15 research outputs found

    Fashion Corporate Social Responsibility on Instagram

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    As defined by researcher and author Kate Fletcher, slow fashion is “where pleasure and fashion are linked with awareness and responsibility” in which a company emphasizes the quality of its products, working conditions, environmental impact, and societal impact. With the rise of slow fashion companies, this research seeks to determine the role of social media engagement, specifically on Instagram, with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) messaging. Over 120 million U.S. users are on Instagram, and companies can use these platforms to directly communicate with consumers no matter their stage in the Consumer Decision Journey of product purchasing. This paper analyzes the content of Instagram posts to determine how slow fashion companies utilize CSR messaging and practices to encourage ethical consumer behavior. To answer this question, six brands were analyzed for Instagram post content and engagement rate. The results determined that the relationship between CSR content and engagement is fairly dependent on individual brand characteristics. However, the research provides insights in regard to the fashion industry and consumer engagement on social media

    The Evolution of Slavery in Barbados

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    The history of Barbados, an eastern Caribbean island, directly relates to the idea of freedom and movement throughout the world. In our research, we highlight Barbados’ specific history between the late 1600s through the early 1800s to represent three main ideas regarding slavery and travel: the history leading up to Bussa’s Rebellion (1816), the events surrounding the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833, and the Triangular Trade Route.https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/freedom-movement-fall-2017/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Integrated Process for Capture and Purification of Virus-Like Particles: Enhancing Process Performance by Cross-Flow Filtration

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    Virus-like particles (VLPs) are emerging nanoscale protein assemblies applied as prophylactic vaccines and in development as therapeutic vaccines or cargo delivery systems. Downstream processing (DSP) of VLPs comes both with challenges and opportunities, depending on the complexity and size of the structures. Filtration, precipitation/re-dissolution and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) are potent technologies exploiting the size difference between product and impurities. In this study, we therefore investigated the integration of these technologies within a single unit operation, resulting in three different processes, one of which integrates all three technologies. VLPs, contained in clarified lysate from Escherichia coli, were precipitated by ammonium sulfate, washed, and re-dissolved in a commercial cross-flow filtration (CFF) unit. Processes were analyzed for yield, purity, as well as productivity and were found to be largely superior to a reference centrifugation process. Productivity was increased 2.6-fold by transfer of the wash and re-dissolution process to the CFF unit. Installation of a multimodal SEC column in the permeate line increased purity to 96% while maintaining a high productivity and high yield of 86%. In addition to these advantages, CFF-based capture and purification allows for scalable and disposable DSP. In summary, the developed set-up resulted in high yields and purities, bearing the potential to be applied as an integrated process step for capture and purification of in vivo-assembled VLPs and other protein nanoparticles

    Photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence of Eu:La2O3 nanoparticles synthesized by several methods

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    Abstract : Europium-doped La2O3 nanocrystalline powders with sizes ranging from 4 nm to 300 nm have been obtained by the modified Pechini, hydrothermal with conventional furnace, hydrothermal with microwave furnace, and precipitation with ultrasonic bath methods. X-ray diffraction techniques were used to study the evolution of the prepared gels towards the desired crystalline phase. We determined the size and the morphology of the nanoparticles by electronic microscopy. Finally, we studied and analyzed the luminescence properties of the trivalent europium in the hexagonal La2O3 nanocrystals by photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence

    History, theory and practice of family-like residential care : represented by the jewish pedagogue Hanni Ullmann

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    Die jüdische Pädagogin Hanni Ullmann, geb. 1908, ließ sich in den 20er Jahren in Berlin zur Erzieherin ausbilden, arbeitete anschließend in einem Kinder- und Jugendheim in Palästina und gründete 1974, in ihrer letzten Arbeitsphase, 'Neve Hanna' in Qiryat Gat/ Israel, ein nach familienähnlichen Grundsätzen aufgebautes Heim für Kinder aus schwierigen sozialen Verhältnissen. Entlang ihrer Biographie schafft die vorliegende Arbeit eine Verbindung zwischen der Geschichte ihrer Persönlichketi und ihres Lebenswerks, zwischen Personen- und Institutionengeschichte. Dabei stellt sich in den verschiedenen kulturellen und zeitgeschichtlichen Kontexten die Frage nach den Chancen und Grenzen einer familienorientierten Heimerziehung.Hanni Ullmann was born in 1908 as a daughter of jewish parents. In the Twenties she was educated in Berlin to become a teacher. Afterwards she went to Palestine to work in a home for children and youth. In 1974, looking back on a life full of work with children, she founded 'Neve Hanna' in Qiryat Gat/ Israel, a children's home offering a family-like education for children coming from a difficult social background. The following dissertation portrays the way of life of Hanni Ullmann and tries to create a connection between her outstanding personality and her work, between personal history and the history of the institution. After having passed the different cultural and historical phases the question is faced, whether a family-like education offers a chance or rather marks a boundary for those children

    Konsentierung von pädiatrischen Qualitätsindikatoren mit der RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method

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    Entwicklung von Qualitätsindikatoren für vier pädiatrische Erkrankungen

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