2,166 research outputs found

    The effective participation of the audience in the production of news: encouraging opportunities through data journalism

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    Digital tools allow and encourage users "to participate in the creation and circulation of media” (Lewis, 2012). This participation can be considered as a remedy against the growing disconnection between journalism and citizens, also as a formula for a greater democratization of the media (Negroponte, 1996 y Castells, 2001). However, most studies show that rarely the participation of the audience become significant, papers indicate that it is actually quite unusual to allow citizens to be part of the productive process. (Domingo et al., 2008). The journalistic organization has not transferred the power to the recipients and the interaction with the audience is only welcome as comments about the information (Peters & Witschge, 2014). This work aims to demonstrate how the Data Journalism comes to enable this effective participation of the audience in the process of news production. Our main objective is to define the terms in which the participation of the audience takes place in Data Journalism, we aim to categorize how and to what extent this relationship occurs and what benefits it brings to the information. To achieve the objectives set for this work we have analyzed the Data Journalism works awarded in the Data Journalism Awards since its foundation in 2012. These awards are the most prestigious of the world and they have also been the reference for other international researches because selecting award-winning works involves studying a sample with quality (Hermida, 2017; Ojo & Heravi, 2017). After an in-depth analysis, sixteen pieces were detected, of more than a hundred, in which citizen participation was perceived.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research is part of the R + D project CS02015-64955-C4-3-

    Lección inaugural curso académico 2010/2011

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    Hacienda de los nasríes granadinos

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    La Hacienda Nazarí hubo de tener influencia de las orientales y específicamente del Fisco Califal. No obstante sus especiales circunstancias políticas introducirían cambios considerables en su organización y funcionamiento, obligando a los emires granadinos a incrementar constantemente sus requerimientos. Su política fiscal le grajeó la enemistad de sus súbditos y a medida que decaía el poder político y económico del reino, aumentaba la presión fiscal con sucesivos impuestos extraordinario que fueron conservados de forma indefinida. Esto ocurre siempre que un sistema tributario se basa especialmente en el cobro de impuestos indirectos, sobre todo los que penalizan el consumo de productos básicos que afecta más a las clases populares. También la religión es motivo de discriminación fiscal. Aunque apenas tenemos noticias acerca de cómo funcionaba la Administración Fiscal, su organización territorial, sus gastos e ingresos, cómo se distribuían…. habrá que esperar el hallazgo de nuevas fuentes para ofrecer un panorama más coherente y completo.The Nasrid Finance had influence of the eastern and specifically the Treasury Caliphal. However, the special political circumstances that will live introduce considerable changes in its organization that forced Granada emirs to constantly increase their requirements. Fiscal policy will bring the enmity of his subjects and the decline of political and economic power of the kingdom. This always happens when a tax system is based on the recovery of indirect taxes, especially those that penalize the consumption of commodities which affects more the popular classes. Religion is also a matter of fiscal discrimination. Although we have very little news about how it worked the Tax Administration, its territorial organization, their revenue and expenditure, such as distributed… we would have to wait for the discovery of new sources to provide a panorama more consistent and complete.notPeerReviewe

    Estratégias didácticas del francés en el primer ciclo universitario

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    Este artículo se centra en nuestra experiencia universitaria, desde el curso 1979-80, en la \ud didáctica del francés como tercera lengua principalmente, esto es, el segundo idioma \ud extranjero que, durante el primer ciclo universitario, pueden elegir generalmente por dos \ud años consecutivos los alumnos de Filología en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. \ud Basándonos en las teorías de Richterich', vamos a ir describiendo nuestro sistema de \ud enseñanza y aprendizaje del francés segunda lengua extranjera de acuerdo con las \ud interrelaciones o interacciones que se establecen entre los distintos elementos que lo \ud componen (los alumnos, é profesor, los objetivos, los contenidos, la metodología,...}; \ud elementos que, a nuestro juicio, poseen la misma importancia, por lo que nuestra tarea \ud consistirá en buscar el equilibrio entre ellos

    Vida doméstica y trabajo femenino durante la etapa de la Reconquista

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    El presente trabajo pretende ser una aproximación a la mujer del medievo. Hasta hace poco, la mayor parte de los historiadores parecían haberse olvidado que fueron hombres y mujeres unidos los que formaron la sociedad hispánica durante el periodo de expansión cristiana. Hombres y mujeres poblaron los nuevos asentamientos y repoblaron lugares deshabitados. En el período analizado -la llamada Reconquista- coexisten tres culturas muy diferentes en cuanto a organización político-social, religión y costumbres. Pero hasta qué punto son culturas totalmente diferentes, es algo que es hoy objeto de análisis y discusión, pues parece evidente que los procesos de "contaminación"-de lo que Angus MacKay denomina "aculturación"- fueron variados e importantes.The present work is intended to be an approximation to the women of the Middle Ages. Until recently, most of the historians appeared to have forgotten that were men and women that formed the Hispanic society during the period of christian expansion. Men and women populated the new settlements and uninhabited places. In the analyzed period -the call Reconquista- there are three very different cultures in terms of socio-political, religion and customs organization. But to say that are totally different cultures, is something that is now the subject of analysis and discussion, it seems clear that the process of "pollution" -of what Angus MacKay called "acculturation" - were varied and important

    Reflexiones sobre cultura, currículo y etnomatemáticas

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    En este artículo reflexionamos sobre esta tensión de la educación matemática en la región. Planteamos que incorporar los conocimientos matemáticos socioculturales como parte de los conocimientos producidos por los pueblos ancestrales al currículo de matemáticas de las escuelas y a la formación de maestros de matemáticas en América Latina, puede contribuir a respetar y valorar la diversidad sociocultural de los pueblos, y proponemos que las etnomatemáticas son un enfoque pertinente para ese fin porque concibe las matemáticas como una actividad humana de razonamiento basada en la experiencia

    Improving wind power forecasts: combination through multivariate dimension reduction techniques

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    Wind energy and wind power forecast errors have a direct impact on operational decision problems involved in the integration of this form of energy into the electricity system. As the relationship between wind and the generated power is highly nonlinear and time-varying, and given the increasing number of available forecasting techniques, it is possible to use alternative models to obtain more than one prediction for the same hour and forecast horizon. To increase forecast accuracy, it is possible to combine the different predictions to obtain a better one or to dynamically select the best one in each time period. Hybrid alternatives based on combining a few selected forecasts can be considered when the number of models is large. One of the most popular ways to combine forecasts is to estimate the coefficients of each prediction model based on its past forecast errors. As an alternative, we propose using multivariate reduction techniques and Markov chain models to combine forecasts. The combination is thus not directly based on the forecast errors. We show that the proposed combination strategies based on dimension reduction techniques provide competitive forecasting results in terms of the Mean Square ErrorThe second author, Pilar Poncela, acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Government, Ministry of Science, contract grant PID2019-108079GB-C22/AEI/10.13039/50110001103