1,263 research outputs found

    BMSSM Implications for Cosmology

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    The addition of non-renormalizable terms involving the Higgs fields to the MSSM (BMSSM) ameliorates the little hierarchy problem of the MSSM. We analyze in detail the two main cosmological issues affected by the BMSSM: dark matter and baryogenesis. The regions for which the relic abundance of the LSP is consistent with WMAP and collider constraints are identified, showing that the bulk region and other previously excluded regions are now permitted. Requiring vacuum stability limits the allowed regions. Based on a two-loop finite temperature effective potential analysis, we show that the electroweak phase transition can be sufficiently first order in regions that for the MSSM are incompatible with the LEP Higgs mass bound, including parameter values of \tan\beta \lsim 5, m_{\tilde{t}_{1}} > m_t, m_Q << TeV.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures. References adde

    The non-zero baryon number formulation of QCD

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    We discuss the non-zero baryon number formulation of QCD in the quenched limit at finite temperature. This describes the thermodynamics of gluons in the background of static quark sources. Although a sign problem remains in this theory, our simulation results show that it can be handled quite well numerically. The transition region gets shifted to smaller temperatures and the transition region broadens with increasing baryon number. Although the action is in our formulation explicitly Z(3) symmetric the Polyakov loop expectation value becomes non-zero already in the low temperature phase and the heavy quark potential gets screened at non-vanishing number density already this phase.Comment: LATTICE99(Finite Temperature and Density), Latex2e using espcrc2.sty, 3 pages, 7 figure

    Optimierung von Saatzeitpunkt und Nährstoffversorgung von Wintermohn

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    Der optimale Saatzeitpunkt sowie die optimale Stickstoffversorgung von Speisemohn (Papaver somniferum L.) werfen insbesondere im Winteranbau Fragen auf. In einem Feldversuch wurde 2017 die Wintermohnsorte ‘Zeno Morphex’ zu zwei verschiedenen Saatterminen im Herbst ausgesät. Eine Düngung mit Stickstoff erfolgte im Frühjahr in den Stufen 30 kg N ha-1 und 80 kg N ha-1 in Form von Hornmehl und Hornspänen. Der Saatzeitpunkt hatte keinen Einfluss auf den Samenertrag, auch die Anzahl Kapseln je Pflanze variierte kaum. Die Düngung mit 80 kg N ha-1 erhöhte im Vergleich zur Düngehöhe 30 kg N ha-1 den Samenertrag signifikant (Maximalertrag: Ø 1342,24 kg ha-1, Minimalertrag: Ø 806,33 kg ha-1). Ebenso wiesen die mit Hornmehl gedüngten Varianten siginifikant höhere Samenerträge auf als die Varianten, die Hornspäne erhielten

    Solution of the Complex Action Problem in the Potts Model for Dense QCD

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    Monte Carlo simulations of lattice QCD at non-zero baryon chemical potential μ\mu suffer from the notorious complex action problem. We consider QCD with static quarks coupled to a large chemical potential. This leaves us with an SU(3) Yang-Mills theory with a complex action containing the Polyakov loop. Close to the deconfinement phase transition the qualitative features of this theory, in particular its Z(3) symmetry properties, are captured by the 3-d 3-state Potts model. We solve the complex action problem in the Potts model by using a cluster algorithm. The improved estimator for the μ\mu-dependent part of the Boltzmann factor is real and positive and is used for importance sampling. We localize the critical endpoint of the first order deconfinement phase transition line and find consistency with universal 3-d Ising behavior. We also calculate the static quark-quark, quark-anti-quark, and anti-quark-anti-quark potentials which show screening as expected for a system with non-zero baryon density.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure


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    O presente trabalho traz reflexões preliminares de estudo teórico e exploratório por método clinico realizado em escolas da Colônia Vitória, município de Guarapuava, estado do Paraná, Brasil que recebem crianças advindas da comunidade quilombola Invernada Paiol de Telha. Pretende-se refletir sobre esse método por meio da compreensão moral ambiental dessas crianças quilombolas. Baseados na obra do autor construtivista Jean Piaget e considerando a percepção ambiental como parte da conexão existente entre a formação do juízo moral e dos valores quilombolas que são construídos de forma a existir uma compreensão do meio ambiente enquanto meio onde há uma relação dinâmica de troca. Entende-se que o método clínico viabilizou essa analise quando colocou em movimento o pensar infantil ativando o julgamento moral para as questões ambientais e também quando evindenciou o silêncio por opressão vivida pelas meninas da comunidade.The present work brings preliminary reflections of theoretical and exploratory study by clinical method carried out in schools in Colônia Vitória, municipality of Guarapuava, state of Paraná, Brazil, who receive children from the quilombola community, Invernada Paiol de Telha. It is intended to reflect on this method through the environmental moral understanding of these quilombola children. Based on the work of constructivist author Jean Piaget and considering environmental perception as part of the connection between the formation of moral judgment and quilombola values that are built so that there is an understanding of the environment as a medium where there is a dynamic exchange relationship. It is understood that the clinical method made this analysis feasible when the children's thinking was set in motion&nbsp;activating the moral judgment for environmental issues and also when the silence of oppression experienced by the girls in the community was evident. Key words: Mathematics Education. Teaching-learning. teacher-student relationship. Emotions.El presente trabajo trae reflexiones preliminares deestudio teórico y exploratorio por método clínico realizado en escuelas de la Colônia Vitória, municipio de Guarapuava, estado&nbsp;&nbsp; de Paraná, Brasil, que reciben niños de la comunidad&nbsp; quilombola Invernada Paiol de Telha. Se pretende&nbsp; reflexionar&nbsp; sobre&nbsp; este&nbsp; método&nbsp; a&nbsp; través&nbsp; de&nbsp; la comprensión moral ambiental de estos niños quilombolas. Basado en el trabajo del autor constructivista Jean Piaget y considerando&nbsp; lapercepción&nbsp; ambiental&nbsp; como&nbsp; parte&nbsp; de&nbsp; la conexión&nbsp; existente&nbsp; entre&nbsp; la&nbsp; formación&nbsp; del&nbsp; juicio&nbsp; moral&nbsp; y los valores de quilombola que se construyen de tal manera que&nbsp; hay&nbsp; una&nbsp; comprensión&nbsp; del&nbsp; medio&nbsp; ambiente&nbsp; como&nbsp; un medio donde existe una relación de intercambio dinámico. Se entiende que el método clínico hizo que este&nbsp; análisis cuando puso en marcha el pensamiento infantil, activando el juicio moral para lascuestiones ambientales&nbsp; y&nbsp; también cuando evidenciaba el silencio poropresión experimentada por las niñas de la comunidad

    Beyond the MSSM Higgs with d=6 effective operators

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    We continue a previous study of the MSSM Higgs Lagrangian extended by all effective operators of dimension d=6 that can be present beyond the MSSM, consistent with its symmetries. By supersymmetry, such operators also extend the neutralino and chargino sectors, and the corresponding component fields Lagrangian is computed onshell. The corrections to the neutralino and chargino masses, due to these operators, are computed analytically in function of the MSSM corresponding values. For individual operators, the corrections are small, of few GeV for the constrained MSSM (CMSSM) viable parameter space. We investigate the correction to the lightest Higgs mass, which receives, from individual operators, a supersymmetric correction of up to 4 (6) GeV above the 2-loop leading-log CMSSM value, from those CMSSM phase space points with: EW fine tuning Delta<200, consistent with WMAP relic density (3σ\sigma), and for a scale of the operators of M=10 (8) TeV, respectively. Applied to the CMSSM point of minimal fine tuning (Delta=18), such increase gives an upper limit mh=120(122)±2m_h=120(122)\pm 2 GeV, respectively. The increase of m_h from individual operators can be larger (\sim 10-30 GeV) for those CMSSM phase space points with Delta>200; these can now be phenomenologically viable, with reduced Delta, and this includes those points that would have otherwise violated the LEP2 bound by this value. The neutralino/chargino Lagrangian extended by the effective operators can be used in studies of dark matter relic density within extensions of the MSSM, by implementing it in public codes like micrOMEGAs.Comment: 36 pages, Latex, 16 figures (v2: minor changes, corrected typos


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    Apresentamos estudo bibliométrico de pesquisas nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol entre os anos de 2010 e 2021 nas bases científicas SciELO, b-on e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) relativo à criatividade na Ciência da Educação com finalidade de encontrarmos evidências que possibilitem conhecimento científico renovado e maior clareza relativa as principais características desses estudos. Buscou-se mapear publicações e verificar como as pesquisas relativas a Criatividade, em especial, na área de conhecimento da Educação está distribuída globalmente num intuito inicial de registar o todo científico. Este estudo oferece indicadores da produção científica, as relações e interações entre seus elementos como forma de dimensionar a produtividade e as relações existentes entre os documentos no que tange a países, temáticas pesquisadas, instituições interessadas ou ainda autores e suas ligações científicas. O estudo bibliométrico foi realizado por meio do software VOSviewer. Constatou-se que a criatividade é tema de pesquisa no mundo e preocupação em diversas áreas do conhecimento, mantendo forte ligação na Educação e Psicologia, sendo que há crescimento no interesse científico pelo assunto, além disso, pode-se verificar que a cooperação científica internacional necessita aumentar, pois, há tendência ao fechamento epistemológico. O estudo demonstrou igualmente carência de estudos publicados sob epistemologia complexa, lugar de fala das autoras.Presentamos estudio bibliométrico de investigaciones en portugués, inglés y español entre los años 2010 y 2021 en las bases científicas SciELO, b-on y Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) sobre la creatividad en Ciencias de la Educación. El mismo tiene por objetivo encontrar evidencia que permita renovar el conocimiento científico y aportar claridad sobre las principales características de estos estúdios relacionadas con la Creatividad, especialmente en el área de conocimiento de la Educación, se distribuyen globalmente con el objetivo inicial de registrar el conjunto científico. Este estudio ofrece indicadores de producción científica, relaciones e interacciones entre sus elementos como una forma de medir la productividad y las relaciones entre documentos en términos de países, temas investigados, instituciones interesadas o incluso autores y sus conexiones científicas. El estudio bibliométrico se realizó mediante el software VOSviewer. Se encontró que la creatividad es un tema de investigación en el mundo y una preocupación en diferentes áreas del conocimiento. Sobre el mismo ha aumentado su interés y se mantiene una fuerte conexión en Educación y Psicología. Además se puede observar que es necesario acrecentar la cooperación científica internacional, dado que existe una tendencia hacia el reduccionismo epistemológico. El trabajo también demuestra la falta de estudios publicados desde uma epistemología compleja, posición desde la cual hablan las autoras.We present a bibliometric study of research in Portuguese, English and Spanish between the years 2010 and 2021 in the scientific bases SciELO, b-on and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (VHL) regarding creativity in Educational Science with the aim of finding evidence that enable renewed scientific knowledge and greater clarity regarding the main characteristics of these studies. We sought to map publications and verify how research related to Creativity, especially in the area of knowledge of Education, is distributed globally with the initial aim of recording the scientific whole. This study offers indicators of scientific production, the relationships and interactions between its elements as a way of measuring productivity and the relationships between documents in terms of countries, researched themes, interested institutions or even authors and their scientific connections. The bibliometric study was carried out using the VOSviewer software. It was found that creativity is a topic of research in the world and a concern in different areas of knowledge, maintaining a strong connection in Education and Psychology, and there is growth in scientific interest in the subject, in addition, it can be seen that international scientific cooperation needs to increase, as there is a tendency towards epistemological closure. The study also demonstrated a lack of studies published under complex epistemology, the place the authors speak

    Universality and scaling behavior of RG gauge actions

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    We study universality and scaling properties of RG gauge actions (Iwasaki and DBW2). In the first part we consider the critical temperature T_{c} and compute the reference energy scale r_{0} for critical couplings \beta_{c} corresponding to N_{t}=3,4,6,8. The universality of T_{c}r_{0} between Iwasaki and Wilson action is confirmed and the scaling behavior of the Iwasaki action is found to be better than the one for the Wilson action. The results for the DBW2 action show larger lattice artefacts. A continuum value T_{c}r_{0}=0.7498(50) is extracted. We compute also the glueball masses for the states 0^{++} and 2^{++}, investigate the scaling of m_{0^{++}}r_{0} and m_{2^{++}}r_{0} and point out practical problems which are due to the violation of positivity present in the RG actions.Comment: 36 page


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    Apresentamos ensaio teórico para reflexão e crítica relativa à criatividade na educação contemporânea em perspectiva da Teoria de Complexidade. Sob viés filosófico de Edgar Morin pretendemos oferecer conhecimento que coloque em movimento vários elementos complementares, transcendentes e concorrentes antes que se possa afirmar que houve criatividade. Para tanto, nos concentramos na compreensão da pessoa da criatividade, do potencial, dos estímulos, das frustrações, do processo de desenvolvimento, métricas, assim como treino cognitivo e o ambiente escolar. Nossos contributos participam de tese em desenvolvimento, financiada pela Capes, junto a Universidade Federal do Paraná em Curitiba, Brasil