509 research outputs found

    Pop-up cavities

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    Метою роботи є дослідження маловивченого на теперішній час процесу переміщення збережених у приповерхневому вуглепородному масиві Донбасу пустот від місця їхнього первинного розташування до земної поверхні.The object of this paper is research into the understudied for now process of cavities, preserved in the sub-surface coal-bearing strata in the Donets Basin, moving from the places of their original location towards the surface.Целью работы является исследование малоизученного в настоящее время процесса перемещения сохранившихся в приповерхностном углепородном массиве Донбасса пустот от мест их первоначального расположения к земной поверхности. Методика исследования. Проанализированы фактические случаи так называемого всплывания пустот в угледобывающей практике. Выполнен абстрактный расчёт поэтапного всплывания условно сохранившейся выработки (пустоты) в породном массиве различной прочности

    Man in Devil's guise : Satan's exceptional humanity in Milton's Paradise Lost

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    The subject of this thesis is Satan in Milton's Paradise Lost. I begin by observing how major critics and poets from Dryden on have understood this wonderful yet controversial character in Milton's greatest poem. After identifying the Satanist and anti-Satanist schools in this tradition and some of the general features of each school, I proceed to argue my central claim: by virtue of his consciousness, will, reason, and passion, Satan is a character whose nature is not in fact supernatural but fundamentally and essentially the same as that of an exceptional human being. I justify this claim by treating each of these attributes in separate chapters (the first chapter documents both consciousness and will). In making this argument, I take issue with early anti-Satanists, such as Dryden, Addison, Blair, and Johnson, and later anti-Satanists, such as Williams, Lewis, Musgrove, and Fish who fail to recognise Satan's exceptional human qualities, especially his reason. Though I align myself with some of the Satanists I discuss in the opening chapter, I also distinguish myself from them by first providing a distinct description of the specific nature of Satan's consciousness, will, reason, and passion. In so doing, I advance the Satanist critics' understanding of Satan by demonstrating that when all these particular features of Satan's character are taken together he can be seen as an exceptional human being. Thus, I explicitly argue for a claim that Satanists either gloss over or simply assume: Satan is essentially human. And it is because he is essentially human that Johnson is mistaken in claiming that the poem lacks human interest: we are interested in Satan because Satan is like us

    Autoantibodies to aS1-Casein Are Induced by Breast-Feeding

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    Background: The generation of antibodies is impaired in newborns due to an immature immune system and reduced exposure to pathogens due to maternally derived antibodies and placental functions. During nursing, the immune system of newborns is challenged with multiple milk-derived proteins. Amongst them, caseins are the main constituent. In particular, human aS1-casein (CSN1S1) was recently shown to possess immunomodulatory properties. We were thus interested to determine if auto-antibodies to CSN1S1 are induced by breast-feeding and may be sustained into adulthood. Methods: 62 sera of healthy adult individuals who were (n = 37) or were not (n = 25) breast-fed against human CSN1S1 were investigated by a new SD (surface display)-ELISA. For cross-checking, these sera were tested for anti Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibodies by a commercial ELISA. Results: IgG-antibodies were predominantly detected in individuals who had been nursed. At a cut-off value of 0.4, the SDELISA identified individuals with a history of having been breast-fed with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 92%. Under these conditions, 35 out of 37 sera from healthy donors, who where breast-fed, reacted positively but only 5 sera of the 25 donors who were not breast-fed. The duration of breast-feeding was of no consequence to the antibody reaction as some healthy donors were only short term breast-fed (5 days minimum until 6 weeks maximum), but exhibited significant serum reaction against human CSN1S1 nonetheless. Conclusion: We postulate that human CSN1S1 is an autoantigen. The antigenicity is orally determined, caused by breastfeeding, and sustained into adulthood

    Engineering and geological features of soils fundamentals buildings and engineering networks of the Dnipro city

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    The analysis of engineering and geological properties of soils both in the natural state and under the influence of human economic activity is performed in the work. The researches from the point of view of conditions of construction and operation of buildings and constructions of engineering infrastructure of the city of Dnipro are proved. As a result of the analysis of specific geomorphological zones, specific examples of violations of the operation of buildings on subsidence soils, a number of measures are proposed for maintenance and operation of buildings and structures located in areas composed of subsidence soils, on the example of specific areas exposed to past man-made events. An analytical assessment of the ecological catastrophe on the territory of the Topolya 1 railway in 1997 is provided. The paper considers a principled approach to the principles and conditions of operation of buildings and structures on specific subsidence soils of the city of Dnipro.В роботі виконано аналіз інженерно-геологічних властивостей грунтів як в природньому стані, так і під впливом господарської діяльності людини. Доведені дослідження з точки зору умов будівництва і експлуатації будівель та споруд інженерної інфрастуктури міста Дніпро. Внаслідок аналізу конкретних геоморфологічних зон, конкретних прикладів порушень умов експлуатації будівель на просідальних грунтах, пропонується ряд заходів по утриманню і експлуатації будівель і споруд, розташованих на територіях, складених просідальними грунтами, на прикладі конкретних районів, які піддавалися в минулому негативним подіям техногенного характреру. Надається аналітична оцінка екологічної катастрофи на території ж/м "Тополя -1" у 1997 році. В роботі розглядається принциповий підхід до принципів і умов експлуатації будівель і споруд на специфічних просідальних грунтах міста Дніпро

    VEGF induces signalling and angiogenesis by directing VEGFR2 internalisation via macropinocytosis

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    Endocytosis plays critical role in receptor signalling. VEGFR2 and its ligand VEGFA are fundamental in neovascularization. Yet, our understanding of the role of endocytosis in VEGFR2 signalling remains limited. Despite the existence of diverse internalisation routes, the only known endocytic pathway of VEGFR2 is the clathrin-mediated. Here, we show that this pathway is the predominant internalisation route of VEGFR2 only in the absence of ligand. Intriguingly, VEGF introduces a novel internalisation itinerary for VEGFR2, the pathway of macropinocytosis, which becomes the prevalent endocytic route of the receptor in the presence of ligand, while the route of clathrin becomes minor. Macropinocytic internalisation of VEGFR2, which mechanistically is mediated via the small GTPase CDC42, takes place via macropinosomes generated at ruffling areas of the membrane. Interestingly, macropinocytosis plays critical role in VEGF-induced signalling, endothelial cell functions in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo, while clathrin-mediated endocytosis is not essential for VEGF signalling. These findings expand our knowledge on the endocytic pathways of VEGFR2 and suggest that VEGF-driven internalisation of VEGFR2 via macropinocytosis is essential for endothelial cell signalling and angiogenesis

    A Regional Modeling Study of the Entraining Mediterranean Outflow

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    [1] We have evaluated a regional-scale simulation of the Mediterranean outflow by comparison with field data obtained in the 1988 Gulf of Cadiz Expedition. Our ocean model is based upon the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) and includes the Richardson number-dependent entrainment parameterization of Xu et al. (2006). Given realistic topography and sufficient resolution, the model reproduces naturally the major, observed features of the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz: the downstream evolution of temperature, salinity, and velocity profiles, the mean path and the spreading of the outflow plume, and most importantly, the localized, strong entrainment that has been observed to occur just west of the Strait of Gibraltar. As in all numerical solutions, there is some sensitivity to horizontal and vertical resolution. When the resolution is made coarser, the simulated currents are less vigorous and there is consequently less entrainment. Our Richardson number-dependent entrainment parameterization is therefore not recommended for direct application in coarse-resolution climate models. We have used the high-resolution regional model to investigate the response of the Mediterranean outflow to a change in the freshwater balance over the Mediterranean basin. The results are found in close agreement with the marginal sea boundary condition (MSBC): A more saline and dense Mediterranean deep water generates a significantly greater volume transport of the Mediterranean product water having only very slightly greater salinity