853 research outputs found

    Process management implementation level. A case study from Cantabria.

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    Nowadays companies need to efficiently and quickly allocate their resources in order to be competitive and survive. Process management is one of the mechanisms that arise to meet these new needs, giving the company the flexibility to develop their business in today's competitive environment. However, despite companies are aware of the importance of process management, a high percentage of process management initiatives fail. Therefore more research should be done. In this study, the implementation level achieved by companies when implementing process management will be analysed. Results show that the Operations area is the one with most processes defined. Additionally, it may be concluded that it exists an unequal development of process management depending on the functional area

    How do companies implement process management? : the case of cantabrian companies.

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    The constant, and sometimes radical, changes that are taking place in the business environment demand that companies develop more agile mechanisms and management systems that enable them to adapt and, above all, to be competitive. All this means that companies must be able to continuously and quickly adapt to change. In order to do this, they need to develop agile and flexible structures. Process management is a mechanism that arises to meet these new needs, giving the company the flexibility to develop their business in today's competitive environment. Despite the importance of process management techniques, several authors affirm that a high percentage of process management initiatives fail. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse how companies implement process management. Specifically, we would like to know who the people responsible for the implementation were and which phases or steps they followed. In order to achieve this aim, a survey was conducted among companies over 20 employees from Cantabria (a region in the North of Spain) which practised process management. Results show that a high percentage of companies sought external consultancy when implementing process management, especially during the initial stages. Concerning the implementation stages, an implementation methodology is proposed. Results show that it may be considered as appropriate due to the fact that all the stages are frequently used. Overall, we consider that from a theoretical point of view this study adds value to the field as it offers, first, a review gathering together the main implementation methodologies identified along the literature; and secondly it describes the results of an empirical study based on Spain, covering an existing gap. On the other side, from the practitioners’ point of view, this study could be used as guide for them. Not only because of the literature review, but especially because of the empirical case. From the obtained result managers could learn what other companies did when implementing process management. And, specially, they can identify what other companies did wrong in order not to repeat it

    Three decades of continuous improvement.

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    The aim of this study is to provide a literature review on continuous improvement analysing the evolution of the field by combining quantitative and qualitative analysis. More than 1,000 articles have been reviewed. The articles have been collected through the prestigious database Web of Knowledge (Thomson Scientific). The results show an increasing interest in the field of continuous improvement over the past 30 years. The most discussed topics have been “implementation of continuous improvement systems” and “methodologies”. Other findings from the study are: the existence of regional differences in research on continuous improvement, the predominance of the case study and the survey as research methodologies, and the positioning of Total Quality Management and Business Excellence as the lead scientific publication in continuous improvement areas. The present review adds value to other studies on the same topic due to number of items used (1090), the time period covered (1980-2011), the prestigious database used (Web of Knowledge) and the combination of different analysis (quantitative and qualitative)

    Evaluation of the Effect of Limosilactobacillus fermentum CECT5716 on Gastrointestinal Infections in Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Reducing the incidence of gastrointestinal infections (GIs) that occur at early stages to mitigate hospitalizations and treatments with adverse effects is a promising strategy for providing well-being to infants and their families. This systematic review and meta-analysis explores whether the early administration of Limosilactobacillus fermentum CECT5716 might be effective as a preventive therapy for GIs. We reviewed the literature to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the effectiveness of milk formulas supplemented with L. fermentum CECT5716 administered to infants at early stages to reduce the incidence of GIs. The MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science (WoS), and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (via CENTRAL) databases were searched up to 15 June 2021. GI data from the included studies were synthesized in a random-effects model. Three RCTs were finally selected including 435 infants. There was a significant reduction in the incidence rate of GIs for those receiving L. fermentum CECT5716 compared with those receiving placebo (IRR: 0.52, 95% CI: 0.36–0.74, p = 0.0004). Heterogeneity between studies was moderate (I2 = 54.5%). Based on the present systematic review and meta-analysis, the administration of L. fermentum CECT5716 at doses from 1 × 109 to 8.4 × 108 cfu/day in milk formulas may prevent GIs in infants up to 12 months old. Longer-term studies including a higher number of infants are needed to determine whether the use of this probiotic during the early stages of life is an efficient way to reduce the incidence of GIs

    Port System of the Spanish Mediterranean Coast Side

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    ABSTRACT: This study aims at doing a comparative analysis of the Mediterranean Port Authorities and their positioning based on their perception about the "innovative effort they have made". In order to achieve this aim, first, a comparative analysis has been carried out in order to obtain an overview of the Mediterranean watershed; secondly, the strengths and weaknesses of each Port Authority have been identified based on the variable "perceived innovative effort". The main results obtained have allowed us to detect the existing expertise on the Mediterranean Port Authorities. For instance, Tarragona is specialized in coal traffic, while Barcelona is specialized in natural gas and oil. Valencia holds the first position regarding traffic of goods. It also shares the first position with Barcelona in reference to container traffic. From the infrastructure analysis, it has been concluded that Tarragona is the Port Authority with a higher number of specialized facilities, followed by Barcelona, Castellón and Valencia. In addition, a detailed analysis of the specific facilities of each Port Authority has allowed us to get more information about the specialization of Port Authorities. Thus, it has been found that Tarragona is the only one that has coal facilities, Baleares is the only one with a dock for unloading butane and Barcelona is the only one with specific facilities dedicated to food (soybean, cocoa, coffee ...). Finally, the strengths and weaknesses analysis provides an overview of the situation of each Port Authority, indicating the potential lines of action and improvement that they can follow. We consider that this study may be useful for the Port Authority managers and policy makers due to it offers an overview of the situation of the Port Authority compared to its nearest competitors, helping with decision making and resource allocation

    Diseño y dimensionamiento de una estación depuradora de aguas residuales en Camprovín, La Rioja

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    Las actividades humanas e industriales modifican las características de las aguas, contaminándolas y comprometiendo su posterior aplicación para otros usos. Hasta hace un tiempo, los vertidos producidos se veían asimilados por el medio natural con procesos de autodepuración. Hoy día el aumento demográfico y la industrialización han invalidado estos procesos. Esto unido a la creciente importancia del agua como recurso indispensable y al creciente interés por la protección del medio ambiente, han motivado la necesidad de ayudar a la natura en cuanto a la depuración de sus aguas. Así es como cobra sentido este proyecto de Diseño y Dimensionamiento de una Estación Depuradora de Aguas Residuales en el municipio de Camprovín, La Rioja. La localidad de Camprovín, situada a los pies de la Sierra de Lara y la Sierra de Moncalvillo en La Rioja, cuenta con una población alrededor de los 145 habitantes, aumentando este número al doble en periodos estivales y festivos. Actualmente la red de saneamiento es unitaria, el sistema de depuración está formado por una fosa séptica que recoge las aguas provenientes de la mayor parte del municipio y vierte directamente al arroyo Barranco del Soto. Al tratarse solo de un tratamiento primario el vertido efluente no cumple con los objetivos de calidad en cuanto a la depuración de aguas se refiere, sobre todo en temporada alta con el aumento de la población. Se convierte así en un problema para el municipio y las localidades cercanas aguas abajo. Ante la necesidad de un tratamiento adecuado que cubra los niveles exigidos en la depuración de aguas se hace indispensable la construcción de una EDAR. Para ello, en el proyecto se realiza un estudio de alternativas en cuanto a la ubicación y al sistema de depuración más adecuado. Además también se dimensionan el resto de elementos necesarios para hacer funcional la nueva estación depuradora. Entre ellos se encuentran un camino de acceso, emisario y colector del efluente y un acondicionamiento de la fosa séptica, ya que una vez puesta en marcha la EDAR dejará de ser necesaria. El sistema de depuración escogido es un Proceso de Biomasa Fija mediante Filtro Percolador. Dotado de desbaste y desarenado como pretratamiento, decantador primario por gravedad como tratamiento primario y filtro percolador y decantador secundario como tratamiento biológico. Para la línea de fangos se ha diseñado un espesador estático y un depósito de almacenamiento antes de ser trasladados a una planta de tratamiento de lodos cercana. Por otro lado, la fosa séptica pasará a convertirse en un tanque de tormentas previo a la EDAR. En resumen, el presente proyecto trata el diseño y dimensionamiento de una EDAR en Camprovín cumpliendo con los objetivos de depuración de aguas residuales y respondiendo a los problemas planteados en los últimos años.For some time now, human activities such as industrialization are degrading the quality of water all over the world, contaminating it and making it unusable. In the past, the environment used to assimilate the negative effects of human activities but due to the demographic growth and the increasing industrialization, the environment is no longer able to assimilate such harming activities by itself. Therefore, the fact that water is indispensable and the increasing interest in the protection of the planet have motivated the necessity of helping it to purify the water. All of the above gives meaning to this project: Design and Sizing of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Camprovín, La Rioja. Camprovín is a small village at the feet of Lara and Moncalvillo mountains in La Rioja. It has a population of 145 people, although this number doubles and even triples in summer and during the local festivities. At present, they have a wastewater treatment system made of a septic tank which collects all the residual waters that come from the biggest part of the village and discharges this sewage into a small river called Barranco del Soto. The purification system does not meet the quality standards, since the wastewater is only treated at a primary stage. The situation gets worse in pick season, when more people arrive at the village and it even affects the nearby downstream villages. As it is very important to treat the sewage according to the regulations, it is strictly necessary to build a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Camprovín. To this end, this projects deals with the different alternatives and locations where the new purification system could be installed in the village. In addition, the rest of the necessary elements to make the WWTP work properly are also evaluated. Among them, we can find an access road, the effluent sewer, the sewage pipe and the reconditioning of the septic tank, since it will not be necessary anymore after the commissioning of the WWTP. The chosen purification system is a Fixed Biomass Process with Trickling Filter. Firstly, a pretreatment with roughing and desanding is performed. After that, a gravity water separator is used for primary treatment and, finally, the trickling filter and a secondary separator are used for biological treatment. A static sludge thickener and a storage tank have been designed to store the mud before carrying it to a nearby sludge treatment facility. Besides, the septic tank will become a rain overflow chamber prior to the WWTP. In summary, this project deals with the design and sizing of a WWTP which complies with the regulations in terms of sewage purification in order to improve the current problems in Camprovín.Giza eta industria jarduerek uren ezaugarriak aldatzen dituzte hauek kutsatuz eta hauen ondorengo erabilerak arriskuan jarriz. Orain dela denbora bat arte, egiten ziren isurketak ingurumenean barneratzen ziren autodepurazio prozesuaren bitartez. Igoera demgrafikoak eta induatrializazioak prozesu hau baliogabetu dute. Uraren garrantzia ezinbesteko baliabide bezala eta ingurumenaren babesaren interés hazkorrak, uraren arazketaren garrantzia motibatu dute. Eta horrela proiektu honek zentzua hartu du: Hondakin Uren Araztegiaren diseinua eta dimentsionamendua Camprovín-en, Errioxa. Camprovín-eko herria Lara eta Moncalvillo mendikateen oinetan kokatuta dago, Errioxan. 145 biztanle inguru ditu, baina biztanleria hau bikoiztu egiten da udan eta jaiegunetan. Gaur egun, saneamendu sarea unitarioa da, arazketa sistema putzu septiko batez osatuta dago, zeinek udalerriko ur gehienak jasotzen dituen eta Barranko del Soto errekan isurtzen dituen. Lehen mailako tratamendua denez, isuritako efluenteak ez ditu uren arazketen kalitate helburuak betetzen, batez ere udan eta jaiegunetan, biztanleriak gora egiten duenean hain zuzen ere. Eta horrela, udalerriarentzako eta hurbil dauden herrientzako arazo bat bilakatu da. Ur arazketan eskatutako kalitate maila betetzeko, tratamendu egoki baten beharraren aurrean gaude, eta beraz, H.U.A baten eraikuntza ezinbestekoa egiten da. Horretarako, proiektu honetan, kokaleku alternatibak eta arazketa sistema egokienak ikertzen dira. Gainera, gainontzeko beharrezko elementuak dimentsionatzen dira Hondakin Uren Araztegia funtzionala izateko. Hauen artean, sarbide bide bat, igorle eta kolektore efluentea eta hobi septikoaren egokitzapena martxan jartzen dira, behin H.U.A jarrita, beharrezkoa izateari utziko diolako. Aukeratutako arazketa sistema Biomasa Finko baten prozesua da, Iragazki Perkoladore baten bitartez. Aurre-tratamendua arbastuz eta hare-kenduraz hornitzen da. Lehen mailako dekantagailua grabitate bidez lehen mailako tratamendu bezala eta iragazki perkoladore eta bigarren mailako dekantagailua tratamendu biologikoa bezala. Lohi lerrorako espesagailu estatikoa diseinatu da eta baita ere, biltegiratze gordailu bat, hurbil dagoen lohi tratamendu fabrikara eraman baino lehen. Beste alde batetik, hobi septikoa ekaitz depositu bat bilakatuko da H.U.A egin baino lehen. Laburtuz, proiektu hau Camprovín-en H.U.A baten diseinuari eta dimentsionamenduari buruz da, hondakin uren arazketa helburuak betez eta azken urteetan mahaigaineratu diren arazoei erantzun bat aurkituz

    A Theoretical Overview of the Stockout Problem in Retail: from Causes to Consequences

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    ABSTRACT: Due to the relevance of stockouts in the retail sector together with their significantly negative effect both on retail and the whole supply chain, this paper offers a theoretical review of the stockout definition, rates, its main causes and consequences

    Diseño y dimensionamiento de una estación depuradora de aguas residuales en Camprovín, La Rioja

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    Las actividades humanas e industriales modifican las características de las aguas, contaminándolas y comprometiendo su posterior aplicación para otros usos. Hasta hace un tiempo, los vertidos producidos se veían asimilados por el medio natural con procesos de autodepuración. Hoy día el aumento demográfico y la industrialización han invalidado estos procesos. Esto unido a la creciente importancia del agua como recurso indispensable y al creciente interés por la protección del medio ambiente, han motivado la necesidad de ayudar a la natura en cuanto a la depuración de sus aguas. Así es como cobra sentido este proyecto de Diseño y Dimensionamiento de una Estación Depuradora de Aguas Residuales en el municipio de Camprovín, La Rioja. La localidad de Camprovín, situada a los pies de la Sierra de Lara y la Sierra de Moncalvillo en La Rioja, cuenta con una población alrededor de los 145 habitantes, aumentando este número al doble en periodos estivales y festivos. Actualmente la red de saneamiento es unitaria, el sistema de depuración está formado por una fosa séptica que recoge las aguas provenientes de la mayor parte del municipio y vierte directamente al arroyo Barranco del Soto. Al tratarse solo de un tratamiento primario el vertido efluente no cumple con los objetivos de calidad en cuanto a la depuración de aguas se refiere, sobre todo en temporada alta con el aumento de la población. Se convierte así en un problema para el municipio y las localidades cercanas aguas abajo. Ante la necesidad de un tratamiento adecuado que cubra los niveles exigidos en la depuración de aguas se hace indispensable la construcción de una EDAR. Para ello, en el proyecto se realiza un estudio de alternativas en cuanto a la ubicación y al sistema de depuración más adecuado. Además también se dimensionan el resto de elementos necesarios para hacer funcional la nueva estación depuradora. Entre ellos se encuentran un camino de acceso, emisario y colector del efluente y un acondicionamiento de la fosa séptica, ya que una vez puesta en marcha la EDAR dejará de ser necesaria. El sistema de depuración escogido es un Proceso de Biomasa Fija mediante Filtro Percolador. Dotado de desbaste y desarenado como pretratamiento, decantador primario por gravedad como tratamiento primario y filtro percolador y decantador secundario como tratamiento biológico. Para la línea de fangos se ha diseñado un espesador estático y un depósito de almacenamiento antes de ser trasladados a una planta de tratamiento de lodos cercana. Por otro lado, la fosa séptica pasará a convertirse en un tanque de tormentas previo a la EDAR. En resumen, el presente proyecto trata el diseño y dimensionamiento de una EDAR en Camprovín cumpliendo con los objetivos de depuración de aguas residuales y respondiendo a los problemas planteados en los últimos años.For some time now, human activities such as industrialization are degrading the quality of water all over the world, contaminating it and making it unusable. In the past, the environment used to assimilate the negative effects of human activities but due to the demographic growth and the increasing industrialization, the environment is no longer able to assimilate such harming activities by itself. Therefore, the fact that water is indispensable and the increasing interest in the protection of the planet have motivated the necessity of helping it to purify the water. All of the above gives meaning to this project: Design and Sizing of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Camprovín, La Rioja. Camprovín is a small village at the feet of Lara and Moncalvillo mountains in La Rioja. It has a population of 145 people, although this number doubles and even triples in summer and during the local festivities. At present, they have a wastewater treatment system made of a septic tank which collects all the residual waters that come from the biggest part of the village and discharges this sewage into a small river called Barranco del Soto. The purification system does not meet the quality standards, since the wastewater is only treated at a primary stage. The situation gets worse in pick season, when more people arrive at the village and it even affects the nearby downstream villages. As it is very important to treat the sewage according to the regulations, it is strictly necessary to build a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Camprovín. To this end, this projects deals with the different alternatives and locations where the new purification system could be installed in the village. In addition, the rest of the necessary elements to make the WWTP work properly are also evaluated. Among them, we can find an access road, the effluent sewer, the sewage pipe and the reconditioning of the septic tank, since it will not be necessary anymore after the commissioning of the WWTP. The chosen purification system is a Fixed Biomass Process with Trickling Filter. Firstly, a pretreatment with roughing and desanding is performed. After that, a gravity water separator is used for primary treatment and, finally, the trickling filter and a secondary separator are used for biological treatment. A static sludge thickener and a storage tank have been designed to store the mud before carrying it to a nearby sludge treatment facility. Besides, the septic tank will become a rain overflow chamber prior to the WWTP. In summary, this project deals with the design and sizing of a WWTP which complies with the regulations in terms of sewage purification in order to improve the current problems in Camprovín.Giza eta industria jarduerek uren ezaugarriak aldatzen dituzte hauek kutsatuz eta hauen ondorengo erabilerak arriskuan jarriz. Orain dela denbora bat arte, egiten ziren isurketak ingurumenean barneratzen ziren autodepurazio prozesuaren bitartez. Igoera demgrafikoak eta induatrializazioak prozesu hau baliogabetu dute. Uraren garrantzia ezinbesteko baliabide bezala eta ingurumenaren babesaren interés hazkorrak, uraren arazketaren garrantzia motibatu dute. Eta horrela proiektu honek zentzua hartu du: Hondakin Uren Araztegiaren diseinua eta dimentsionamendua Camprovín-en, Errioxa. Camprovín-eko herria Lara eta Moncalvillo mendikateen oinetan kokatuta dago, Errioxan. 145 biztanle inguru ditu, baina biztanleria hau bikoiztu egiten da udan eta jaiegunetan. Gaur egun, saneamendu sarea unitarioa da, arazketa sistema putzu septiko batez osatuta dago, zeinek udalerriko ur gehienak jasotzen dituen eta Barranko del Soto errekan isurtzen dituen. Lehen mailako tratamendua denez, isuritako efluenteak ez ditu uren arazketen kalitate helburuak betetzen, batez ere udan eta jaiegunetan, biztanleriak gora egiten duenean hain zuzen ere. Eta horrela, udalerriarentzako eta hurbil dauden herrientzako arazo bat bilakatu da. Ur arazketan eskatutako kalitate maila betetzeko, tratamendu egoki baten beharraren aurrean gaude, eta beraz, H.U.A baten eraikuntza ezinbestekoa egiten da. Horretarako, proiektu honetan, kokaleku alternatibak eta arazketa sistema egokienak ikertzen dira. Gainera, gainontzeko beharrezko elementuak dimentsionatzen dira Hondakin Uren Araztegia funtzionala izateko. Hauen artean, sarbide bide bat, igorle eta kolektore efluentea eta hobi septikoaren egokitzapena martxan jartzen dira, behin H.U.A jarrita, beharrezkoa izateari utziko diolako. Aukeratutako arazketa sistema Biomasa Finko baten prozesua da, Iragazki Perkoladore baten bitartez. Aurre-tratamendua arbastuz eta hare-kenduraz hornitzen da. Lehen mailako dekantagailua grabitate bidez lehen mailako tratamendu bezala eta iragazki perkoladore eta bigarren mailako dekantagailua tratamendu biologikoa bezala. Lohi lerrorako espesagailu estatikoa diseinatu da eta baita ere, biltegiratze gordailu bat, hurbil dagoen lohi tratamendu fabrikara eraman baino lehen. Beste alde batetik, hobi septikoa ekaitz depositu bat bilakatuko da H.U.A egin baino lehen. Laburtuz, proiektu hau Camprovín-en H.U.A baten diseinuari eta dimentsionamenduari buruz da, hondakin uren arazketa helburuak betez eta azken urteetan mahaigaineratu diren arazoei erantzun bat aurkituz

    Continuous improvement enablers: Defining a new construct

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    ABSTRACT: Purpose: Continuous improvement is a means of promoting and working through business excellence. However, due to the complexity of the implementation process, many companies fail. Some authors consider that this partly due to the lack of studies which develop and validate theoretical constructs in order to push theory in the CI field. Therefore, this study aims at identifying and better understanding the factors that could act as enablers when implementing a CI initiative by designing and analyzing a new theoretical construct. Design/methodology/approach: After conducting a rigorous literature review and consulting a group of experts, Rasch Measurement Theory was used in order to validate the construct and rank the enablers. Findings: After validating the construct, a hierarchy of priority was obtained, being the following enablers the most important ones: establishing clear objectives, training, recognizing the achievements and learning from the CI process itself and motivation. Practical implications: Identifying the key enablers could help those companies that are about to start with the implementation process. Additionally obtaining a general classification could help managers to make good decisions and handle these enablers, fostering the most important one. Originality/value: This paper provides additional evidence regarding the main enablers that an organization that decides to implement CI can foster. Additionally, as far as authors are concerned, this is the first paper that defines a theoretical construct concerning continuous improvement enablers. Going one-step further, this paper obtains a hierarchy of priority, identifying the main enablers according to managers' opinions