10,100 research outputs found

    Towards active microfluidics: Interface turbulence in thin liquid films with floating molecular machines

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    Thin liquid films with floating active protein machines are considered. Cyclic mechanical motions within the machines, representing microscopic swimmers, lead to molecular propulsion forces applied to the air-liquid interface. We show that, when the rate of energy supply to the machines exceeds a threshold, the flat interface becomes linearly unstable. As the result of this instability, the regime of interface turbulence, characterized by irregular traveling waves and propagating machine clusters, is established. Numerical investigations of this nonlinear regime are performed. Conditions for the experimental observation of the instability are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Physical Review

    Molecular Discreteness in Reaction-Diffusion Systems Yields Steady States Not Seen in the Continuum Limit

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    We investigate the effects of spatial discreteness of molecules in reaction-diffusion systems. It is found that discreteness within the so called Kuramoto length can lead to a localization of molecules, resulting in novel steady states that do not exist in the continuous case. These novel states are analyzed theoretically as the fixed points of accelerated localized reactions, an approach that was verified to be in good agreement with stochastic particle simulations. The relevance of this discreteness-induced state to biological intracellular processes is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Successful Cessation Programs that Reduce Comorbidity May Explain Surprisingly Low Smoking Rates Among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

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    A recent, non-peer-reviewed meta-analysis suggests that smoking may reduce the risk of hospitalization with COVID-19 because the prevalence of smoking among hospitalized COVID-19 is less than that of the general population. However, there are alternative explanations for this phenomena based on (1) the failure to report, or accurately record, smoking history during emergency hospital admissions and (2) a pre-disposition to avoid smoking among COVID-19 patients with tobacco-related comorbidities (a type of “reverse” causation). For example, urine testing of hospitalized patients in Australia for cotinine showed that smokers were under-counted by 37% because incoming patients failed to inform staff about their smoking behavior. Face-to-face interviews can introduce bias into the responses to attitudinal and behavioral questions not present in the self-completion interviews typically used to measure smoking prevalence in the general population. Subjects in face-to-face interviews may be unwilling to admit socially undesirable behavior and attitudes under direct questioning. Reverse causation may also contribute to the difference between smoking prevalence in the COVID-19 and general population. Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 may be simply less prone to use tobacco than the general population. A potentially robust “reverse causation” hypothesis for reduced prevalence of smokers in the COVID-19 population is the enrichment of patients in that population with serious comorbidities that motivates them to quit smoking. We judge that this “smoking cessation” mechanism may account for a significant fraction of the reduced prevalence of smokers in the COVID-19 population. Testing this hypothesis will require a focused research program

    Singular Laplacian Growth

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    The general equations of motion for two dimensional Laplacian growth are derived using the conformal mapping method. In the singular case, all singularities of the conformal map are on the unit circle, and the map is a degenerate Schwarz-Christoffel map. The equations of motion describe the motions of these singularities. Despite the typical fractal-like outcomes of Laplacian growth processes, the equations of motion are shown to be not particularly sensitive to initial conditions. It is argued that the sensitivity of this system derives from a novel cause, the non-uniqueness of solutions to the differential system. By a mechanism of singularity creation, every solution can become more complex, even in the absence of noise, without violating the growth law. These processes are permitted, but are not required, meaning the equation of motion does not determine the motion, even in the small.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Distribution of the Logarithms of Currents in Percolating Resistor Networks. I. Theory

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    The distribution of currents, ib, in the bonds b of a randomly diluted resistor network at the percolation threshold is investigated through a study of the moments of the distribution P^(i2) and the moments of the distribution P(y), where y=-lnib2. For q\u3eqc the qth moment of P^(i2), Mq (i.e., the average of i2q), scales as a power law of the system size L, with a multifractal (noise) exponent ψ̃(q)-ψ̃(0). Numerical data indicate that qc is negative, but becomes small for large L. Assuming that all derivatives ψ̃(q) exist at q=0+, we show that for positive integer k the kth moment, μk, of P(y) is given by μk=(α0 lnL)k{1+[kC1+1/2k(k-1)D1] (lnL)−1+O[(lnL)−2]}, where α0 and D1 (but not C1) are universal constants obtained from ψ̃(q). A second independent argument, requiring an assumed analyticity property of the asymptotic multifractal function, f(α), leads to the same equation for all k. This latter argument allows us to include finite-size corrections to f(α), which are of order (lnL)−1. These corrections must be taken into account in interpreting numerical studies of P(y). We note that data for P(-lni2) seem to show power-law behavior as a function of i2 for small i. Values of the exponents are directly related to the values of qc, and the numerical data in two dimensions indicate it to be small (but probably nonzero). We suggest, in view of the nature of the finite-size corrections in the expression for μk, that the asymptotic regime may not have been reached in the numerical work. For d=6 we find that Mq(L)~(lnL)θ(q), where θ(q)→∞ for q→qc=-1/2

    Resistance Fluctuations in Randomly Diluted Networks

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    The resistance R(x,x’) between two connected terminals in a randomly diluted resistor network is studied on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice at the percolation threshold pc. When each individual resistor has a small random component of resistance, R(x,x’) becomes a random variable with an associated probability distribution, which contains information on the distribution of currents in the individual resistors. The noise measured between the terminals may be characterized by the cumulants Mq(x,x’) of R(x,x’). When averaged over configurations of clusters, M¯q(x,x’)~‖x-x’‖ψ̃(q). We construct low-concentration series for the generalized resistive susceptibility, χ(q), associated with M¯q, from which the critical exponents ψ̃(q) are obtained. We prove that ψ̃(q) is a convex monotonically decreasing function of q, which has the special values ψ̃(0)=DB, ψ̃(1)=ζ̃R, and ψ̃(∞)=1/ν. (DB is the fractal dimension of the backbone, ζ̃R is the usual scaling exponent for the average resistance, and ν is the correlation-length exponent.) Using the convexity property and the accepted values of these three exponents, we construct two approximant functions for ψ(q)=ψ̃(q)ν, both of which agree with the series results for all q\u3e1 and with existing numerical simulations. These approximants enabled us to obtain explicit approximate forms for the multifractal functions α(q) and f(q) which, for a given q, characterize the scaling with size of the dominant value of the current and the number of bonds having this current. This scaling description fails for sufficiently large negative q, when the dominant (small) current decreases exponentially with size. In this case χ(q) diverges at a lower threshold p*(q), which vanishes as q→-∞

    Series Analysis of Randomly Diluted Nonlinear Networks With Negative Nonlinearity Exponent

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    The behavior of randomly diluted networks of nonlinear resistors, for each of which the voltage-current relationship is |V|=r|I|α, where α is negative, is studied using low-concentration series expansions on d-dimensional hypercubic lattices. The average nonlinear resistance ⟨R⟩ between a pair of points on the same cluster, a distance r apart, scales as rζ(α)/ν, where ν is the correlation-length exponent for percolation, and we have estimated ζ(α) in the range −1≤α≤0 for 1≤d≤6. ζ(α) is discontinuous at α=0 but, for α\u3c0, ζ(α) is shown to vary continuously from ζmax, which describes the scaling of the maximal self-avoiding-walk length (for α→0−), to ζBB, which describes the scaling of the backbone (at α=−1). As α becomes large and negative, the loops play a more important role, and our series results are less conclusive

    Series Analysis of Randomly Diluted Nonlinear Resistor Networks

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    The behavior of a randomly diluted network of nonlinear resistors, for each of which the voltage-current relationship is |V|=r|I|α, is studied with use of series expansions in the concentration p of conducting bonds on d-dimensional hypercubic lattices. The average nonlinear resistance 〈R〉 between pairs of sites separated by the percolation correlation length, scales as |p-pc|−ζ(α). The exponent ζ(α) was evaluated for 0\u3cα\u3c∞ and d=2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, found to decrease monotonically from the exponent describing the minimal length, at α=0, via that of the linear resistance, at α=1, to the exponent characterizing the singly connected bonds, ξ(∞)≡1. Our results agree with known results for α=0 and α=1, also with recent results for general α at d=6-ε dimensions. The second moment 〈R2〉 was found to diverge as 〈R⟩2 (for all α and d), indicating a scaling form for the probability distribution of R