15 research outputs found

    Towards a competitiveness in the economic activity in Colombia: Using Moore's families and Galois lattices in clustering

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    This paper is aimed to find affinities between each Colombian region through economic activities analysis focusing on crucial role of location to be further competitiveness. The mathematical models of Moore families' and Galois lattices are used to identify a kind of industry in a region and its economic activity affinities. The results obtained from the calculation, we are shown 6 lattices formed with a great deal of affinity groupings within each of them. These groups have allowed us analysing economic activity-region by each region and identifying what kind of industry is developed within them. Finally, it is highlighted that these mathematical models give a prospective view of regional and national economic activity from general level to specific level, which can be used as tool for analyzing environments, policymaking and encouraging business development. Likewise, these models can offer a new manner to analyse socio-economic changes with a great deal with uncertainty

    Fuzzy decision making: A bibliometric-based review

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    Fuzzy decision-making consists in making decisions under complex and uncertain environments where the information can be assessed with fuzzy sets and systems. The aim of this study is to review the main contributions in this field by using a bibliometric approach. For doing so, the article uses a wide range of bibliometric indicators including the citations and the h-index. Moreover, it also uses the VOS viewer software in order to map the main trends in this area. The work considers the leading journals, articles, authors and institutions. The results indicate that the USA was the traditional leader in this field with the most significant researcher. However, during the last years, this field is receiving more attention by Asian authors that are starting to lead the field. This discipline has a strong potential and the expectations for the future is that it will continue to grow

    Subjective stakeholder dynamics relationships treatment: a methodological approach using fuzzy decision-making

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    Since the stakeholder theory was proposed to explain the interaction among its agents, extensive approaches have been developed. However, the literature continues to suggest the development of new methodologies that allow an analysis of the dynamics and uncertainty of the relationships between each agent. In this sense, this research proposes a novel methodology for the treatment of subjective stakeholder dynamics using fuzzy decision-making. The study proposes a mathematical methodological perspective for the treatment of subjective relationships among stakeholders, which allows a predictive simulation tool to be developed for attitude and personal preferences to analyze the links among all stakeholders. (...

    International entrepreneurship: a critical review of the research field

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    This study provides a comprehensive review of the International Entrepreneurship (IE) literature and analyses its evolution in relation to the criticisms made by previous reviews. For this purpose, 272 articles published in 20 journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report for the 1989-2015 period were analysed in depth. The results reveal that researchers have increasingly worked to address these criticisms. Nevertheless, these efforts have not been sufficient since theoretical difficulties that prevent a better understanding of the IE field continue. (...

    Thirty years of the international journal of intelligent systems: a bibliometric review

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    The International Journal of Intelligent Systems was created in 1986. Today, the journal is 30 years old. To celebrate this anniversary, this study develops a bibliometric review of all of the papers published in the journal between 1986 and 2015. The results are largely based on the Web of Science Core Collection, which classifies leading bibliographic material by using several indicators including total number of publications and citations, the h-index, cites per paper, and citing articles. Thework also uses theVOS viewer software for visualizing the main results through bibliographic coupling and co-citation. The results show a general overview of leading trends that have influenced the journal in terms of highly cited papers, authors, journals, universities and countries. C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    New aggregation operators for decision-making under uncertainty: an applications in selection of entrepreneurial opportunities

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    The main aim of this paper is to study how economic environment and logic reasoning guidance the decision-making process to start-up a new business by potential entrepreneurs. The study proposes a new method using the family of selection indices with OWA operator, which allows aggregating information according to the level of importance and their level of objectivity and subjectivity in the same formulation within the decision-making process. To develop case study, we have taken into account some industries of the sports sector and some critical environmental factors that influence the competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Colombia to start a new business. The results show in an orderly way all information aggregated, which can help potential investors and entrepreneurs to make a decision based on their preferences. Finally, the applicability of this method in real case can be given in aggregation different sources of information to help at dealing decision-making processes

    Fuzzy systems and applications in innovation and sustainability

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    One of the main characteristics of humankind is the ability to interpret via natural language incomplete, imprecise, vague, subjective, fragmentary, or scarce information i.e. information in uncertainty and transform it to actions, reason and decision-making [9]. Fuzzy sets theory firstly introduced the treatment of such concepts in 1965 with the foremost influential paper "Fuzzy Sets" [29]. The groundbreaking standpoint of fuzzy systems allows the treatment of uncertain information with the utilization of a strict mathematical framework [8]. Ever since the publication of the pivotal paper from Zadeh, a plethora of contributions have shaped the fuzzy sets theory scope and applications, from developments in engineering, mathematics, computer, decision, life, physical, health, social sciences and humanities [17 (...

    Técnicas para la toma de decisiones en contextos inciertos: identificación de oportunidades socio- económicas en el ámbito deportivo

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    [spa] La teoría de la decisión en la incertidumbre es un área de las ciencias sociales y de las ciencias en general que ha provocado gran interés. Ésta teoría se deriva de la lógica difusa, la cual ha permitido representar el conocimiento común en un lenguaje matemático. Desde su planteamiento, hace 50 años, investigadores de todo el mundo han desarrollo innumerables trabajos y estudios aplicados principalmente en las ciencias formales y que posteriormente se dieron paso a su desarrollo y aplicación en las ciencias sociales y humanas. En este último ámbito, uno de sus máximos desarrollos se ha dado en las ciencias económicas y empresariales, en el cual se destacan las aportaciones hechas por los profesores Dr. Jaime Gil-Aluja junto al fallecido Profesor francés Arnold Kaufmann en torno de la toma de decisiones en ámbitos inciertos. En base a sus fundamentos y proposiciones se desarrollado esta Tesis Doctoral. La decisión del autor de desarrollar este trabajo viene de observar como una ciudad como Barcelona se veía tan influenciada por los eventos deportivos (especialmente el futbol) hasta el punto de reorganizar y movilizar la ciudad en torno a él. Este suceso tuvo gran impacto en el doctorando ya que se planteó ¿Esto podría suceder en otras regiones?, ¿Hasta qué punto el deporte puede contribuir en el desarrollo económico y social del entorno en el que se desarrolla?, ¿Cómo las ventajas que ofrece el movimiento deportivo se pueden aprovechar para generar sinergias y oportunidades en el desarrollo?, ¿Cómo los factores del entorno pueden afectar al momento de identificar esas oportunidades empresariales? En ese sentido, tres ideas cobran importancia: el desarrollo de las regiones, el deporte y su contribución socio-económica y la incertidumbre que genera el entorno. Basado en lo anterior, el doctorando tuvo claro que su trabajo doctoral se iba a dirigir hacia el deporte como elemento activo en la sociedad, su función en un territorio, la función del territorio para su desarrollo y la incertidumbre que genera la dinámica del entorno para identificar las oportunidades que ofrece el deporte. A partir de estos lineamientos se hace una aproximación de la teoría de la incertidumbre, la competitividad, el emprendimiento, los grupos de interés y el deporte con el fin de desarrollar y aplicar técnicas en contextos inciertos. La investigación contempla a) los conceptos de fuzzy set (Zadeh, 1965), el principio de simultaneidad gradual (Gil-Aluja, 1999, 2000) y el operador OWA (Yager, 1988) entre otros en relación a los matemática de la incertidumbre, b) los conceptos de al teoría de clusters como base para la competitividad (Porter, 1998), el emprendimiento desde su perspectiva económica (Audretsch et al., 2002; Stel et al., 2005; Wennekers and Thurik, 1999) y teoría de los grupos de interés desde su visión dinámica (Fassin, 2009, 2010; Windsor, 2011), c) las principales características del deporte que tiene la capacidad de influir simultáneamente en la esferas sociales y económicas y d) Colombia como ubicación foco de estudio para desarrollar las aplicaciones en base a las condiciones económicas que ofrece. Por lo anterior, se plantea en la tesis doctoral el desarrollo de aplicaciones que muestren la toma de decisiones en incertidumbre en aspectos relevantes de las ciencias empresariales, aplicados en un caso de análisis que combina la función del deporte y el entorno económico Colombiano. En ese sentido, esto nos permite hacer desarrollos genéricos de los modelos y algoritmos matemáticos que luego pueden ser aplicados en casos reales para ver su utilidad. De los desarrollos genéricos se propone un nuevo algoritmo llamado” fuzzy significance OWA operator” (FS-OWA) extendido dentro de la familia de los índices de selección. Este algoritmo permite al decisor tomar una decisión de acuerdo a la importancia que le da a la información inicialmente. De los modelos y algoritmos ya existentes se destaca la aplicación de los efectos olvidados, las familias de Moore, el algoritmo de Pichat, el retículo de Galois, la composición max-min, los índices de distancia, los cuales resultan muy importantes para el desarrollo de la tesis. Finalmente es importante decir que la tesis doctoral hace dos aportaciones muy importantes: aplicabilidad y desarrollo. Por un lado, se hacen aplicaciones de los modelos y algoritmos en combinación de conceptos teóricos existentes en las ciencias empresariales en un estudio de caso real mostrándonos su utilidad y su posibilidad de ser replicados. Por otro lado, se propone un nuevo algoritmo, el cual agrega y mejora al ya existente; este proporcionan una nueva herramienta que contribuye al desarrollo de la teoría de la decisión.[eng] The present doctoral thesis is to propose the development of mathematical applications in decision-making problems on uncertainty. Applications are focused on relevant aspects of business science in combination of function of the sport in Colombia economic environment in order to identify socio-economic opportunities on sport environment. Thus, the doctoral thesis focuses on three main items, uncertainty, business opportunities and environment of action. Firstly, the uncertainty generated by environment can be dealt with the mathematics of uncertainty theory applied on business and economics (Gil-Aluja, 1999; Kaufmann and Gil-Aluja, 1986, 1987). Secondly, opportunities depend on characteristics and qualities of the region allowing the development of several economic activities. Economic activity is closely linked to competitiveness, productivity and entrepreneurship; issues that have a particular interest for nations. International and national organizations as World Economic Forum (WEF) and Global Entrepreneur Monitor (GEM) and so on provide reports on current economic stage, business activity and development of the regions in order to make diagnosis and recommendations that a) contribute to growth and economic development and b) promote the creation of new business and employment. Thirdly, sports have been consolidated in the society by the economic power, management and organization that they have achieved (European Commission, 2007). Based on the above, the research considers to study a) fuzzy set concepts (Zadeh, 1965), principle of gradual simultaneity (Gil-Aluja, 1999, 2000) and OWA operator (Yager, 1988) among others related to the mathematics of uncertainty, b) clusters theory concepts as basis of the competitiveness (Porter, 1998), entrepreneurship from its economic perspective (Audretsch et al., 2002; Stel et al., 2005; Wennekers and Thurik, 1999) and stakeholders from dynamic vision (Fassin, 2009, 2010; Windsor, 2011) as determinants for promoting business activities, c) main characteristics of sports to influence on social and economic spheres simultaneously and Colombia as case of analysis to develop applications in basis of its economic conditions. Hence, it allows us to make generic developments of the models and mathematical algorithms, which can be used on real cases to observe its usefulness. It has been proposed a new algorithm called fuzzy significance OWA operator (FS-OWA), which is an extension of selection indexes family in OWA operators. This operator allows decisor to take a decision according to the importance he gives the information initially. Likewise, it has been applied several algorithms of existing ones, such as: forgotten effects theory, Moore`s family, Pichat algorithm, Galois lattices, composition max-min, distance indexes, which are very important for developing this doctoral thesis. Finally, it is important to say that this doctoral thesis makes two significant contributions: applicability and development. On the one hand, applications of models and algorithms are carried out in combination with theorical concepts with real cases showing its usefulness and applicability. On the other hand, a new algorithm is proposed, which aggregates and improves of existing one; this provides a new tool that contributes to the development of the decision theory. The structure of this doctoral thesis is as follows: In Chapter 1, presentation, justification, aims, methodology, structure and contents are exposed and shown. In Chapter 2, state of question and context of research work are presented. In Chapter 3, mathematical instruments on decision-making are studied focusing on business and economic studies. In Chapter 4, sport and development are studied showing the role of the sport in society as agent of transversal action and the determinants those aid to promote of business opportunities within location. In Chapters 5 and 6, scientific contributions made so far to response to main aim of the research are shown. In Chapter 7, general conclusions, implications and lines of the research are presented. In Chapter 8, bibliography consulted to carry out research work is shown making distinction between scientific articles, books and reports references

    Towards a competitiveness in the economic activity in Colombia: Using Moore's families and Galois lattices in clustering

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    This paper is aimed to find affinities between each Colombian region through economic activities analysis focusing on crucial role of location to be further competitiveness. The mathematical models of Moore families' and Galois lattices are used to identify a kind of industry in a region and its economic activity affinities. The results obtained from the calculation, we are shown 6 lattices formed with a great deal of affinity groupings within each of them. These groups have allowed us analysing economic activity-region by each region and identifying what kind of industry is developed within them. Finally, it is highlighted that these mathematical models give a prospective view of regional and national economic activity from general level to specific level, which can be used as tool for analyzing environments, policymaking and encouraging business development. Likewise, these models can offer a new manner to analyse socio-economic changes with a great deal with uncertainty

    Dynamics of stakeholder relations with multi-person aggregation

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop a novel method to analyse dynamic interactions of stakeholders to explain how a set of agents can act by considering the power/influence positions. A novel mathematical application uses the importance of characteristics algorithm in combination with composition max-min to compare, group and order information according to the importance of its characteristics. The mathematical application is focused on a strategic analysis, evaluating stakeholder dynamics through power relationships. ..