46 research outputs found

    Composición bioquímica y condición fisiológica del santiaguiño "Scyllarus arctus": implicaciones reproductivas

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Bioloxía Celular e Molecular . 5004V01[Resumen] En las últimas décadas, se ha observado un notable descenso de las poblaciones del santiaguiño Scyllarus arctus a lo largo de su distribución geográfica. Sin embargo, su alto valor comercial y la gestión de su pesquería, contrastan con el escaso conocimiento de aspectos relevantes de su biología para comprender la capacidad de recuperación de sus poblaciones. Esta tesis tratará de ampliar el conocimiento actual sobre la biología reproductiva de S. arctus, con el fin de aportar información sobre aspectos reproductivos poco estudiados. Conocer la talla de madurez sexual, el ciclo reproductivo y el potencial reproductivo de la especie, así como los factores que determinan su variabilidad, es relevante desde un punto de vista ecológico y tiene potencial interés para gestionar este recurso marino de forma sostenible y evaluar el estado de sus poblaciones. Con este objetivo, se aborda el estudio de una población de S. arctus en la costa gallega (NE Atlántico) durante los años 2008 y 2009. Un aspecto novedoso es el estudio de la reproducción desde la perspectiva de la caracterización bioquímica de las puestas, y de la condición fisiológica individual, aspectos que están directamente relacionados con la disponibilidad y utilización de recursos energéticos y estructurales para su reproducción.[Resumo] Nas últimas décadas, observouse un notable descenso das poboacións do santiaguiño Scyllarus arctus ao longo da súa distribución xeográfica. Sen embargo, o seu alto valor comercial e a xestión da súa pesqueira, contrastan co escaso coñecemento de aspectos relevantes da súa bioloxía para comprender a capacidade de recuperación das súas poboacións naturais. Esta tese trata de ampliar o coñecemento actual sobre a bioloxía reprodutiva de S. arctus. Coñecer a talla de madurez sexual, o ciclo reprodutivo e o potencial reprodutivo da especie, así como os factores que poden determinar a súa variabilidade, é relevante desde o punto de vista ecolóxico e ademais, ten un potencial interese para poder xestionar este recurso mariño dunha forma sustentable e avaliar o estado das súas poboacións. Con este obxetivo, abórdase o estudo dunha poboación de S. arctus na costa galega (NE Atlántico) durante os anos 2008 e 2009. Un aspecto novo deste traballo é o estudo da reprodución dende a perspectiva da caracterización bioquímica das postas e da condición fisiológica individual, aspectos de suma importancia, posto que están directamente relacionados coa dispoñibilidade e utilización de recursos enerxéticos e estruturais para a súa reprodución.[Abstract] Over the last decades it has been noted an important decline in the populations of the slipper lobster Scyllarus arctus throughout its distributional range. Despite its high commercial value and the management measures that are being implemented, the knowledge on basic biology of this species is scarce. The main aim of this thesis is to increase the actual knowledge on the reproductive biology of S. arctus in order to provide new information on those aspects that have not been studied before. Knowledge on the reproductive cycle, size at maturity and reproductive potential of the species, and those factors that can determine their variability, is extremely important from an ecological point of view but also in order to implement sustainable management measures and to evaluate the state of its populations. In order to do that, a population of S. arctus on the Galician coast (NE Atlantic) has been studied during 2008 and 2009. The novelty of this work relies on the study of the reproductive biology by the biochemical characterisation of the broods and the individual physiological condition, being both aspects critical since they are related to the availability and use of energy and structural resources for reproduction

    Análisis del consumo eléctrico por comunidades autónomas a través de modelos econométricos

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    El alumno procederá a recapitular información acerca del consumo eléctrico en España, la cual procesará mediante herramientas estadísticas como la regresión múltiple. El objetivo es lograr un modelo a partir del cual se pueda ver que factores afectan y de que manera lo hacen.Blanes Ortiz, I. (2017). Análisis del consumo eléctrico por comunidades autónomas a través de modelos econométricos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/91264TFG

    Reproductive Strategies Under Different Environmental Conditions: Total Output vs Investment per Egg in the Slipper Lobster Scyllarus Arctus

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] The slipper lobster Scyllarus arctus is an important fishery resource in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula), with a large reduction of its populations in recent decades in the North-east Atlantic and Mediterranean, but only limited information on its reproduction. This study provides an analysis of the reproductive potential of this scyllarid during two breeding cycles (2008 and 2009) in the NE Atlantic (43°20′N 8°50′W). We studied several reproductive traits (fecundity, brood weight, egg weight and volume) in broods with eggs both in an early and late embryonic stage, in relation to female size and temporal variations. Total output (fecundity and weight) and egg weight were closely linked to maternal size, and this relationship remained in broods with late-stage eggs. In relation to temporal variations, our data revealed an important seasonal variability in fecundity and egg weight, showing an inverse pattern in the reproductive strategy in the first two seasons of the reproductive period, with a maximum egg weight in winter (December–February) and a maximum number of eggs produced in spring (April–May). A predictive model for realized fecundity was developed: log (FE) = 0.064 + 2.907 log (length)−0.018 Month2 + 0.174 Month, which accounted for over 90% of variation in the total data.Xunta de Galicia; 07MMA009103PRThis study is part of the project ‘Study of the reproductive biology and larval development of the small European locust lobster Scyllarus arctus: basic knowledge for a Sustainable Fishery Management’ (07MMA009103PR) co-funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF

    La inmigración y su efecto en las finanzas públicas andaluzas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el impacto que la entrada de inmigrantes tendrá sobre las cuentas de las Administraciones Públicas andaluzas y sobre la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de las actuales políticas de gasto público en Andalucía. Para ello, realizamos diferentes simulaciones utilizando la metodología de la Contabilidad Generacional. Los resultados, comparados con los obtenidos en Collado et al. (2004) para el conjunto de España, sugieren que, si bien el ratio de dependencia en la población andaluza muestra una tendencia menos dramática que en el caso español, el problema de sostenibilidad del Estado del Bienestar será mayor en esta región dada la previsible evolución de las finanzas públicas. En cuanto a la contribución de la inmigración para atenuar este problema, ésta será reducida debido al perfil de bajos ingresos del inmigrante medio, y tanto menor cuanto menor sea el grado de integración de los hijos de los inmigrantes.immigration, fiscal policy, generational accounting, regional economy.

    A Public Fabric Database for Defect Detection Methods and Results

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    [EN] The use of image processing for the detection and classification of defects has been a reality for some time in science and industry. New methods are continually being presented to improve every aspect of this process. However, these new approaches are applied to a small, private collection of images, which makes a real comparative study of these methods very difficult. The objective of this paper was to compile a public annotated benchmark, that is, an extensive set of images with and without defects, and make these public, to enable the direct comparison of detection and classification methods. Moreover, different methods are reviewed and one of these is applied to the set of images; the results of which are also presented in this paper.The authors thank for the financial support provided by IVACE (Institut Valencia de Competitivitat Empresarial, Spain) and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Europe), throughout the projects: AUTOVIMOTION and INTELITEX.Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Albero Albero, T.; Miralles, I.; Pérez-Llorens, R.; Moreno, J. (2019). A Public Fabric Database for Defect Detection Methods and Results. AUTEX Research Journal. 19(4):363-374. https://doi.org/10.2478/aut-2019-0035S36337419

    Unidad Técnica de Biblioteca y Documentación de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC) (Z-EEAD)

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    2 Pag. A-3, 1 Fot., 1 Map.Información actualizada de la Unidad Técnica de Biblioteca y Documentación (UTBD) de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC), una de las 78 Bibliotecas que conforman la Red de Bibliotecas CSIC, en consonancia con la proporcionada en reciente Plan Estratégico CSIC 2010-2013. Incluye relación de Prestaciones de servicio ofrecidas para el período 2010-2013.Peer reviewe

    Garment smoothness appearance evaluation through computer vision

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    The measurement and evaluation of the appearance of wrinkling in textile products after domestic washing and drying is performed currently by the comparison of the fabric with the replicas. This kind of evaluation has certain drawbacks, the most significant of which are its subjectivity and its limitations when used with garments. In this paper, we present an automated wrinkling evaluation system. The system developed can process fabrics as well as any type of garment, independent of size or pattern on the material. The system allows us to label different parts of the garment. Thus, as different garment parts have different influence on human perception, this labeling enables the use of weighting, to improve the correlation with the human visual system. The system has been tested with different garments showing good performance and correlation with human perception. © The Author(s) 2012.Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Berenguer Sebastiá, JR.; Pérez Llorens, R.; Miralles, I.; Moreno Canton, J. (2012). Garment smoothness appearance evaluation through computer vision. Textile Research Journal. 82(3):299-309. doi:10.1177/0040517511424530S299309823López, F., Miguel Valiente, J., Manuel Prats, J., & Ferrer, A. (2008). Performance evaluation of soft color texture descriptors for surface grading using experimental design and logistic regression. Pattern Recognition, 41(5), 1744-1755. doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2007.09.011Villette, S. (2008). Simple imaging system to measure velocity and improve the quality of fertilizer spreading in agriculture. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 17(3), 031109. doi:10.1117/1.2956835Neri, F., & Tirronen, V. (2009). Memetic Differential Evolution Frameworks in Filter Design for Defect Detection in Paper Production. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 113-131. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01636-3_7Carfagni, M., Furferi, R., & Governi, L. (2005). A real-time machine-vision system for monitoring the textile raising process. Computers in Industry, 56(8-9), 831-842. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2005.05.010Wang, W., Wong, Y. S., & Hong, G. S. (2005). Flank wear measurement by successive image analysis. Computers in Industry, 56(8-9), 816-830. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2005.05.009Cho, C.-S., Chung, B.-M., & Park, M.-J. (2005). Development of Real-Time Vision-Based Fabric Inspection System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 52(4), 1073-1079. doi:10.1109/tie.2005.851648Kawabata, S., Mori, M., & Niwa, M. (1997). An experiment on human sensory measurement and its objective measurement. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 9(3), 203-206. doi:10.1108/09556229710168324Fan, J., Lu, D., Macalpine, J. M. K., & Hui, C. L. P. (1999). Objective Evaluation of Pucker in Three-Dimensional Garment Seams. Textile Research Journal, 69(7), 467-472. doi:10.1177/004051759906900701Fan, J., & Liu, F. (2000). Objective Evaluation of Garment Seams Using 3D Laser Scanning Technology. Textile Research Journal, 70(11), 1025-1030. doi:10.1177/004051750007001114Yang, X. B., & Huang, X. B. (2003). Evaluating Fabric Wrinkle Degree with a Photometric Stereo Method. Textile Research Journal, 73(5), 451-454. doi:10.1177/004051750307300513Kang, T. J., Kim, S. C., Sul, I. H., Youn, J. R., & Chung, K. (2005). Fabric Surface Roughness Evaluation Using Wavelet-Fractal Method. Textile Research Journal, 75(11), 751-760. doi:10.1177/0040517505058855Mohri, M., Ravandi, S. A. H., & Youssefi, M. (2005). Objective evaluation of wrinkled fabric using radon transform. Journal of the Textile Institute, 96(6), 365-370. doi:10.1533/joti.2004.0066Zaouali, R., Msahli, S., El Abed, B., & Sakli, F. (2007). Objective evaluation of multidirectional fabric wrinkling using image analysis. Journal of the Textile Institute, 98(5), 443-451. doi:10.1080/00405000701489156Yu, W., Yao, M., & Xu, B. (2009). 3-D Surface Reconstruction and Evaluation of Wrinkled Fabrics by Stereo Vision. Textile Research Journal, 79(1), 36-46. doi:10.1177/004051750809049

    Tuberculosis prophylaxis with levofloxacin in liver transplant patients is associated with a high incidence of tenosynovitis: safety analysis of a multicenter randomized trial

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    This work was supported by the Ayudas para el fomento de la investigacion clinica independiente [EC 10-120] and Programa Intramural Consorcio de Apoyo a la Investigación Biomédica en Red 2010. Other funding sources: National R&D&I Plan 2008–2011 and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases [RD06/0008, RD12/0015] - co-financed by European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe” ERDF. Consorcio de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas is financed by the ISCIII.Background: It is necessary to develop a safe alternative to isoniazid for tuberculosis prophylaxis in liver transplant recipients. This study was designed to investigate the efficacy and safety of levofloxacin. Methods: An open-label, prospective, multicenter, randomized study was conducted to compare the efficacy and safety of levofloxacin (500 mg q24h for 9 months) initiated in patients awaiting liver transplantation and isoniazid (300 mg q24h for 9 months) initiated post-transplant when liver function was stabilized. Efficacy was measured by tuberculosis incidence at 18 months after transplantation. All adverse events related to the medication were recorded. Results: CONSORT guidelines were followed in order to present the results. The safety committee suspended the study through a safety analysis when 64 patients had been included (31 in the isoniazid arm and 33 in the levofloxacin arm). The reason for suspension was an unexpected incidence of severe tenosynovitis in the levofloxacin arm (18.2%). Although the clinical course was favorable in all cases, tenosynovitis persisted for 7 weeks in some patients. No patients treated with isoniazid, developed tenosynovitis. Only 32.2% of patients randomized to isoniazid (10/31) and 54.5% of patients randomized to levofloxacin (18/33, P = .094) completed prophylaxis. No patient developed tuberculosis during the study follow-up (median 270 days). Conclusions: Levofloxacin prophylaxis of tuberculosis in liver transplant candidates is associated with a high incidence of tenosynovitis that limits its potential utility.Ayudas para el fomento de la investigación clínica independiente [EC 10-120]Programa Intramural Consorcio de Apoyo a la Investigación Biomédica en Red 2010National R&D&I Plan 2008–2011Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RD06/0008, RD12/0015European Development Regional Fun

    Associations of hypomagnesemia in patients seeking a first treatment of alcohol use disorder

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    Introduction: Hypomagnesemia (hypoMg) has not yet been extensively studied in alcohol use disorder (AUD) . We hypothesize that chronic, excessive alcohol consumption favors oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory alterations that may be exacerbated by hypoMg. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence and associations of hypoMg in AUD.Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study in patients admitted for a first treatment of AUD in six tertiary centers between 2013 and 2020. Socio-demographic, alcohol use characteristics, and blood parameters were ascertained at admission.Results: 753 patients (71% men) were eligible; age at admission was 48 years [IQR, 41-56 years]. Prevalence of hypoMg was 11.2%, higher than that observed for hypocalcemia (9.3%), hyponatremia (5.6%), and hypokalemia (2.8%). HypoMg was associated with older age, longer duration of AUD, anemia, higher erythrocyte sedimen-tation rate, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, glucose levels, advanced liver fibrosis (FIB-4 >= 3.25) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 60 mL/min. In multivariate analysis, advanced liver fibrosis (OR, 8.91; 95% CI, 3.3-23.9) and eGFR < 60 mL (OR, 5.2; 95% CI, 1.0-26.2) were the only factors associated with hypoMg.Conclusions: Mg deficiency in AUD is associated with liver damage and glomerular dysfunction suggesting that both comorbidities should be assessed in the course of serum hypoMg