101 research outputs found

    Measurement of the decay of laser-driven linear plasma wakefields.

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    We present measurements of the temporal decay rate of one-dimensional (1D), linear Langmuir waves excited by an ultrashort laser pulse. Langmuir waves with relative amplitudes of approximately 6% were driven by 1.7J, 50fs laser pulses in hydrogen and deuterium plasmas of density n_{e0}=8.4×10^{17}cm^{-3}. The wakefield lifetimes were measured to be τ_{wf}^{H_{2}}=(9±2) ps and τ_{wf}^{D_{2}}=(16±8) ps, respectively, for hydrogen and deuterium. The experimental results were found to be in good agreement with 2D particle-in-cell simulations. In addition to being of fundamental interest, these results are particularly relevant to the development of laser wakefield accelerators and wakefield acceleration schemes using multiple pulses, such as multipulse laser wakefield accelerators

    The EBLM project : III. A Saturn-size low-mass star at the hydrogen-burning limit

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    This work was partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation (PI Queloz, grant number 327127).We report the discovery of an eclipsing binary system with mass-ratio q ∼ 0.07. After identifying a periodic photometric signal received by WASP, we obtained CORALIE spectroscopic radial velocities and follow-up light curves with the Euler and TRAPPIST telescopes. From a joint fit of these data we determine that EBLM J0555-57 consists of a sun-like primary star that is eclipsed by a low-mass companion, on a weakly eccentric 7.8-day orbit. Using a mass estimate for the primary star derived from stellar models, we determine a companion mass of 85 ± 4 MJup (0.081 M⊙) and a radius of 0.84+ 0.14 -0.04RJup (0.084 R⊙) that is comparable to that of Saturn. EBLM J0555-57Ab has a surface gravity log g2 =5.50+ 0.03 -0.13 and is one of the densest non-stellar-remnant objects currently known. These measurements are consistent with models of low-mass stars.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Low-density hydrodynamic optical-field-ionized plasma channels generated with an axicon lens

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    We demonstrate optical guiding of high-intensity laser pulses in long, low density hydrodynamic optical-field-ionized (HOFI) plasma channels. An axicon lens is used to generate HOFI plasma channels with on-axis electron densities as low as ne(0)=1.5×1017cm3n_e(0) = 1.5\times 10^{17}\, \mathrm{cm}^{-3} and matched spot sizes in the range 20μmWM40μm 20 \mu \mathrm{m} \lesssim W_M \lesssim 40 \mu \mathrm{m}. Control of these channel parameters via adjustment of the initial cell pressure and the delay after the arrival of the channel-forming pulse is demonstrated. For laser pulses with a peak axial intensity of 4×1017Wcm24 \times 10^{17}\, \mathrm{W\,cm}^{-2}, highly reproducible, high-quality guiding over more than 14 Rayleigh ranges is achieved at a pulse repetition rate of 5 Hz, limited by the available channel-forming laser and vacuum pumping system. Plasma channels of this type would seem to be well suited to multi-GeV laser wakefield accelerators operating in the quasi-linear regime

    The EBLM Project : IV. Spectroscopic orbits of over 100 eclipsing M dwarfs masquerading as transiting hot-Jupiters

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    We present 2271 radial velocity measurements taken on 118 single-line binary stars, taken over eight years with the CORALIE spectrograph. The binaries consist of F/G/K primaries and M dwarf secondaries. They were initially discovered photometricallyby the WASP planet survey, as their shallow eclipses mimic a hot Jupiter transit. The observations we present permit a precise characterisation of the binary orbital elements and mass function. With modelling of the primary star, this mass function is converted to a mass of the secondary star. In the future, this spectroscopic work will be combined with precise photometric eclipses to draw anempirical mass/radius relation for the bottom of the mass sequence. This has applications in both stellar astrophysics and the growing number of exoplanet surveys around M dwarfs. In particular, we have discovered 34 systems with a secondary mass below 0.2M⊙ and so we will ultimately double the number of known very low-mass stars with well-characterised masses and radii.The quality of our data combined with the amplitude of the Doppler variations mean that we are able to detect eccentricities as small as 0.001 and orbital periods to sub-second precision. Our sample can revisit some earlier work on the tidal evolution of close binaries, extending it to low mass ratios. We find some exceptional binary systems that are eccentric at orbital periods below three days, while our longest circular orbit has a period of 10.4 days. Amongst our systems, we note one remarkable architecture in J1146-42 that boasts three stars within one astronomical unit. By collating the EBLM binaries with published WASP planets and brown dwarfs, we derive a mass spectrum with twice the resolutionof previous work. We compare the WASP/EBLM sample of tightly bound orbits with work in the literature on more distant companionsup to 10 AU. We note that the brown dwarf desert appears wider, as it carves into the planetary domain for our short-period orbits.This would mean that a significantly reduced abundance of planets begins at ∼3MJup, well before the deuterium-burning limit. This may shed light on the formation and migration history of massive gas giants.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Meter-Scale, Conditioned Hydrodynamic Optical-Field-Ionized Plasma Channels

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    We demonstrate through experiments and numerical simulations that low-density, low-loss, meter-scale plasma channels can be generated by employing a conditioning laser pulse to ionize the neutral gas collar surrounding a hydrodynamic optical-field-ionized (HOFI) plasma channel. We use particle-in-cell simulations to show that the leading edge of the conditioning pulse ionizes the neutral gas collar to generate a deep, low-loss plasma channel which guides the bulk of the conditioning pulse itself as well as any subsequently injected pulses. In proof-of-principle experiments we generate conditioned HOFI (CHOFI) waveguides with axial electron densities of ne01×1017  cm3n_\mathrm{e0} \approx 1 \times 10^{17} \; \mathrm{cm^{-3}}, and a matched spot size of 26  μm26 \; \mathrm{\mu m}. The power attenuation length of these CHOFI channels is Latt=(21±3)  mL_\mathrm{att} = (21 \pm 3) \; \mathrm{m}, more than two orders of magnitude longer than achieved by HOFI channels. Hydrodynamic and particle-in-cell simulations demonstrate that meter-scale CHOFI waveguides with attenuation lengths exceeding 1 m could be generated with a total laser pulse energy of only 1.21.2 J per meter of channel. The properties of CHOFI channels are ideally suited to many applications in high-intensity light-matter interactions, including multi-GeV plasma accelerator stages operating at high pulse repetition rates