504 research outputs found

    Protected Graft Copolymer (PGC) in Imaging and Therapy: A Platform for the Delivery of Covalently and Non-Covalently Bound Drugs

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    Initially developed in 1992 as an MR imaging agent, the family of protected graft copolymers (PGC) is based on a conjugate of polylysine backbone to which methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (MPEG) chains are covalently linked in a random fasion via N-ε-amino groups. While PGC is relatively simple in terms of its chemcial composition and structure, it has proved to be a versatile platform for in vivo drug delivery. The advantages of poly amino acid backbone grafting include multiple available linking sites for drug and adaptor molecules. The grafting of PEG chains to PGC does not compromise biodegradability and does not result in measurable toxicity or immunogenicity. In fact, the biocompatablility of PGC has resulted in its being one of the few 100% synthetic non-proteinaceous macromolecules that has suceeded in passing the initial safety phase of clinical trials. PGC is capable of long circulation times after injection into the blood stream and as such found use early on as a carrier system for delivery of paramagnetic imaging compounds for angiography. Other PGC types were later developed for use in nuclear medicine and optical imaging applications in vivo. Recent developments in PGC-based drug carrier formulations include the use of zinc as a bridge between the PGC carrier and zinc-binding proteins and re-engineering of the PGC carrier as a covalent amphiphile that is capabe of binding to hydrophobic residues of small proteins and peptides. At present, PGC-based formulations have been developed and tested in various disease models for: 1) MR imaging local blood circulation in stroke, cancer and diabetes; 2) MR and nuclear imaging of blood volume and vascular permeability in inflammation; 3) optical imaging of proteolytic activity in cancer and inflammation; 4) delivery of platinum(II) compounds for treating cancer; 5) delivery of small proteins and peptides for treating diabetes, obesity and myocardial infarction. This review summarizes the experience accumulated by various research groups that chose to use PGC as a drug delivery platform

    Dual radiosensitization and anti-STAT3 anti-proliferative strategy based on delivery of gold nanoparticle - oligonucleotide nanoconstructs to head and neck cancer cells

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    Constitutively activated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) factor is an important therapeutic target in head and neck cancer (HNC). Despite early promising results, a reliable systemic delivery system for STAT3- targeted oligonucleotide (ODN) drugs is still needed for future clinical translation of anti-STAT3 therapies. We engineered and tested a novel ODN duplex/gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-based system carrying a therapeutic STAT3 decoy (STAT3d) payload. This strategy is two-pronged because of the additive STAT3 antagonism and radiosensitizing properties of AuNP. The specificity to head and neck cancer cell surface was imparted by using a nucleolin aptamer (NUAP) that was linked to AuNP for taking the advantage of an aberrant presentation of a nuclear protein nucleolin on the cell surface. STAT3d and nucleolin aptamer constructs were independently linked to AuNPs via Au-S bonds. The synthesized AuNP constructs (AuNP-NUAP-STAT3d) exhibited internalization in cells that was quantified by using radiolabeled STAT3d. AuNP-NUAP-STAT3d showed radiosensitizing effect in human HNC FaDu cell culture experiments that resulted in an increase of cell DNA damage as determined by measuring gamma-H2AX phosphorylation levels by flow cytometry. The radiosensitization study also demonstrated that AuNP-NUAP-STAT3d as well as STAT3d alone resulted in the efficient inhibition of A431 cell proliferation. While FaDu cells did not show instant proliferation inhibition after incubating with AuNP-NUAP-STAT3d, the cell DNA damage in these cells showed nearly a 50% increase in AuNP-NUAP-STAT3d group after treating with radiation. Compared with anti-EGFR humanized antibody (Cetuximab), AuNP-NUAP-STAT3d system had an overall stronger radiosensitization effect in both A431 and FaDu cells

    Protected Graft Copolymer (PGC) in Imaging and Therapy: A Platform for the Delivery of Covalently and Non-Covalently Bound Drugs

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    Initially developed in 1992 as an MR imaging agent, the family of protected graft copolymers (PGC) is based on a conjugate of polylysine backbone to which methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (MPEG) chains are covalently linked in a random fasion via N-epsilon-amino groups. While PGC is relatively simple in terms of its chemcial composition and structure, it has proved to be a versatile platform for in vivo drug delivery. The advantages of poly amino acid backbone grafting include multiple available linking sites for drug and adaptor molecules. The grafting of PEG chains to PGC does not compromise biodegradability and does not result in measurable toxicity or immunogenicity. In fact, the biocompatablility of PGC has resulted in its being one of the few 100% synthetic non-proteinaceous macromolecules that has suceeded in passing the initial safety phase of clinical trials. PGC is capable of long circulation times after injection into the blood stream and as such found use early on as a carrier system for delivery of paramagnetic imaging compounds for angiography. Other PGC types were later developed for use in nuclear medicine and optical imaging applications in vivo. Recent developments in PGC-based drug carrier formulations include the use of zinc as a bridge between the PGC carrier and zinc-binding proteins and re-engineering of the PGC carrier as a covalent amphiphile that is capabe of binding to hydrophobic residues of small proteins and peptides. At present, PGC-based formulations have been developed and tested in various disease models for: 1) MR imaging local blood circulation in stroke, cancer and diabetes; 2) MR and nuclear imaging of blood volume and vascular permeability in inflammation; 3) optical imaging of proteolytic activity in cancer and inflammation; 4) delivery of platinum(II) compounds for treating cancer; 5) delivery of small proteins and peptides for treating diabetes, obesity and myocardial infarction. This review summarizes the experience accumulated by various research groups that chose to use PGC as a drug delivery platform

    Gold nanoparticles stabilized with MPEG-grafted poly(l-lysine): in vitro and in vivo evaluation of a potential theranostic agent

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    As the number of diagnostic and therapeutic applications utilizing gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) increases, so does the need for AuNPs that are stable in vivo, biocompatible, and suitable for bioconjugation. We investigated a strategy for AuNP stabilization that uses methoxypolyethylene glycol-graft-poly(l-lysine) copolymer (MPEG-gPLL) bearing free amino groups as a stabilizing molecule. MPEG-gPLL injected into water solutions of HAuCl4 with or without trisodium citrate resulted in spherical (Zav = 36 nm), monodisperse (PDI = 0.27), weakly positively charged nanoparticles (AuNP3) with electron-dense cores (diameter: 10.4 ± 2.5 nm) and surface amino groups that were amenable to covalent modification. The AuNP3 were stable against aggregation in the presence of phosphate and serum proteins and remained dispersed after their uptake into endosomes. MPEG-gPLL-stabilized AuNP3 exhibited high uptake and very low toxicity in human endothelial cells, but showed a high dose-dependent toxicity in epithelioid cancer cells. Highly stable radioactive labeling of AuNP3 with (99m)Tc allowed imaging of AuNP3 biodistribution and revealed dose-dependent long circulation in the blood. The minor fraction of AuGNP3 was found in major organs and at sites of experimentally induced inflammation. Gold analysis showed evidence of a partial degradation of the MPEG-gPLL layer in AuNP3 particles accumulated in major organs. Radiofrequency-mediated heating of AuNP3 solutions showed that AuNP3 exhibited heating behavior consistent with 10 nm core nanoparticles. We conclude that PEG-pPLL coating of AuNPs confers stealth properties that enable these particles to exist in vivo in a nonaggregating, biocompatible state making them suitable for potential use in biomedical applications such as noninvasive radiofrequency cancer therapy

    Detection of early antiangiogenic effects in human colon adenocarcinoma xenografts: in vivo changes of tumor blood volume in response to experimental VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor

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    Antiangiogenesis is emerging as efficient strategy for targeting and potentially eliminating neoplastic tumor vessels. The main goal of this study was to establish whether absolute tumor blood volume (V(b)) change could be used as an early predictor of antiangiogenesis in ectopic and orthotopic colon carcinomas. To assess therapy-induced changes of V(b), we did comparative analysis of signal intensities in tumors and muscle using steady-state magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assisted with an intravascular paramagnetic contrast agent [gadolinium-labeled protected graft copolymer (PGC-Gd)]. Athymic mice with implanted human MV522 tumors were treated with vascular endothelial growth factor type 2 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (VEGFR2-TKI) that has been shown to inhibit VEGFR2 phosphorylation and tumor growth in vivo. Animals were imaged either after a single day or after a 1-week course of treatments. The measured V(b) in ectopic tumors was 2.5 +/- 1.5% of total tissue volume 1 week after the implantation (n = 8). Two doses of VEGFR2-TKI (25 mg/kg, p.o., b.i.d.) resulted in a decrease of V(b) to 1.3 +/- 0.3%. In orthotopic tumors, the measured V(b) was initially higher (11.9 +/- 2.0%); however, VEGFR2-TKI treatment also resulted in a statistically significant decrease of V(b). The absolute V(b) was not affected in the muscle as a result of treatments. MRI measurements were corroborated by using isotope and correlative histology experiments. Our results show that steady-state MRI is highly sensitive to early antiangiogenic effects caused by small molecule drugs

    High-resolution Imaging of Myeloperoxidase Activity Sensors in Human Cerebrovascular Disease

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    Progress in clinical development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) substrate-sensors of enzymatic activity has been slow partly due to the lack of human efficacy data. We report here a strategy that may serve as a shortcut from bench to bedside. We tested ultra high-resolution 7T MRI (microMRI) of human surgical histology sections in a 3-year IRB approved, HIPAA compliant study of surgically clipped brain aneurysms. microMRI was used for assessing the efficacy of MRI substrate-sensors that detect myeloperoxidase activity in inflammation. The efficacy of Gd-5HT-DOTAGA, a novel myeloperoxidase (MPO) imaging agent synthesized by using a highly stable gadolinium (III) chelate was tested both in tissue-like phantoms and in human samples. After treating histology sections with paramagnetic MPO substrate-sensors we observed relaxation time shortening and MPO activity-dependent MR signal enhancement. An increase of normalized MR signal generated by ultra-short echo time MR sequences was corroborated by MPO activity visualization by using a fluorescent MPO substrate. The results of microMRI of MPO activity associated with aneurysmal pathology and immunohistochemistry demonstrated active involvement of neutrophils and neutrophil NETs as a result of pro-inflammatory signalling in the vascular wall and in the perivascular space of brain aneurysms

    Modeling the dynamics of glacial cycles

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    This article is concerned with the dynamics of glacial cycles observed in the geological record of the Pleistocene Epoch. It focuses on a conceptual model proposed by Maasch and Saltzman [J. Geophys. Res.,95, D2 (1990), pp. 1955-1963], which is based on physical arguments and emphasizes the role of atmospheric CO2 in the generation and persistence of periodic orbits (limit cycles). The model consists of three ordinary differential equations with four parameters for the anomalies of the total global ice mass, the atmospheric CO2 concentration, and the volume of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). In this article, it is shown that a simplified two-dimensional symmetric version displays many of the essential features of the full model, including equilibrium states, limit cycles, their basic bifurcations, and a Bogdanov-Takens point that serves as an organizing center for the local and global dynamics. Also, symmetry breaking splits the Bogdanov-Takens point into two, with different local dynamics in their neighborhoods

    Computational Complexity in Electronic Structure

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    In quantum chemistry, the price paid by all known efficient model chemistries is either the truncation of the Hilbert space or uncontrolled approximations. Theoretical computer science suggests that these restrictions are not mere shortcomings of the algorithm designers and programmers but could stem from the inherent difficulty of simulating quantum systems. Extensions of computer science and information processing exploiting quantum mechanics has led to new ways of understanding the ultimate limitations of computational power. Interestingly, this perspective helps us understand widely used model chemistries in a new light. In this article, the fundamentals of computational complexity will be reviewed and motivated from the vantage point of chemistry. Then recent results from the computational complexity literature regarding common model chemistries including Hartree-Fock and density functional theory are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Comments welcom

    Water-structuring molecules and nanomaterials enhance radiofrequency heating in biologically relevant solutions

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    For potential applications in nano-mediated radiofrequency cancer hyperthermia, the nanomaterial under investigation must increase the heating of any aqueous solution in which it is suspended when exposed to radiofrequency electric fields. This should also be true for a broad range of solution conductivities, especially those that artificially mimic the ionic environment of biological systems. Herein we demonstrate enhanced heating of biologically relevant aqueous solutions using kosmotropes and a hexamalonoserinolamide fullerene

    Known-key Distinguisher on Full PRESENT

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    In this article, we analyse the known-key security of the standardized PRESENT lightweight block cipher. Namely, we propose a known-key distinguisher on the full PRESENT, both 80- and 128-bit key versions. We first leverage the very latest advances in differential cryptanalysis on PRESENT, which are as strong as the best linear cryptanalysis in terms of number of attacked rounds. Differential properties are much easier to handle for a known-key distinguisher than linear properties, and we use a bias on the number of collisions on some predetermined input/output bits as distinguishing property. In order to reach the full PRESENT, we eventually introduce a new meet-in-the-middle layer to propagate the differential properties as far as possible. Our techniques have been implemented and verified on the small scale variant of PRESENT. While the known-key security model is very generous with the attacker, it makes sense in practice since PRESENT has been proposed as basic building block to design lightweight hash functions, where no secret is manipulated. Our distinguisher can for example apply to the compression function obtained by placing PRESENT in a Davies-Meyer mode. We emphasize that this is the very first attack that can reach the full number of rounds of the PRESENT block cipher