547 research outputs found

    Religious Beliefs of World Boxing Champions as a Factor of Influence on Ukrainian Society in the Context of Social Responsibility

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    The issue regarding the influence of mass media on the public consciousness is one of the priorities in the times of the digitalization of the information space. Great sports such as professional boxing are world-famous and have a wide resonance in the media. As a result, scientists are paying attention to the study of factors of influence that arise during the information coverage of sporting events. Religious beliefs are a conditional plane of differentiation of different worldview systems, but in the 21st century, they are harmoniously integrated into the colors of different cultures, nationalities, and states. Celebrities’ religious beliefs can be influential factors that have certain results and consequences for society. This article considers the issue of social responsibility of world boxing champions for the public demonstration of their own religious beliefs as the example of the Ukrainian experience. The latter is relevant for the international community in the context of the rapid movement of Ukraine towards European integration and accession to NATO. The stated issues are considered in the example of media activity of Ukrainian world boxing champions, O. Usyk and V. Lomachenko. The problem is exacerbated against the background of the current Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war, where the plane of the religious worldview is actively used as a destructive factor of informational influence. In this context, this paper presents the data of the study of the coefficient of possibilities of informational influence of the Russian Federation on neighboring countries. The most resonant examples of media activity of Ukrainian world boxing champions on the topic of covering their own religious beliefs are demonstrated. Indicators of media potential of the influence of athletes\u27 religious worldviews on society are analyzed

    Nonlinearity as a strategy for creating postmodern musical texts in the 1970-1990s

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    It is relevant in this research context to consider the ways of organizing the text, algorithms, and ideological principles of modeling the content components of a musical work. The purpose of the study is to establish strategies for the development of postmodernism in music, as well as non-linearity in music as a creative strategy of postmodernism. The study is devoted to fragmentation as perception and accumulation of information, a form of artistic experience reflected in musical creativity. Precedent phenomena that perform the function of meaning-making in the music of the last decades of the 20th century are determined by their symbolism, the possibility of mentonization and evaluation. Thus, in the musical text of postmodernism, the new work is incorporated into the figurative and expressive system in the space of fragmentary discourse, and the extratextual content of the musical text is formed. The research methodology is based on complex approaches. The main methods used in work are description, analysis, and synthesis, the method of intertextuality and the comparative-historical method were used to work with the material. The result of the work is the definition of new methods of constructing musical works of fragmented discourse, where an effective means is the selection of precedent phenomena, an individualistic vision of the audience, and intertext

    War as a hybrid method of aggressive plan

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    Присвячено актуальній проблемі виникнення комплексних глобальних криз, на основі яких виникають гібридні війни, їх попередження та пом’якшення можливих негативних наслідків. Досліджено проблеми прогнозування суспільних протиріч та організації управління кризами взаємовідносин. Вивчено природу та особливості виникнення і розвитку штучних системно-комплексних криз, які служать чинниками виникнення гібридних воєн. Розглянуто можливі заходи для організованого попередження кризовим явищам шляхом упровадження конкретних кроків, які базуються на матеріалах Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції в Анталії (Туреччина 2007 р.), та власних статей: «Про кризу взаємовідносин в загальній теорії криз, або Шлях виходу з безвиході», «Повний регіональний господарський розрахунок в Україні може випередити федералізацію як інструментарій сепаратистських намагань деструктивних сил, або Чому мовчать з цієї проблематики науковці», «Велика ілюзія правди, або Сліди вселенського розуму на тлі українського абсурду», ін. Науково обґрунтовано та запропоновано конкретні заходи з попередження збройних конфліктів, гібридних воєн у нестабільних економічних та політичних умовах.The article is devoted to the up-to-day problem of complex global crises on which hybrid wars are occurred, their prevention and mitigation of possible negative consequences. It was studied the nature and features of the emergence and development of artificial systems-complex crises that are factors of hybrid wars. It was envisaged the possible measures for organized preventing crises by implementing specific measures based on the International scientific and practical conference in Antalia (Turkey, 2007) and the authors’ own articles: «The crisis of relations in the general theory of crisis and ways out of the impasse», «Full regional economic calculation in Ukraine can get ahead of federalization as tools of separatist attempts destructive forces, or why scientists are silent on this issue», «The great illusion of truth, or Taint of ecumenical mind against the backdrop of Ukrainian absurd», etc. It was determined that crisis occurs, usually in the presence of certain conflicts and contradictions, i.e. the presence of bipolar factors which bring about the crisis. This determined the necessity of presenting visually the nature of the occurrence and effects of management relationships that could lead to armed conflict embittered people, hybrid war. It was highlighted that in the global economic crisis certain financial, monetary and others processes promote and how they coordinate with branch Ukrainian troubles which are characterized by specific indicators: increased tariff and price position, decline of social production, inflation, deteriorating living standards. Scientifically based and proposed specific measures for the prevention of armed conflict, hybrid wars in unstable economic and political conditions. The necessity of immediate mobilization of efforts to develop a standards relationships in all spheres of social coexistence, which would regulate from the spiritual, moral and humanistic perspective, international relations, not only in trade, but also in religious, spiritual and other forms of social life


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    Studies have been conducted into the content of toxic elements in sprouted and unsprouted lentils, juniper fruits and thyme herb, manufactured samples of semi-smoked sausages whose formulation contained the specified ingredients. The samples were prepared for conducting the study. Measuring the mass fraction of heavy metals is based on the selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency by atoms of substance in a free state. Metal mass fraction in the mineralizate of a sample of food products was calculated by the calibration dependence of absorption magnitude on mass concentration of the metal. Measurement of copper and zinc mass fractions involved an atomization technique in the air-acetylene flame, with a burner heated to a temperature of around 3000 °C; their content was determined by the magnitude of radiation resonance absorption at analytical wavelength corresponding to the examined metal. It was determined that the investigated vegetable raw materials and semi-smoked sausages did not contain toxic elements that exceeded the standard

    High-resolution remote thermography using luminescent low-dimensional tin-halide perovskites

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    While metal-halide perovskites have recently revolutionized research in optoelectronics through a unique combination of performance and synthetic simplicity, their low-dimensional counterparts can further expand the field with hitherto unknown and practically useful optical functionalities. In this context, we present the strong temperature dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) lifetime of low-dimensional, perovskite-like tin-halides, and apply this property to thermal imaging with a high precision of 0.05 {\deg}C. The PL lifetimes are governed by the heat-assisted de-trapping of self-trapped excitons, and their values can be varied over several orders of magnitude by adjusting the temperature (up to 20 ns {\deg}C-1). Typically, this sensitive range spans up to one hundred centigrade, and it is both compound-specific and shown to be compositionally and structurally tunable from -100 to 110 {\deg} C going from [C(NH2)3]2SnBr4 to Cs4SnBr6 and (C4N2H14I)4SnI6. Finally, through the innovative implementation of cost-effective hardware for fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLI), based on time-of-flight (ToF) technology, these novel thermoluminophores have been used to record thermographic videos with high spatial and thermal resolution.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Milk recording as a factor influencing the performance of the dairy sector in Poland

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    Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the economic situation of dairy farms enrolled in milk recording and determine the impact of milk recording on the Polish dairy sector's productivity. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study involved agricultural holdings which specialized in dairy cattle farming in 2011-2013, kept continuous milk production records, conducted the required number of milk tests, were within the field of observation of the Polish Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), and kept continuous accounts during the investigated period. Findings: The article analyzes the Polish milk market and the size and milk performance of the dairy cow population in Poland relative to selected EU countries. Milk recording was defined, and its objectives, the relevant laws, and methods were presented. The resources, organizational structure, output, financial performance, production value, sales, costs, and income of dairy farms enrolled in milk recording (listed in SYMLEK and FADN databases), and dairy farms listed in the FADN database only were compared. The costs associated with milk recording and the share of recording costs in the evaluated dairy farms' total costs were estimated. Practical implications: The results will fill in the gap concerning factors influencing the dairy sector's performance in Poland. Originality/Value: The new information about the potential effects of milk recording in the entire population of dairy cows in Poland in 2012-2017 was analyzed.peer-reviewe

    Теоретические аспекты использования интерактивных технологий в процессе обучения иностранным языкам в разных возрастных группах

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    The new educational standards which reflect modern reality demand new understanding of the following functions of vocational training, such as adapt2able, informative, developing. The competent teacher provides the students with the subject model of education, model of parity relations and social partnership, builds the educational process on the basis of three components which form unity and integrity: education, training and development. The working people today proved to be in conditions when to find out the solution of a problem they need not only new knowledge from the sphere of sciences in accordance with the specialization of their work, but the ability to extract and apply new knowledge in their own practical activityНовые образовательные стандарты, отражающие объективные условия современной реальности, требуют нового понимания функций профессионального образования, таких как адаптационная, информационная, развивающая. Компетентный преподаватель обеспечивает субъектную модель образования, модель паритетных отношений и социального партнерства, строит образовательный процесс на основе трех компонентов, образующих единство и целостность: воспитания, обучения и развития. Специалисты сегодня оказались в условиях, когда для решения своих проблем им необходимы не только новые знания из сферы наук по своему профилю работы, но и способность их добывать и применять в собственной практик

    Report from the international project CPEA-ST/10022

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    The development of this course has provided a platform for developing further courses at Ukrainian universities and also at Nord University. This is a good foundation for other courses and degrees that supply this necessary expertise to different higher education institutions in Ukraine and in other countries. Development of the course has also led to an improved partnership between KNU, ChNU, TNEU and NUBS, and broadened the basis of our cooperation

    QR code design: From digital graphics to environmental, product and fashion design

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    Classification of design codes by the level of complexity of their design was cre-ated for the first time. The obtained results are key to understanding the role of the QR code as a full-fledged work of art in the context of modern design. In the future, this will allow us to single out the most noticeable trends in the development of coded information in the conditions of modern visual culture