1,680 research outputs found

    Normal families of functions and groups of pseudoconformal diffeomorphisms of quaternion and octonion variables

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    This paper is devoted to the specific class of pseudoconformal mappings of quaternion and octonion variables. Normal families of functions are defined and investigated. Four criteria of a family being normal are proven. Then groups of pseudoconformal diffeomorphisms of quaternion and octonion manifolds are investigated. It is proven, that they are finite dimensional Lie groups for compact manifolds. Their examples are given. Many charactersitic features are found in comparison with commutative geometry over R\bf R or C\bf C.Comment: 55 pages, 53 reference

    Symmetric polynomials in information theory: Entropy and subentropy

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    Entropy and other fundamental quantities of information theory are customarily expressed and manipulated as functions of probabilities. Here we study the entropy H and subentropy Q as functions of the elementary symmetric polynomials in the probabilities, and reveal a series of remarkable properties. Derivatives of all orders are shown to satisfy a complete monotonicity property. H and Q themselves become multivariate Bernstein functions and we derive the density functions of their Levy-Khintchine representations. We also show that H and Q are Pick functions in each symmetric polynomial variable separately. Furthermore we see that H and the intrinsically quantum informational quantity Q become surprisingly closely related in functional form, suggesting a special signi cance for the symmetric polynomials in quantum information theory. Using the symmetric polynomials we also derive a series of further properties of H and Q.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jmp/56/6/10.1063/1.4922317

    Dynamical percolation on general trees

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    H\"aggstr\"om, Peres, and Steif (1997) have introduced a dynamical version of percolation on a graph GG. When GG is a tree they derived a necessary and sufficient condition for percolation to exist at some time tt. In the case that GG is a spherically symmetric tree, H\"aggstr\"om, Peres, and Steif (1997) derived a necessary and sufficient condition for percolation to exist at some time tt in a given target set DD. The main result of the present paper is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of percolation, at some time tDt\in D, in the case that the underlying tree is not necessary spherically symmetric. This answers a question of Yuval Peres (personal communication). We present also a formula for the Hausdorff dimension of the set of exceptional times of percolation.Comment: 24 pages; to appear in Probability Theory and Related Field

    Lieb-Thirring Bound for Schr\"odinger Operators with Bernstein Functions of the Laplacian

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    A Lieb-Thirring bound for Schr\"odinger operators with Bernstein functions of the Laplacian is shown by functional integration techniques. Several specific cases are discussed in detail.Comment: We revised the first versio

    On the order of summability of the Fourier inversion formula

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    In this article we show that the order of the point value, in the sense of Łojasiewicz, of a tempered distribution and the order of summability of the pointwise Fourier inversion formula are closely related. Assuming that the order of the point values and certain order of growth at infinity are given for a tempered distribution, we estimate the order of summability of the Fourier inversion formula. For Fourier series, and in other cases, it is shown that if the distribution has a distributional point value of order k, then its Fourier series is e.v. Cesàro summable to the distributional point value of order k+1. Conversely, we also show that if the pointwise Fourier inversion formula is e.v. Cesàro summable of order k, then the distribution is the (k+1)-th derivative of a locally integrable function, and the distribution has a distributional point value of order k+2. We also establish connections between orders of summability and local behavior for other Fourier inversion problems

    A dimensionally continued Poisson summation formula

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    We generalize the standard Poisson summation formula for lattices so that it operates on the level of theta series, allowing us to introduce noninteger dimension parameters (using the dimensionally continued Fourier transform). When combined with one of the proofs of the Jacobi imaginary transformation of theta functions that does not use the Poisson summation formula, our proof of this generalized Poisson summation formula also provides a new proof of the standard Poisson summation formula for dimensions greater than 2 (with appropriate hypotheses on the function being summed). In general, our methods work to establish the (Voronoi) summation formulae associated with functions satisfying (modular) transformations of the Jacobi imaginary type by means of a density argument (as opposed to the usual Mellin transform approach). In particular, we construct a family of generalized theta series from Jacobi theta functions from which these summation formulae can be obtained. This family contains several families of modular forms, but is significantly more general than any of them. Our result also relaxes several of the hypotheses in the standard statements of these summation formulae. The density result we prove for Gaussians in the Schwartz space may be of independent interest.Comment: 12 pages, version accepted by JFAA, with various additions and improvement

    Weighted Dirac combs with pure point diffraction

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    A class of translation bounded complex measures, which have the form of weighted Dirac combs, on locally compact Abelian groups is investigated. Given such a Dirac comb, we are interested in its diffraction spectrum which emerges as the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation measure. We present a sufficient set of conditions to ensure that the diffraction measure is a pure point measure. Simultaneously, we establish a natural link to the theory of the cut and project formalism and to the theory of almost periodic measures. Our conditions are general enough to cover the known theory of model sets, but also to include examples such as the visible lattice points.Comment: 44 pages; several corrections and improvement

    Differential Geometry of Quantum States, Observables and Evolution

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    The geometrical description of Quantum Mechanics is reviewed and proposed as an alternative picture to the standard ones. The basic notions of observables, states, evolution and composition of systems are analised from this perspective, the relevant geometrical structures and their associated algebraic properties are highlighted, and the Qubit example is thoroughly discussed.Comment: 20 pages, comments are welcome