330 research outputs found

    Cosmogenic Ar-36 from neutron capture by Cl-35 in the Chico L6 chondrite: Additional evidence for large shielding

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    The cosmic ray produced Ar-36/Ar-38 ratio measured in iron meteorites is about 0.65, but is not well determined for stone meteorites due to the common presence of trapped Ar or absorbed atmospheric Ar in bulk analysis. Almost all single-extraction measurements of stones give Ar-36/Ar-38 ratios intermediate between the trapped and air values of 5.3 and the expected cosmogenic value of about 0.65. The isotopic composition of Ar was measured for stepwise temperature release of both chondritic and melt portions of Chico. The Chico data suggest that for large chondrites, the cosmogenic Ar-36/Ar-38 ratio may well be higher than 0.65, and therefore the procedure of correcting bulk analysis results may underestimate the concentration of cosmogenic Ar-38. In this context we note that in analysis of many Antarctic chondrites observed that determined amounts of cosmogenic Ar-38 averaged about 13 percent too low in comparison to that expected from measurements of other cosmogenic species

    In Vacuum High Accuracy Mechanical Positioning System of Nano Resolution Beam Position Monitor at the Interaction Point of ATF2

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    TUOCB203 - ISBN 978-3-95450-122-9International audienceATF2 is a low energy (1.3GeV) prototype of the final focus system for ILC and CLIC linear collider projects. A major goal of ATF2 is to demonstrate the ability to stabilise the beam position at the interaction point, where the beam can be focused down to about 35 nm. For this purpose, a set of new Beam Position Monitors (BPM) has been designed, with an expected resolution of about 2 nm. These BPMs must be very well aligned with respect to the beam, at the few micron level, to fully exploit their fine resolution. In this paper, the mechanical positioning system which has been developed to enable such a precise alignment is presented. It is based on a set of eight piezo actuators with nanometer range displacement resolution, mounted in a new specially made vacuum chamber. Due to the expected resolution of the piezo actuators, this system also brings a new functionality, the possibility to calibrate the BPMs by mechanically scanning the beam


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    Collisions probably occurred frequently in the early history of the asteroid belt. Their effects, which should be recorded in meteorites, must have included heating and melting along with shock alteration of mineral textures. Some non-chondritic meteorite types e.g., eucrites and IIE and IAB irons - do indeed give evidence of extensive impact heating more than 3.4 Gyr ago. The ordinary chondrites, in contrast, show little evidence of early impact heating. The Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr ages of ordinary chondrites that experienced intense shock are for the most part relatively young, many less than 1.5 Gyr. The numerous L-chondrites with Ar- Ar ages clustering near 0.5 Gy are a well-known example. One of them, the 105-kg Chico Lchondrite, shows the effects of unusually intense heating. It is approximately 60% impact melt and likely formed as a dyke beneath a large crater when the L-chondrite parent body underwent a very large impact approximately 0.5 Gyr ago. In rare instances, older shock dates are indicated for ordinary chondrites. Dixon et al show early impact resetting of Ar-Ar ages of a few LL-chondrites including MIL 99301 at 4.23 0.03 Gyr, but in none of these stones did shock lead to extensive melting. As of 2003, searches for chondritic melts attributable to early shock had turned up only the Shaw L-chondrite, which has an Ar-Ar age of approximately 4.42 Gyr. PAT91501 is an 8.55-kg L-chondrite containing vesicles and metal-troilite nodules. It is a unique, near-total impact melt, unshocked, depleted in siderophile and chalcophile elements, and contains only approximately 10% relic chondritic material. The authors conclude that PAT91501 crystallized rapidly and from a much more homogeneous melt than did Shaw. They suggest that PAT resembles Chico and likely formed as an impact melt vein within an impact crater. To define the history of PAT, we have determined its Ar-39-Ar-40 age and measured several radioactive and stable nuclides produced during its space exposure to cosmic rays

    Prioritizing Research for Integrated Implementation of Early Childhood Development and Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition Platforms

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    Background: Existing health and nutrition services present potential platforms for scaling up delivery of early childhood development (ECD) interventions within sensitive windows across the life course, especially in the first 1000 days from conception to age 2 years. However, there is insufficient knowledge on how to optimize implementation for such strategies in an integrated manner. In light of this knowledge gap, we aimed to systematically identify a set of integrated implementation research priorities for health, nutrition and early child development within the 2015 to 2030 timeframe of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Methods: We applied the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative method, and consulted a diverse group of global health experts to develop and score 57 research questions against five criteria: answerability, effectiveness, deliverability, impact, and effect on equity. These questions were ranked using a research priority score, and the average expert agreement score was calculated for each question. Findings: The research priority scores ranged from 61.01 to 93.52, with a median of 82.87. The average expert agreement scores ranged from 0.50 to 0.90, with a median of 0.75. The top-ranked research question were: i) How can interventions and packages to reduce neonatal mortality be expanded to include ECD and stimulation interventions? ; ii) How does the integration of ECD and MNCAH&N interventions affect human resource requirements and capacity development in resource-poor settings? ; and iii) How can integrated interventions be tailored to vulnerable refugee and migrant populations to protect against poor ECD and MNCAH&N outcomes? . Most highly-ranked research priorities varied across the life course and highlighted key aspects of scaling up coverage of integrated interventions in resource-limited settings, including: workforce and capacity development, cost-effectiveness and strategies to reduce financial barriers, and quality assessment of programs. Conclusions: Investing in ECD is critical to achieving several of the SDGs, including SDG 2 on ending all forms of malnutrition, SDG 3 on ensuring health and well-being for all, and SDG 4 on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of life-long learning opportunities for all. The generated research agenda is expected to drive action and investment on priority approaches to integrating ECD interventions within existing health and nutrition services

    Concepts and Benefits of Lunar Core Drilling

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    Understanding lunar material at depth is critical to nearly every aspect of NASA s Vision and Strategic Plan. As we consider sending human s back to the Moon for brief and extended periods, we will need to utilize lunar materials in construction, for resource extraction, and for radiation shielding and protection. In each case, we will be working with materials at some depth beneath the surface. Understanding the properties of that material is critical, thus the need for Lunar core drilling capability. Of course, the science benefit from returning core samples and operating down-hole autonomous experiments is a key element of Lunar missions as defined by NASA s Exploration Systems Architecture Study. Lunar missions will be targeted to answer specific questions concerning lunar science and re-sources

    Status of Diamond Detector Development for Beam Halo Investigation at ATF2

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    Work supported by Chinese Scholarship Council - THPME092, ISBN 978-3-95450-132-8International audienceWe are developing a diamond detector for beam halo and Compton spectrum diagnostics after the interaction point (IP) of ATF2, a low energy (1.3 GeV) prototype of the final focus system for ILC and CLIC linear collider projects. Tests of a 500 μm thick sCVD diamond detector with a dimension of 4.5 mm×4.5 mm have been carried out with radioactive sources and with electron beam from PHIL low energy (<10 MeV) photo-injector at LAL. The tests at PHIL were done with different beam intensities in air, just after the exit window at the end of the beam line, to test the response of the diamond detector and the readout electronics. We have successfully detected signals from single electrons, using a 40 dB amplifier, and from an electron beam of 108 electrons, using a 24 dB attenuator. A diamond sensor with 4 strips has been designed and fabricated for installation in the vacuum chambers of ATF2 and PHIL, with the aim to scan both the beam halo (with 2 strips of 1.5 mm×4 mm) and the beam core (with 2 strips of 0.1 mm×4 mm) transverse distributions

    First step towards the new SPIRAL2 project control system

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    International audienceThe Spiral2 project at Ganil aims to produce rare ion beams using a Uranium carbide target fission process. The accelerator consists of a RFQ followed by a superconducting cavity linac and is designed to provide high intensity primary beams (deuterons, protons or heavy ions). The accelerator should be commissioned by the end of 2011; then, the first tests aiming to produce exotic beams are planned one year later. The control system will result of the collaboration between several institutes among which the Saclay Dapnia division yet having a good experience and knowledge with Epics. So and also because of its widely used functionalities, Epics has been chosen as the basic framework for the accelerator control and people from the other laboratories belonging to the collaboration are progressively acquiring a first experience with Epics. The paper first explains the organisation of the collaboration then it describes the basic hardware and software choices for the project. Some preliminary implementations are therefore given. As the project is still in its beginning phase, the paper ends by listing some interrogations not yet solved for the control system definition and opened for discussion

    Prioritizing research for integrated implementation of early childhood development and maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition platforms

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    Background: Existing health and nutrition services present potential platforms for scaling up delivery of early childhood development (ECD) interventions within sensitive windows across the life course, especially in the first 1000 days from conception to age 2 years. However, there is insufficient knowledge on how to optimize implementation for such strategies in an integrated manner. In light of this knowledge gap, we aimed to systematically identify a set of integrated implementation research priorities for health, nutrition and early child development within the 2015 to 2030 timeframe of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Methods: We applied the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative method, and consulted a diverse group of global health experts to develop and score 57 research questions against five criteria: answerability, effectiveness, deliverability, impact, and effect on equity. These questions were ranked using a research priority score, and the average expert agreement score was calculated for each question.Findings: The research priority scores ranged from 61.01 to 93.52, with a median of 82.87. The average expert agreement scores ranged from 0.50 to 0.90, with a median of 0.75. The top-ranked research question were: i) How can interventions and packages to reduce neonatal mortality be expanded to include ECD and stimulation interventions? ; ii) How does the integration of ECD and MNCAH&N interventions affect human resource requirements and capacity development in resource-poor settings? ; and iii) How can integrated interventions be tailored to vulnerable refugee and migrant populations to protect against poor ECD and MNCAH&N outcomes? . Most highly-ranked research priorities varied across the life course and highlighted key aspects of scaling up coverage of integrated interventions in resource-limited settings, including: workforce and capacity development, cost-effectiveness and strategies to reduce financial barriers, and quality assessment of programs.Conclusions: Investing in ECD is critical to achieving several of the SDGs, including SDG 2 on ending all forms of malnutrition, SDG 3 on ensuring health and well-being for all, and SDG 4 on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of life-long learning opportunities for all. The generated research agenda is expected to drive action and investment on priority approaches to integrating ECD interventions within existing health and nutrition services

    The probe beam linac in CTF3

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    JACoW web site http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/e06/The test facility CTF3, presently under construction at CERN within an international collaboration, is aimed at demonstrating the key feasibility issues of the multi-TeV linear collider CLIC. The objective of the probe beam linac is to "mimic" the main beam of CLIC in order to measure precisely the performances of the 30 GHz CLIC accelerating structures. In order to meet the required parameters of this 200 MeV probe beam, in terms of emittance, energy spread and bunch-length, the most advanced techniques have been considered: laser triggered photo-injector, velocity bunching, beam-loading compensation, RF pulse compression ... The final layout is described, and the selection criteria and the beam dynamics results are reviewed