196 research outputs found

    When Is a Trafficking Victim a Trafficking Victim? Anti-Prostitution Statutes and Victim Protection

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    Victims of sex-market trafficking are often criminalized under anti-prostitution statutes rather than protected under anti-trafficking laws. As a result, trafficking victims suffer ramifications resulting from both the exploitation of their captors and the social stigma of criminalization. The combined hardships make it exponentially more difficult for victims to overcome their past and safely reintegrate into society. This Article first identifies the sources of the double-victimization problem, including the perpetuated stereotypes regarding trafficking victims and the methods of exploitation, inadequate law enforcement training, and statutes that conflate sex-market victims with prostitution. Having identified the source of the problem, the author proposes a solution for double-victimization, including improved victim-identification training for law enforcement officers, an affirmative defense based on victim status, and improved application of expungement for those who are victims of the sex market and the criminal prosecution system

    Indice dei nomi

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    Indice dei nomi del volume Focolo critico (Gargnano del Garda, 24-26 settembre 2012), a cura di Claudia Berra, Paolo Borsa e Giulia Ravera ("Quaderni di Gargnano", 1)

    Teria estado o planeta Terra totalmente coberto por gelo centenas de milhões de anos atrás?

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    Strong positive fractionation of chromium isotopes in iron formation of the Jacadigo Group (Brazil) – A link to enhanced atmospheric oxygenation during the Late Neoproterozoic

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    Cr isotopes recorded in iron formations (IF) are considered to have the potential to reflect the isotope signatures in respective ambient surface seawater. The ∼600 Ma Fe and Mn deposits pertaining to the Banda Alta Formation (Urucum district, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), comprise the world’s youngest and largest Neoproterozoic sedimentary Fe and Mn formations (MnF). Shale normalized Rare Earth Element and Yttrium (REY) patterns of drillcore samples show flat, positively sloped patterns with absent Europium anomalies and near- to supra-chondritic Yttrium-Holmium ratios with negative Cerium anomalies, which imply intermittent mixing of freshwater with seawater. Redox sensitive element enrichment factors (MoEF, UEF, CrEF) show positive correlation, indicating varying redox conditions across the Jacadigo Basin, with ephemeral euxinic conditions. The Cr isotope signatures across the Urucum IF (53Crauth at: Morraria Grande + 0.93 ± 0.34 ‰, 2, n = 28; Morro do Rabichão + 0.5 ± 0.4 ‰, 2, n = 3; and Morro do Urucum ca. + 0.64 ‰, n = 1) are statistically indistinguishable from previously published surface outcrop samples at Morro do Urucum. Our new data support: (1) a stable supply of oxidized Cr potentially from continental sources at the time of deposition, implying high atmospheric O2 levels in the Late Neoproterozoic; (2) insignificant alteration of the authigenic Cr isotope signals by tropical weathering despite surface iron up-concentration and leaching of carbonates, and (3) lack of isotope effects that would be associated with non-quantitative reduction processes and accompanying particulate transport to the chemical sediments in the Jacadigo Basin. The combined information from (isotope)geochemical data presented herein speak for a deposition of the Urucum IFs in restricted, periodically ice-covered and stratified sub-basins with partial connection to the open ocean, and for the presence of a sufficiently oxidative atmosphere which promoted a continuous supply of the surface waters with isotopically heavy Cr from the weathering landmasses at this time

    Calcários e rochas fosfáticas do grupo Corumbá na Serra da Bodoquena, MS: modelo genético

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     Cavernas são feições geológicas que apresentam também aspectos bióticos e outros abióticos, não geológicos, que possibilitam enquadrá-las em diferentes categorias do patrimônio natural. Se forem considerados ainda aspectos históricos e culturais, outras formas de enquadramento como patrimônio são possíveis, além do paisagístico, no qual a maioria das cavernas do Brasil vem sendo classificada. Considera-se, no entanto, caverna como patrimônio geológico apenas as que apresentam registro paleoambiental ou paleoclimático raro ou diferente processo geológico de formação, de tal forma que nem toda caverna pode ser considerada patrimônio geológico. Definida a caverna que venha a ser enquadrada como patrimônio geológico, deve-se procurar formas de acesso a esse patrimônio pela sociedade, através do geoturismo e espeleoturismo, com destaque para os projetos educacionais e preocupação com a melhoria de qualidade de vida das comunidades locais. No sentido de subsidiar a definição futura de caverna como patrimônio geológico, panorama é apresentado sobre as cavernas no Brasil em comparação ao cenário espeleológico mundial

    Microfossils in micrites from Serra da Bodoquena (MS), Brazil: taxonomy and paleoenvironmental implications

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    Microfossils present in Quaternary micrites from Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, are here described for the first time. The studied taxa are: a) ostracods: Candona sp., Candonopsis sp., Cyclocypris sp., Cypria sp., Cypridopsis sp., Notodromas sp., Ilyocypris sp., Cyprideis sp., Wolburgiopsis cf. chinamuertensis (Musacchio 1970), Darwinula sp. and 5 morphotypes; b) microgastropod Acrobis sp., and c) Characeae remains and gyrogonites Chara sp.. The presence of these microfossils suggests clear-water shallow lacustrine paleoenvironments and the presence of aquatic vegetation. Similarities between microfossils and the living taxa suggest possible Holocene ages for these deposits, which is in accordance with previous C14 dates

    Las lenguas indígenas argentinas como objeto de colección. Notas acerca de los estudios lingüísticos de Samuel A. Lafone Quevedo a fines del siglo XIX

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    This article analyzes the indigenous language classification efforts carried out by Samuel Alexander Lafone Quevedo towards the end of the 19th century, paying special attention to the context of his production. In order to do so, his collection practices, the organization of the linguistic data, the cooperation relationships he established with correspondents and the activities that were carried out in the institutions he was a member of are taken into account.En este artículo se analizan los trabajos de clasificación de las lenguas indígenas desarrollados por Samuel Alexander Lafone Quevedo hacia fines del siglo XIX, prestando especial atención a su contexto de producción. Para ello se toman en consideración las prácticas de obtención y organización de los datos lingu..sticos, las relaciones de cooperación que estableció con corresponsales y las actividades desarrolladas en los espacios institucionales de los que formó parte

    A deposição de tufas quaternárias no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul: proposta de definição da formação Serra da Bodoquena

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    Quaternary tufa deposits occur widely in the Serra da Bodoquena (state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), associated with the karst system that has developed on carbonate rocks of the Corumbá Group. The deposition of tufa is favored in the Serra da Bodoquena due to the predominance of autogenic waters, which allow for groundwater to be enriched in calcium carbonate. By means of numerous springs, this groundwater supplies the rivers of the area where tufas are deposited. These rivers have small quantities of siliciclastic sediment, making the water very clear, which favors biological activity and, as a result, the precipitation of carbonate. The lithological characteristics, the existence of clear and abrupt lines of contact and the easy mapping of the tufas make it possible to create a new unit, here named the Serra da Bodoquena Formation. Deposition in a distinct river basin and karst system justify separation from the Xaraiés Formation, even if their lithologies are partly similar. The Serra da Bodoquena Formation is discontinuous due to the nature of deposits, formed in association with the surface drainage network. The individual outcropping areas never interconnected with each other or with the Xaraiés Formation in the Corumbá region. The new unit was divided into two members in order to represent catchment and waterfall deposits and micrite deposits named, respectively, Rio Formoso and Fazenda São Geraldo members. The older tufa deposits indicate greater deposition from 6530 cal years BP until 2700 cal years BP, when the decline began reaching the present fate. This more intensive deposition represents a period of more humid climate, which changed at around 2700 cal years BP when similar conditions to those found at present became established. The active deposition of tufas in the Rio Formoso Member is still significant, although limited to the courses of perennial or intermittent drainage channels.Depósitos quaternários de tufas ocorrem extensamente na Serra da Bodoquena (MS), associados ao sistema cárstico desenvolvido sobre rochas carbonáticas do Grupo Corumbá. A deposição de tufa é favorecida na Serra da Bodoquena pela predominância de águas autogênicas, que permite o enriquecimento da água subterrânea em carbonato de cálcio, que, através de inúmeras nascentes, alimenta os rios de superfície onde as tufas são depositadas. Estes rios possuem baixas quantidades de sedimentos siliciclásticos tornando suas águas muito límpidas, o que favorece a atividade biológica e, consequentemente, a precipitação de carbonato. As características litológicas, a existência de contatos claros e abruptos e a mapeabilidade das tufas possibilitaram a criação de uma nova unidade, denominada Formação Serra da Bodoquena. A deposição em bacia hidrográfica e sistema cárstico distintos justificam sua separação da Formação Xaraiés (Corumbá, MS), mesmo que parte das litologias seja semelhante. A Formação Serra da Bodoquena é descontínua, devido à própria natureza dos depósitos, formados em associação com a rede de drenagem, nunca ligados entre si ou com a Formação Xaraiés. A nova unidade foi dividida em dois membros para representar os depósitos de represas e cachoeiras e os de micritos, respectivamente: membros Rio Formoso e Fazenda São Geraldo. Os depósitos antigos de tufas indicam deposição mais expressiva do que atualmente, desde 6.530 anos cal A.P. até 2.700 anos cal A.P. onde inicia um decréscimo. Esta deposição mais intensa representa um período de clima mais úmido, que se alterou a partir de 2.700 anos cal A.P. quando se estabeleceram condições próximas à atual. A deposição atual de tufas no Membro Rio Formoso ainda é expressiva, porém restrita ao leito das drenagens perenes ou intermitentes