11 research outputs found

    Transformer collectivement et localement le service public des déchets : expérimentations dans des tiers-lieux-ressourceries franciliennes

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    International audience"In a bottom-up dynamic and at a local level, third sector organisations develop services promoting the reuse and repair of second-hand objects. They are seen as an alternative to the dominant model and often involve the exploration of collective governance. New operators are joining the public service, generating new types of interaction with it. Among these projects, third places are emerging in the form of second-hand shops, or « ressourceries », creating experimental and hybrid models of them. This article explores the contributions of their experimentations in the « ressourcerie » activity. It also reviews the experimentation processes and the place that third places take in them." (source éditeur)"Dans une dynamique « par le bas » et à une échelle locale, des structures du tiers-secteur mettent en place des services autour du réemploi, de la réutilisation et de la réparation des objets, présentés comme des alternatives au modèle de gestion des déchets en place et impliquant souvent la recherche d’une gouvernance collective. De nouveaux acteurs se mêlent au service public, créant de nouvelles interactions avec celui-ci. Parmi ces initiatives, des tiers-lieux se construisent sous la forme de ressourceries, présentant des modèles expérimentaux et hybridés. Cet article s’interroge sur les apports de leurs expérimentations dans l’activité des ressourceries, ainsi que sur les processus d’expérimentation et la place qu’y prennent les tiers-lieux." (source éditeur

    Transformer collectivement et localement le service public des déchets : expérimentations dans des tiers-lieux-ressourceries franciliennes

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    In a bottom-up dynamic and at a local level, third sector organisations develop services promoting the reuse and repair of second-hand objects. They are seen as an alternative to the dominant model and often involve the exploration of collective governance. New operators are joining the public service, generating new types of interaction with it. Among these projects, third places are emerging in the form of second-hand shops, or « ressourceries », creating experimental and hybrid models of them. This article explores the contributions of their experimentations in the « ressourcerie » activity. It also reviews the experimentation processes and the place that third places take in them

    Biodéchets : retour d’expériences de commoning autour du compostage de proximité

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    International audience"Présenté dans la loi relative à la transition énergétique pour une croissance verte de 2015 comme une solution possible pour la gestion séparée des biodéchets dans les collectivités locales, le compostage de proximité se développe progressivement en zone urbaine. Le rassemblement d’individus autour de l’outil partagé qu’est le composteur peut faire apparaître des processus de commoning produisant des règles d’accès, d’utilisation et de gestion. Cet article examine comment les pratiques de commoning construites autour du compostage de proximité réinterrogent les modes de fonctionnement du service public des déchets. Il présente la place singulière des biodéchets au cours de l’édification de ce service et la façon dont la valorisation récente d’une gestion séparée des autres déchets le met à l’épreuve de ses contradictions. Le commoning au sein de la gestion des composteurs de proximité met en avant des liens différents, « alternatifs », entre usager et service public et entre usager et collectivité locale. L’article montre que cette « mise en commun » ne se fait pas sans difficulté ; nombre d’obstacles d’ordre économique, humain ou institutionnel peuvent limiter ou éteindre ces processus demandant temps, engagement et souplesse pour se construire. Les tiers-lieux offrent des espaces d’expérimentation facilitant les mécanismes du commoning et réintégrant le compostage dans un mode de vie plus global. Ces pratiques en marge des systèmes institutionnels ne pourront cependant pas s’épanouir sans l’ouverture d’une gouvernance multipartite entre société civile, opérateurs privés et institutions publiques." (source éditeur

    Questioning cognitive heterogeneity and intellectual functioning in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders from the Wechsler intelligence scale for children

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    International audienceIntroduction: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are characterized by a variety of multiple cognitive and behavioral impairments, with intellectual, attentional, and executive impairments being the most commonly reported. In populations with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders, the Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ) may not be a proper measure of intellectual abilities, rarely interpreted in FASD clinical practice because the heterogeneity of the cognitive profile is deemed too strong. We propose a quantitative characterization of this heterogeneity, of the strengths and weaknesses profile, and a differential analysis between global cognitive (FSIQ) and elementary reasoning abilities in a large retrospective monocentric FASD sample. Methods: Using clinical and cognitive data (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) from 107 children with FASD, we characterized subject heterogeneity (variance and scatter of scaled/composite scores), searched for strengths and weaknesses, and specified intellectual functioning in terms of FSIQ and elementary reasoning (General Abilities Index, Highest Reasoning Scaled Score), in comparison with standardization norms and a Monte-Carlo-simulated sample from normalization data.Results: Performance of children with FASD was lower on all subtests, with a significant weakness in working memory and processing speed. We found no increase in the variance and scatter of the scores, but a discordance between the assessment of global cognitive functioning (28% borderline, 23% deficient) and that of global and elementary reasoning abilities (23–9% borderline, 15–14% deficient). Conclusion: Our results question the notion of WISC profile heterogeneity in FASD and point to working memory and processing speed over-impairment, with global repercussions but most often preserved elementary reasoning abilities

    Bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in TMEM147 cause moderate to profound intellectual disability with facial dysmorphism and pseudo-Pelger-Huët anomaly

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    International audienceThe transmembrane protein TMEM147 has a dual function: first at the nuclear envelope, where it anchors lamin B receptor (LBR) to the inner membrane, and second at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where it facilitates the translation of nascent polypeptides within the ribosome-bound TMCO1 translocon complex. Through international data sharing, we identified 23 individuals from 15 unrelated families with bi-allelic TMEM147 loss-of-function variants, including splice-site, nonsense, frameshift, and missense variants. These affected children displayed congruent clinical features including coarse facies, developmental delay, intellectual disability, and behavioral problems. In silico structural analyses predicted disruptive consequences of the identified amino acid substitutions on translocon complex assembly and/or function, and in vitro analyses documented accelerated protein degradation via the autophagy-lysosomal-mediated pathway. Furthermore, TMEM147-deficient cells showed CKAP4 (CLIMP-63) and RTN4 (NOGO) upregulation with a concomitant reorientation of the ER, which was also witnessed in primary fibroblast cell culture. LBR mislocalization and nuclear segmentation was observed in primary fibroblast cells. Abnormal nuclear segmentation and chromatin compaction were also observed in approximately 20% of neutrophils, indicating the presence of a pseudo-Pelger-Huët anomaly. Finally, co-expression analysis revealed significant correlation with neurodevelopmental genes in the brain, further supporting a role of TMEM147 in neurodevelopment. Our findings provide clinical, genetic, and functional evidence that bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in TMEM147 cause syndromic intellectual disability due to ER-translocon and nuclear organization dysfunction