221 research outputs found


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    One of the issues that gender studies have placed on the public agenda is the Legal Termination of Pregnancy and its related factors, approached from different perspectives. In the State of Hidalgo, on June 30, 2021, the legalization of abortion was approved, which generated intense debates in different social scenarios, including digital platforms; some of the leading positions celebrated the event, while others have been opposed under approaches called anti feminist or pro-life. This qualitative research work analyzed the main characteristics of the positions against abortion, taking as a frame of reference the journalistic notes published on Facebook, related to the topic and commented by hundreds of people. The data collection technique is Discourse Analysis, and data processing was supported by Atlas.ti software.Unos de los temas que los estudios de género han colocado en la agenda pública, es la Interrupción Legal del Embarazo y sus factores relacionados, abordados desde diferentes perspectivas. En el Estado de Hidalgo, México, el 30 de junio del 2021, se aprobó la legalización del aborto, lo cual género intensos debates en los distintos escenarios sociales, incluyendo las plataformas digitales; algunas de las posturas protagónicas celebraron el acontecimiento, mientras que otras se han contrapuesto bajo enfoques denominados antifeministas o pro-vida.  Este trabajo de investigación cualitativa analizó las principales características de las posturas en contra del aborto, tomando como marco de referencia las notas periodísticas que se publican en Facebook, relacionadas con el tema y que son comentadas por cientos de personas. La técnica de recolección de datos es el Análisis del Discurso, y el procesamiento de datos se apoyó del software Atlas.ti &nbsp

    Control biológico en la fase de competencia y recuperación en un triatleta

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    The main objective of the biological control of training is to improve the design of workloads by coaches in order to prevent the adverse effect that involves the practice of high performance sport. In the present study biomarkers such immune response, heart rate variability (HRV), creatine kinase (CK), lactate and urea were measured to describe the behavior in a competition and during the recovery period. The results obtained during the evaluation provide enough information to use them as a custom control of physical activity

    Intervención educativa sobre hábitos de estudio en estudiantes universitarios de Poza Rica, Veracruz, México

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    The objective of the research was to know the effect of study habits in nursing university students from Poza Rica, Ver., Mexico, after an educational intervention. Methodology. The study was quantitative, pre-experimental, prospective and longitudinal; With a sample of 10 students in the period January - November 2019, the type of sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience. The SPSS version 21.0 program was used for descriptive and inferential statistics. The research was based on the General Health Law in its article 100. Results. The results indicate a mean (239.40) of post-test study habits, significantly higher than that of the pre-test (174.20); the SD of the post-test (7.9) and the pre-test (21.23). The value of t according to the degrees of freedom is t(9) = 1.77. The significance of p < .000. With a 95% confidence interval, the mean difference between the two classifications is 52.66 to 77.73. Due to the above, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted since the p-value is < 0.05. The detection of poor study habits in the pre-test is evident, with surprising results contrary to what was detected in the post with good study habits, after the intervention. Conclusions, for the educational institution it is advisable to carry out research when students enter the faculty to detect study habits in a timely manner and thereby implement interventions during the students' university life.El objetivo de la investigación que se expone en este artículo fue conocer el efecto de los hábitos de estudio en estudiantes universitarios de enfermería de Poza Rica, Ver., México, después de una intervención educativa. Metodología. El estudio fue cuantitativo, preexperimental, prospectivo y longitudinal; con una muestra de 10 estudiantes en el período enero – noviembre 2019, el tipo de muestreo fue no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 21.0, para estadística descriptiva e inferencial. La investigación se basó en la Ley General de Salud en su artículo 100. Resultados. Los resultados indican una media (239.40) de hábitos de estudio del post-test, significativamente mayor que la del pre- test (174.20); la SD del pos-test (7.9) y del pre -test (21.23). El valor de t de acuerdo con los grados de libertad es de t (9) = 1.77. La significancia del p < .000. Con un intervalo de confianza del 95% la diferencia media entre las dos clasificaciones es de 52.66 a 77.73. Por lo anterior expresado se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna ya que el p-valor es < 0.05. Es evidente la detección de deficientes hábitos de estudio en el pre- test, con asombrosos resultados contrarios a lo que se detectó en el post con buenos hábitos de estudio, posterior a la intervención. Conclusiones, para la institución educativa se aconseja realizar investigaciones al ingreso de estudiantes a la facultad para detectar oportunamente los hábitos de estudio y con ello implementar intervenciones durante la vida universitaria de los estudiantes

    Study of chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment in women with breast cancer

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    Oncology patients experience a large number of symptoms and, those referring to cognitive performance has an ever-increasing importance in clinical practice, due to the increase in survival rates and interest in the patient’s quality of life. The studies reviewed showed that chemotherapy-related cognitive impairmentmight occur in 15 and 50% of oncology patients. The main objective of this research was to study the impact of chemotherapy on the cognitive function of patients with locoregional breast cancer. Method: Analytical, prospective, longitudinal study using three measures, unifactorial intrasubject design, non-probability, and random selection sampling. The sample comprisedwomen newly diagnosedwith locoregional breast cancer in stages I, II, IIIA who received chemotherapy at the University Hospital of Salamanca (Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca), randomly selected for three years. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale, HAD); quality of life (QLQ-BR23 scale) and the following cognitive variables were assessed—processing speed, attention, memory, and executive functions (subtests of theWechsler Intelligence Scale and the TrailMaking Test). Results: The final sample size included 151 participants; 23 were excluded. A decline in cognitive performance was observed in patients, which did not completely recover two months after chemotherapy was completed. Additionally, worse cognitive performance was observed in patients with anxious or depressive symptoms. There was a negative impact on the quality of life. Conclusion: Chemotherapy had an impact on the cognitive performance of oncology patients in most cognitive domains studied

    Estrés oxidativo y capacidad antioxidante en deportistas con dieta rica en antioxidantes con zarzamora (Rubus sp.)

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    Objetivo. Identificar el comportamiento del Estrés Oxidativo (EO) en atletas con y sin la ingesta de dieta rica en antioxidantes durante el periodo competitivo. Métodos. Se evaluaron a 14 atletas de alto rendimiento del equipo de balonmano, quienes fueron distribuidos 7 en un grupo experimental y 7 en un grupo control (con y sin ingesta de zarzamora, respectivamente). El consumo de la bebida de zarzamora o placebo para ambos grupos, fue de una dosis diaria durante 15 días (7 días en la etapa de pre competencia, 7 días durante el periodo de competencia y una dosis 24h después de finalizar la competencia). Se cuantificó el EO (i.e. prueba d-ROMs, unidades Cornelli, U. Cor.) y la capacidad total antioxidante (CTA) en plasma (i.e. prueba PAT, unidades Carratelli, U. Carr.), en 4 momentos: (1) reposo (1 semana previa a competencia, antes del suministro de bebida); (2) pre competencia (una semana antes de la competencia); (3) al final de competencia y (4) a las 24 h después de la competencia. Resultados. En el grupo experimental, el EO disminuyó de manera significativa (p = .018) al comparar la toma en reposo con la toma previa a la competencia después de 7 días de la ingesta de la dieta rica en antioxidantes. El grupo control presentó aumentos significativos de la CTA en la toma previa a competencia (p = .028) así como al final de la misma (p = .046), con respecto a la toma en reposo. Conclusión. El EO se incrementa después de la competencia y estimula la CTA. La ingesta de la dieta rica en antioxidantes es favorable en el entrenamiento previo a la competencia ya que promueve la regulación del EO, disminuyendo los valores del mismo.Objective. Identify Oxidative Stress (OS) behavior in athletes with and without the intake of an antioxidant-rich diet during a competitive period. Methods.14 high-performance athletes of handball team were evaluated. Two groups were established: 7 in an experimental group (blackberry intake) and 7 in a control group (with and without the intake of blackberry, respectively). The intake of blackberry beverage or placebo for both groups was a daily dose for 15 days (7 days in the pre-competition stage, 7 days during the competition period and a dose 24h after the end of the competition). OS (i.e. d-ROMs test, Cornelli units, U.Cor.) and the Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) (i.e. PAT test, Carratelli units, U. Carr.) on plasma, were quantified at 4 moments: (1) resting (1 week before the competition, before the beverage intake); (2) pre competition (one week before the competition); (3) at the end of the competition; and (4) 24 hours after the competition. Results. On the experimental group, OS was significantly reduced (p =.018) comparing resting takes with the pre-competition, after 7 days of the antioxidant-rich diet. The control group had a significant rise on TAC presented in precompetition (p =.028) as well as at end of competition (p =.046) compared to the resting take. Conclusion. The OS rises after competition and stimulates the TAC. The intake of an antioxidant-rich diet is helpful on pre competition training since it promotes the regulation of OS, diminishing its levels.Objetivo. Identificar o comportamento do estresse oxidativo (EO) em atletas com e sem a ingestão de dieta rica em antioxidantes durante o período competitivo. Métodos. Foram avaliadas 14 atletas de alto rendimento da equipe de handebol, que foram distribuídos em 7 num grupo experimental e 7 num grupo de controlo (com e sem ingestão de amora, respectivamente). O consumo da amora bebida ou placebo em ambos os grupos era uma dose diária durante 15 dias (7 dias no pré competição, 7 dias durante a competição e uma dose 24 horas depois de terminar a competição). O EO foi quantificado (i.e. prova d-ROMs, unidades Cornelli, U. Cor.) e a capacidade antioxidante total (CAT) no plasma (isto é, teste de PAT, unidades Carratelli, U. Carr.) em 4 fases: (1) repouso (uma semana antes da competição antes do fornecimento de bebida); (2) pré-competição (uma semana antes da competição); (3) no fim da competição e (4) às 24 h após a competição. Resultados. No grupo experimental, o EO diminuiu significativamente (p = 0,018) comparando a toma em repouso com a toma anterior à competição após 7 dias de ingestão da dieta rica em antioxidantes. O grupo de controlo teve aumentos significativos no CAT na toma previa à competição (p = .028) e no final da mesma (p = .046), com respeito à toma em repouso. onclusão. O EO aumenta após da competição e estimula o CAT. A ingestão de dieta rica em antioxidantes é favorável no treinamento pré-competição, uma vez que promove a regulação da EO, diminuindo os valores do mesmo

    Características Fisiológicas y Antropométricas de Selección Estatal de Muaythai de Nuevo León, México

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    El rendimiento de los atletas de Muaythai se determinapor características fisiológicas y antropométricas, sin embargo, hemos encontrado un área de oportunidad en la búsqueda de estos datos, por ello, la información sobre los parámetros que deben presentar los peleadores de acuerdo a este deporte son de gran importancia. Objetivo: Conocer el estado de ánimo, síntomas gastrointestinales y sueño, así como características fisiológicas de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca, sangre, orina, composición corporal y rendimiento físico de atletas de Selección Estatal de Muaythai de Nuevo León, México rumbo a un Campeonato Nacional. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo con 17 atletas (13 hombres y 4 mujeres) de la selección estatal de Muaythai del estado de Nuevo León, México (Edad: 18.65 ± 7.33 años, talla: 168 ± 4.21 cm, entrenamiento a la semana 12.62 ± 13.90 horas, competencias/año: 3.29 ± 1.79). Al inicio, contestaron tres cuestionarios online acerca del estado de ánimo, síntomas gastrointestinales y sueño. Posteriormente, se realizó una medición de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca, toma de sangre y orina. Se evaluó la composición corporal mediante antropometría y se realizó una evaluación de salto con contramovimiento. Resultados: La orina presentó un valor de 1.028 ± 0.015 sg, así como un peso de 64.01 ± 7.03 kg y 57.38 ± 6.73 kg, % grasa de 10.11 ± 25.10% y 15.25 ± 3.27% , % músculo de 55.87 ± 5.88 y 38.86 ± 3.03 y un valor 30 ± 7.42 cm y 25.3 ± 9.08 cm en la altura de salto para hombres y mujeres respectivamente. Conclusión: Los peleadores se encuentran hipohidratados, así como con un peso y masa grasa mayor, además de una masa muscular y una altura del salto menor respecto las diversas disciplinas de combate a nivel mundial. Debido a lo anterior, es necesario establecer parámetros específicos para el Muaythai.The performance of Muaythai athletes is determined by physiological and anthropometric characteristics, however, we have found an area of ​​opportunity in the search for these data, therefore, the information on the parameters that fighters must present according to this sport are from great importance. Objective: To know the state of mind, gastrointestinal symptoms and sleep, as well as physiological characteristics of heart rate variability, blood, urine, body composition and physical performance of athletes of the Muaythai State Selection of Nuevo León, Mexico heading to a Championship. National. Methods: Descriptive study with 17 athletes (13 men and 4 women) of the state Muaythai team of the state of Nuevo León, Mexico (Age: 18.65 ± 7.33 years, height: 168 ± 4.21 cm, training per week 12.62 ± 13.90 hours , competitions/year: 3.29 ± 1.79). At baseline, they answered three online questionnaires about mood, gastrointestinal symptoms, and sleep. Subsequently, a measurement of heart rate variability, blood and urine collection was performed. Body composition was assessed by anthropometry and a countermovement jump test was performed. Results: The urine presented a value of 1.028 ± 0.015 sg, as well as a weight of 64.01 ± 7.03 kg and 57.38 ± 6.73 kg, fat % of 10.11 ± 25.10% and 15.25 ± 3.27%, muscle % of 55.87 ± 5.88 and 38.86 ± 3.03 and a value of 30 ± 7.42 cm and 25.3 ± 9.08 cm in jump height for men and women, respectively. Conclusion: The fighters are hypohydrated, as well as with a higher weight and fat mass, as well as a lower muscle mass and jump height compared to the various combat disciplines worldwide. Due to the above, it is necessary to establish specific parameters for Muaytha

    Perfil antropométrico de dos equipos universitarios de balonmano femenil

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    An important aspect of working in sports nutrition is the weight change and body composition. Many athletes need to minimize body fat and weight to improve the biomechanics aspects or increase muscle mass to improve performance. For this reason, the aim of our study was to determine the anthropometric profile of handball players of two college teams. They we made 17 basic anthropometric measurements to both teams. Team 1 obtained a mesomorphic-endomorphic phenotype and Team 2 obtained an endomorphic-mesomorphic phenotype. The mesomorphic component is predominant in both teams; therefore, it can be assumed that the skeletal muscle strength in female handball is decisiv

    Aptitud física de adultos mayores: cambios basales generados por dos tipos de entrenamiento

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    Introducción. Preservar la aptitud física mediante la actividad física es crucial para mantener la autonomía y el buen estado de salud durante la edad adulta. Por tanto, se diseñaron dos programas de actividad física (entrenamiento de resistencia y entrenamiento aeróbico) y se propuso analizar los efectos a través del tiempo -doce semanas- sobre la aptitud física y composición corporal de adultos mayores de la comunidad. Materiales y métodos. Estudio cuasi-experimental (Burns y Grove, 2004) que comparó dos grupos:el grupo con entrenamiento de resistencia (ER) y el grupo de entrenamiento aeróbico (EA). Ambos grupos entrenaron durante 12 semanas, tres veces por semana y se realizaron tres mediciones (semanas 0, 6 y 12). Se midieron talla, cintura, cadera y análisis de impedancia; luego se aplicó la batería Senior Fitness Test. Se analizaron los datos con estadística descriptiva, pruebas t y análisis de varianza. Resultados. Se presentan los datos de 12 participantes. Luego de seis semanas, ningúnentrenamiento promovió cambios en la composición corporal. En contraste, si se observaron efectos en la capacidad física principalmente en el grupo ER. A las doce semanas ambos grupos mejoraron en las pruebas físicas (p ˂ .01). Conclusiones. Los dos tipos de entrenamiento mostraron ser eficientes para mejorar la aptitud física de los adultos mayores. El ER promovió cambios más rápidos y persistentes que el EA a las 6 y 12 semanas. ABSTRACT Introduction. To preserve physical fitness through physical activity is fundamental in order to maintain autonomy and good health during adulthood. There were designed two physical activity programs to·analyze effects over the time of resistance training and aerobic training over physical fitness and body composition of community elders. Materials and methods. Quasi-experimental study comparing two groups: resistance training group (RT) and aerobic training group (AT). Both groups trained for 12 weeks, three times a week and there were performed three measurements (Weeks 0, 6 and 12). We measure the height, waist, hip, impedance analysis and Senior Fitness Test Battery. Data analyses were made with descriptive statistics, t tests and analysis of variance. Results. Data from 12 participants are presented. After six weeks of training, no changes were observed in body composition. In contrast, effects were observed in physical capacity of the RT group. At twelve weeks, both groups improved in the physical tests (p ˂ 0.01). Conclusions. The two types of training showed to be efficient improving fitness of the elderly. RT promoted faster and persistent changes that at at 6 and 12 weeks

    Utilidad diagnóstica de los marcadores de estrés oxidativo en artritis reumatoide precoz en pacientes no fumadores y anti-CCP negativos

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    Fundamento. A pesar del desarrollo de nuevos marcadores y cri- terios diagnósticos para la artritis reumatoide (AR), todavía mu- chos pacientes son diagnosticados tras varios años de síntomas. Los marcadores de estrés oxidativo se incrementan ya en una fase temprana de la enfermedad. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el valor diagnóstico adicional de estos marcadores. Método. Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles. Los pacien- tes reclutados para el estudio cumplían los criterios para AR de la ACR 1987, todos ellos tenían menos de 2 años de síntomas y sin tratamiento previo con fármacos modificadores de la enfer- medad antirreumática (DMARD), esteroides o vitamina E. Los controles fueron seleccionados de los familiares del paciente y pareados (1:1) por sexo, edad, hábito tabáquico actual. Los marcadores de daño oxidativo que se midieron fueron malo- nildialdehído (MDA), hidroperóxidos lipídicos (LOOH) y pro- teínas carboniladas (CP). El Análisis estadístico se realizó de acuerdo con la STARD. resultados. Se incluyeron sesenta y cinco pacientes con AR sin tratamiento y 65 controles sanos. LOOH, CP, los anticuerpos con péctidos citrulinados (anti-CCP) y el factor reumatoide (FR) fueron significativamente mayores en los pacientes, y MDA fue mayor en los controles. Los mismos resultados se obtuvieron en los subgrupos de pacientes que fuman o no, y en anti-CCP positivos o negativos. El valor diagnóstico de los marcadores tradicionales mostró una buena especificidad pero una baja sensibilidad. La construcción de los modelos logísti- cos con la adicción de LOOH y CP aumenta la sensibilidad y el área bajo la curva ROC, especialmente en los no fumadores (66%) y los pacientes negativos ante-CCP (51%). conclusiones. Al incorporar LOOH o CP a los marcadores de la enfermedad tradicionales en AR, bien por separado o ambos conjuntamente, mejoró el diagnóstico de AR, especialmente en los pacientes no fumadores o aquellos con anticuerpos anti- CCP negativos.background. Besides the development of new markers and di- agnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), many patients are still diagnosed after several years of symptoms. Oxidative stress markers are already increased at an early stage of RA. Our aim was to evaluate the additional diagnostic value of these markers. Methods. A case-control study was performed. Patients met the 1987 RA ACR criteria, less than 2 years of symptoms and no previous treatment with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD), steroids or vitamin E. Controls were select- ed from patient’s relatives and matched (1:1) by gender, age, and current smoking habit. Oxidative damage markers were malonyldialdehyde (MDA), Lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH) and Carbonyl proteins (CP). Statistical analysis was performed in agreement with the STARD initiative. results. Sixty-five RA patients without treatment and 65 healthy controls were included. LOOH, CP, antibodies against citrullinated peptides (anti-CCP) and rheumatoid factor (RF) were significantly higher in patients, and MDA higher in con- trols. The same results were obtained in the subgroups of pa- tients who smoke or not, and in anti-CCP positive or negative. The diagnosis performance of traditional markers showed good specificity but low sensitivity. The addition of LOOH and CP increased the sensitivity and the area under the receiving operating characteristic (ROC) curve especially in non-smok- ing (66%) and negative anti-CCP (51%) patients. conclusions. The separate or combined addition of LOOH or CP to the traditional disease markers improved the diag- nosis of RA, especially in non-smoking or negative anti-CCP patients