39 research outputs found

    Analysis of network by generalized mutual entropies

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    Generalized mutual entropy is defined for networks and applied for analysis of complex network structures. The method is tested for the case of computer simulated scale free networks, random networks, and their mixtures. The possible applications for real network analysis are discussed

    Experiencia de artesano, formación de diseñador, oportunidades de una pandemia. El potencial de aunar diseño y artesanía, y cómo aprovecharlo en tiempos de crisis

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    Products that include artisan techniques in their production processes are becoming increasingly popular, not only for the experience they provide the consumer, but also for the growing social and environmental awareness that is booming and that motivates the purchase of proposals with the value that only handmade products can provide. This presents an invaluable opportunity for all the master craftsmen that Latin America has. Although it is true that some time ago their ancestral techniques were lost, it is now when the ideal opportunity for their recovery presents itself. However, there are knowledge and strategies of difficult access for these communities of artisans, which if well implemented can considerably increase the competitiveness of the products. This knowledge can be found through designers and researchers, who have access, training and the ability to transfer information to artisans so that the proposals generated are of even greater value, with the potential to penetrate the market. global.Cada vez cobran más popularidad los productos que incluyen técnicas artesanales en sus procesos de producción, no solo por la experiencia que le brindan al consumidor, también por la creciente conciencia social y ambiental que está en auge y que motiva la compra de propuestas con el valor que solo los productos hechos a mano pueden brindar. Esto presenta una invaluable oportunidad para todos los maestros artesanos con los que cuenta América Latina. Si bien es cierto que tiempo atrás se fueron perdiendo sus técnicas ancestrales, es ahora cuando se presenta la oportunidad ideal para su recuperación. Sin embargo, hay conocimientos y estrategias de difícil acceso para estas comunidades de artesanos, los cuales si son bien implementados pueden incrementar considerablemente la competitividad de los productos. Estos conocimientos pueden ser encontrados a través de los diseñadores e investigadores, quienes tienen el acceso, la formación y la capacidad de trasladar la información a los artesanos de tal forma que las propuestas generadas sean de aún más valor, con el potencial de penetrar el mercado global.Os produtos que incluem técnicas artesanais em seus processos de produção estão se tornando cada vez mais populares, não apenas pela experiência que fornecem ao consumidor, mas também pela crescente conscientização social e ambiental que está crescendo e que motiva a compra de propostas com o valor que somente produtos artesanais podem oferecer. Isso representa uma oportunidade inestimável para todos os mestres artesãos da América Latina. Embora seja verdade que há algum tempo suas técnicas ancestrais foram perdidas, é agora que a oportunidade ideal para sua recuperação se apresenta. No entanto, existem conhecimentos e estratégias de difícil acesso para essas comunidades de artesãos que, se bem implementados, podem aumentar consideravelmente a competitividade dos produtos. Esse conhecimento pode ser encontrado por designers e pesquisadores, que têm acesso, treinamento e capacidade de transferir informações para artesãos, para que as propostas geradas sejam de valor ainda maior, com potencial de penetração no mercado. global

    Effects of Interplanetary Dust on the LISA drag-free Constellation

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    The analysis of non-radiative sources of static or time-dependent gravitational fields in the Solar System is crucial to accurately estimate the free-fall orbits of the LISA space mission. In particular, we take into account the gravitational effects of Interplanetary Dust (ID) on the spacecraft trajectories. The perturbing gravitational field has been calculated for some ID density distributions that fit the observed zodiacal light. Then we integrated the Gauss planetary equations to get the deviations from the LISA keplerian orbits around the Sun. This analysis can be eventually extended to Local Dark Matter (LDM), as gravitational fields are expected to be similar for ID and LDM distributions. Under some strong assumptions on the displacement noise at very low frequency, the Doppler data collected during the whole LISA mission could provide upper limits on ID and LDM densities.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, to be published on the special issue of "Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy" on the CELMEC V conferenc

    Modulation of LISA free-fall orbits due to the Earth-Moon system

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    We calculate the effect of the Earth-Moon (EM) system on the free-fall motion of LISA test masses. We show that the periodic gravitational pulling of the EM system induces a resonance with fundamental frequency 1 yr^-1 and a series of periodic perturbations with frequencies equal to integer harmonics of the synodic month (9.92 10^-7 Hz). We then evaluate the effects of these perturbations (up to the 6th harmonics) on the relative motions between each test masses couple, finding that they range between 3mm and 10pm for the 2nd and 6th harmonic, respectively. If we take the LISA sensitivity curve, as extrapolated down to 10^-6 Hz, we obtain that a few harmonics of the EM system can be detected in the Doppler data collected by the LISA space mission. This suggests that the EM system gravitational near field could provide an absolute calibration for the LISA sensitivity at very low frequencies.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Challenges in Complex Systems Science

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    FuturICT foundations are social science, complex systems science, and ICT. The main concerns and challenges in the science of complex systems in the context of FuturICT are laid out in this paper with special emphasis on the Complex Systems route to Social Sciences. This include complex systems having: many heterogeneous interacting parts; multiple scales; complicated transition laws; unexpected or unpredicted emergence; sensitive dependence on initial conditions; path-dependent dynamics; networked hierarchical connectivities; interaction of autonomous agents; self-organisation; non-equilibrium dynamics; combinatorial explosion; adaptivity to changing environments; co-evolving subsystems; ill-defined boundaries; and multilevel dynamics. In this context, science is seen as the process of abstracting the dynamics of systems from data. This presents many challenges including: data gathering by large-scale experiment, participatory sensing and social computation, managing huge distributed dynamic and heterogeneous databases; moving from data to dynamical models, going beyond correlations to cause-effect relationships, understanding the relationship between simple and comprehensive models with appropriate choices of variables, ensemble modeling and data assimilation, modeling systems of systems of systems with many levels between micro and macro; and formulating new approaches to prediction, forecasting, and risk, especially in systems that can reflect on and change their behaviour in response to predictions, and systems whose apparently predictable behaviour is disrupted by apparently unpredictable rare or extreme events. These challenges are part of the FuturICT agenda

    From the time series to the complex networks: the parametric (dynamical) natural visibility graph

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    We present the modification of natural visibility graph (NVG) algorithm used for the mapping of the time series to the complex networks (graphs). We propose the parametric natural visibility graph (PNVG) algorithm. The PNVG consists of NVG links, which satisfy an additional constraint determined by a newly introduced continuous parameter - the view angle. The alteration ofview angle modifiesthe PNVG and its properties such as the average node degree, average link length of the graph as well as cluster quantity of built graph etc. Wecalculated and analyzed different PNVG properties depending on the view angle for different types of the time series such as the random (uncorrelated, correlated and fractal) and cardiac rhythm time series for healthy and ill patients. Investigation of different PNVG properties shows that the view angle gives a new approach to characterize the structure of the time series that are invisible in the conventional version of the algorithm. It is also shown that the PNVG approach allows to distinguish, identify and describe in detail various time series.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure


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    O referido Seminário ocorreu na cidade de Franca, no período de 19 a 20 de setembro de2019. O Programa de Pós-Graduação (PPG) em Promoção da Saúde da Universidade de Franca,com seu grupo de docentes e pesquisadores foram os responsáveis pela elaboração do evento. Acomposição das Comissões Científicas, interna, externa e internacional abrilhantou e conferiucredibilidade ao segmento científico.Direcionado aos profissionais, pós-graduandos e egressos do PPG, docentes e graduandosde áreas afins, apresentou como tema geral: Formação e avaliação de resultados. A programaçãofoi cuidadosamente elaborada, trazendo os desafios que a formação de profissionais em Promoçãoda Saúde tem sobre a mudança do modelo de saúde existente

    Efecto de la edad al destete (28, 35 y 42 días) en el comportamiento productivo del conejo de engorde (Oryctolagus cuniculus) alimentado con bloques nutricionales de ramié (Bohemeria nívea)

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    El estudio tuvo una duración de 2 meses, tomando datos desde el día en que se destetaron los conejos, hasta tener entre 61 y 91 días de edad. Se utilizaron 30 conejos híbridos de las razas Nueva Zelanda x California; todos machos destetados en diferentes períodos de edad (28, 35 y 42 días) y provenientes de camadas homogéneas en edades, pesos y tamaños. Todos los animales recibieron el mismo manejo desde su ingreso al estudio hasta el sacrificio. Los animales fueron alimentados únicamente con bloques nutricionales de forma cilíndrica, durante toda la etapa de engorde hasta el sacrificio. Los bloques nutricionales utilizados fueron elaborados a base de Ramié. Finalizada la etapa de engorde, se procedió a realizar el faenado de los conejos conforme iban llegando al peso de sacrificio, siendo éste de 2.04 kg de peso vivo. Ya faenados los conejos, se obtuvieron los resultados de la investigación. El diseño experimental utilizado fue completamente al azar, con tres tratamientos y cinco repeticiones para cada tratamiento, siendo la unidad experimental un conejo. Durante el estudio se registraron los datos pertinentes de peso vivo inicial, el peso diario, el consumo diario de alimento, el peso del alimento rechazado, peso vivo final y el peso de la canal para cada uno de los conejos y del promedio de cada tratamiento, esto con el fin de calcular Ganancia de peso (kg), Consumo de alimento total (kg), Conversión alimenticia (kg) y Rendimiento en canal (%

    Campaña de divulgación para dar a conocer a la organización de desarrollo integral para la mujer con discapacidad y bajo recurso económico en la Ciudad de Guatemala

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    Odim es una institución integrada por mujeres con discapacidad. Elaboran bisutería con materiales de reciclaje, pero carecen de medios publicitarios. La propuesta planteada resuelve esta situación por medio del diseño de los empaques, stickers, trifoliares y las hojas membretadas. Comprende también el bosquejo de las bolsas de tela, gorras y las playeras como recursos de publicidad y venta. La tipografía utilizada es legible y clara; los colores impregnan belleza y femineidad a las piezas diseñadas; el slogan fortalece y empoderar la campaña de divulgación diseñad