161 research outputs found

    Budget optimization modelling for sustainable development of the university research: The example of Russia

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    Russian universities have undergone many changes in recent years, including increased attention to innovative development and transformation of the main function of universities. In addition to education function, universities now should cooperate with the market and create the infrastructure for the successful development of R&D. One of the main resources for this is financing, but it is often in deficiency. Moreover, sudden economic shocks add instability to the situation. This problem is acute for research projects which often last for several years and react sharply to sudden changes in the key resources. This article proposes an optimization model for the management of universities' own funds to ensure sustainable and predictable R&D funding. The model uses mathematical and machine learning methods. The model is applied to statistical data from Russian universities, as well as to one particular Russian university. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The main parameter of our interest is Ri– total R&D Funding, which consists of Ci – R&D funding from external sources (industry, federal and others) and Ui – university own funds including Ui*– resources used in current periods and U’i– deferred resources for future periods. The latter forms a state variable Ii – investments. So, deferred resources can grow at β – return on investments rate: Ii+1 = Ii*(1+β) + U’i


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    In conditions of the country's economy decline, the agrarian sector is the driving force behind the processes of economic stabilization. 17% of the country's GDP is created in agriculture, and agricultural products are exported at the amount of 17.9 billion dollars, representing 33.6% of all overseas incomes of the country, while the level of state support is rather low and amounts to only 1% of GDP.The increase in tariffs for the main energy sources leads to a constant increase in material costs for crop and livestock production. The average annual growth of material expenses for the 2014-2016 period constituted 7.8% for fuel and lubricant materials, 15.2%- for electricity, 6.4% -for fuel and energy. Thus, according to the actual data farmers should have profitability not lower than 25.4%, however they received a loss of UAH 1.2 bn.Under such conditions, it is necessary to mobilize own finances to form a raw material base and to introduce the use of alternative energy sources in agriculture.215904.6 thousand heads of cattle and poultry are concentrated in agriculture, only 54% of which - in agrarian enterprises. According to our estimates, the theoretical potential of biogas output got from animal waste was 1.75 billion m3 in 2016, while the potential level needed for energy purposes equals to 0.76 million tons. Moreover, according to experts, the possible energy potential of biogas is expected to increase to 2.38 million tons in 2050.According to the research, it has been established that the use of biogas has the following advantages over traditional fuels, namely: the use of biogas is attractive either because of lower cost or due to economic incentives; if farmers can not get permission (license) for the supply of electricity obtained from biogas to the general power grid according to the "green tariff", they use this energy for their own economic purposes; the construction of new biogas and bio-methane plants receives investment grants from 20 to 30% of the total volume of investments; the chemical composition  of biogas is similar to that of natural gas, which makes it possible to sell it to the gas distribution network, while enriching it by bio-methane and using as gaseous fuel; to use waste received as a result of biogas obtaining as enriched organic fertilizers for the needs of plant growing; the use of livestock waste for the production of biogas reduces the burden on the environment and the cost of utilizing such waste.В сельском хозяйстве сосредоточено 215904,6 тыс гол скота и птицы, из которых только 54% в аграрных предприятиях. Теоретический потенциал выхода биогаза из отходов животноводства, по нашим подсчетам, составил в 2016 г. 1,75 млрд м3, потенциал же доступный к использованию в энергетических целях равнялся 0,76 т н.э. Причем согласно приведенных данных специалистов энергетический потенциал биогаза возрастет до 2,38 т н.э. в 2050 г.Согласно проведенных исследований установлено, что использование биогаза имеет следующие преимущества перед традиционными видами топлива, а именно: использование биогаза является привлекательным или через меньшую стоимость, или через экономические стимулы; если аграрии не могут получить разрешение (лицензию) на поставку электроэнергии произведенной из биогаза в общую электросеть по «зеленому тарифу», они используют его на собственные хозяйственные цели; строительство новых биогазовых и биометанових заводов получает инвестиционные гранты от 20 до 30% общей стоимости инвестиций; биогаз по химическому составу аналогичен составу природного газа, что дает возможность сбывать его в газораспределительную сеть; обогащая его до биометана и используя как газомоторное топливо; использовать отходы, образованные в результате получения биогаза, в качестве обогащенных органических удобрений для нужд растениеводства; использования животноводческих отходов для производства биогаза снижает нагрузку на экологию и затраты на утилизацию таких отходов.В умовах занепаду економіки країни, аграрний сектор виступає рушійною силою процесів економічної стабілізації. В аграрному секторі створюється 17% усього ВВП країни, експортується аграрної продукції на суму 17,9 млрд дол., що становить 33,6% усією валютних надходжень у країну, при цьому рівень державної підтримки є доволі низьким й становить усього 1% ВВП.Зростання тарифів на основні енергоносії призводить до постійного зростання матеріальних витрат на продукцію рослинництва й тваринництва. Середньорічне зростання матеріальних витрат за 2014-2016 рр. становило на пально-мастильні матеріали 7,8%, на електроенергію 15,2%, паливо та енергію 6,4%. Таким чином, аграрії повинні отримувати рівень рентабельності не нижче 25,4%, за фактичними ж даними отримали збиток у розмірі 1,2 млрд. грн.За таких умов потрібно мобілізовувати власні фінанси з метою формування сировинної бази та впровадження альтернативних джерел енергії у сільському господарстві.У сільському господарстві зосереджено 215904,6 тис гол худоби та птиці, з яких тільки 54% в аграрних підприємствах. Теоретичний потенціал виходу біогазу з відходів тваринництва, за нашими підрахунками, становив у 2016 р. 1,75 млрд м3, потенціал ж доступний до використання в енергетичних цілях дорівнює 0,76 млн т н.е. При чому згідно приведених даних фахівців можливий енергетичний потенціал біогазу зросте до 2,38 млн т н.е. у 2050 р.Згідно проведених досліджень встановлено, що використання біогазу має наступні переваги перед традиційними видами палива, а саме: використання біогазу є привабливим або через меншу вартість, або через економічні стимули; якщо аграрії не можуть отримати дозвіл (ліцензію) на постачання електроенергії виробленого з біогазу у загальну електромережу за «зеленим тарифом», вона використовує його на власні господарські цілі; будівництво нових біогазових та біометанових заводів отримує інвестиційні гранти від 20 до 30% загальної вартості інвестицій; біогаз за хімічним складом аналогічний складу природного газу, що дає можливість збувати його у газорозподільну мережу; збагачуючи його до біометану та використовуючи як газоподібне паливо; використовувати відходи, отримувані у результаті отримання біогазу, у якості збагачених органічних добрив для потреб рослинництва; використання тваринницьких відходів для виробництва біогазу знижує навантаження на екологію та витрати на утилізацію таких відходів

    Development of modern entrepreneurship : competition and cooperation

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    The purpose of the article is to develop the optimal model of development of modern entrepreneurship in Russia from the point of view of the processes of competition and cooperation. The foundation of the methodological apparatus of this research is the method of scenario analysis, which is performed with the help of the tools of the Theory of games. The authors offer classification of existing market structures in the spheres of economy as to the criterion of ratio of processes of competition and cooperation and develop the proprietary methodology for evaluation of effectiveness of the model of national economy development from the point of view of the processes of competition and cooperation. Because of the research, it is concluded that the offered hypothesis is true, and it is impossible to apply the straightforward approach to creation of market structures in economic spheres of modern Russia due to its ineffectiveness in the modern economic conditions, subject to the influence of the processes of globalization, integration, post-industrialization, liberalization, etc. The authors analyze the possible scenarios of development of modern entrepreneurship in Russia through the prism of competitive and cooperative processes.peer-reviewe

    Human Capital of Transnational Corporations in the Energy Sector

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    For the development of the energy sector, at the present stage, it is necessary to use certain resources. The paper analyzed the application of human capital in the energy sector. To achieve this goal, the authors used the method of offset. It is established that the world energy consumption increases, and the dynamics of the employed population in the energy sector remains within the same norm. It is determined that an important factor for the development of the economy is the gross regional product. As its increase helps to reduce energy intensity. The authors show that human potential is not only a personal characteristic received by the employee independently, but also by the acquired position, which is ensured by the implementation of corporate tools. The paper considers the economic, social and legal provision of such instruments. Keywords: labor resources, electrification, energy efficiency, expert evaluation, energy system. JEL Classifications: A10, P48 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.690

    Протонная лучевая терапия рака прямой кишки: литературный обзор

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    Colorectal cancer is a significant group of malignant neoplasms that dominates the morbidity and mortality patterns in the world. for patients with colorectal cancer, a multidisciplinary approach is required when choosing treatment tactics involving surgeons, radiotherapists and chemotherapists. At present, it is impossible to overestimate the role of radiotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer. The purpose of this review is to summarize current data on proton beam therapy and its role in the treatment of rectal cancer.Колоректальный рак представляет собой значительную группу злокачественных новообразований, занимает лидирующую позицию в структуре заболеваемости и смертности в мире. Для пациентов с колоректальным раком требуется мультидисциплинарный подход при выборе тактики лечения с привлечением хирургов, радиотерапевтов и химиотерапевтов. В настоящее время невозможно переоценить роль лучевой терапии в лечении местно-распространенного рака прямой кишки. Целью данного обзора является обобщение современных данных о протонной лучевой терапии и ее роли в лечении рака прямой кишки


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    Aspergillus fumigatus colonization in the patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) may cause sensitization against A. fumigatus and/or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), which significantly worsens the course of underlying disease. At the present time, new diagnostic tests are searched for detection of fungal sensitization in these patients. The aim of this work was to evaluate an opportunity of application of basophile activation test with A. fumigatus allergen in vitro using flow cytometry, aiming for identification of fungal sensitization in the CF patients. The study included 190 patients with CF aged 1 to 37 years. All the patients underwent common allergy screening (skin tests with fungal allergens, determination of serum levels of total IgE and specific IgE for the fungal allergens), and mycological examination (microscopy and culture of respiratory substrates). Computed tomography of the chest was performed upon clinical indications. The basophil activation test with the A. fumigatus allergen was performed in 10 CF patients with ABPA, and 10 CF patients without ABPA, in addition to the standard allergological examination. Frequency of sensitization to A. fumigatus in the patients with cystic fibrosis was 27%, the incidence of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis was 5.7%. The number of eosinophils, total IgE and specific IgE levels in CF patients with ABPA were significantly higher than in CF patients without ABPA. In blood of the ABPA patients we have identified 68.5 (52.5-81.5%) of basophilic leukocytes activated by A. fumigatus allergen, with a stimulation index of 17.07 (10.30-27.70). In appropriate comparison group, the stimulation index did not exceed 1.5 (p = 0.000). Direct positive correlation between the levels of specific IgE to A. fumigatus and the number of basophils activated by A. fumigatus allergens was revealed (r = 0.77; р < 0.05). FVC values and the body mass index in CF patients with ABPA were significantly lower when compared with the patients without fungal sensitization. Introduction of the basophil activation test, along with standard techniques, may enable a more differentiated assessment of ABPA development in CF patients. Timely detection of associations between A. fumigatus sensitization and clinical status of CF patients will facilitate early and effective administration of specific therapy

    Thermal and Optical Characterization of Undoped and Neodymium-Doped Y3ScAl4O12 Ceramics

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    Y3–3xNd3xSc1Al4O12 (x = 0, 0.01, and 0.02) ceramics were fabricated by sintering at high temperature under vacuum. Unit cell parameter refinement and chemical analysis have been performed. The morphological characterization shows micrograins with no visible defects. The thermal analysis of these ceramics is presented, by measuring the specific heat in the temperature range from 300 to 500 K. Their values at room temperature are in the range 0.81–0.90 J g1–K–1. The thermal conductivity has been determined by two methods: by the experimental measurement of the thermal diffusivity by the photopyroelectric method, and by spectroscopy, evaluating the thermal load. The thermal conductivities are in the range 9.7–6.5 W K–1 m–1 in the temperature interval from 300 to 500 K. The thermooptic coefficients were measured at 632 nm by the dark mode method using a prism coupler, and the obtained values are in the range 12.8–13.3 × 10–6 K–1. The nonlinear refractive index values at 795 nm have been evaluated to calibrate the nonlinear optical response of these materials.This work is supported by the Spanish Government under projects MAT2011-29255-C02-01-02, MAT2013-47395-C4-4-R, and the Catalan Government under project 2014SGR1358. It was also funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, project Cleanspace, FP7-SPACE-2010-1-GA No. 263044