51 research outputs found

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    Effect of pO2 and pH on synergy of tazobactam and ÎČ-lactam antibiotics against ÎČ-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae

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    Synergy between tazobactam and ceftriaxone or piperacillin against ÎČ-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae was not influenced by the presence or absence of oxygen. For most strains synergy was excellent at neutral pH but reduced in acidic conditions. Low pH increased 50% of the MICs up to or beyond the sensitivity breakpoin

    Monitoring serum concentrations for once-daily netilmicin dosing regimens

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    A once-daily dosing regimen for aminoglycosides is less expensive, at least as effective and possibly less toxic than multiple-daily dosing regimens. Once-daily dosing might also allow the frequency of measuring the serum concentrations of these antibiotics to be reduced since two of the major objectives of monitoring, high peak and low trough concentrations, are more likely to be achieved with this regimen. A novel strategy for monitoring serum concentrations which relies on a single sample obtained 8 h after a dose, as opposed to both trough and peak samples, is evaluated here. Serum kinetics of netilmicin were studied prospectively in 51 adult patients with initial serum creatinine concentrations of 25 ÎŒmol/L was detected in 0 of 7 patients with an 8-h concentration of 6 mg/L. The results of this study suggest that adequate information about serum netilmicin concentrations in patients receiving a once-daily dose may be derived from a sample obtained 8 h after administratio

    Litt.et.Maths : explorer des albums de littérature dans une perspective interdisciplinaire français et mathématiques

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    Le français et les mathĂ©matiques, tant au primaire qu’au secondaire, sont les deux disciplines centrales des programmes de formation actuels. Ces disciplines scolaires occupent plus de 60 % du temps d’enseignement, d’apprentissage et d’évaluation, et elles sont sources des principales difficultĂ©s et des principaux troubles d’apprentissage des Ă©lĂšves. Afin de rĂ©concilier ces deux disciplines souvent considĂ©rĂ©es comme opposĂ©es et difficiles, et de les faire apprĂ©cier par des Ă©lĂšves parfois rĂ©ticents, nous avons mis sur pied Ă  l’automne 2012 un laboratoire interdisciplinaire littĂ©rature et mathĂ©matiques nommĂ© Litt.et.Maths

    Des pistes pour améliorer les compétences en lecture des élÚves

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    La derniĂšre enquĂȘte pancanadienne sur les compĂ©tences en lecture des Ă©lĂšves du secondaire dresse un portrait peu flatteur des Ă©lĂšves quĂ©bĂ©cois par comparaison avec leurs pairs de l’Ontario, de l’Alberta ou de la Colombie-Britannique. Profitant de la diffusion de ces rĂ©sultats accablants, la ministre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport a annoncĂ© un certain nombre de mesures visant Ă  rectifier le tir en matiĂšre d’enseignement de la lecture, rĂ©pondant ainsi en partie Ă  des revendications portĂ©es depuis quelque temps par les instances syndicales. Les mesures annoncĂ©es concernent la rĂ©vision des orientations du programme du prĂ©scolaire et du primaire pour les premiers apprentissages, l’ajout d’une Ă©preuve d’évaluation Ă  la fin du deuxiĂšme cycle du primaire ainsi qu’un engagement Ă  dĂ©bloquer des fonds non nĂ©gligeables pour des recherches relatives Ă  la question de l’acquisition de la compĂ©tence en lecture

    Influence of haem environment on the catalytic properties of the tetrathionate reductase TsdA from Campylobacter jejuni

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    Bifunctional diheme cytochrome c thiosul­fate dehydrogenases/tetrathionate reductases (TsdA) exhibit different catalytic properties depend­ing on the source organism. In the human food-borne intestinal pathogen Campylobacter jejuni , TsdA functions as a tetrathionate reductase en­abling respiration with tetrathionate as an al­ternative electron acceptor. Here, evidence is provided that Cys138 and Met255 serve as the sixth ligands of Heme 1 and Heme 2, respec­tively, in the oxidized Cj TsdA wt protein. Re­placement of Cys138 resulted in a virtually inac­tive enzyme, confirming Heme 1 as the active site heme. Significantly, TsdA variants carrying amino acid exchanges in the vicinity of the elec­tron-transferring Heme 2 (Met255, Asn254 and Lys252) exhibited markedly altered catalytic properties of the enzyme, showing these residues play a key role in the physiological function of TsdA. The growth phenotypes and tetrathionate reductase activities of a series of Δ tsdA/*tsdA complemen­tation strains constructed in the original host C. jejuni 81116, showed that in vivo , the TsdA variants exhibited the same catalytic properties as the pure, recombinantly produced enzymes. However, variants that catalyzed tetrathionate reduction more effectively than the wild-type enzyme did not allow better growth

    Prediction of Extracellular Proteases of the Human Pathogen Helicobacter pylori Reveals Proteolytic Activity of the Hp1018/19 Protein HtrA

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    Exported proteases of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are potentially involved in pathogen-associated disorders leading to gastric inflammation and neoplasia. By comprehensive sequence screening of the H. pylori proteome for predicted secreted proteases, we retrieved several candidate genes. We detected caseinolytic activities of several such proteases, which are released independently from the H. pylori type IV secretion system encoded by the cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI). Among these, we found the predicted serine protease HtrA (Hp1019), which was previously identified in the bacterial secretome of H. pylori. Importantly, we further found that the H. pylori genes hp1018 and hp1019 represent a single gene likely coding for an exported protein. Here, we directly verified proteolytic activity of HtrA in vitro and identified the HtrA protease in zymograms by mass spectrometry. Overexpressed and purified HtrA exhibited pronounced proteolytic activity, which is inactivated after mutation of Ser205 to alanine in the predicted active center of HtrA. These data demonstrate that H. pylori secretes HtrA as an active protease, which might represent a novel candidate target for therapeutic intervention strategies

    Associations between depressive symptoms and disease progression in older patients with chronic kidney disease: results of the EQUAL study

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    Background Depressive symptoms are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with end-stage kidney disease; however, few small studies have examined this association in patients with earlier phases of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We studied associations between baseline depressive symptoms and clinical outcomes in older patients with advanced CKD and examined whether these associations differed depending on sex. Methods CKD patients (>= 65 years; estimated glomerular filtration rate <= 20 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) were included from a European multicentre prospective cohort between 2012 and 2019. Depressive symptoms were measured by the five-item Mental Health Inventory (cut-off <= 70; 0-100 scale). Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to study associations between depressive symptoms and time to dialysis initiation, all-cause mortality and these outcomes combined. A joint model was used to study the association between depressive symptoms and kidney function over time. Analyses were adjusted for potential baseline confounders. Results Overall kidney function decline in 1326 patients was -0.12 mL/min/1.73 m(2)/month. A total of 515 patients showed depressive symptoms. No significant association was found between depressive symptoms and kidney function over time (P = 0.08). Unlike women, men with depressive symptoms had an increased mortality rate compared with those without symptoms [adjusted hazard ratio 1.41 (95% confidence interval 1.03-1.93)]. Depressive symptoms were not significantly associated with a higher hazard of dialysis initiation, or with the combined outcome (i.e. dialysis initiation and all-cause mortality). Conclusions There was no significant association between depressive symptoms at baseline and decline in kidney function over time in older patients with advanced CKD. Depressive symptoms at baseline were associated with a higher mortality rate in men

    Le synopsis : un outil méthodologique pour comprendre la pratique enseignante

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    L’article prĂ©sente l’adaptation d’un outil mĂ©thodologique spĂ©cialisĂ©, le synopsis, mis au point par le Groupe romand d’analyse du français enseignĂ© (GRAFE), en Suisse. Conçu pour traiter et concentrer des donnĂ©es filmĂ©es en vue de dĂ©crire et comprendre des objets enseignĂ©s en classe de français, le synopsis a Ă©tĂ© adaptĂ© pour dĂ©crire et comprendre les pratiques enseignantes entourant les tĂąches de lecture et d’écriture en classe de science et d’histoire Ă  l’école secondaire, au QuĂ©bec. Le glissement de focus de l’objet enseignĂ© vers les pratiques enseignantes a imposĂ© des ajustements importants qui se justifient par la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’adĂ©quation entre les outils et les objets de recherche.The article introduces the adaptation of a specialised methodological tool, the synopsis, developed by the Groupe romand d’analyse du français enseignĂ© (GRAFE) in Switzerland. Originally designed to process filmed data used to describe and understand objects taught in French class, the synopsis has been adapted and applied to teaching practices, namely those concerning reading and writing in high school science and history classes in Quebec. The shift from "object" to teaching practices has required important adjustments to the tool, due to need for correspondence between the tools and objects of research
