292 research outputs found

    Squaring the circle? Regional airport expansion, climate change and the planning regime

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    Airports are contested infrastructures. They are regarded both as icons of modernity and as a threat to a climate-neutral future. Judicial review is increasingly relied upon to determine the legality of planning permissions for further airport development in light of climate obligations. Focusing on regional airport development and the review of planning approvals for expansion at Bristol, Southampton and Stansted airports, this article shows how the relevant policies and legislation, as well as the courts in applying these, find cohesion between airport expansion and climate action. These efforts, nonetheless, are tantamount to an attempt at squaring the circle: the fundamental disconnect between climate commitments and the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from regional airport expansion remains unsettled

    Strah od jezika kod studenata na Rudarsko-geološko-naftnom fakultetu u Zagrebu

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    This case study discusses the topic of language acquisition anxiety and strategies of avoiding that anxiety in students of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb in order to examine when and why anxiety appears while learning a language. Firstly, the term language learning is described. The term anxiety is explained, and connected to language learning. This connection is presented and analysed. Secondly, with the help of a questionnaire about language learning anxiety, a survey on 100 students of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering is conducted. The data collected in the survey is examined, calculated and analysed. Statistics are used in order to test seven hypotheses. Furthermore, the results of the survey are discussed in detail and examples of learners’ statements, thoughts and fears about learning a language, acquired using the questionnaire, are presented. In conclusion, the findings of this paper are summarised and given subjective interpretations. The findings show that the first, second, third and fourth hypotheses are in concord with the results of the statistical analysis, confirming: that female students are more prone to anxiety than male students, that students of Mining and Geology are also more prone to anxiety than students of Petroleum Engineering and that anxiety is most present in oral exam situations. The findings also show that more students try coping with the situations that make them anxious rather than avoiding them and that the length of formally learning a language does not correlate with the anxiety level in individuals. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the role of the teacher is less important than the students' own perception of their language skills.Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se tjeskobom, to jest strahom, prilikom učenja stranog jezika kod studenata na Rudarsko-geološko-naftnom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Cilj je rada saznati kada i zašto nastupa tjeskoba kod ispitanika te kako se oni nose s njom. Rad počinje teorijskim pregledom engleskog jezika za akademske svrhe te se bavi pojmom učenja stranog jezika i tjeskobe. Zatim pronalazi poveznicu između tjeskobe i učenja stranog jezika te ju analizira. Drugi dio rada sastoji se od rezultata upitnika o tjeskobi pri učenju stranog jezika provedenog na sto studenata rudarstva, geologije i nafte u Zagrebu. Podatci prikupljeni upitnikom statistički se obrađuju, izračunavaju i analiziraju kako bi se testiralo sedam pretpostavki. Zatim se dalje prezentiraju misli, strahovi te tvrdnje ispitanika, dobivene otvorenim pitanjima u upitniku. Na kraju se navedeni rezultati rada sažimaju i interpretiraju. Rezultati pokazuju da se prva, druga, treća te četvrta hipoteza slažu s rezultatima statističke analize. Sukladno tim rezultatima, tjeskoba se češće viđa kod ženskih studenata nego kod muških. Isto tako je prisutnija kod studenata rudarstva i geologije nego kod studenata naftnog inženjerstva te se najčešće pojavljuje kod usmenog ispitivanja. Rezultati također pokazuju da studenti češće pribjegavaju metodama suočavanja s strahom, nego izbjegavanja straha te da duljina učenja jezika ne korelira s manjom anksioznošću kod pojedinaca. Osim toga, rezultati pokazuju i da je uloga učitelja manje bitna od studentove percepcije vlastitog znanja jezika

    The trouble of gender sin in post-Yugoslav film – in the name of the father

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    Post-Yugoslav film art is, similarly to Yugoslav cinema, exemplary of masculine cultural domination, approaching socio-national themes in a highly gendered mode and reflecting a return to patriarchy, more brutal than that during the existence of Yugoslavia. A new generation of cinéasts explores, with a backlash mixture of contempt and compassion, the themes of violence, displaying a new assault on female emancipation, which seemed to be in line with the socio-political context of rising nationalist movements that led to the bloody events of the Yugoslav war in 1991. The female character is re-located to a place traditionally assigned to women not as the subject of narrative or discourse, but as the object of love and/or hatred by a masculine subject. The films chosen to be analysed here are full-length auteur feature films – Virgina, Grbavica, Djeca, Bure baruta, with a specific focus on the work by Danis Tanović – are not representative of post-Yugoslav cinema, but as rare exceptions demonstrate that, contrary to the dominant post-Yugoslav public opinion, both the Yugoslav wars and post-war traumatic realities remain cinematically unexplored

    Deterring the State Versus the Firm: Soft and Hard Deterrence Regimes in EU Law

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    peer reviewedThis paper sheds light on the existence of a differential deterrence regime in EU law, depending on whether the State or the firm is the addressee of a legal obligation. To that end, we review two areas of EU law – environmental law and competition law. Both disciplines employ fines to deter the State and the firm respectively from violating their specific duties under the Treaty: the ‘duty to transpose’ with regard to State obligation under environmental law, and the ‘duty to compete’ in relation to firms under competition law. We show how the deterrence regime is softer on the State in at least three ways: functionally (purpose ascribed to the penalties), operationally (method followed to set and liquidate the penalty), and procedurally (requiring prior judicial approval as opposed to having immediate applicability). These findings are significant for two reasons: they suggest a State versus firm discrepancy in the EU’s deterrence regime, and serve to initiate a debate on the desirability of such a divide

    Fast Convergence of Path Integrals for Many-body Systems

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    We generalize a recently developed method for accelerated Monte Carlo calculation of path integrals to the physically relevant case of generic many-body systems. This is done by developing an analytic procedure for constructing a hierarchy of effective actions leading to improvements in convergence of NN-fold discretized many-body path integral expressions from 1/N to 1/Np1/N^p for generic pp. In this paper we present explicit solutions within this hierarchy up to level p=5p=5. Using this we calculate the low lying energy levels of a two particle model with quartic interactions for several values of coupling and demonstrate agreement with analytical results governing the increase in efficiency of the new method. The applicability of the developed scheme is further extended to the calculation of energy expectation values through the construction of associated energy estimators exhibiting the same speedup in convergence.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl


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    Des répercussions de la Révolution française aux Caraïbes – abolition et restauration de l'esclavage – à la terreur de la France en révolution et à l'Espagne occupée par les troupes de Napoléon le couple de jumeaux que constituent Sofia et Esteban parcourt une à une les étapes d'une désillusion et d'un dépouillement absolus avant de disparaître à Madrid dans les hécatombes du Tres de Mayo dont Goya – constamment cité dans le roman – a été le grand témoin. Les chemins de l'utopie de la jeunesse et de l'espoir débouchent ainsi sur une apocalypse. En nous appuyant notamment sur les travaux de l'historien des imaginaires sociaux Bronislaw Baczko et en analysant plus précisément les mutations des personnages dans leur confrontation aux événements successifs, nous nous proposons de mettre en lumière cette dynamique de la désillusion

    Commercialization of non-wood forest products on the territory of AP Vojvodina

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    In the previous utilization of natural resources in forestry as an economic activity, timber exploitation was always the dominant part, and the utilization of other forest products was partly neglected. Nowadays, non-wood forest products (NWFPs) occupy an increasingly significant position in the forestry sector in numerous countries, so that the revenue from their utilization approaches the returns realized by the classical production of timber products. The research performed in Vojvodina, on the sample of six enterprises dealing with NWFP purchase, processing and sale was aimed at the analysis of their market activities to create the image of the market of this group of products. After the study data were analyzed by dynamic statistical methods, the changes in the activities on purchase, the domestic sales and export sales between 2004 and 2010 were presented and future projects were visualized. The research in the form of questionnaire included the quantities of purchased raw materials, the scope of production and sales, both in the domestic, and in foreign markets, as well as the prices of final products. Some species of medicinal plants were purchased on the territories of Croatia and Macedonia, and the purchasing network in the domestic market was remarkably wide and it included predominantly: Niš, Svrljig, Čoka, Apatin, Pančevo, Ruma, Boljevac, Kanjiža, etc. The most significant growth was realised in the purchase of a mixture of medicinal plants. Also significant are the purchased quantities of mint, which on average increased by 7.9 t and rose hip by 5.5 t per year. During the study period, the domestic sale of all species of herbal teas and medicinal plants increased significantly, while spices and honey were subject to a fluctuation in sales quantity. Average algebraic deviation of the original final NWFP sale value from the arithmetic mean accounts for 3.48%. With the significance level of 95%, it is estimated that the sale in 2012 will range between 3049.19 and 3343.95 t, under the condition that the sale continues its quadratic trend. Based on the quadratic trend, and with the significance level of 95%, it can be foreseen that the value of export in 2012 will range from 133.01 to 250.07 t. As for the time interval from 2004 to 2010, the average export amounted to 260.07 t, which encompassed primarily medicinal and aromatic plants, spices and honey. During the study period, export decreased on average by 7.03% (20.75 t per year)

    Synthesis and optical characterization of novel heteroaromatic chromophores

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    Cilj ovog rada je sinteza i optička karakterizacija novih derivata benzimidazola koji u svojoj strukturi sadrže 1,2,3-triazolni prsten u svrhu određivanja njihove senzorske aktivnosti. Novi spojevi 2-[(4-nitro)benz-2-iliden)amino]benzimidazol (spoj 3), 2-[(4-amino)benz-2-iliden)amino]benzimidazol (spoj 5), 2-[(4-azido)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (spoj 6) i 2-{4-[(4-fenil)-1,2,3-triazol-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazol (spoj 8) uspješno su sintetizirani reakcijama klasične i „click“ kemije, dok spoj 2-{4-[4-(4-aminofenil)-1,2,3-triazol-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazol 7 nije uspješno izoliran zbog preniske koncentracije i prevelikog broja nusprodukata. Strukture spojeva 3, 5 i 8 potvrđene 1H-NMR spektroskopijom. Detaljna karakterizacija fotofizičkih i kiselo-baznih svojstava u svrhu ispitivanja potencijalne primjene u optičkim kemijskim senzorima je provedena za spoj 3 i 8. Spoj 3 je okarakteriziran UV-vidljivom i fluorescencijskom spektrofotometrijom u otapalima različite polarnosti, univerzalnim puferima u rasponu vrijednosti pH od 1 do 13 te u prisustvu različitih metalnih iona. Također su provedena spektrofotometrijska ispitivanja spoja 8 u univerzalnim puferima pri graničnim vrijednostima pH te u prisustvu Zn2+, Ag+ i Al3+ iona. Spoj 3 ima potencijalno djelovanje kao pH senzor, ali nije pokazao poželjna svojstva za uporabu u senzorima za metale. Spoj 8 je potrebno dodatno ispitati kako bi se definitivno zaključila njegova senzorska aktivnost.The aim of this thesis was synthesis and optical characterization of novel benzimidazole derivates which incorporate 1,2,3-triazole ring in their structure, to prove their sensoring activity. Compounds 2-[(4-nitro)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 3), 2-[(4-amino)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 5), 2-[(4-azido)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 6) and 2-{4-[(4-phenyl)-1,2,3-triazole-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazole (compound 8) were succesfully synthesized using a combination of classical organic chemistry synthesis and „click“ chemistry reaction, while compund 2-{4-[4-(4-aminofenil)-1,2,3-triazole-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazole (compund 7) was not succesfully isolated due to low concentration and significant amount of impurities. Structures of compunds 3, 4, 5 and 8 were determined by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Compound 3 was characterized with UV-visible and fluorescence spectrophotometry in solvents of different polarity, universal buffers in pH range 1 to 13 and in the presence of different metal ions. Compound 8 was spectrophotometricaly characterized in marginal values of pH, and in the presence of Zn2+, Ag+ i Al3+ ions. Compund 3 shows potential activity as a pH sensor in some solvents (water, acetone and acetonitrile), but it did not prove itself a good sensor for detecting metal ions. For compound 8, additional experiments are needed to be sure about its sensor activity