208 research outputs found

    “Nobody wants to remove a baby... That’s the crux of it”: Social Workers’ Experiences of Undertaking Pre-Birth Assessments

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    Pre-birth assessment is an area of children and families social work which has received very little attention in terms of research and practice guidance. There is evidence across western countries that statutory intervention to protect newborn children has increased significantly over the last decade, with growing concerns that research and guidance to support practice have not increased at a similar rate. A gap in current research is the experience of social workers undertaking the work, with no studies focused solely on this area to date. This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of social workers undertaking pre-birth assessments within one region of England. The findings have situated pre-birth assessment as intrinsically complex, fundamentally emotional, and highly uncertain; where the consequences for the children, families and social workers can be catastrophic, and yet appear to be broadly unrecognised. Pre-birth social work is placed as a distinct area of practice where there are several unique challenges to assessment and decision making, with the child at the centre of the assessment remaining invisible throughout the work. Overwhelmingly, social workers reported feeling unprepared for the work which has significant moral and ethical implications due to the potential impact of the decisions being made. The findings highlight the need for urgent developments in the way pre-birth social work practice is approached and several recommendations for practice, policy, education and research are made

    The Experiences of Social Workers Undertaking Pre-birth Assessment: Professional Doctorate Conference Presentation

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    Pre-birth assessment is an area of children and families social work which has received very little attention in terms of research and practice guidance. There is evidence across western countries that statutory intervention to protect newborn children has increased significantly over the last decade, with growing concerns that little is known about this area of practice. One area which is especially lacking in research is the experience of social workers undertaking the work, with no studies currently focused on this solely on this area. My study sought to explore the experiences of social workers within a region of England which is experiencing the highest level of growth in pre-birth assessment, to consider the impact that this practice had on them and what we could learn from their experiences. The preliminary findings have highlighted the complexity and weight of this work, with social workers struggling to navigate decision making and questioning what the ‘right’ thing to do regarding infants and their families whilst also facing cultural and systemic challenges. Pre-birth work was described as distinct from other areas of practice and fraught with moral and ethical dilemmas. Social workers in the study often felt unprepared for the work, and the impact of working with this level of complexity in a forum of uncertainty had a profound impact on some participants

    DNAPlotter: circular and linear interactive genome visualization

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    Summary: DNAPlotter is an interactive Java application for generating circular and linear representations of genomes. Making use of the Artemis libraries to provide a user-friendly method of loading in sequence files (EMBL, GenBank, GFF) as well as data from relational databases, it filters features of interest to display on separate user-definable tracks. It can be used to produce publication quality images for papers or web pages

    A cluster randomised controlled trial of a web based decision aid to support parents' decisions about their child's Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a web based decision aid versus a leaflet versus, usual practice in reducing parents' decisional conflict for the first dose MMR vaccination decision. The, impact on MMR vaccine uptake was also explored. DESIGN: Three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Fifty GP practices in the north of, England. PARTICIPANTS: 220 first time parents making a first dose MMR decision. INTERVENTIONS: Web, based MMR decision aid plus usual practice, MMR leaflet plus usual practice versus usual practice only, (control). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Decisional conflict was the primary outcome and used as the, measure of parents' levels of informed decision-making. MMR uptake was a secondary outcome. RESULTS: Decisional conflict decreased post-intervention for both intervention arms to a level where, parents could make an informed MMR decision (decision aid: effect estimate=1.09, 95% CI -1.36 to -0.82; information leaflet: effect estimate=-0.67, 95% CI -0.88 to -0.46). Trial arm was significantly, associated (p<0.001) with decisional conflict at post-intervention. Vaccination uptake was 100%, 91%, and 99% in the decision aid, leaflet and control arms, respectively (χ(2) (1, N=203)=8.69; p=0.017). Post-hoc tests revealed a statistically significant difference in uptake between the information leaflet, and the usual practice arms (p=0.04), and a near statistically significant difference between the, decision aid and leaflet arms (p=0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Parents' decisional conflict was reduced in both, the decision aid and leaflet arms. The decision aid also prompted parents to act upon that decision and, vaccinate their child. Achieving both outcomes is fundamental to the integration of immunisation, decision aids within routine practice. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN72521372

    Acute renal failure in an AIDS patient on tenofovir: a case report

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Digoxin net secretory transport in bronchial epithelial cell layers is not exclusively mediated by P-glycoprotein/MDR1

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    Copyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are creditedThe impact of P-glycoprotein (MDR1, ABCB1) on drug disposition in the lungs as well as its presence and activity in in vitro respiratory drug absorption models remain controversial to date. Hence, we characterised MDR1 expression and the bidirectional transport of the common MDR1 probe 3H-digoxin in air-liquid interfaced (ALI) layers of normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells and of the Calu-3 bronchial epithelial cell line at different passage numbers. Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCKII) cells transfected with the human MDR1 were used as positive controls. 3H-digoxin efflux ratio (ER) was low and highly variable in NHBE layers. In contrast, ER=11.4 or 3.0 was measured in Calu-3 layers at a low or high passage number, respectively. These were, however, in contradiction with increased MDR1 protein levels observed upon passaging. Furthermore, ATP depletion and the two MDR1 inhibitory antibodies MRK16 and UIC2 had no or only a marginal impact on 3H-digoxin net secretory transport in the cell line. Our data do not support an exclusive role of MDR1 in 3H-digoxin apparent efflux in ALI Calu-3 layers and suggest the participation of an ATP-independent carrier. Identification of this transporter might provide a better understanding of drug distribution in the lungs.Peer reviewe

    Absorption of ipratropium and L-carnitine into the pulmonary circulation of the ex-vivo rat lung is driven by passive processes rather than active uptake by OCT/OCTN transporters

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    The organic cation transporters OCT and OCTN have been reported to play a significant role in the cellular uptake of substrates within in vitro lung cells. However, no studies to date have investigated the effect of these transporters upon transepithelial absorption of substrates into the pulmonary circulation. We investigated the contribution of OCT and OCTN transporters to total pulmonary absorption of L-carnitine and the anti-muscarinic drug, ipratropium, across an intact isolated perfused rat lung (IPRL). The results obtained from the IPRL were contrasted with active transport in vitro using three human pulmonary cell lines and primary rat alveolar epithelial cells. Ex-vivo studies showed that OCT/OCTN transporters do not play a role in the overall pulmonary absorption of L-carnitine or ipratropium, as evidenced by the effect of chemical inhibition of these transporters upon pulmonary absorption. In contrast, in-vitro studies showed that OCT/OCTN transporters play a significant role in cellular accumulation of substrates with preferential uptake of ipratropium by OCTs, and of L-carnitine uptake by OCTNs. The results show that in-vitro uptake studies cannot be predictive of airway to blood absorption in-vivo. Nevertheless, localised submucosal pulmonary concentrations of inhaled drugs and their pulmonary pharmacodynamic profiles may be influenced by OCT/OCTN transport activity

    Classification of Protein Kinases on the Basis of Both Kinase and Non-Kinase Regions

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    BACKGROUND: Protein phosphorylation is a generic way to regulate signal transduction pathways in all kingdoms of life. In many organisms, it is achieved by the large family of Ser/Thr/Tyr protein kinases which are traditionally classified into groups and subfamilies on the basis of the amino acid sequence of their catalytic domains. Many protein kinases are multi-domain in nature but the diversity of the accessory domains and their organization are usually not taken into account while classifying kinases into groups or subfamilies. METHODOLOGY: Here, we present an approach which considers amino acid sequences of complete gene products, in order to suggest refinements in sets of pre-classified sequences. The strategy is based on alignment-free similarity scores and iterative Area Under the Curve (AUC) computation. Similarity scores are computed by detecting common patterns between two sequences and scoring them using a substitution matrix, with a consistent normalization scheme. This allows us to handle full-length sequences, and implicitly takes into account domain diversity and domain shuffling. We quantitatively validate our approach on a subset of 212 human protein kinases. We then employ it on the complete repertoire of human protein kinases and suggest few qualitative refinements in the subfamily assignment stored in the KinG database, which is based on catalytic domains only. Based on our new measure, we delineate 37 cases of potential hybrid kinases: sequences for which classical classification based entirely on catalytic domains is inconsistent with the full-length similarity scores computed here, which implicitly consider multi-domain nature and regions outside the catalytic kinase domain. We also provide some examples of hybrid kinases of the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. CONCLUSIONS: The implicit consideration of multi-domain architectures is a valuable inclusion to complement other classification schemes. The proposed algorithm may also be employed to classify other families of enzymes with multi-domain architecture

    Localization and Functional Characterization of the Rat Oatp4c1 Transporter in an In Vitro Cell System and Rat Tissues

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    The organic anion transporting polypeptide 4c1 (Oatp4c1) was previously identified as a novel uptake transporter predominantly expressed at the basolateral membrane in the rat kidney proximal tubules. Its functional role was suggested to be a vectorial transport partner of an apically-expressed efflux transporter for the efficient translocation of physiological substrates into urine, some of which were suggested to be uremic toxins. However, our in vitro studies with MDCKII cells showed that upon transfection rat Oatp4c1 polarizes to the apical membrane. In this report, we validated the trafficking and function of Oatp4c1 in polarized cell systems as well as its subcellular localization in rat kidney. Using several complementary biochemical, molecular and proteomic methods as well as antibodies amenable to immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and immunobloting we investigated the expression pattern of Oatp4c1 in polarized cell systems and in the rat kidney. Collectively, these data demonstrate that rat Oatp4c1 traffics to the apical cell surface of polarized epithelium and localizes primarily in the proximal straight tubules, the S3 fraction of the nephron. Drug uptake studies in Oatp4c1-overexpressing cells demonstrated that Oatp4c1-mediated estrone-3-sulfate (E3S) uptake was pH-dependent and ATP-independent. These data definitively demonstrate the subcellular localization and histological location of Oatp4c1 and provide additional functional evidence that reconciles expression-function reports found in the literature