
First step towards the new SPIRAL2 project control system


International audienceThe Spiral2 project at Ganil aims to produce rare ion beams using a Uranium carbide target fission process. The accelerator consists of a RFQ followed by a superconducting cavity linac and is designed to provide high intensity primary beams (deuterons, protons or heavy ions). The accelerator should be commissioned by the end of 2011; then, the first tests aiming to produce exotic beams are planned one year later. The control system will result of the collaboration between several institutes among which the Saclay Dapnia division yet having a good experience and knowledge with Epics. So and also because of its widely used functionalities, Epics has been chosen as the basic framework for the accelerator control and people from the other laboratories belonging to the collaboration are progressively acquiring a first experience with Epics. The paper first explains the organisation of the collaboration then it describes the basic hardware and software choices for the project. Some preliminary implementations are therefore given. As the project is still in its beginning phase, the paper ends by listing some interrogations not yet solved for the control system definition and opened for discussion

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