74 research outputs found


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    Das tensões entre desmistificar e reconhecer os discursos ao repensar o ‘social’: manifesto por uma sociologia ecléctica

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    Esta reflexão deriva de uma prática sociológica e etnográfica em que o investigador tem um duplo estatuto como sujeito e objecto de conhecimento. Discutem-se tensões e dilemas entre a ethos que desmistifica e a que reconhece os discursos dos actores sociais, entre outros aspectos da prática de investigação. A importância dos usos do corpo, das técnicas instrumentais e da materialidade dos instrumentos musicais incita-nos a considerar dimensões da realidade tradicionalmente excluídas da sociologia, a repensar o “social” e o âmbito da própria sociologia. Desafiando fronteiras entre “escolas” no campo académico, proponho um manifesto por uma sociologia tão ecléctica e híbrida quão exigido pelas especificidades de cada realidade.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Género e música electrónica de dança: experiências, percursos e 'retratos' de mulheres clubbers

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    O objectivo principal do presente trabalho consiste em apreender a construção de identidades de género no domínio das (sub)culturas juvenis ligadas à participação nas festas de música electrónica, nomeadamente o drum’n’bass, o trance e o techno, tornando possível a apreensão sociológica das complexas intersecções que se estabelecem entre as variáveis género, classe social e a estrutura interna das (sub)culturas club. O processo de estruturação interna das (sub)culturas é equacionado, pois, de forma relacional e com base numa abordagem etnográfica multidimensional, com recurso a entrevistas biográficas e à construção de retratos sociológicos, de forma a detectar transferências e dissonâncias entre a socialização pré-clubbing e a aquisição de novas (?) disposições nos contextos das festas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In-flight scale/distortion calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope fixed-head star trackers

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    This paper describes an in-flight scale and distortion calibration procedure that has been developed for the Ball Aerospace Systems Division Fixed-Head Star Trackers (FHST's) used on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The FHST is a magnetically focused and deflected imaging sensor that is designed to track stars as faint as m(sub v) = 5.7 over an 8 degree by 8 degree field of view. Raw FHST position measurements are accurate to approximately 200 arcseconds, but this can be improved to 10-15 arcseconds by processing the raw measurements through calibration polynomials that correct for flat field, temperature intensity, and magnetic field effects. The coefficients for these polynomials were initially determined using ground test data. On HST the use of three FHST's is an integral part of the preliminary attitude update procedures required before the acquisition of guide stars for science observations. To this end, FHST-based attitude determination having single-axis errors no worse than 22 arcseconds (1 sigma) is required. In early 1991 it became evident that one of the HST FHST's was experiencing a significant change in its optical scale. By mid-1993 the size of this error had grown to a point that, if not corrected, it would correspond to a maximum position error on the order of 100 arcseconds. Subsequent investigations demonstrated that substantial, uncompensated cubic distortion effects had also developed, the maximum contribution to position errors from the cubic terms being on the order of 30 arcseconds. To ensure accurate FHST-based attitude updates, procedures have been developed to redetermine the FHST scale and distortion calibration coefficients based on in-flight data gathered during normal HST operations. These scale and distortion calibrations have proven very effective operationally, and procedures are in place to monitor FHST calibration changes on a continuing basis

    Using the Prevalence of Individual Species of Intestinal Nematode Worms to Estimate the Combined Prevalence of Any Species

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    Mixed infections with roundworm, whipworm and hookworm are common, but survey reports often give only the separate prevalence of each type. However, the combined prevalence is important to estimate accurately the number of individuals who would benefit from control programmes and to make decisions about the frequency of treatment. Previous work suggests that mixed infections involving hookworm occur randomly, but that roundworm and whipworm infections are found together more frequently than would be expected by chance. We used 63 data sets from community surveys that reported both the proportions infected with individual types of worms and the combined proportion infected with any worm. We then calculated the proportion that would be infected with any type of worm if infections had occurred randomly and compared it with the observed combined proportion infected. We found a strong correlation between the observed and predicted combined proportions infected. A small downward correction of the predicted proportion infected by dividing by a factor of 1.06 brought it to a value that nearly equalled the observed proportion infected almost all the time. This simple model could be applied to published survey data to estimate accurately the number of individuals that would benefit from mass deworming

    Habit, Memory, and the Persistence of Socialist-Era Street Names in Postsocialist Bucharest, Romania

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    The critical study of toponymy has paid considerable attention to the renaming of urban places following revolutionary political change. Such renaming is intended to institutionalize a new political agenda through shaping the meanings in everyday practices and landscapes. Renaming, however, might not always be successful, and this article examines this issue with reference to a market in Bucharest, Romania. Originally named Piaţa Moghioroş during the socialist era to commemorate a leading Communist Party activist, the market was renamed in the postsocialist period. Yet, more than two decades on, the original name remains in widespread everyday use. Using a mixed-method approach, we seek to advance the critical toponymies literature by exploring the persistence of the socialist-era name within everyday practice. Although many authors have highlighted the issue of popular resistance to an unpopular renaming, we find little evidence of conscious resistance, and instead we explore the importance of habit within everyday practices as an explanation, drawing on an understanding of habit derived from sociocognitive psychology. This perspective proposes that habits are stable and hard to break if the broader context in which they are situated is stable. We suggest that this explanation, rather than popular contestation, has more to offer in understanding the persistence of the toponym Piaţa Moghioroş. We thus highlight the importance of considering how the “users” of place names react to the changes of such names and create their own meanings in relation to them in ways unintended by elites