9 research outputs found

    Supplemental Data Set 7

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    Computational Analysis of Transcriptome-Wide AS Changes in Response to Red Light Based on the Data from Shikata et al. (2014)

    A β-Wrapin Targeting the N-Terminus of α-Synuclein Monomers Reduces Fibril-Induced Aggregation in Neurons.

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    Reducing α-synuclein pathology constitutes a plausible strategy against Parkinson's disease. As we recently demonstrated, the β-wrapin protein AS69 binds an N-terminal region in monomeric α-synuclein, interferes with fibril nucleation, and reduces α-synuclein aggregation in vitro and in a fruit fly model of α-synuclein toxicity. The aim of this study was to investigate whether AS69 also reduces α-synuclein pathology in mammalian neurons. To induce α-synuclein pathology, primary mouse neurons were exposed to pre-formed fibrils (PFF) of human α-synuclein. PFF were also injected into the striatum of A30P-α-synuclein transgenic mice. The extent of α-synuclein pathology was determined by phospho-α-synuclein staining and by Triton X-100 solubility. The degeneration of neuronal somata, dendrites, and axon terminals was determined by immunohistochemistry. AS69 and PFF were taken up by primary neurons. AS69 did not alter PFF uptake, but AS69 did reduce PFF-induced α-synuclein pathology. PFF injection into mouse striatum led to α-synuclein pathology and dystrophic neurites. Co-injection of AS69 abrogated PFF-induced pathology. AS69 also reduced the PFF-induced degeneration of dopaminergic axon terminals in the striatum and the degeneration of dopaminergic dendrites in the substantia nigra pars reticulata. AS69 reduced the activation of astroglia but not microglia in response to PFF injection. Collectively, AS69 reduced PFF-induced α-synuclein pathology and the associated neurodegeneration in primary neurons and in mouse brain. Our data therefore suggest that small proteins binding the N-terminus of α-synuclein monomers are promising strategies to modify disease progression in Parkinson's disease

    Data from: Alternative splicing substantially diversifies the transcriptome during early photomorphogenesis and correlates with the energy availability in Arabidopsis

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    Plants use light as source of energy and information to detect diurnal rhythms and seasonal changes. Sensing changing light conditions is critical to adjust plant metabolism and to initiate developmental transitions. Here we analyzed transcriptome-wide alterations in gene expression and alternative splicing (AS) of etiolated seedlings undergoing photomorphogenesis upon exposure to blue, red, or white light. Our analysis revealed massive transcriptome reprograming as reflected by differential expression of ~20% of all genes and changes in several hundred AS events. For more than 60% of all regulated AS events, light promoted the production of a presumably protein-coding variant at the expense of an mRNA with nonsense-mediated decay-triggering features. Accordingly, AS of the putative splicing factor REDUCED RED-LIGHT RESPONSES IN CRY1CRY2 BACKGROUND 1 (RRC1), previously identified as a red light signaling component, was shifted to the functional variant under light. Downstream analyses of candidate AS events pointed at a role of photoreceptor signaling only in monochromatic but not in white light. Furthermore, we demonstrated similar AS changes upon light exposure and exogenous sugar supply, with a critical involvement of kinase signaling. We propose that AS is an integration point of signaling pathways that sense and transmit information regarding the energy availability in plants

    Tech & Science @ School. Ein fachpraktisches Handbuch für Technik-Lehrkräfte

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    Kunstgegenstände & Schmuck herzustellen ist ein urmenschliches Bedürfnis. Aus diesem Kernbereich der Schmuckfertigung und des Drechselns sind die vorliegenden Projektideen entstanden. Die in dieser Handreichung vorgestellten Projektideen sind alle von Lehramtsstudierenden im Fach Technik an den Pädagogischen Hochschulen in Schwäbisch Gmünd und Ludwigsburg in offener und selbstgesteuerter Werkstattarbeit seit dem Sommersemester 2021 entstanden. Die Studierenden haben dabei ihre Idee stets fachpraktisch erprobt und fachdidaktisch in den vorliegenden Erklärfilmen und Schritt für Schritt-Anleitungen ausgearbeitet. Der Projektrahmen umfasst das curricular verankerte, handwerklich bedeutsame Arbeiten mit den grundlegenden Werkstoffen Holz, Metall und Kunststoffen sowie den Bereich der Elektrotechnik und des Mikrocontrolling. Die Umsetzung dieser Projektideen soll unterstützend wirken, um individuelle handwerkliche Kompetenzen zu entdecken, erproben und vertiefen sowie technische Interessensbildung und vorberufliche Orientierung in Schulen fördern. Eine Schlüsselrolle für die Anfertigung der Werkstücke nimmt hierbei das Vorführen und Erklären (modellhaftes Vormachen) der notwendigen Fertigungsschritte durch Experten in Form von Erklärfilmen ein. Die zugrundeliegende didaktische Konzeption lehnt sich an die Kognitive Meisterlehre aus der gewerblich-technischen beruflich orientierten Bildung an (Collins et al., 1989). Das Projekt KunstHandWerk wurde durch eine Kooperation zwischen der PH Ludwigsburg und der PH Schwäbisch Gmünd in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gold- und Silberschmiede-Innung Stuttgart-Heilbronn-Reutlingen initiiert und von TRAFO - dem Netzwerk transferorientierter Lehre in Baden-Württemberg gefördert. Die Projektfortsetzung Tech&Science@School mit der Uhland-Realschule Aalen wurde durch die Vector Stiftung gefördert