656 research outputs found


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    The paper theoretically substantiates the didactic foundations of professional training of future law enforcement officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of earning a bachelor's degree. It is established that a future officer as a object of training needs to instill the ability to independently replenish his knowledge, skills, be aware of modern military scientific information, adequately assess events that occur in society, and most importantly to shape motives and motivation for professional self – determination and constant self-improvement. It was found that one of the goals of the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a high level of combined arms training of future officers, which is possible to achieve if the model of professional training of future law enforcement officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is introduced into the educational process in terms of earning a bachelor's degree, which fully ensures the implementation of pedagogical conditions in the educational process for training future officers, which are united on the basis of didactic principles of military education, the introduction of ideas and technologies of personality-oriented training, the transition from an authoritarian model of training future officers to a personality-oriented one, which should be based on the principles of modern didactics.The paper theoretically substantiates the didactic foundations of professional training of future law enforcement officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of earning a bachelor's degree. It is established that a future officer as a object of training needs to instill the ability to independently replenish his knowledge, skills, be aware of modern military scientific information, adequately assess events that occur in society, and most importantly to shape motives and motivation for professional self – determination and constant self-improvement. It was found that one of the goals of the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a high level of combined arms training of future officers, which is possible to achieve if the model of professional training of future law enforcement officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is introduced into the educational process in terms of earning a bachelor's degree, which fully ensures the implementation of pedagogical conditions in the educational process for training future officers, which are united on the basis of didactic principles of military education, the introduction of ideas and technologies of personality-oriented training, the transition from an authoritarian model of training future officers to a personality-oriented one, which should be based on the principles of modern didactics

    Теоретичні особливості розрахунку мобільних вертодромних покриттів

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    The article focuses on the calculation of mobile heliport and airport pavement. Benefits anddisadvantages of using steel plates as a pavement material and history of its development are presented. Basiccalculation relations, which could be used in the development of standard calculation procedure of mobile pavements,are also given.Рассмотрены вопросы определения напряженно-деформированного состояния временных покрытий подвоздушные суда, расчета мобильных аэродромных и вертодромных покрытий. Отмечено, что на Украине несуществует нормативной документации по проектированию, расчету вертодромных покрытий разных типов,устройству временных покрытий из тонких металлических или резинокордовых плит. В качестве модели плитыпокрытия для получения основных расчетных зависимостей выбрана тонкостенная оболочка на упругомосновании. Работа основания смоделирована с помощью набора пружин, не связанных друг с другом.Приведены расчетные зависимости, которые могут быть использованы при разработке нормативной методикирасчета мобильных покрытий.Розглянуто питання визначення напружено-деформованого стану тимчасових покриттів під повітряні судна,розрахунку мобільних аеродромних та вертодромних покриттів. Зазначено, що в Україні не існує нормативноїдокументації щодо проектування, розрахунку вертодромних покриттів різних типів, влаштування тимчасовихпокриттів із тонких металевих або гумокордових плит. Як модель плити покриття для отримання основнихрозрахункових залежностей вибрано тонкостінну оболонку на пружній основі. Роботу основи змодельовано задопомогою набору пружин, що не пов'язані одна з одною. Наведено розрахункові залежності, які можуть бутивикористані під час розроблення нормативної методики розрахунку мобільних покриттів

    Directional wetting on patterned surfaces

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    Nieznany portret króla cypryjskiego Hugona IV Lusignan: Rekonstrukcje, pytania i hipotezy wokół miniatury z manuskryptu BSB. Clm. 10268. Michael scotus. F. 1r.

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    The Lusignan epoch in Cyprus produced a number of interesting and extraor­dinary individuals, of which king Hugh IV Lusignan particularly stood out. However, due to a lack of portraits left to us from that time, we have only a very vague concept of what those individuals’ appearances looked like. This work makes a unique attempt at reconstructing a portrait of king Hugh IV Lusignan based on a miniature found in a manuscript containing works of Michael Scotus, located in the Bavarian State Library.Era dynastii Lusignan na Cyprze zrodziła wiele ciekawych i niezwykłych postaci, spośród których wyróżnia się szczególnie król Hugon IV Lusignan. Ponieważ nie przetrwały żadne portrety z tego okresu, posiadamy jedynie mgliste wyobrażenie o tym, jak mogły wyglądać te postaci. Niniejsza praca ma na celu próbę unikalnej rekonstrukcji portretu króla Hugona IV Lusignan na podstawie miniatury znajdującej się w manuskrypcie zawierającym dzieła Michaela Scotusa, przechowywanym w Bawarskiej Bibliotece Landowej

    Rosyjscy pielgrzymi XII-XVIII wieku o „słodkiej cypryjskiej krainie”

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    The era of the Crusades was also the era of pilgrims and pilgrimages to Jeru­salem. The Russian Orthodox world did not accept the idea of the Crusades and did not consider the Western European crusaders to be pilgrims. However, Russian people also sought to make pilgrimages, the purpose of which they saw in personal repentance and worship of the Lord. Visiting the Christian relics of Cyprus was desirable for pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. Based on the method of content analysis of a whole complex of the writings of Russian pil­grims, as well as the works of Cypriot, Byzantine, Arab and Russian chroniclers, the author explores the history of travels and pilgrimages of Russian people to Cyprus in the 12th–18th centuries, the origins of the Russian-Cypriot reli­gious, inter-cultural and political relationships, in addition to the dynamics of their development from the first contacts in the Middle Ages to the establish­ment of permanent diplomatic and political relations between the two coun­tries in the Early Modern Age. Starting with the 17th century, Russian-Cypriot relationships were developing in three fields: 1) Russians in Cyprus; 2) Cypri­ots in Russia; 3) knowledge of Cyprus and interest in Cyprus in Russia. Cyp­riots appeared in Russia (at the court of the Russian tsars) at the beginning of the 17th century. We know of constant correspondence and the exchange of embassies between the Russian tsars and the hierarchs of the Cypriot Ortho­dox Church that took place in the 17th–18th centuries. The presence of Cypri­ots in Russia, the acquisition of information, the study of Cypriot literature, and translations of some Cypriot writings into Russian all promoted interactions on both political and cultural levels. This article emphasizes the important histori­cal, cultural, diplomatic and political functions of the pilgrimages.Czas wypraw krzyżowych był także epoką pielgrzymowania do Jerozolimy. Rosyjski świat prawosławny nie zaakceptował idei wypraw krzyżowych i nie uważał zachodnioeuropejskich krzyżowców za pielgrzymów. Jednak Rosjanie również starali się organizować pielgrzymki, których cel upatrywali w osobi­stej skrusze i uwielbieniu Boga. Nawiedzanie chrześcijańskich relikwii znaj­dujących się na Cyprze było pożądane przez pielgrzymów udających się do Jerozolimy. Opierając się na metodzie analizy treści całego kompleksu pism pielgrzymów rosyjskich, a także pism kronikarzy cypryjskich, bizantyjskich, arabskich i rosyjskich, autorka bada historię podróży i pielgrzymek odbywa­nych przez Rosjan na Cypr od XII do XVIII stulecia, genezę rosyjsko-cypryj­skich stosunków religijnych, międzykulturowych i politycznych, a także dyna­mikę ich rozwoju od pierwszych kontaktów w średniowieczu do nawiązania stałych stosunków dyplomatycznych i politycznych między oboma krajami we wczesnej epoce nowożytnej. Począwszy od XVII wieku stosunki rosyj­sko-cypryjskie rozwijały się na trzech płaszczyznach: 1) Rosjanie na Cyprze; 2) greccy Cypryjczycy w Rosji; 3) wiedza o Cyprze i zainteresowanie Cyprem w Rosji. Greccy Cypryjczycy pojawili się w Rosji (na dworze carów rosyjskich) na początku XVII wieku. Znamy stałą korespondencję i wymianę posłów pomiędzy carami rosyjskimi a hierarchami cypryjskiego Kościoła Prawosław­nego, która odbywała się w XVII-XVIII wieku. Obecność greckich Cypryjczy­ków w Rosji, zdobywanie informacji, studiowanie literatury cypryjskiej oraz przekładanie niektórych pism cypryjskich na język rosyjski sprzyjało interak­cjom na płaszczyźnie zarówno politycznej, jak i kulturowej. Niniejszy artykuł podkreśla ważne historyczne, kulturowe, dyplomatyczne i polityczne funkcje pielgrzymek


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    On the basis of inclusive education importance for children with disabilities and special educational needs, which contributes to the development of communication and socialization skills, as well as the development of tolerance among typically developing children, the aim of this work was to describe a resource classroom as a model for the effective organization of inclusive education in mainstream schools of the Russian Federation.  The article defines a resource classroom in Russian educational system. The authors determine legal and regulatory frameworks to establish such classrooms. This study presents the main methodological base of resource classrooms, the organization for the educational process and space according to the students needs. Based on the generalization for the experience of the resource classrooms in the regions of the Russian Federation, the interaction for all elements of this model is shown. The study confirms that positive learning outcomes, involvement and inclusion of children with disabilities and special educational needs in a mainstream school and society are the evidence for the effectiveness of resource classrooms. The described model makes inclusion in education comfortable and effective not only for students of the resource classroom, but also for typically developing children, parents and the teaching staff of a school.

    Numerical Study of Polarization-Dependent Focusing for a Bilayer Planar FSS Reflective Lens at Millimeter Wavelengths

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    We analyze numerically the polarization-dependent focusing properties of a planar reflective lens that is formed by two parallel layers of the non-uniform gangbuster surfaces (GS) above a ground plane. Since these gangbuster surfaces consist of superdense arrays of thin finite-length parallel metallic wires, the desired phase patterns on such a lens surface are achieved by adjusting lengths of these metallic wires for appropriate polarization components. In our analysis, we use the Method of Moment (MoM) and the transmission lines analogy, along with the surface equivalence theorem, to estimate the field intensity in the focal plane

    The effect of high pressure on the NMDA receptor: molecular dynamics simulations

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    Professional divers exposed to ambient pressures above 11 bar develop the high pressure neurological syndrome (HPNS), manifesting as central nervous system (CNS) hyperexcitability, motor disturbances, sensory impairment, and cognitive deficits. The glutamate-type N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) has been implicated in the CNS hyperexcitability of HPNS. NMDARs containing different subunits exhibited varying degrees of increased/decreased current at high pressure. The mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear. We performed 100 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the NMDAR structure embedded in a dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) lipid bilayer solvated in water at 1 bar, hydrostatic 25 bar, and in helium at 25 bar. MD simulations showed that in contrast to hydrostatic pressure, high pressure helium causes substantial distortion of the DOPC membrane due to its accumulation between the two monolayers: reduction of the Sn-1 and Sn-2 DOPC chains and helium-dependent dehydration of the NMDAR pore. Further analysis of important regions of the NMDAR protein such as pore surface (M2 α-helix), Mg2+ binding site, and TMD-M4 α-helix revealed significant effects of helium. In contrast with previous models, these and our earlier results suggest that high pressure helium, not hydrostatic pressure per se, alters the receptor tertiary structure via protein-lipid interactions. Helium in divers’ breathing mixtures may partially contribute to HPNS symptoms. © 2019, The Author(s).The Oak Ridge Leadership Computational Facility (OLCF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided access to the Titan supercomputer. The authors wish to thank Mr. Bogdan Iaparov for calculating the DOPC order parameters, Veronika Bikova and Anastasia Bazhutina for molecular volume and RDF calculations. Y.M. was partly supported by UrFU Competitiveness Enhancement Program (agreement 02.A03.21.0006)