213 research outputs found

    Continuous choreographic education: traditions and prospects of development

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    It was investigated the matter and categories of "continuous education", the spectrum of its terminological interpretations and implementations in the system of choreographic education. It was holistically analyzed the structure of continuous choreographic education in the diversity of its stages and levels, forms of organization, there were set the goals and objectives of the choreographic training in each of them. There were analyzed the integration processes in the system of continuous education Choreography (its vertical and horizontal structures), and revealed their importance for the development of the study scope. There were defined progressive trends in the development of each of the stages of continuous choreographic education and prospects for its further development


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    Intraoral local anesthesia is essential for dental care. However, it is often perceived by some patients as unpleasantly painful and in some cases as the only painful part of the treatment. The purpose of this prospective single blinded clinical study was to compare pain in one of the most commonly used conventional single-stage injections of traditional inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) block with a two-stage IAN block technique. Subjects and methods: Upon approval of the ethics research committee, a prospective parallel two-group single blinded comparative in vivo study was performed in which the Heft-Parker visual analog scale was used to assess pain by subjectively assessing the entire injection procedure. Data were statistically analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences v. 17.0 using independent sample MannWhitney U test. Results: A total of 102 adult subjects (mean age 4.15±17.13 years) with uncomplicated medical history participated in the study. Statistical analysis confi rmed that difference in the results on pain assessment between the two compared groups was not signifi cant, i.e. there was no difference in pain perception between the conventional singlestage and modifi ed two-stage IAN block injection technique. Conclusion: The two-stage injection did not reduce pain from needle insertion signifi cantly in female and male patients regardless of age, as compared to the traditional IAN techniques. The results of the present study suggest that dental operator should be aware of pain and discomfort of injecting local anesthesia, along with the effi cacy of various techniques.Intraoralna lokalna anestezija je vrlo važna u dentalnoj skrbi. Međutim, često ju neki pacijenti smatraju jako bolnom i u pojedinim slučajevima jedinim bolnim dijelom liječenja. Cilj ove prospektivne slijepe kliničke studije bio je usporediti bol kod primjene jedne od najčešće upotrebljavanih konvencionalnih jednostupanjskih injekcija kod tradicionalnog blokiranja donjeg alveolarnog živca (IAN) tehnikom dvostupanjskog blokiranja IAN. Ispitanici i metode: Nakon odobrenja etičkog istraživačkog odbora učinjena je prospektivna paralelna dvostruko slijepa studija in vivo u kojoj se za procjenu boli koristila Heft-Parkerova analogna vizualna ljestvica za subjektivnu prosudbu cijelog postupka injiciranja. Podatci su statistički analizirani uporabom Statističkog paketa za društvene znanosti v. 17 korištenjem nezavisnih uzoraka Mann-Whitneyeva U testa. Rezultati: U istraživanju su sudjelovala 102 odrasla ispitanika srednje dobi 34,15±17,13 godina s anamnezom bez komplikacija. Statistički je potvrđeno da razlika procjene boli između dviju uspoređivanih skupina nije bila značajna ukazujući na to da nije bilo razlike u percepciji boli između jednostupanjske tehnike blokiranja injekcijom donjeg alveolarnog živca i modifi cirane dvostupanjske tehnike. Zaključak: Dvostupanjska tehnika injiciranja ne smanjuje bol značajno ni kod muškaraca ni kod žena bez obzira na dob u usporedbi s tradicionalnom jednostupanjskom tehnikom injiciranja donjeg alveolarnog živca. Rezultati ove studije ukazuju na to da dentalni kirurg mora biti svjestan kako i uz učinkovitost različitih tehnika pri davanju lokalne anestezije postoji bol i neugoda


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    The paper focuses on the energy consumed by two mechanisms of sewing machine for straight lockstitch (stitch line 301): needle driving mechanism and the transporting mechanism. The first mechanism - needle driving, is a simple structure, but it is the most dynamic one. The second – to moving the fabrics, is the most complicated mechanism of the sewing machine. A comparative analysis of the energy consumed by the two mechanisms for the implementation of their propulsion is made. The correct work of the machine, the seam quality and the quality of the entire sewing product depend to a large extent, on the workings of these two mechanisms. The needle is driven by a slider-crank mechanism, while for the movement of the connected details, at the distance one step is done by a working part – a feed dog. It is attached to a carrier and its trajectory is a closed planar curve, close to the ellipse. The feed dog receives the horizontal and vertical component of its motion from two conditionally separate kinematic chains that have a common drive.The aim is analytical research and comparative analysis of the energies of needle bar mechanism and a mechanism driving the feed dog of the sewing machine. The energy consumed by each of the links of chains, of the chains themselves and total energy consumed by each of the two mechanisms for a full turn of the main shaft of the machine was studied. A comparative analysis of the energies and their distribution was carried out during the working process and the free movement of each of them. The results of the comparative analysis are presented in graphs and diagrams. It can be seen that the energy consumed by the needle mechanism is significantly greater than that of the transport mechanism. This fact is due to the much higher speeds of the links of the first one.The paper focuses on the energy consumed by two mechanisms of sewing machine for straight lockstitch (stitch line 301): needle driving mechanism and the transporting mechanism. The first mechanism - needle driving, is a simple structure, but it is the most dynamic one. The second – to moving the fabrics, is the most complicated mechanism of the sewing machine. A comparative analysis of the energy consumed by the two mechanisms for the implementation of their propulsion is made. The correct work of the machine, the seam quality and the quality of the entire sewing product depend to a large extent, on the workings of these two mechanisms. The needle is driven by a slider-crank mechanism, while for the movement of the connected details, at the distance one step is done by a working part – a feed dog. It is attached to a carrier and its trajectory is a closed planar curve, close to the ellipse. The feed dog receives the horizontal and vertical component of its motion from two conditionally separate kinematic chains that have a common drive.The aim is analytical research and comparative analysis of the energies of needle bar mechanism and a mechanism driving the feed dog of the sewing machine. The energy consumed by each of the links of chains, of the chains themselves and total energy consumed by each of the two mechanisms for a full turn of the main shaft of the machine was studied. A comparative analysis of the energies and their distribution was carried out during the working process and the free movement of each of them. The results of the comparative analysis are presented in graphs and diagrams. It can be seen that the energy consumed by the needle mechanism is significantly greater than that of the transport mechanism. This fact is due to the much higher speeds of the links of the first one

    Crystallization of YIoQ, a GTPase of unknown function essential for Bacillus subtilis viability

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    YLoQ is a putative ATP/GTP-binding protein of unknown function identified from the complete sequence of the Bacillus subtilis genome. A gene-knockout programme established that yloQ is one of a set of some 270 indispensable genes for the viability of this organism. Crystals of YloQ have been grown from HEPES-buffered solutions at pH 7.5 containing polyethylene glycol and diffraction data have been collected extending to 2.5 Angstrom spacing

    The structure of Rph, an exoribonuclease from Bacillus anthracis, at 1.7 angstrom resolution

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    Maturation of tRNA precursors into functional tRNA molecules requires trimming of the primary transcript at both the 5' and 3' ends. Cleavage of nucleotides from the 3' stem of tRNA precursors, releasing nucleotide diphosphates, is accomplished in Bacillus by a phosphate-dependent exoribonuclease, Rph. The crystal structure of this enzyme from B. anthracis has been solved by molecular replacement to a resolution of 1.7 angstrom and refined to an R factor of 19.3%. There is one molecule in the asymmetric unit; the crystal packing reveals the assembly of the protein into a hexamer arranged as a trimer of dimers. The structure shows two sulfate ions bound in the active-site pocket, probably mimicking the phosphate substrate and the phosphate of the 3'-terminal nucleotide of the tRNA precursor. Three other bound sulfate ions point to likely RNA-binding sites

    Crystallization of the oligopeptide-binding protein AppA from Bacillus subtilis

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    AppA is the membrane-anchored extracellular receptor component of an ABC transporter responsible for the uptake of oligopeptides into Bacillus subtilis. AppA has been overexpressed as a cleavable maltose-binding protein fusion in Escherichia coli. Following removal of the fusion portion, AppA has been crystallized from morpholino-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered solutions at pH 6.5 containing polyethylene glycol and zinc acetate. A complete X-ray diffraction data set extending to 2.3 Angstrom spacing has been collected

    Structure of purine nucleoside phosphorylase (DeoD) from Bacillus anthracis

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    Protein structures from the causative agent of anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) are being determined as part of a structural genomics programme. Amongst initial candidates for crystallographic analysis are enzymes involved in nucleotide biosynthesis, since these are recognized as potential targets in antibacterial therapy. Purine nucleoside phosphorylase is a key enzyme in the purine-salvage pathway. The crystal structure of purine nucleoside phosphorylase (DeoD) from B. anthracis has been solved by molecular replacement at 2.24 Å resolution and refined to an R factor of 18.4%. This is the first report of a DeoD structure from a Gram-positive bacterium

    Дослідження етапів професіоналізації народно-сценічної хореографії в історико-культурній динаміці

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    There were analyzed the features of the genesis and development of folk-stage choreography as a professional activity phenomenon from ancient to modern forms. There were characterized historical-cultural and art factors of the choreographic education formation in Ukraine, preconditions of its theoretical-methodological grounds, prominent tendencies of development. Based on the system study of ethnographic primary sources of the Ukrainian choreography there was specified the essence of the notions “folk dance”, “typical dance”, “folk-stage dance”, their content interconnection was analyzed and the dynamics of changes in the field thesaurus formation was determined. In the process of the diachronic analysis of the main stages of the folk-stage dance development the totality of criteria signs of its professionalization was separated and determined as important factors of the formation of theoretical and practical principles of the choreographic education. The first stage (XIV-XVIII cent.) – syncretic – defines a dance as an organic component of the united dramatized art action, existed in forms of school, fair, folk-mysterial theaters; the second  (XVIII – XIX cent.) – connects a dance with the activity of amateur theaters of different social groups (private, serf, municipal, folk, student and so on) and is characterized by the domination of divertissement character of the choreographic component of dramatic action; third (XIX – early XX cent.) – interprets a dance in the organic unity with the content line of dramatic performances, embodies the generation of the Ukrainian professional theater, gradual transformation of the folk dance into ballet genre on the stage of amateur and professional stationary theatric troupes; fourth (XX – early XXI cent.) – characterizes the folk-stage dance as a theatric genre of professional music-dramatic and opera-ballet theaters and separate genre of the stage choreographic execution – dance stage, – practically embodied in the activity of amateur and professional choreographic and vocal-choreographic groupsДосліджено основні етапи динаміки професіоналізації української народно-сценічної хореографії у контексті культуроґенезу танцювального мистецтва. Уточнено сутність категорій «народний танець», «характерний танець», «народно-сценічний танець», проаналізовано їх змістовий взаємозв’язок та визначено динаміку змін у формуванні тезаурусу галузі. На основі системного дослідження етнографічних першоджерел української хореографії визначено історико-культурні та мистецькі детермінанти, естетико-теоретичні засади розвитку народного танцю як феномену професійної діяльності й об’єкта педагогічної рефлексі


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    The article explores the genesis of the system of "rolling sculpture" of E. Jaques-Dalcroze school and its functioning in various educational institutions of the past and present; historical background of the formation and development of rhythm as part of the system of «art movement» and means of musical and choreographic education are analyzed; the place and role of rhythm as a musical-pedagogical disciplines in various forms of continuous choreographic education is stated; its essence, purpose, tasks and content is disclosed.В статье исследован генезис системы «подвижной пластики» Е. Жака-Далькроза и ее функционирование в различных образовательных структурах прошлого и настоящего; проанализированы исторические предпосылки становления и развития ритмики как составляющей системы «искусства движения» и средства музыкального и хореографического воспитания; определены место и роль ритмики как музыкально-педагогической дисциплины в различных формах организации непрерывного хореографического образования, раскрыты ее сущность, цель, основные задачи и содержание.У статті досліджено ґенезу системи «рухомої пластики» Е. Жака-Далькроза та її функціонування у різних освітніх структурах минулого й сьогодення; проаналізовано історичні передумови становлення й розвитку ритміки як складової системи «мистецтва руху» та засобу музичного і хореографічного виховання; визначено місце і роль ритміки як музично-педагогічної дисципліни у різних формах організації неперервної хореографічної освіти, розкрито її сутність, мету, основні завдання та зміст

    Трансформация ценностей в сфере бизнеса в России и Иране: сравнительный аспект

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    The article considers the transformations of business values in Russia and Iran defining the entrepreneurship as a driving force for both economic sphere and social life in general. The author believes that business values can be considered a practical example of the social perception of the state traditional axiological complex. Therefore, on the basis of statistical data of the international research center "GlobeScan", independent sociological Fund "Public Opinion", and analytical organization "Levada Center" the author studies the causes for the Russian society rejection of entrepreneurial values. The article presents the business values of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the comparative perspective focusing on the history of economic system reorganization in accordance with the principles of "tawhid economy" ("economy of divine armony") in order to reduce the vulnerability of the national economy under the globalization values and trends. The author analyzes business activities of Islamic funds ("bonyad") as instruments of the state for promoting the necessary set of values, and explains the division of business according to the degree of European values acceptance depending on the affiliation with various political forces.Статья посвящена трансформации ценностей, доминирующих в сфере предпринимательства в России и Иране. Бизнес-сфера рассматривается в качестве движущей силы, как для общественной жизни в целом, так и экономической среды. Так как ценностные установки в сфере бизнеса могут быть рассмотрены как практический пример уровня восприятия обществом традиционного аксиологического комплекса государства, в статье с использованием статистических данных, представленных международным исследовательским центром « GlobeScan», независимой социологической службой Фонда «Общественное мнение», Аналитическим Центром «Левада-центр», анализируются причины непринятия российским обществом системы ценностей предпринимательского класса. В сравнительном аспекте рассматривается ценностная компонента сферы бизнеса в Исламской Республике Иран. Исследуется история реорганизации экономической системы согласно принципам концепции «тоухидной экономики» («экономики божественной гармонии») в целях снижения уязвимости национальной экономики в условиях действия глобализации сферы бизнеса и его ценностных компонентов. Анализируется деятельность исламских фондов («боньядов»), вовлеченных в предпринимательскую деятельность, как инструментов государства для пропаганды необходимых ценностных установок. Объясняется разделение бизнеса по степеням восприятия европейских ценностей в зависимости от его аффилированности с различными политическими силами