97 research outputs found

    New optical scheme for a polarimetric-based glucose sensor

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    A new optical scheme to detect glucose concentration in the aqueous humor of the eye is presented. The ultimate aim is to apply this technique in designing a new instrument for, routinely and frequently, noninvasively monitoring blood glucose levels in diabetic patients without contact (no index matching) between the eye and the instrument. The optical scheme exploits the Brewster reflection of circularly polarized light off of the lens of the eye. Theoretically, this reflected linearly polarized light on its way to the detector is expected to rotate its state of polarization, owing to the presence of glucose molecules in the aqueous humor of a patient's eye. An experimental laboratory setup based on this scheme was designed and tested by measuring a range of known concentrations of glucose solutions dissolved in water. (C) 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

    The creation of a virtual locality placement enabled student nurses to achieve practice hours during the pandemic

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    To creation of a virtual locality placement during the pandemic created the opportunity for students to gain an understanding of the challenges that face individuals, families and groups in their achievement of health and well-being while living in the Covid-19 pandemic. A variety of concepts gained by students were identified from student feedback, as well as how to move forward - dissemination to other HEI's, inclusivity, inter-professional learning and creativit

    Calibration Experiments Conducted for Noninvasive Blood Glucose Sensing Through the Eye

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    There are more than 16 million diabetics in the United States and more than 100 million worldwide. Diabetes can lead to severe complications over time such as blindness, renal and cardiovascular diseases, and peripheral neuropathy in the limbs. Poor blood circulation in diabetics can lead to gangrene and the subsequent amputation of extremities. In addition, this pathology is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. The most effective way to manage diabetes is frequent blood glucose monitoring performed by the patients themselves. However, because of pain, inconvenience, and the fear of developing infections from finger-prick blood tests or implants, many patients monitor their blood glucose levels less frequently than is recommended by their physicians. Therefore, a noninvasive, painless, and convenient method to monitor blood glucose would greatly benefit diabetics. Likewise, detecting, preventing, and treating the untoward effects of prolonged space travel (e.g., a human mission to Mars) in real-time requires the development of noninvasive diagnostic technologies that are compact and powerful. As a "window to the body," the eye offers the opportunity to use light in various forms to detect ocular and systemic abnormalities long before clinical symptoms appear and to help develop preventative and therapeutic countermeasures early. The noninvasive feature of these technologies permits frequent repetition of tests, enabling an evaluation of the response to therapy

    A three-dimensional atlas of human dermal leukocytes, lymphatics, and blood vessels.

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    Dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages (Mφ), and T cells are major components of the skin immune system, but their interstitial spatial organization is poorly characterized. Using four-channel whole-mount immunofluorescence staining of the human dermis, we demonstrated the three-dimensional distribution of CD31(+) blood capillaries, LYVE-1(+) lymphatics, discrete populations of CD11c(+) myeloid DCs, FXIIIa(+) Mφ, and lymphocytes. We showed phenotypic and morphological differences in situ between DCs and Mφ. DCs formed the first dermal cellular layer (0-20 μm beneath the dermoepidermal junction), Mφ were located deeper (40-60 μm), and CD3(+) lymphocytes were observed throughout (0-60 μm). Below this level, DCs, T cells, and the majority of Mφ formed stable perivascular sheaths. Whole-mount imaging revealed the true extent of dermal leukocytes previously underestimated from cross-section views. The total area of apical dermis (0-30 μm) contained approximately 10-fold more myeloid DCs than the entire blood volume of an average individual. Surprisingly, <1% of dermal DCs occupied lymphatics in freshly isolated skin. Dermal DCs rapidly accumulated within lymphatics, but Mφ remained fixed in skin explants cultured ex vivo. The leukocyte architecture observed in normal skin was distorted in inflammation and disease. These studies illustrate the micro-anatomy of dermal leukocytes and provide further insights into their functional organization

    The Immune Response to Melanoma Is Limited by Thymic Selection of Self-Antigens

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    The expression of melanoma-associated antigens (MAA) being limited to normal melanocytes and melanomas, MAAs are ideal targets for immunotherapy and melanoma vaccines. As MAAs are derived from self, immune responses to these may be limited by thymic tolerance. The extent to which self-tolerance prevents efficient immune responses to MAAs remains unknown. The autoimmune regulator (AIRE) controls the expression of tissue-specific self-antigens in thymic epithelial cells (TECs). The level of antigens expressed in the TECs determines the fate of auto-reactive thymocytes. Deficiency in AIRE leads in both humans (APECED patients) and mice to enlarged autoreactive immune repertoires. Here we show increased IgG levels to melanoma cells in APECED patients correlating with autoimmune skin features. Similarly, the enlarged T cell repertoire in AIRE−/− mice enables them to mount anti-MAA and anti-melanoma responses as shown by increased anti-melanoma antibodies, and enhanced CD4+ and MAA-specific CD8+ T cell responses after melanoma challenge. We show that thymic expression of gp100 is under the control of AIRE, leading to increased gp100-specific CD8+ T cell frequencies in AIRE−/− mice. TRP-2 (tyrosinase-related protein), on the other hand, is absent from TECs and consequently TRP-2 specific CD8+ T cells were found in both AIRE−/− and AIRE+/+ mice. This study emphasizes the importance of investigating thymic expression of self-antigens prior to their inclusion in vaccination and immunotherapy strategies

    S2k guidelines on the management of paraneoplastic pemphigus/paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV).

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    BACKGROUND Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP), also called paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome (PAMS), is a rare autoimmune disease with mucocutaneous and multi-organ involvement. PNP/PAMS is typically associated with lymphoproliferative or haematological malignancies, and less frequently with solid malignancies. The mortality rate of PNP/PAMS is elevated owing to the increased risk of severe infections and disease-associated complications, such as bronchiolitis obliterans. OBJECTIVES These guidelines summarize evidence-based and expert-based recommendations (S2k level) for the clinical characterization, diagnosis and management of PNP/PAMS. They have been initiated by the Task Force Autoimmune Blistering Diseases of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology with the contribution of physicians from all relevant disciplines. The degree of consent among all task force members was included. RESULTS Chronic severe mucositis and polymorphic skin lesions are clue clinical characteristics of PNP/PAMS. A complete assessment of the patient with suspected PNP/PAMS, requiring histopathological study and immunopathological investigations, including direct and indirect immunofluorescence, ELISA and, where available, immunoblotting/immunoprecipitation, is recommended to achieve a diagnosis of PNP/PAMS. Detection of anti-envoplakin antibodies and/or circulating antibodies binding to the rat bladder epithelium at indirect immunofluorescence is the most specific tool for the diagnosis of PNP/PAMS in a patient with compatible clinical and anamnestic features. Treatment of PNP/PAMS is highly challenging. Systemic steroids up to 1.5 mg/kg/day are recommended as first-line option. Rituximab is also recommended in patients with PNP/PAMS secondary to lymphoproliferative conditions but might also be considered in cases of PNP/PAMS associated with solid tumours. A multidisciplinary approach involving pneumologists, ophthalmologists and onco-haematologists is recommended for optimal management of the patients. CONCLUSIONS These are the first European guidelines for the diagnosis and management of PNP/PAMS. Diagnostic criteria and therapeutic recommendations will require further validation by prospective studies

    The death penalty and torture

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    New Yorkvii, 127 p.; 23 c

    Fundamental Moral Theology

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    New Yorkxii, 321 p.; 23 c