140 research outputs found

    Design methods for computer networks

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou vhodného návrhu počítačové sítě pro středně velkou infrastrukturu, jejím zabezpečením a následnou realizací směrovače s firewallem. Tento hraniční prvek bude schopný plnit základní úkony řízení síťového provozu mezi vnitřní a vnější sítí. V této práci je stručně provedena analýza modelu OSI a podrobněji jsme se zaměřili na model TCP/IP. Dále naše práce obsahuje popis a nastiňuje význam nejčastěji používaných prvků v daném typu sítě a jejich přínos pro zabezpečení. Následuje popis tří nejběžněji používaných topologií v daném typu infrastruktury. Na základě zjištěných informací je vybrána a analyzována nejvhodnější topologie a to především z bezpečnostního hlediska. Výsledkem toeretické části práce je návrh modelu sítě. V praktické části jsou některé nabyté poznatky otestovány a implementovány v reálném nasazení. Pro realizaci a otestování byla použita technologie virtualizace, pomocí které jsme nakonfigurovali router s firewallem, představující hraniční prvek, který odděluje vnitřní síť od vnějšího prostředí Internetu.Bacherol‘s thesis deals with a topic of a suitable computer network design for a mid-sized infrastructure, its security and router and firewall realization. This boundary element is able to manage basic processes of network controlling between inner and outer network. There is a brief analysis of OSI model but we focused our attention on TCP/IP model more closely. Our project includes description and outlines an importance of the most common elements of the particular network type and their contribution to the security. Description of the three most frequent topologies of the infrastructure type follows. On the basis of the found information, we have chosen and analysed the most suitable topology from the security point of view. The result of the theoretical part is a network model proposal. In the practical part, some our findings are tested and implemented in a real setting. We used a technology of virtualization for the final realization and testing. Thanks to the virtualization used for realization and testing, we could configure the router and the firewall, which are boundary elements that separate the inner network from the Internet.

    Verification of prototype must-be quality by customers

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    Významnou kategorií zákaznických požadavků na kvalitu jsou tzv. základní požadavky, tedy požadavky, které zákazník nepovažuje za nutné sdělovat, protože je očekává automaticky, nepřemýšlí o nich až do chvíle, kdy je výrobek přestane vykonávat (uspokojovat). Přesto je důležité již v předvýrobní fázi výrobku se těmto požadavkům věnovat. Po vyrobení prototypu je následně třeba naplnění těchto požadavků ověřovat. Cílem bakalářské práce je provést rešerši v této oblasti a vytvořit postup ověřování kvality prototypu výrobku zákazníky a identifikace jejich požadavků a tento postup použít na konkrétním výrobku.The basic requirements represent very significant category of customer requirements in relation to the product quality. The customer does not consider these requirements to communicate the manufacturer because they are automatically expected and customer does not think about them until the moment when the product ceases to carry out them (to satisfy). Nevertheless, it is important to pay appropriate attention to these demands already in pre-production phase. After the prototype production it is necessary to verify the fulfilment of these requirements. The aim of the submitted bachelor theses is analyse the current state in this area and create the procedure for verifying the quality of product prototype by customers, identify customer´s requirements, and finally apply suggested procedure to the specific product.

    Existence of generalized symmetric Riemannian spaces with solvable isometry group

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    Registration of holographic images based on the integral transformation

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    The paper describes the possibilities of using Fourier-Mellin transform for registering images of holographic interferograms. Registered holographic images will then allow automating their evaluation. Registration based on changes in image intensities using the discrete integral transforms was selected of the methods of registration. Whereas it was necessary to register the images, which are not only translated, but also rotated and with the changed of scale, the Fourier-Mellin transform was used. Use of the image discrete transforms is original in this field, proposed processing algorithm contains also simplified mean of calculating the angle of rotation of the test image instead of common Fourier-Mellin transformation method sequence

    Riadenie robota na báze inerciálneho systému

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    The structure of manufactured robots is not unified. There are a lot of conceptual and con-structional solutions of robots resulting from the expected utilization. A robotic system can be divid-ed into a mechanical and control subsystem irrespective of their solution. The motion of working organs of a robot is provided by mechanical parts. The activity of all the parts of the robot and pro-graming of its expected activity are enabled by the control subsystem.Štruktúra vyrábaných robotov nie je unifikovaná. Existuje množstvo koncepčných a konštrukčných riešení robotov vyplývajúcich z predpokladaného použitia. Bez ohľadu na ich riešenie sa dá robotický systém rozdeliť na mechanický a riadiaci podsystém. Analýza vlastností inercial-neho navigačného systému na báze elektronických gyroskopov naznačuje možnosti ich využitia v robotickom systéme

    Robot path optimization for spot welding applications in automotive industry

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    Rad se bavi problemom učinkovitog planiranja kretanja kod industrijskih robota. U prvom se dijelu razmatraju postojeće metode planiranja off-line putanje. U drugom se dijelu opisuje rad s jednim od simulacijskih sustava s automatskim generiranjem putanje i sposobnosti off-line programiranja. Uključen je postupak točkastog zavariranja. Praktična primjena ovoga uveliko ovisi o metodi za optimiziranje putanje robota s velikom točnosti, za transformiranje putanje u optimalni program robota u odnosu na vrijeme i energiju, prilagođen za stvarni svijet.The paper discusses the problem of effective motion planning for industrial robots. The first part deals with current method for off-line path planning. In the second part is presented the work done with one of the simulation systems with automatic trajectory generation and off-line programming capability. A spot welding process is involved. The practical application of this step strongly depends on the method for robot path optimization with high accuracy, i.e. the path transformation into a time and energy optimal robot program for the real world, which is discussed in the third step

    Návrh efektívneho spôsobu merania rozmerov na princípe inerciálneho meracieho systému

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    The work presents automated methods of dimensions measurement, extending the known horizont of used approach to measuring by the draft of a new unused method. a method described in the paper is based on the principle of self-localization of inertial sensors that are able to describe the actual value of angular velocity and acceleration in the direction of each coordinate axis. Prerequisite accuracy of these measurements is a clear definition of zero position in space and taking into account a wide range of ambient effects. The method should allows to measure dimensions of objects of complex shape with high accuracy even in places where usage of conventional methods is not always possible. The contribution also describes principles of inertial navigation systems and MEMS technology, which significantly reduces the cost of mentioned advanced technologies.Práca približuje problematiku automatizovaných metód merania rozmerov, pričom rozširuje doteraz známy obzor používaných prístupov K meraniam O návrh novej, doteraz nepoužívanej, metódy. V práci popisovaný spôsob merania rozmerov vychádza Z princípu vlastnej lokalizácie inerciálnych senzorov, schopných popisovať aktuálne hodnoty uhlových rýchlostí a zrýchlení V smere jednotlivých súradnicových osí priestoru. Nutným predpokladom presnosti týchto meraní je jasná definícia nulovej polohy systému V priestore a zohľadnenie širšieho spektra vplyvov okolia. Metóda by mohla umožniť meranie rozmerov tvarovo zložitých objektov S vysokou presnosťou, a to dokonca aj na miestach, kde by to pri použití konvenčných metód meraní nemuselo byť vždy možné. Príspevok taktiež informačne popisuje princípy funkcie inerciálnych navigačných systémov a technológie MEMS, ktorá značne znižuje náklady na použitie týchto pokrokových technológií

    Povezanost povećanog rizika od padova s primjenom određenih skupina lijekova u osoba starije životne dobi

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    Cilj istraživanja Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na rastući problem povezanosti padova s primjenom određenih skupina lijekova u osoba starije životne dobi. Prikazani su najvažniji znanstveni radovi vezani za područje ovog istraživanja, a opisani su i pretpostavljeni mehanizmi koji doprinose povećanom riziku od padova za određene skupine lijekova. Raspravljane su mjere kojima se mogu smanjiti rizici od padova u osoba starije životne dobi. Materijal/Ispitanici i metode Pretraživana je literatura u bibliografskim bazama prema temi istraživanja, predmetu istraživanja, autorima i časopisu. Proučavani su na analitički i kritički način pregledni članci, meta-analize, originalni znanstveni radovi, opisi slučajeva, te stručni radovi relevantni za problematiku ovog specijalističkog rada. Rezultati Udio osoba starije životne dobi u svijetu je u stalnom porastu, a padovi predstavljaju vodeći uzrok ozljeda, hospitalizacije i smrti među njima, pri čemu je primjena određenih skupina lijekova jedan od najvažnijih čimbenika rizika. Pretraživanjem bibliografskih baza nađen je velik broj studija koje su ispitivale povezanost primjene lijekova s rizikom od padova i prijeloma, kao najvažnije posljedice padova. Budući da se studije razlikuju s obzirom na dizajn, uključne i isključne kriterije, praćene parametre i čimbenike koji mogu utjecati na primarne ishode, rezultati su često nejednoznačni i kontradiktorni, bez jasnih zaključaka i preporuka. Skupine lijekova za koje postoje nedvojbeni dokazi da povećavaju rizik od pada su benzodiazepini, antidepresivi i antipsihotici, a kao osnovni mehanizam u pozadini ističe se sedacija, konfuzija i otežana motorna koordinacija pacijenata. Za lijekove iz skupine antikolinergika i antihipertenziva rezultati nisu jednoznačni. Ovim radom naglašena je potreba za revidiranjem terapije u osoba starije životne dobi, uz procjenu koristi primjene spomenutih skupina lijekova u odnosu na rizik od padova i posljedičnih prijeloma. Zaključak Ljekarnici imaju vrlo važnu ulogu unutar zdravstvenih sustava koji skrbe o osobama starije životne dobi, a njihova uloga u sprječavanju padova može se očitovati kroz sudjelovanje u pregledu terapije i uočavanju mogućih medikacijskih pogrešaka, te u savjetovanju pacijenata o izbjegavanju i/ili smanjenju rizika od padova. Implementiranje strategija za smanjenje rizika od padova može značajno pozitivno utjecati na kvalitetu života uz smanjenje morbmorbiditeta, kao i na ukupne izravne i neizravne troškove liječenja osoba starije životne dobi.Objectives The aim of this work is to point to the growing problem of a connection between falls and the use of certain groups of medications among elderly individuals. The most important scientific papers related to this field of study are presented, and the presumed mechanisms are described that contribute to an increased risk of falls with use of a given group of drugs. Measures have been discussed to reduce the risk of falls in older persons. Material/Patients and methods A search was made in bibliographic databases according to research topic, research subject, authors, and journals. Studies were made in an analytic and critical manner ofreview articles, meta-analyzes, original research papers, descriptions of cases, and technical papers relevant to the issues of this specialist work. Results The proportion of elderly people in the world is steadily increasing, and falls are the leading cause of injury, hospitalization, and death among them, with the use of certain medication groups being one of the most important risk factors. Bibliographic searches have uncovered a large number of studies that investigated the association between the use of drugs with the risk of falls and fractures, as the most important consequence of falls. Since the studies differ in terms of design, inclusion and exclusion criteria, observed parameters, and factors that may affect the primary outcomes, the results are often uneven and contradictory, without clear conclusions and recommendations. The drug groups for which there is undeniable evidence of increased risk of fall are benzodiazepines, antidepressants, and antipsychotics, and the underlying mechanism in the background involves the sedation, confusion, and impaired motor coordination of patients. The results are not definitive for drugs from the group of anticholinergics and antihypertensives. This work emphasizes the need to revise therapy in elderly individuals, with full assessment of the benefits of the use of these drugs in relation to the risk of falls and consequent fractures. Conclusion Pharmacists play a very important role in health care systems for elderly individuals, and their role in preventing falls can be manifested through participation in a review of therapies and detection of possible medication errors, as well as in counseling patients on avoiding and/or reducing their risk of falling. Implementing strategies to reduce the risk of falls can have a significant positive impact on the quality of life, with a reduction of morbidity, as well as the total direct and indirect costs of treating the elderly

    Analysis of Economic Indicators Using Statistical Methods

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na zhodnocení ekonomické situace podniku pomocí vybraných ukazatelů. Následně je za využití regresní analýzy a časových řad provedena předpověď budoucího vývoje. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. První z nich obsahuje teorii, kde je vysvětlena problematika všech částí, které jsou v práci zpracovávány. Druhou část tvoří analýza jednotlivých ukazatelů, pomocí kterých hodnotíme současný stav společnosti. Statistické metody následně určí vývoj daného ukazatele do budoucna. Na závěr jsou popsány návrhy řešení ke zlepšení situace.This bachelor’s thesis focuses to evaluation of the company‘s economic situation with the help of concrete indicators. Subsequently applying regression analysis and time series progress prognosis is made. The thesis is devided into two parts. First part contains theory, where issues of all parts are explained. The second part include partial indicators, helping us to evaluate current status of the company. Statistical methods determines indicator progress in the future. Finally, some suggestions improving situation, are described.