32 research outputs found

    Wykorzystanie baz danych w marketingu

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    This article explains how to utilize a database in the marketing activities. It shows, how a databases can improve performance of the management in areas like: market knowledge, direct marketing, customer relationship management, marketing research and Internet. Also provides you characteristics basis procedure of an application databases in basic direction of the marketing activities.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Wyznaczniki decyzji zakupowych towarów konsumpcyjnych mieszkańców Poznania i Wielkopolski

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    The article offers an analysis of purchase determinants for individual consumers in Poznań and the Wielkopolska region (without Poznań) The analysis has been based on the outcomes of consumer research carried out in the years 2011 and 2013 at the Poznań University of Economics as well as on other research studies published in Polish sources. As a result, the study has specified and compared the basic groups of determinants shaping the purchase of foodstuffs and cosmetics, footwear, clothing, and consumer durables, as well as their variability in the years 2011 through 2013.W artykule przedstawiono analizę wyznaczników zakupu towarów przez konsumentów indywidualnych w Poznaniu i Wielkopolsce. Analiza została przeprowadzona na podstawie wyników badań konsumenckich zrealizowanych w latach 2011 i 2013 w Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Poznaniu oraz innych polskich badań rynkowych z tego zakresu. W rezultacie zidentyfikowano i porównano podstawowe grupy czynników kształtujących zakupy artykułów żywnościowych, chemii gospodarczej i kosmetyków, obuwia i odzieży oraz artykułów trwałego użytku oraz ich zmienność latach 2011-2013

    Consumer Behaviour on the Non-Dairy Fermented Market

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    Theoretical background: In recent decades, an increase in the consumption of non-dairy fermented products with probiotic potential has been observed. Food choices is a complex process that involves several factors concerning product-related aspects like taste, pro-health values, price or packaging, as well as individual factors (e.g. beliefs) or social issues (e.g. culture, tradition).Purpose of the article: Therefore, the aim of this study was to understand the food choices, food intake and purchasing habits regarding vegetables fermented products (focusing on preserves and juices) in the reality of the Polish market.Research methods: The research was conducted in Poland with the use of an original questionnaire among a group of 205 individuals of both genders, aged between 21 and above 60 years old. Also, descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc Tukey’s test were used in the data analyses.Main findings: Research findings indicate that fermented vegetable foods are mainly seen as pro-health products characterized by probiotic properties, higher vitamin C content and associated with the ability to increase human’s immunity. Sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and beetroots are the most frequently and eagerly consumed products. On the other hand, fermented vegetable juices are less popular among respondents. The most crucial factors determining the choice of this product category include taste, pro-health and probiotic properties, nutritional values and product composition.Theoretical background: In recent decades, an increase in the consumption of non-dairy fermented products with probiotic potential has been observed. Food choices is a complex process that involves several factors concerning product-related aspects like taste, pro-health values, price or packaging, as well as individual factors (e.g. beliefs) or social issues (e.g. culture, tradition).Purpose of the article: Therefore, the aim of this study was to understand the food choices, food intake and purchasing habits regarding vegetables fermented products (focusing on preserves and juices) in the reality of the Polish market.Research methods: The research was conducted in Poland with the use of an original questionnaire among a group of 205 individuals of both genders, aged between 21 and above 60 years old. Also, descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc Tukey’s test were used in the data analyses.Main findings: Research findings indicate that fermented vegetable foods are mainly seen as pro-health products characterized by probiotic properties, higher vitamin C content and associated with the ability to increase human’s immunity. Sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and beetroots are the most frequently and eagerly consumed products. On the other hand, fermented vegetable juices are less popular among respondents. The most crucial factors determining the choice of this product category include taste, pro-health and probiotic properties, nutritional values and product composition

    Packaging as a source of information on the product in food purchasing decisions : the case of Poland

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    Purpose: The article aims to identify, analyze and determine the key information placed on food packaging, which constitute the informative value of packaging in the context of the impact on the purchasing decisions of food products by housewives in Poland. Design/Methodology/Approach: The conducted analysis assumed that in the food purchasing process the consumer perceives and analyzes selected information encoded on food packaging (both obligatory and optional). Determinants of the informative value of food packaging influencing purchasing decisions were identified during the study - an individual categorized interview, which was carried out among women - housewives in Poland (N = 900) in 2019. Findings: The analysis of the results of the study with the use of basic techniques for assessing the significance of variables and exploratory factor analysis made it possible to identify key information on the packaging of food products that affect the purchasing decisions of housewives in Poland. The identified key information allowed us to develop determinants of the informational value of food packaging in the context of the impact on the purchasing decisions of consumers in Poland. Practical Implications: The identified determinants of the informational value of food packaging are a valuable guide for entities placing food on the market in terms of packaging design, in particular, the appropriate selection of optional information as well as the legibility and reliability of labeling packaging with obligatory information. Originality/Value: The conducted identification and analysis of the key determinants of the informational value of food packaging may be a reference point for packaging of non-food products (cosmetics, household chemicals, dietary supplements, OTC drugs).peer-reviewe

    Challenges facing the marketing of scientific and research institutes

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    This article presents the challenges that scientific research institutions face in terms of their marketing, which have been divided into two groups of those associated with internal marketing and those linked to external marketing. The most significant and important determinants that constitute challenges to both internal and external marketing were described. The key aspects of each of the identified challenges were indicated, as was their impact on the implementation of the marketing policy at institutions

    Wyzwania dla marketingu instytucji naukowych i badawczych

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    This article presents the challenges that scientific research institutions face in terms of their marketing, which have been divided into two groups of those associated with internal marke-ting and those linked to external marketing. The most significant and important determinants that constitute challenges to both internal and external marketing were described. The key aspects of each of the identified challenges were indicated, as was their impact on the imple-mentation of the marketing policy at institutions.W artykule przedstawiono wyzwania dla marketingu instytucji naukowo – badawczej, które podzielono na związane z marketingiem wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym. Scharakteryzowano najbardziej istotne i ważne determinanty stanowiące wyzwania zarówno dla marketingu we-wnętrznego jak i zewnętrznego. Wskazano na najbardziej istotne aspekty każdego z wyodręb-nionych wyzwań i ich wpływ na realizację polityki marketingowej instytucji

    Te ways of supporting the activity of small and medium enterprises in Germany

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    The article presents basic issues of functioning of small and medium enterprises in Germany. Special attention is paid to crediting and consulting. The authors discuss levels and forms of credit offered to small and medium companies and present institutions that implement various credit programmes. The authors also discuss the issues connected with consulting as well as with research and development programmes. All issues are illustrated with recent statistical data.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    Uwarunkowania działalności marketingowej instytucji naukowych i badawczych

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    In the article the internal and external determinant factors which influence research and scientific institutions’ choice of business orientation are presented. Typical business orientations fit for application in such institutions for the purpose of carrying out market tasks are presented. Against their background the tasks of marketing in such institutions are outlined and the currently available set of marketing instruments at their disposal is discussed.W artykule przedstawione zostały uwarunkowania wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne, które wpływają na wybór orientacji biznesowej przez instytucje naukowe i badawcze. Scharakteryzowano typowe orientacje biznesowe możliwe do zastosowania przez te instytucje w realizacji zadań rynkowych Na ich tle zarysowano zadania marketingu tych instytucji i omówiono dostępne współcześnie instrumentarium marketingowe będące w ich dyspozycji

    Wykorzystanie baz danych w marketingu

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    This article explains how to utilize a database in the marketing activities. It shows, how a databases can improve performance of the management in areas like: market knowledge, direct marketing, customer relationship management, marketing research and Internet. Also provides you characteristics basis procedure of an application databases in basic direction of the marketing activities