39 research outputs found

    Monosynaptic Ia pathways at the cat shoulder

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    The study aimed to describe in cat forelimb and shoulder motoneurones the convergence and projection patterns from large muscle spindle afferents (Ia). In 11 chloralose-anaesthetized cats maximum Ia EPSPs evoked by electrical stimulation of ipsilateral forelimb nerves were obtained in 309 intracellularly recorded α-motoneurones.Groups of motor nuclei displayed similar Ia patterns. As in the distal forelimb they were often interconnected by bidirectional pathways, which were used to combine Ia synergistic groups. Three such groups are described at the shoulder.The first group was composed of the main flexors of the scapulo-humeral joint. Regular disto-proximal Ia excitation from elbow extensors (and median afferents) indicates a coupling of flexion in the scapulo-humeral joint to the angular position of the elbow.The second group comprised the outward rotators of the humerus with differentiated Ia convergence onto the different group members. The patterns of Ia excitation received and sent by the group members demonstrate that the outward rotators are incorporated in versatile synergisms and may occupy a central position in steering forelimb movements.The third group was formed by the spinatus muscle and the subscapularis. This arrangement is suggested by the common convergence onto them from the elbow extensors and flexors. The pattern may serve to guide and keep the humeral head in the joint capsule.The Ia synergistic groups receive Ia convergence from muscles acting at distant joints and also project to distant muscles. This is discussed as part of an extended pattern of Ia connections along the forelimb. In this way the shoulder muscles would be incorporated in flexor and extensor oriented synergisms which are needed to co-ordinate the muscular activation along the multijoint forelimb during locomotion. When the shoulder Ia pathways are compared with those in the distal forelimb, organization of the Ia system apparently follows a few basic principles which have adapted to the mechanical situation at the particular joints and their mechanical interaction

    Cardiorespiratory coupling of sympathetic outflow in humans: a comparison of respiratory and cardiac modulation of sympathetic nerve activity to skin and muscle

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    It is well known that microelectrode recordings of skin sympathetic nerve activity (SSNA) in awake human subjects reveal spontaneous bursts of activity with no overt modulation by changes in blood pressure or respiration, in contrast to the clear cardiac and respiratory modulation of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA). However, cross-correlation analysis has revealed that, like individual muscle vasoconstrictor neurones, the firing of individual cutaneous vasoconstrictor neurones is temporally coupled to both the cardiac and respiratory rhythms during cold-induced cutaneous vasoconstriction, and the same is true of single sudomotor neurones during heat-induced sweating. Here we used cross-correlation analysis to determine whether SSNA exhibits cardiac and respiratory modulation in thermoneutral conditions, and to compare respiratory and cardiac modulation of SSNA with that of MSNA. Oligounitary recordings of spontaneous SSNA (n=20) and MSNA (n=18) were obtained during quiet, unrestrained breathing. Respiration was recorded by a strain-gauge transducer around the chest and ECG recorded by surface electrodes. Respiratory and cardiac modulation of SSNA and MSNA were quantified by fitting polynomials to the cross-correlation histograms constructed between the sympathetic spikes and respiration or ECG. The amplitude of the respiratory modulation (52.5±3.4%) of SSNA was not significantly different from the amplitude of the cardiac modulation (46.6±3.2%). Both were comparable to the respiratory modulation of MSNA (47.7±4.2%), while cardiac modulation of MSNA was significantly higher (89.8±1.5%). We conclude that SSNA and MSNA share similar levels of respiratory modulation, the primary difference between the two sources of sympathetic outflow being the marked cardiac modulation of MSNA provided by the baroreceptors

    Analysis of the periodicity of synaptic events in neurones in the superior cervical ganglion of anaesthetized rats

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    The patterns of on-going synaptic events recorded intracellularly in neurones of superior cervical ganglia (SCG)of anaesthetized female rats were analysed by constructing inter-event interval histograms, autocorrelograms, ln-survivor curves and histograms triggered by the arterial pulse wave and by the intercostal EMG.In 11/12 cells with on-going frequencies > 0.5 Hz, one or two inputs were strong (i.e. always suprathreshold). In five cells, action potentials also arose from synaptic potentials with amplitudes close to threshold.Synaptic events in 5/11 neurones tested were phase-related to the arterial pressure wave (i.e. had cardiac rhythmicity, CR).Synaptic events in 9/10 neurones tested (including all with CR) were phase-related to the intercostal EMG and/or their autocorrelograms showed peaks at multiples of the respiratory interval (i.e. had respiratory rhythmicity, RR).The intervals between all synaptic events were exponentially distributed in 8/12 neurones although intervals between single strong events showed peaks related to the respiratory cycle. Bursts occurred only by chance.Event patterns could be simulated by combining events from several respiration-modulated inputs with their timing distributed over nearly half the cycle. From the simulations, the mean number of active preganglionic inputs was estimated to be ≈6 with mean discharge frequency ≈0.4 Hz.We conclude that, in the spontaneously breathing anaesthetized rat, most preganglionic neurones to the SCG fire with relatively low probability in relation to the respiratory cycle. Rhythms in a postganglionic neurone reflect the activity of its suprathreshold preganglionic inputs

    Central neurotransmitters in cardiorespiratory control mechanisms

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    The last two decades have seen major changes in our understanding of the medullo-spinal circuitry, and neurotransmitters, involved in central cardiorespiratory control. With the advent of effective tract-tracing techniques, immunocytochemistry and various combinations of these methodologies, earlier ideas about ‘vasomotor centres’ have been superseded by descriptions of cardiorespiratory reflexes based on specific neuronal pathways (Chalmers and Pilowsky ‘92, Dampney ‘94)

    Ganglionic transmission in a vasomotor pathway studied in vivo

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    Intracellular recordings were made in vivo from 40 spontaneously active cells in the third lumbar sympathetic ganglion of urethane-anaesthetized rats. In 38/40 cells ongoing action potentials showed strong cardiac rhythmicity (93.4 ± 1.9% modulation) indicating high barosensitivity and probable muscle vasoconstrictor (MVC) function. Subthreshold excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) showed the same pattern. The 38 barosensitive neurons fired action potentials at 2.9 ± 0.3 Hz. All action potentials were triggered by EPSPs, most of which were unitary events. Calculations indicated that <5% of action potentials were triggered by summation of otherwise subthreshold EPSPs. ‘Dominant’ synaptic inputs with a high safety factor were identified, confirming previous work. These were active in 24/38 cells and accounted for 32% of all action potentials; other (‘secondary’) inputs drove the remainder. Inputs (21 dominant, 19 secondary) attributed to single preganglionic neurons fired at 1.38 ± 0.16 Hz. An average of two to three preganglionic neurons were estimated to drive each ganglion cell's action potentials. When cells were held hyperpolarized to block spiking, a range of spontaneous EPSP amplitudes was revealed. Threshold equivalent was defined as the membrane potential value that was exceeded by spontaneous EPSPs at the same frequency as the cell's original firing rate. In 10/12 cells examined, a continuum of EPSP amplitudes overlapped threshold equivalent. Small changes in cell excitability could therefore raise or lower the percentage of preganglionic inputs triggering action potentials. The results indicate that vasoconstrictor ganglion cells in vivo mostly behave not as 1:1 relays, but as continuously variable gates