364 research outputs found

    An efficient 2D inversion scheme for airborne frequency domain data

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    In many cases, inversion in 2D gives a better description of the subsurface compared with 1D inversion, but, computationally, 2D inversion is expensive, and it can be hard to use for large-scale surveys. We have developed an efficient hybrid 2D airborne frequency-domain electromagnetic inversion algorithm. Our hybrid scheme combines 1D and 2D inversions in a three-stage process, in which each step is progressively more accurate and computationally more expensive than the previous one. This results in an approximately 2x - 6x speedup compared with full 2D inversions, and with only minor changes to the inversion results. Our inversion structure is based on a regular grid, in which each sounding is discretized individually. The 1D modeling code uses layered models with derivatives derived through the finite-difference method, whereas our 2D modeling code uses an adaptive finite-element mesh, and it uses the adjoint-state method to calculate the derivatives. By incorporating the inversion grid structure into the 2D finite-element mesh, interpolation between the different meshes becomes trivial. Large surveys are handled by using local meshing to split large surveys into small sections, which retains the 2D information. The algorithm is heavily optimized and parallelized over the frequencies and sections, with good scalability even on nonuniform memory architecture systems, on which it is generally hard to achieve a satisfactory scaling. The algorithm has been tested successfully with various synthetic studies as well as field examples, of which results from two synthetic studies and a field example are shown

    Measuring the capability to raise revenue process and output dimensions and their application to the Zambia revenue authority

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    The worldwide diffusion of the good governance agenda and new public management has triggered a renewed focus on state capability and, more specifically, on the capability to raise revenue in developing countries. However, the analytical tools for a comprehensive understanding of the capability to raise revenue remain underdeveloped. This article aims at filling this gap and presents a model consisting of the three process dimensions ‘information collection and processing’, ‘merit orientation’ and ‘administrative accountability’. ‘Revenue performance’ constitutes the fourth capability dimension which assesses tax administration’s output. This model is applied to the case of the Zambia Revenue Authority. The dimensions prove to be valuable not only for assessing the how much but also the how of collecting taxes. They can be a useful tool for future comparative analyses of tax administrations’ capabilities in developing countries.Die weltweite Verbreitung der Good-Governance- und New-Public-Management-Konzepte hat zu einer zunehmenden Konzentration auf staatliche Leistungsfähigkeit und, im Besonderen, auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der Steuererhebung in Entwicklungsländern geführt. Allerdings bleiben die analytischen Werkzeuge für ein umfassendes Verständnis von Leistungsfähigkeit unterentwickelt. Dieser Artikel stellt hierfür ein Modell vor, das die drei Prozess-Dimensionen „Sammeln und Verarbeiten von Informationen“, „Leistungsorientierung der Mitarbeiter“ und „Verantwortlichkeit der Verwaltung“ beinhaltet. „Einnahmeperformanz“ ist die vierte Dimension und erfasst den Output der Steuerverwaltung. Das mehrdimensionale Modell wird für die Analyse der Leistungsfähigkeit der Steuerbehörde Zambias (Zambia Revenue Authority) genutzt. Es erweist sich nicht nur für die Untersuchung des Wieviel, sondern auch des Wie des Erhebens von Steuern als wertvoll. Die vier Dimensionen können in Zukunft zur umfassenden und vergleichenden Analyse der Leistungsfähigkeit verschiedener Steuerverwaltungen in Entwicklungsländern genutzt werden

    Taxing the Informal Economy: The Current State of Knowledge and Agendas for Future Research

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    This paper reviews the literature on taxation of the informal economy, taking stock of key debates and drawing attention to recent innovations. Conventionally, the debate on whether to tax has frequently focused on the limited revenue potential, high cost of collection, and potentially adverse impact on small firms. Recent arguments have increasingly emphasised the more indirect benefits of informal taxation in relation to economic growth, broader tax compliance, and governance. More research is needed, we argue, into the relevant costs and benefits for all, including quasi-voluntary compliance, political and administrative incentives for reform, and citizen-state bargaining over taxation

    Immune-Complex Mimics as a Molecular Platform for Adjuvant-Free Vaccine Delivery

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    Protein-based vaccine development faces the difficult challenge of finding robust yet non-toxic adjuvants suitable for humans. Here, using a molecular engineering approach, we have developed a molecular platform for generating self-adjuvanting immunogens that do not depend on exogenous adjuvants for induction of immune responses. These are based on the concept of Immune Complex Mimics (ICM), structures that are formed between an oligomeric antigen and a monoclonal antibody (mAb) to that antigen. In this way, the roles of antigens and antibodies within the structure of immune complexes are reversed, so that a single monoclonal antibody, rather than polyclonal sera or expensive mAb cocktails can be used. We tested this approach in the context of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection by linking the highly immunogenic and potentially protective Ag85B with the oligomeric Acr (alpha crystallin, HspX) antigen. When combined with an anti-Acr monoclonal antibody, the fusion protein formed ICM which bound to C1q component of the complement system and were readily taken up by antigen-presenting cells in vitro. ICM induced a strong Th1/Th2 mixed type antibody response, which was comparable to cholera toxin adjuvanted antigen, but only moderate levels of T cell proliferation and IFN-γ secretion. Unfortunately, the systemic administration of ICM did not confer statistically significant protection against intranasal MTB challenge, although a small BCG-boosting effect was observed. We conclude that ICM are capable of inducing strong humoral responses to incorporated antigens and may be a suitable vaccination approach for pathogens other than MTB, where antibody-based immunity may play a more protective role

    Amisulpride as a potential disease-modifying drug in the treatment of tauopathies

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    INTRODUCTION: Hyperphosphorylation and aggregation of the microtubule-associated protein tau cause the development of tauopathies, such as Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). We recently uncovered a causal link between constitutive serotonin receptor 7 (5-HT7R) activity and pathological tau aggregation. Here, we evaluated 5-HT7R inverse agonists as novel drugs in the treatment of tauopathies. METHODS: Based on structural homology, we screened multiple approved drugs for their inverse agonism toward 5-HT7R. Therapeutic potential was validated using biochemical, pharmacological, microscopic, and behavioral approaches in different cellular models including tau aggregation cell line HEK293 tau bimolecular fluorescence complementation, primary mouse neurons, and human induced pluripotent stem cell–derived neurons carrying an FTD-associated tau mutation as well as in two mouse models of tauopathy. RESULTS: Antipsychotic drug amisulpride is a potent 5-HT7R inverse agonist. Amisulpride ameliorated tau hyperphosphorylation and aggregation in vitro. It further reduced tau pathology and abrogated memory impairment in mice. DISCUSSION: Amisulpride may be a disease-modifying drug for tauopathies

    Giant Cell Arteritis Presenting as Small Bowel Infarction

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    Giant cell arteritis predominantly affects cranial arteries and rarely involves other sites. We report a patient who presented with small bowel obstruction because of infarction from mesenteric giant cell arteritis. She had an unusual cause of her obstruction and a rare manifestation of giant cell arteritis. In spite of aggressive therapy with steroids, she died a month later because of multiple complications. We discuss the diagnosis and management of small bowel obstruction and differential diagnosis of vasculitis of the gastrointestinal tract. We were able to find 11 cases of bowel involvement with giant cell arteritis in the English literature. This case report illustrates that giant cell arteritis can be a cause of small bowel obstruction and bowel infarction. In the proper clinical setting, vasculitides need to be considered early in the differential diagnosis when therapy may be most effective

    Imaging assessment of children presenting with suspected or known juvenile idiopathic arthritis : ESSR-ESPR points to consider

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    Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common paediatric rheumatic disease. It represents a group of heterogenous inflammatory disorders with unknown origin and is a diagnosis of exclusion in which imaging plays an important role. JIA is defined as arthritis of one or more joints that begins before the age of 16 years, persists for more than 6 weeks and is of unknown aetiology and pathophysiology. The clinical goal is early suppression of inflammation to prevent irreversible joint damage which has shifted the emphasis from detecting established joint damage to proactively detecting inflammatory change. This drives the need for imaging techniques that are more sensitive than conventional radiography in the evaluation of inflammatory processes as well as early osteochondral change. Physical examination has limited reliability, even if performed by an experienced clinician, emphasising the importance of imaging to aid in clinical decision-making. On behalf of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) arthritis subcommittee and the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) musculoskeletal imaging taskforce, based on literature review and/or expert opinion, we discuss paediatric-specific imaging characteristics of the most commonly involved, in literature best documented and clinically important joints in JIA, namely the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), spine, sacroiliac (SI) joints, wrists, hips and knees, followed by a clinically applicable point to consider for each joint. We will also touch upon controversies in the current literature that remain to be resolved with ongoing research

    Ultrasonography and color Doppler in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: diagnosis and follow-up of ultrasound-guided steroid injection in the ankle region. A descriptive interventional study

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    BACKGROUND: The ankle region is frequently involved in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) but difficult to examine clinically due to its anatomical complexity. The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of ultrasonography (US) of the ankle and midfoot (ankle region) in JIA. Doppler-US detected synovial hypertrophy, effusion and hyperemia and US was used for guidance of steroid injection and to assess treatment efficacy. METHODS: Forty swollen ankles regions were studied in 30 patients (median age 6.5 years, range 1-16 years) with JIA. All patients were assessed clinically, by US (synovial hypertrophy, effusion) and by color Doppler (synovial hyperemia) before and 4 weeks after US-guided steroid injection. RESULTS: US detected 121 compartments with active disease (joints, tendon sheaths and 1 ganglion cyst). Multiple compartments were involved in 80% of the ankle regions. The talo-crural joint, posterior subtalar joint, midfoot joints and tendon sheaths were affected in 78%, 65%, 30% and 55% respectively. Fifty active tendon sheaths were detected, and multiple tendons were involved in 12 of the ankles. US-guidance allowed accurate placement of the corticosteroid in all 85 injected compartments, with a low rate of subcutaneous atrophy (4,7%). Normalization or regression of synovial hypertrophy was obtained in 89%, and normalization of synovial hyperemia in 89%. Clinical resolution of active arthritis was noted in 72% of the ankles. CONCLUSIONS: US enabled exact anatomical location of synovial inflammation in the ankle region of JIA patients. The talo-crural joint was not always involved. Disease was frequently found in compartments difficult to evaluate clinically. US enabled exact guidance of steroid injections, gave a low rate of subcutaneous atrophy and was proved valuable for follow-up examinations. Normalization or regression of synovial hypertrophy and hyperemia was achieved in most cases, which supports the notion that US is an important tool in the management of ankle involvement in JIA