16 research outputs found

    Seafloor warm water temperature anomalies impact benthic macrofauna communities of a high-Arctic cold-water fjord

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    Amid the alarming atmospheric and oceanic warming rates taking place in the Arctic, western fjords around the Svalbard archipelago are experiencing an increased frequency of warm water intrusions in recent decades, causing ecological shifts in their ecosystems. However, hardly anything is known about their potential impacts on the until recently considered stable and colder northern fjords. We analyzed macrobenthic fauna from four locations in Rijpfjorden (a high-Arctic fjord in the north of Svalbard) along its axis, sampled intermittently in the years 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2017. After a strong seafloor warm water temperature anomaly (SfWWTA) in 2006, the abundance of individuals and species richness dropped significantly across the entire fjord in 2007, together with diversity declines at the outer parts (reflected in Shannon index drops) and increases in beta diversity between inner and outer parts of the fjord. After a period of three years with stable water temperatures and higher sea-ice cover, communities recovered through recolonization processes by 2010, leading to homogenization in community composition across the fjord and less beta diversity. For the last two periods (2010-2013 and 2013-2017), beta diversity between the inner and outer parts gradually increased again, and both the inner and outer sites started to re-assemble in different directions. A few taxa began to dominate the fjord from 2010 onwards at the outer parts, translating into evenness and diversity drops. The inner basin, however, although experiencing strong shifts in abundances, was partially protected by a fjordic sill from impacts of these temperature anomalies and remained comparatively more stable regarding community diversity after the disturbance event. Our results indicate that although shifts in abundances were behind important spatio-temporal community fluctuations, beta diversity variations were also driven by the occurrence-based macrofauna data, suggesting an important role of rare taxa. This is the first multidecadal time series of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities for a high-Arctic fjord, indicating that potential periodic marine heatwaves might drive shifts in community structure, either through direct effects from thermal stress on the communities or through changes in environmental regimes led by temperature fluctuations (i.e. sea ice cover and glacial runoff, which could lead to shifts in primary production and food supply to the benthos). Although high-Arctic macrobenthic communities might be resilient to some extent, sustained warm water anomalies could lead to permanent changes in cold-water fjordic benthic systems

    Uptake of sympagic organic carbon by the Barents Sea benthos linked to sea ice seasonality

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    On Arctic shelves, where primary production occurs in both the pelagic and sympagic (ice-associated) habitats, sympagic organic material (OM) can constitute a disproportionate fraction of benthic diets due to higher sinking rates and lower grazing pressure than pelagic OM. Less documented is how sympagic OM assimilation across feeding guilds varies seasonally and in relation to sea ice duation. We therefore investigated the relative abundance of sympagic vs pelagic OM in Barents Sea shelf megabenthos in the summer and winter of 2018 and 2019, from 10 stations where sea ice duration ranged from 0 to 245 days per year. We use highly branched isoprenoids, which are lipid biomarkers produced with distinct molecular structures by diatoms in sea ice and the water column, to determine the ratio of sympagic-to-pelagic OM assimilated by benthic organisms. From 114 samples of 25 taxa analysed, we found that the proportion of sympagic OM assimilated ranged from 0.4% to 95.8% and correlated strongly (r2 = 0.754) with the duration of sea ice cover. The effect of sea ice duration was more evident in fauna collected during summer than winter, indicating that sympagic signals are more evident in the summer than in the winter at higher latitudes. Our data show that sympagic production can supply a high fraction of carbon for Barents Sea benthos, although this is highly variable and likely dependent on availability and patchiness of sympagic OM deposition. These results are comparable to similar studies conducted on benthos in the Pacific Arctic and highlight the variable importance of sympagic OM in the seasonal ice zone of Arctic inflow shelves, which are the Arctic regions with highest rates of sea ice loss.publishedVersio

    ProSight PTM 2.0: improved protein identification and characterization for top down mass spectrometry

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    ProSight PTM 2.0 (http://prosightptm2.scs.uiuc.edu) is the next generation of the ProSight PTM web-based system for the identification and characterization of proteins using top down tandem mass spectrometry. It introduces an entirely new data-driven interface, integrated Sequence Gazer for protein characterization, support for fixed modifications, terminal modifications and improved support for multiple precursor ions (multiplexing). Furthermore, it supports data import and export for local analysis and collaboration

    A recombinant antibody increases cardiac contractility by mimicking phospholamban phosphorylation

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    Many cardiovascular disease states end in progressive heart failure. Changes in intracellular calcium handling, including a reduced activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump (SERCA), contribute to this contractile dysfunction. As the regulatory protein phospholamban can inhibit the calcium pump, we evaluated it as a potential target to improve cardiac function. In this study, we describe a recombinant antibody-based protein (PLN-Ab) that binds to the cytoplasmic domain of phospholamban. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies suggest that PLN-Ab mimics the effects of phospholamban phosphorylation. PLN-Ab accelerated the decay of the calcium transient when expressed in neonatal rat and adult mouse ventricular cardiac myocytes. In addition, direct injection of adenovirus encoding PLN-Ab into the diabetic mouse heart enhanced contractility when measured in vivo by echocardiography and in ex vivo Langendorff perfused hearts. The PLN-Ab provides a novel therapeutic approach to improving contractility through in vivo expression of an antibody inside cardiac myocytes