420 research outputs found

    Estimación de las ganancias mínimas que debe garantizar la creación de un centro de intercambio de derechos de agua en la Cuenca del Segre.

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    Nuestro modelo es evaluar las ganancias que deberían generar la creación de un centro de intercambio de gestión individual en zona regable del Canal de Urgel para que tal centro resultase beneficioso para la comunidad de regantes. La zona regable del Canal de Urgel ocupa más de 70000 ha de regadío. La red de riego del Canal de Urgel está constituida por canales, acequias y alimentadores que conforman un sistema de aproximadamente 3000 Km. Las acequias que se nutren de agua provinente del drenaje de parcelas ya regadas se denominan alimentadores. Más del 11.8% de la superficie es regada con agua procedente de alimentadores. La creación de un centro de intercambio de gestión individual permitiría a cada unidad de riego decidir el volumen de agua a utilizar y el volumen a ceder a dicho centro. Sin embargo, sin medición volumétrica la cesión individual de derechos es altamente problemática. Por otra parte la modernización de la red de impediría el uso del agua proveniente de los alimentadores. En ausencia de medición volumétrica tal modernización solo sería posible crear un centro de intercambio de gestión colectiva donde la comunidad de regantes (y no la unidad de riego individual) actuase como un único decisor. En nuestro trabajo estimamos, a través de modelos económicos de programación matemática positiva, las ganancias asociadas a un centro de gestión colectiva y al sistema de alimentadores y las comparamos con las ganancias asociadas a un centro de intercambio de gestión individual con el objetivo de determinar las ganancias mínimas que debería reportar la creación de un mercado de derechos de gestión individual para que representase una verdadera mejora sobre otros sistemas de riego

    Trets del llenguatge col·loquial a l’Apocolocyntosis de Sèneca

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Filologia Clàssica (Llatí). Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Tutora: Esther Artigas Álvarez[cat] L’objectiu d’aquest treball és analitzar la sàtira de l’Apocolocyntosis de Sèneca, per tal d’identificar les característiques pròpies de l’anomenat sermo cotidianus. Prèviament a l’anàlisi, d’una banda, es delimiten els conceptes “llenguatge col·loquial” i “llatí col·loquial”, atès que encara avui dia poden ser ambigus i rebre valors pejoratius; i, d’altra banda, es tracta breument el gènere satíric com a font d’estudi pel llatí col·loquial. A partir dels principis establerts en aquest marc teòric, s’expliquen diversos fenòmens del registre col·loquial presents a l’Apocolocyntosis, dividits en tres nivells: lèxic, sintàctic i pragmàtic. Així doncs, el present treball permet una aproximació al llatí col·loquial a partir dels exemples extrets de l’obra de Sèneca i, alhora, contribueix a posar en relleu la seva importància com a font per l’estudi d’aquest tipus de llenguatge. Finalment, s’inclouen com a annexos la reproducció del text llatí emprat i una traducció personal de l’Apocolocyntosis.[eng] FEATURES OF COLLOQUIAL LANGUAGE IN APOCOLOCYNTOSIS OF SENECA The aim of this work is to analyze the satire of the Apocolocyntosis of Seneca, in order to identify the characteristics of the so-called sermo cotidianus. Prior to the analysis, on the one hand, the concepts “colloquial language” and “colloquial Latin” are established, since they continue to be ambiguous and receive pejorative values; and, on the other hand, the satirical genre is briefly discussed as a source of study for colloquial Latin. Based on the principles established in this theoretical framework, several phenomena of the colloquial register present in Apocolocyntosis are explained, divided into three levels: lexical, syntactic, and pragmatic. Thus, the present work allows an approach to colloquial Latin from the examples taken from Seneca's work and, at the same time, contributes to emphasize its importance as a source for the study of this type of language. Finally, the reproduction of the Latin text used and a personal translation of the Apocolocyntosis are included as appendices

    ¿Pueden los instrumentos económicos contribuir a la sostenibilidad del regadío en las regiones mediterráneas?

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    En este trabajo se evalúa la contribución de los instrumentos económicos al uso sostenible del agua de riego utilizando el modelo de programación matemática, MASIA. Aplicamos el análisis a una zona del noreste español donde la demanda creciente de agua para usos no agrícolas, la creación de nuevos distritos de riego y el proceso de cambio climático, requerirán una redistribución de los derechos de uso de agua. Caracterizamos el comportamiento de los agricultores introduciendo el progreso técnico así como restricciones de carácter institucional, medioambiental y técnico. Evaluamos los efectos económicos y medioambientales de varios instrumentos de política y analizamos las posibilidades de cesión e intercambio de agua entre diversas comunidades. Por último, mesuramos las pérdidas asociadas a asignaciones no eficiente de los derechos de riego y puntualizamos las características institucionales que facilitarían una gestión eficiente y sostenible del sistema de rieg

    The pearly razorfish (Xyrichthys novacula) in the marine protected area of Freus d’Eivissa i Formentera; the effect of the spatial protection

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    La pesca dels raors (Xyrichthys novacula) és una de les modalitats de pesca més populars a les Illes Balears. Entre els anys 2005 i 2008 s’ha realitzat els seguiment de l’evolució de dues pesqueres d’aquesta espècie dins l’àrea protegida dels Freus d’Eivissa i Formentera amb diferent nivell de protecció, una zona amb veda temporal (del 1/04 al 31/08) i altre zona on només poden pescar els pescadors professionals una vegada finalitzada la veda temporal. Els resultats mostren com una major pressió pesquera duu associat un descens del percentatge de captura de mascles respecte a les femelles i una reducció de la mida de les femelles, fet que significa una reducció del nombre d’ous a la posta. L’augment del nivell de protecció del raors significa un augment en la mida del raor, una augment del potencial reproductiu i una forma de preservar pel futur aquesta espècie.The fishing of the pearly razorfish (Xyrichthys novacula) is very common and extended in the Balearic Islands. During the period 2005- 2008 had been studied the evolution of this species in the marine protected area of Freus d’Eivissa i Formentera in two areas with different levels of protection. One in which there is only a temporal ban (from 1/04 to 31/08) and a second where only professional fisherman are allowed to fish when the temporal ban is finished. Main findings of the present study are that a higher fishers pressure involves a reduction of te males percentages respect females in the total capture and a reduction of the females size, which means a reduction in the number of eggs in the reproductive period. The increase of the levels of protections of pearly razorfish involves a increase in its size and also a increase of its reproductive potential which means a correct way for the preservation of this specie

    Implementation of a global P-recovery system in urban wastewater treatment plants

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    [EN] Current wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) paradigm is moving towards the so-called water resource recovery facilities in which sewage is considered a source of valuable resources. In particular, urban WWTPs are crucial systems to enhance phosphorus (P) recycling. This paper evaluates the implementation of a P-recovery system in Calahorra WWTP combining the operation of a new sludge line configuration coupled to a struvite crystallisation reactor at demonstration-scale. This new configuration consisted in the elutriation in the gravity thickener of the mixed sludge contained in the mixing chamber in order to reduce the phosphate load to the anaerobic digestion. The results indicated that the P available in the primary sludge overflow was nearly five times more than the obtained for the conventional configuration (1.88 vs. 0.39 gP/kg sludge treated), and the uncontrolled P precipitation inside the anaerobic digester was reduced by 43%. Regarding the total P entering the WWTP, 19% of the total P could be recovered with the new configuration proposed in comparison with 9% in the previous conventional configuration. The average recovery efficiency in the crystallisation plant was 86.9 0.4%, yielding a struvite recovery of 8.0 +/- 0.6 kg/d (0.67 +/- 0.04 kg/m(3) fed to the crystalliser). The potential struvite production with the new configuration would be around 41 kg/d (15 t/y) crystallising the thickener supernatant which could be increased up to around 103 kg/d (38 t/y) treating all the P enriched streams (thickener supernatant and centrate streams). The paper demonstrates that WWTPs can contribute to reduce P scarcity, resulting in environmental and economic benefits. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was co-financed by the European Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE +) as part of the PHORWater Project (LIFE12 ENV/ES/000441). The authors also like to acknowledge the support received from Consorcio de Aguas y Residuos de La Rioja and from EDAR del Cidacos (Calahorra).Bouzas Blanco, A.; Martí Ortega, N.; Grau, S.; Barat, R.; Mangin, D.; Pastor Alcañiz, L. (2019). Implementation of a global P-recovery system in urban wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Cleaner Production. 227:130-140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.126S13014022

    Insomnia Disorder in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Patients: Clinical, Comorbidity, and Treatment Correlates

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    Trastorn per dèficit d'atenció i hiperactivitat; Comorbilitat; Trastorn d'insomniTrastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad; Comorbilidad; Trastorno de insomnioAttention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; Comorbidity; Insomnia disorderIntroduction: Several investigations have been performed on insomnia symptoms in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the relationship between insomnia disorder and adult ADHD has been neglected in research. The main objective of the current study is to analyze the differences between adult ADHD patients with and without insomnia disorder, in terms of ADHD clinical severity, medical and psychiatric comorbidity, psychopharmacological treatment, and quality of life. Material and Methods: Two hundred and fifty-two adult patients with ADHD (mean age 37.60 ± 13.22 years; ADHD presentations—combined: 56.7%, inattentive: 39.7%, hyperactive/impulsive: 3.6%) were evaluated with an exhaustive clinical and psychological evaluation protocol including semistructured interviews (for comorbidities and ADHD assessment) and symptom rating scales for ADHD. The diagnosis of ADHD and insomnia disorder was made according to DSM-5 criteria. Furthermore, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Insomnia Severity Index, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale were administered. Results: Insomnia disorder was found in 44.4% of adult ADHD patients and was more common in combined presentation (64.3%) and in patients with more ADHD severity. Comorbidities (both medical and psychiatric), especially mood disorders (42%), anxiety disorder (26.8%), personality disorder (39.3%), and any substance use disorder (11.6%), were associated with a higher insomnia disorder prevalence. ADHD stimulant treatment was related to lower insomnia disorder compared to patients without medication, as well as ADHD stable treatment. Additionally, worse health-related quality of life was associated with insomnia disorder. Conclusion: Insomnia disorder is highly prevalent in adult ADHD and is related to higher ADHD severity and more psychiatric and medical comorbidities. Some stimulants and stable pharmacological ADHD treatment are associated with better outcomes of insomnia disorder.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/01788) and supported by the EU's Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant No. 667302, CoCA and Grant No. 728018 Eat2beNICE)

    PICO Questions and DELPHI Methodology for the Management of Venous Thromboembolism Associated with COVID-19

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    COVID-19; Anticoagulació; Malaltia tromboembòlica venosaCOVID-19; Anticoagulación; Enfermedad tromboembólica venosaCOVID-19; Anticoagulation; Venous thromboembolic diseasePatients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have a higher risk of venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) than patients with other infectious or inflammatory diseases, both as macrothrombosis (pulmonar embolism and deep vein thrombosis) or microthrombosis. However, the use of anticoagulation in this scenario remains controversial. This is a project that used DELPHI methodology to answer PICO questions related to anticoagulation in patients with COVID-19. The objective was to reach a consensus among multidisciplinary VTE experts providing answers to those PICO questions. Seven PICO questions regarding patients with COVID-19 responded with a broad consensus: 1. It is recommended to avoid pharmacological thromboprophylaxis in most COVID-19 patients not requiring hospital admission; 2. In most hospitalized patients for COVID-19 who are receiving oral anticoagulants before admission, it is recommended to replace them by low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) at therapeutic doses; 3. Thromboprophylaxis with LMWH at standard doses is suggested for COVID-19 patients admitted to a conventional hospital ward; 4. Standard-doses thromboprophylaxis with LMWH is recommended for COVID-19 patients requiring admission to Intensive Care Unit; 5. It is recommended not to determine D-Dimer levels routinely in COVID-19 hospitalized patients to select those in whom VTE should be suspected, or as a part of the diagnostic algorithm to rule out or confirm a VTE event; 6. It is recommended to discontinue pharmacological thromboprophylaxis at discharge in most patients hospitalized for COVID-19; 7. It is recommended to withdraw anticoagulant treatment after 3 months in most patients with a VTE event associated with COVID-19. The combination of PICO questions and DELPHI methodology provides a consensus on different recommendations for anticoagulation management in patients with COVID-19.This work was carried out with the institutional support and unconditional financial assistance of Sanofi, which had no role in the design, interpretation, or writing of the manuscript

    Compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice in the Assessment of Immunomodulation Potential of Clinical Grade Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Derived from Wharton’s Jelly

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    Cell culture; Cellular therapy; Good manufacturing practiceCultiu cel·lular; Teràpia cel·lular; Bones pràctiques de manufacturaCultivo celular; Terapia celular; Buenas prácticas de fabricaciónThe selection of assays suitable for testing the potency of clinical grade multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC)-based products and its interpretation is a challenge for both developers and regulators. Here, we present a bioprocess design for the production of Wharton's jelly (WJ)-derived MSCs and a validated immunopotency assay approved by the competent regulatory authority for batch release together with the study of failure modes in the bioprocess with potential impact on critical quality attributes (CQA) of the final product. Methods: The lymphocyte proliferation assay was used for determining the immunopotency of WJ-MSCs and validated under good manufacturing practices (GMP). Moreover, failure mode effects analysis (FMEA) was used to identify and quantify the potential impact of different unexpected situations on the CQA. Results: A production process based on a two-tiered cell banking strategy resulted in batches with sufficient numbers of cells for clinical use in compliance with approved specifications including MSC identity (expressing CD73, CD90, CD105, but not CD31, CD45, or HLA-DR). Remarkably, all batches showed high capacity to inhibit the proliferation of activated lymphocytes. Moreover, implementation of risk management tools led to an in-depth understanding of the manufacturing process as well as the identification of weak points to be reinforced. Conclusions: The bioprocess design showed here together with detailed risk management and the use of a robust method for immunomodulation potency testing allowed for the robust production of clinical-grade WJ-MSCs under pharmaceutical standards

    Influencia del aporte proteico parenteral en las alteraciones electrolíticas en recién nacidos prematuros

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    Recién nacidos prematuros; Hipercalcemia; Hipofosfatemiapreterm infants; Hypercalcaemia; HypophosphataemiaNounats prematurs; Hipercalcèmia; HipofosfatèmiaIntroduction Aggressive parenteral nutrition with delivery of high amino acid and energy doses is used to improve growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants. Recent findings, however, suggest that this approach may cause electrolyte imbalances. The aim of our study was to compare the prevalence of hypercalcaemia, hypophosphataemia, and hypokalaemia in 2 groups of preterm infants that received parenteral nutrition with different amounts of amino acids and to analyse perinatal and nutritional variables associated with the development of electrolyte imbalances. Methods We conducted a retrospective observational study comparing 2 groups of preterm infants born before 33 weeks’ gestation with birth weights of less than 1500 g managed with parenteral nutrition. One of the groups received less than 3 g/kg/day of amino acids and the other received 3 g/kg//day of amino acids or more. We analysed the prevalence of electrolyte imbalances and possible associations with aggressive parenteral nutrition, adjusting for potential confounders. Results We studied 114 infants: 60 given less than 3 g/kg/day of amino acids (low-intake group) and 54 given at least 3 g/kg/day (high-intake group). The prevalence of electrolyte imbalances was similar in both groups. The prevalence of hypercalcaemia was 1.67% in the low-intake group and 1.85% in the high-intake group (P > .99), the prevalence of severe hypophosphataemia 11.7% vs 9.3%, and the prevalence of hypokalaemia 15.0% vs 11.1% (P > .99). A calcium to phosphorus ratio greater than 1.05 had a protective effect against hypophosphataemia (P = .007). Conclusions We did not find an association between hypercalcaemia, hypophosphataemia, and hypokalaemia and the amino acid dose delivered by PN in the high-intake group of preterm infants.Introducción La nutrición parenteral agresiva con aportes energéticos y proteicos altos se utiliza para mejorar el crecimiento y el neurodesarrollo en recién nacidos prematuros de muy bajo peso. No obstante, hallazgos recientes sugieren que su uso puede ocasionar alteraciones electrolíticas. El objetivo del estudio era comparar la prevalencia de hipercalcemia, hipofosfatemia e hipopotasemia en dos grupos de recién nacidos prematuros que recibieron nutrición parenteral con distintos aportes de aminoácidos, y analizar variables perinatales y nutricionales asociadas a la ocurrencia de alteraciones electrolíticas. Métodos Estudio retrospectivo observacional, con comparación de 2 grupos de recién nacidos prematuros con peso < 1500 g y edad gestacional < 33 semanas manejados con nutrición parenteral. Uno de los grupos recibió < 3 g/kg/d de aminoácidos mientras que el otro recibió ≥3 g/kg/d. Se analizó la prevalencia de distintas alteraciones electrolíticas y su asociación con la nutrición parenteral agresiva, con ajustes para posibles factores de confusión. Resultados El análisis incluyó 114 recién nacidos: 60 que recibieron   0,99). Los respectivos valores para las otras alteraciones fueron 11,7% vs. 9,3% en el caso de la hipofosfatemia grave y 15,0% vs. 11,1% en el caso de la hipopotasemia (p >  0,99). Se observó que una relación calcio:fósforo superior a 1,05 ofrecía un efecto protector frente a la hipofosfatemia (p = 0,007). Conclusiones No se observó asociación entre la hipercalcemia, hipofosfatemia o la hipopotasemia y el aporte de aminoácidos mediante nutrición parenteral en la población de recién nacidos prematuros con ingestas altas de aminoácidos

    Indirect determination of biochemistry reference intervals using outpatient data

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    Creatinine; Urea; Clinical chemistryCreatinina; Urea; Química clínicaCreatinina; Urea; Química clínicaThe aim of this study was to determine reference intervals in an outpatient population from Vall d’Hebron laboratory using an indirect approach previously described in a Dutch population (NUMBER project). We used anonymized test results from individuals visiting general practitioners and analysed during 2018. Analytical quality was assured by EQA performance, daily average monitoring and by assessing longitudinal accuracy between 2018 and 2020 (using trueness verifiers from Dutch EQA). Per test, outliers by biochemically related tests were excluded, data were transformed to a normal distribution (if necessary) and means and standard deviations were calculated, stratified by age and sex. In addition, the reference limit estimator method was also used to calculate reference intervals using the same dataset. Finally, for standardized tests reference intervals obtained were compared with the published NUMBER results. Reference intervals were calculated using data from 509,408 clinical requests. For biochemical tests following a normal distribution, similar reference intervals were found between Vall d’Hebron and the Dutch study. For creatinine and urea, reference intervals increased with age in both populations. The upper limits of Gamma-glutamyl transferase were markedly higher in the Dutch study compared to Vall d’Hebron results. Creatine kinase and uric acid reference intervals were higher in both populations compared to conventional reference intervals. Medical test results following a normal distribution showed comparable and consistent reference intervals between studies. Therefore a simple indirect method is a feasible and cost-efficient approach for calculating reference intervals. Yet, for generating standardized calculated reference intervals that are traceable to higher order materials and methods, efforts should also focus on test standardization and bias assessment using commutable trueness verifiers