553 research outputs found


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    O número especial da Revista Cadernos de Gênero e Diversidade apresenta pesquisas de arte e gênero, dentro de uma perspectiva inter e transdisciplinar. A ideia da publicação surgiu através do Seminário de (Des)Configurações e Subjetivações em Artes, do Laboratório de Arte e Subjetividades, ocorrido em setembro de 2016 na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

    Rupturas identitárias na produção artística de Cindy Sherman e Yasumasa Morimura

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    Este artigo propõe uma análise queer das produções artísticas de Cindy Sherman e Yasumasa Morimura a fim de problematizar a inexistência de um sujeito original e único na contemporaneidade. A abordagem queer permite desconstruir identidades fixas, proporcionando leituras plurais às obras de arte. Sherman e Morimura se apresentam como sujeitos instáveis, transformáveis e com identidades efêmeras, de modo que desestabilizam o sistema clássico de identificação. Nas suas produções os sujeitos se instalam no devir (des)identitário, (des)construindo-se constantemente. Através das produções de Sherman a linguagem do autorretrato é problematizada, questionando quais métodos de exposição do sujeito são possíveis para o autorretrato na arte contemporânea. Os sujeitos são problematizados na obra de Morimura através da estética camp que se alia ao exagero e à imitação, questionando a fixidez identitária e os processos naturais de construção dos sujeitos

    EVALUACIÓN: las nuevas tecnologías y el reto de su integración

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    El presente TFM recoge una reflexión sobre la práctica docente, especialmente enfocada en la labor de evaluación y en cómo dicha labor puede ser facilitada por la tecnología. Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación están cada vez más integradas en la cotidianeidad laboral del docente, pero todavía les falta mucho camino por recorrer. Son un recurso que ofrece numerosas ventajas tanto a los estudiantes, como especialmente a los docentes y que aquí concentramos en el apartado de la evaluación. Se destaca la importancia de fomentar la inclusión de las nuevas tecnologías en dicho ámbito educativo y se analizan las ventajas y el abanico de posibilidades que ofrecen en su aplicación al contexto de la evaluación, utilizando como base una programación didáctica anual y un proyecto de innovación. A partir de ambos se reflexiona sobre la importancia de cuidar el proceso evaluativo, así como resaltar cómo las TIC pueden contribuir enormemente a conseguir una evaluación continua real, eficaz y, sobre todo, motivadora para los alumnos.<br /

    Ciudad de Maipú : ¿satélite o suburbio del Gran Mendoza?

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    Fil: Gray de Cerdán, Nelly.Fil: Peralta, Mirta Norma.Fil: Iturrioz, María Martina.Fil: Bianchi, Blanca Rosa

    Aptitud física de adultos mayores: cambios basales generados por dos tipos de entrenamiento

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    Introducción. Preservar la aptitud física mediante la actividad física es crucial para mantener la autonomía y el buen estado de salud durante la edad adulta. Por tanto, se diseñaron dos programas de actividad física (entrenamiento de resistencia y entrenamiento aeróbico) y se propuso analizar los efectos a través del tiempo -doce semanas- sobre la aptitud física y composición corporal de adultos mayores de la comunidad. Materiales y métodos. Estudio cuasi-experimental (Burns y Grove, 2004) que comparó dos grupos:el grupo con entrenamiento de resistencia (ER) y el grupo de entrenamiento aeróbico (EA). Ambos grupos entrenaron durante 12 semanas, tres veces por semana y se realizaron tres mediciones (semanas 0, 6 y 12). Se midieron talla, cintura, cadera y análisis de impedancia; luego se aplicó la batería Senior Fitness Test. Se analizaron los datos con estadística descriptiva, pruebas t y análisis de varianza. Resultados. Se presentan los datos de 12 participantes. Luego de seis semanas, ningúnentrenamiento promovió cambios en la composición corporal. En contraste, si se observaron efectos en la capacidad física principalmente en el grupo ER. A las doce semanas ambos grupos mejoraron en las pruebas físicas (p ˂ .01). Conclusiones. Los dos tipos de entrenamiento mostraron ser eficientes para mejorar la aptitud física de los adultos mayores. El ER promovió cambios más rápidos y persistentes que el EA a las 6 y 12 semanas. ABSTRACT Introduction. To preserve physical fitness through physical activity is fundamental in order to maintain autonomy and good health during adulthood. There were designed two physical activity programs to·analyze effects over the time of resistance training and aerobic training over physical fitness and body composition of community elders. Materials and methods. Quasi-experimental study comparing two groups: resistance training group (RT) and aerobic training group (AT). Both groups trained for 12 weeks, three times a week and there were performed three measurements (Weeks 0, 6 and 12). We measure the height, waist, hip, impedance analysis and Senior Fitness Test Battery. Data analyses were made with descriptive statistics, t tests and analysis of variance. Results. Data from 12 participants are presented. After six weeks of training, no changes were observed in body composition. In contrast, effects were observed in physical capacity of the RT group. At twelve weeks, both groups improved in the physical tests (p ˂ 0.01). Conclusions. The two types of training showed to be efficient improving fitness of the elderly. RT promoted faster and persistent changes that at at 6 and 12 weeks


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    El artículo aborda una problemática de actualidad, debido a que en el mundo la preparación de los profesionales de la educación ocupa un lugar importante. En la sistematización teórica relacionada con la preparación psicopedagógica del profesor de Secundaria Básica, para la atención a alumnos con trastornos de la conducta, se evidencia la hiperbolización de contenidos generales de las disciplinas Psicología y Pedagogía, que no le aportan la preparación suficiente para su desempeño profesional en las instituciones educativas especiales para estudiantes con este diagnóstico. La aplicación de una alternativa, en la que se conciben acciones de superación y preparación metodológica, organizadas de una manera lógica y coherente, permitió elevar el nivel de preparación psicopedagógica de estos profesores, para dirigir en mejores condiciones el proceso educativo, con un marcado carácter correctivo-compensatorio y estimulador del desarrollo de los alumnos con trastornos de la conducta. ABSTRACT The present work approaches a problem of present time, taking into consideration that in the world the preparation of the professionals of education occupies an important place. When carrying out a coherent theoretical systematizing related with the psycho pedagogical preparation of teacher of Junior High for the attention to students with dysfunctional behaviour, is seen a hyperbole of the general contents of the Psychology and Pedagogy disciplines that don't contribute with the enough preparation for the professional performance in the special educational institutions for students with this diagnosis. The application of an alternative, which takes into account upgrading and methodological preparation actions organized in a logical and coherent way allowed elevating the psycho pedagogical level of these professionals, to better lead the educative process, with a marked corrective-compensatory and stimulating character to the development of the students with dysfunctional behaviour. KEY WORDS: Professors of Secondary Basic, behavioural dysfunctions, special educational needs, preparation psycho pedagogical


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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo – prospectivo en 50 pacientes, con diagnóstico confirmado de absceso alveolar agudo en dientes anteriores en el periodo comprendido de septiembre 2008 a marzo del 2009 a los cuales se le aplicó Terapia Neural con el objetivo de identificar la utilidad de la Terapia Neural en el tratamiento de la sepsis  en conductos radiculares, se obtuvo la información a través de encuestas y cuestionarios realizados por el autor  que incluyeron variables: sexos, edades, los números absolutos y las tasas como medidas se plasmaron en tablas, se observó como dato relevante que el 98% de los casos fue evaluados de bueno con solo 1 ó 2 sesiones de aplicación del neural terapéutico,  arribando a la conclusión de que la Terapia Neural es más rápida y efectiva en el alivio del dolor, inflamación y secreción en conductos radiculares. Se recomienda difundir la aplicación y ventajas de dicho método con el fin de adquirir conocimientos más profundos y aplicarlos a cualquier desequilibrio en el organismo humano. It was performed a descriptive, prospective research in 50 patients with confirmed diagnosis of acute alveolar abscess in anterior teeth during the period from September 2007 to 2008, to whom there was applied neural therapy to prove its usefulness for the treatment of sepsis in radicular ducts. The information was gathered by means of surveys and questionnaires developed by the author who had included some variables like: sex, age, absolute numbers, and the rates were evidenced in tables. It was observed as a relevant data that the 98% of the cases were good with just one or two sections of the application of neural therapy, concluding that this therapy is faster and more effective to release pain, inflammation and secretion of radicular ducts

    La inteligencia comercial como herramienta implementada en un sistema organizacional de recojo de información para la elaboración, comercialización y exportación del sazonador de hoja de palta pulverizada, California 2016

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    RESUMEN La presente tesis tiene como objetivo el uso de la Inteligencia comercial como herramienta para el recojo de información, que implementada en un sistema organizacional de soporte de la decisión, facilitará la elaboración, comercialización y exportación del sazonador de hoja de palta pulverizada. Con la finalidad principal de que los ejecutivos de la Empresa Huaylla Products, tengan a su disposición un panorama completo del estado de los indicadores de negocio que le afectan al instante, manteniendo también la posibilidad de analizar con detalle aquellos que no estén cumpliendo con las expectativas establecidas, para determinar el plan de acción más adecuado. Para ello se utilizaron encuestas, entrevistas a profundidad y revisión documentaria .lo que nos dio como resultado la utilidad del sistema de soporte de la decisión proyectada en el lanzamiento de nuestro producto y los aspectos que intervienen en el mismo como, el mercado, la competencia, la cantidad a producir y comercializar y los indiciadores de viabilidad. Se propone seguir los pasos del proceso de inteligencia comercial apoyada en una solución sistematizada de procesamiento de información que implementada en la empresa Huaylla Products minimizará los riesgos, brindará información oportuna y de calidad permitiendo así la correcta toma decisiones estratégicas en la producción y comercialización del producto Palta Jallps.ABSTRACT This thesis aims to use business intelligence as a tool for information gathering, which implemented an organizational support system decision will facilitate the processing, marketing and export of avocado leaf seasoning spray. With the main purpose of that company executives Huaylla Products have at their disposal a complete picture of the state of business indicators that affect instantly, while also maintaining the ability to analyze in detail those not meeting the expectations set to determine the most appropriate action plan. For this survey, depth interviews and document review .what result gave us the usefulness of the support system of the projected launch of our product and the aspects involved in it as the market decision, competition they used , the quantity to produce and market and feasibility indicators. It intends to follow the steps of business intelligence supported by a systematic solution information processing implemented in the company Huaylla Products minimize risks, provide timely and quality information enabling the correct strategic decisions on production and marketing of the product Palta Jallps

    Analysis and Screening of Commercialized Protein Supplements for Sports Practice

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    Recent years have seen a rise in the popularity of the consumption of sports-related supplements. However, the hypothesis is raised that it is necessary to analyze the quality aspects of these supplements in relation to the information provided on the label, to avoid associated risks and obtain the greatest possible benefit from their consumption. Therefore, the aim of this study has been to carry out an analysis or screening of the protein supplements that are currently marketed in Spain. We analyzed the labels of 52 protein sports supplements available both in physical stores and online. The analysis consisted of addressing three relevant aspects considering the labeling: (a) the legislative framework in which the supplements are marketed, (b) the quality of the protein, and (c) the presence of other ingredients according to the specifications of the label. In the legislative context, there do not seem to be any specific regulations to guarantee consumer protection, which can lead to unfair practices and misleading advertising. Most of the supplements analyzed to comply with the requirements of their current regulations. However, claims about their benefits that are not allowed under European legislation have been found in some of them. Regarding composition and according to label information, the supplements have been found to provide a sufficient dose of protein in terms of recommended protein intake per serving. Regarding the presence of other ingredients and according to the information on the label, most of them, except for egg supplements, contain other ingredients. Colostrum was also found in one of the supplements evaluated. The conclusions of the study reveal that, due to a lack of knowledge or misleading advertising practices, supplements are often not used properly. The information provided is essential for both professionals and consumers to avoid the risks associated with consumption, such as unintentional doping, interactions between ingredients that reduce the quality of the supplement, and consumption of supplements inappropriately, among others

    Impact of FLT3–ITD mutation status and its ratio in a cohort of 2901 patients undergoing upfront intensive chemotherapy: a PETHEMA registry study

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    FLT3–ITD results in a poor prognosis in terms of overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, the prognostic usefulness of the allelic ratio (AR) to select post-remission therapy remains controversial. Our study focuses on the prognostic impact of FLT3–ITD and its ratio in a series of 2901 adult patients treated intensively in the pre-FLT3 inhibitor era and reported in the PETHEMA registry. A total of 579 of these patients (20%) harbored FLT3–ITD mutations. In multivariate analyses, patients with an FLT3–ITD allele ratio (AR) of >0.5 showed a lower complete remission (CR rate) and OS (HR 1.47, p = 0.009), while AR > 0.8 was associated with poorer RFS (HR 2.1; p < 0.001). Among NPM1/FLT3–ITD-mutated patients, median OS gradually decreased according to FLT3–ITD status and ratio (34.3 months FLT3–ITD-negative, 25.3 months up to 0.25, 14.5 months up to 0.5, and 10 months ≥ 0.5, p < 0.001). Post-remission allogeneic transplant (allo-HSCT) resulted in better OS and RFS as compared to auto-HSCT in NPM1/FLT3–ITD-mutated AML regardless of pre-established AR cutoff (≤0.5 vs. >0.5). Using the maximally selected log-rank statistics, we established an optimal cutoff of FLT3–ITD AR of 0.44 for OS, and 0.8 for RFS. We analyzed the OS and RFS according to FLT3–ITD status in all patients, and we found that the group of FLT3–ITD-positive patients with AR < 0.44 had similar 5-year OS after allo-HSCT or auto-HSCT (52% and 41%, respectively, p = 0.86), but worse RFS after auto-HSCT (p = 0.01). Among patients with FLT3–ITD AR > 0.44, allo-HSCT was superior to auto-HSCT in terms of OS and RFS. This study provides more evidence for a better characterization of patients with AML harboring FLT3–ITD mutations