as the demand increases and the expert capacity does not. However, identifying specimens using DNA-barcodes requires a preliminary analysis to relate molecular clusters to available scientific names. Through a case study of the genus Eumunida (Decapoda : Eumunididae), we illustrate how naming molecule-based units, and thus providing an accurate DNA-based identification tool, is facilitated by sequencing type specimens. Using both morphological and unlinked molecular markers (COI and 28S genes), we analysed 230 specimens from 12 geographic areas, covering two-thirds of the known diversity of the genus, including type specimens of 13 species. Most hypotheses of species delimitation are validated, as they correspond to molecular units linked to only one taxonomic name (and vice versa). However, a putative cryptic species is also revealed and three entities previously named as distinct species may in fact belong to a single one, and thus need to be synonymised. Our analyses, which integrate the current naming rules, enhance the a-taxonomy of the genus and provide an effective identification tool based on DNA-barcodes. They illustrate the abilityThis work was supported by the ‘Consortium National de Recherche en Génomique’, and the ‘Service de Systematique Moléculaire’ of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (UMS 2700 CNRS-MNHN). It is part of the agreement n 2005/67 between the Genoscope and the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle on the project ‘Macrophylogeny of Life’ directed by Guillaume Lecointre. These data fed the MarBol project supported by the Sloan Foundation.Peer reviewe

    A gleam in the dark : phylogenetic species delimitation in the confusing spring-snail genus Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1856 (Gastropoda : Rissooidea : Amnicolidae)

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    We re-assess the value of morphological specific descriptors within the spring-snail genus Bythinella by sequencing mitochondrial COI and nuclear ITS1 gene fragments. Taxonomic coverage represents 16 nominal species sampled among 35 populations from France. Application of monophyly and cohesive haplotype networks as criteria to delineate species allow us to identify 10 mitochondrial species-level lineages, all but one of which are recovered by ITS1. COI species thresholds that are estimated from newly delimited species (ca. 1.5%) agree with values found among other hydrobioids. Our results strongly suggest that classical morphological descriptors may not constitute valid specific criteria within Bythinella. Our analyses support a complex scenario of invasions of subterranean habitats, as illustrated by the syntopy of several mitochondrial lineages or the conflicting evolutionary histories between COI and ITS1 in caves. In addition, morphological convergence related to subterranean ecological constraints that affect shell shape and size among the hypogean springsnails studied is suspected

    Genetic structure of the xerophilous bromeliad Pitcairnia geyskesii on inselbergs in French Guiana : a test of the forest refuge hypothesis

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    Inselbergs are isolated granitic rock outcrops that provide distinctive ecological conditions. In northern South America they rise above the surrounding rainforest. Among inselberg specialists, Pitcairnia geyskesii (Bromeliaceae) is restricted to these habitats in French Guiana. We studied populations from 12 inselbergs using 7 microsatellite loci to give a "reverse image" of the reduction-expansion of the rainforest in the context of the refuge hypothesis. Our analyses showed that populations are fragmented with dispersal occurring only over very short distances. Genetic diversity was higher in northern French Guiana, whereas specific alleles were observed in the south. The results point to the occurrence of a dry corridor in the north, as hypothesized by Tardy (1998) based on charcoal analyses, whereas de Granville's (1982) hypothesis of a unique past refuge is not confirmed. Moreover, our data suggests the importance of Oyapock River as a pathway for range expansion, arguing against the potential role of the Inini-Camopi Mountains as a physical barrier. Finally, in spite of a strongly argued scenario in favour of a north-to-south migration history, a clear genetic isolation of P. geyskesii populations living on inselbergs of the Mitaraka archipelago suggests a distinct ancestry of the most southern populations