373 research outputs found

    Design and Conclusions of the Baffin Island Oil Spill Project

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    The Baffin Island Oil Spill (BIOS) Project sponsored multidisciplinary field studies between May 1980 and August 1983 in Canada's eastern Arctic at Cape Hatt, on the northern end of Baffin Island. Forty-five cubic metres (45,000 l) of a sweet medium gravity crude oil were released in a typical coastal arctic environment for purposes of scientific investigation. The experimental spills were monitored to quantitatively assess and compare the short- and long-term fate and effects of chemically dispersed oil and a beached oil slick, as well as the effectiveness of shoreline cleanup techniques. Hydrocarbon analyses were carried out on water samples, intertidal sediments, subtidal sediments and macrofaunal tissue. Biological measurements were made on populations of macrophytic algae, benthic infauna and epifauna and microorganisms. Oceanographic, geomorphologic and meteorologic support studies were also performed. The main conclusions of the BIOS Project relate to oil spill countermeasures for arctic nearshore and shoreline areas typified by the experimental site. First, the results offer no compelling ecological reasons to prohibit the use of chemical dispersants on oil slicks in such nearshore areas. Second, the results provide no strong ecological reasons for the cleanup of oil stranded on such shorelines. Thus consideration would be given to the use of chemical dispersants in the nearshore where prevention of shoreline contamination is warranted to protect wildlife or their critical habitat or traditional human land-use sites.Key words: Arctic, marine, oil pollution, oil spill countermeasures, chemically dispersed oilMots clés: Arctique, milieu marin, pollution par le pétrole, mesures d’intervention contre les déversements de pétrole , pétrole dispersé chimiquemen

    Novel Anti-Campylobacter Compounds Identified Using High Throughput Screening of a Pre-selected Enriched Small Molecules Library

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    Campylobacter is a leading cause of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide and infections can be fatal. The emergence of antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter spp. necessitates the development of new antimicrobials. We identified novel anti-Campylobacter small molecule inhibitors using a high throughput growth inhibition assay. To expedite screening, we made use of a “bioactive” library of 4,182 compounds that we have previously shown to be active against diverse microbes. Screening for growth inhibition of Campylobacter jejuni, identified 781 compounds that were either bactericidal or bacteriostatic at a concentration of 200 µM. Seventy nine of the bactericidal compounds were prioritized for secondary screening based on their physico-chemical properties. Based on the minimum inhibitory concentration against a diverse range of C. jejuni and a lack of effect on gut microbes, we selected 12 compounds. No resistance was observed to any of these 12 lead compounds when C. jejuni was cultured with lethal or sub-lethal concentrations suggesting that C. jejuni is less likely to develop resistance to these compounds. Top 12 compounds also possessed low cytotoxicity to human intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2 cells) and no hemolytic activity against sheep red blood cells. Next, these 12 compounds were evaluated for ability to clear C. jejuni in vitro. A total of 10 compounds had an anti-C. jejuni effect in Caco-2 cells with some effective even at 25 µM concentrations. These novel 12 compounds belong to five established antimicrobial chemical classes; piperazines, aryl amines, piperidines, sulfonamide and pyridazinone. Exploitation of analogues of these chemical classes may provide Campylobacter specific drugs that can be applied in both human and animal medicine

    The Generation of Successive Unmarked Mutations and Chromosomal Insertion of Heterologous Genes in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Using Natural Transformation

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    We have developed a simple method of generating scarless, unmarked mutations in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae by exploiting the ability of this bacterium to undergo natural transformation, and with no need to introduce plasmids encoding recombinases or resolvases. This method involves two successive rounds of natural transformation using linear DNA: the first introduces a cassette carrying cat (which allows selection by chloramphenicol) and sacB (which allows counter-selection using sucrose) flanked by sequences to either side of the target gene; the second transformation utilises the flanking sequences ligated directly to each other in order to remove the cat-sacB cassette. In order to ensure efficient uptake of the target DNA during transformation, A. pleuropneumoniae uptake sequences are added into the constructs used in both rounds of transformation. This method can be used to generate multiple successive deletions and can also be used to introduce targeted point mutations or insertions of heterologous genes into the A. pleuropneumoniae chromosome for development of live attenuated vaccine strains. So far, we have applied this method to highly transformable isolates of serovars 8 (MIDG2331), which is the most prevalent in the UK, and 15 (HS143). By screening clinical isolates of other serovars, it should be possible to identify other amenable strains

    Field inter-comparison of eleven atmospheric ammonia measurement techniques

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    Eleven instruments for the measurement of ambient concentrations of atmospheric ammonia gas (NH3), based on eight different measurement methods were inter-compared above an intensively managed agricultural field in late summer 2008 in Southern Scotland. To test the instruments over a wide range of concentrations, the field was fertilised with urea midway through the experiment, leading to an increase in the average concentration from 10 to 100 ppbv. The instruments deployed included three wet-chemistry systems, one with offline analysis (annular rotating batch denuder, RBD) and two with online-analysis (Annular Denuder sampling with online Analysis, AMANDA; AiRRmonia), two Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectrometers (a large-cell dual system; DUAL-QCLAS, and a compact system; c-QCLAS), two photo-acoustic spectrometers (WaSul-Flux; Nitrolux-100), a Cavity Ring Down Spectrosmeter (CRDS), a Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (CIMS), an ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) and an Open-Path Fourier Transform Infra-Red (OP-FTIR) Spectrometer. The instruments were compared with each other and with the average concentration of all instruments. An overall good agreement of hourly average concentrations between the instruments (R2>0.84), was observed for NH3 concentrations at the field of up to 120 ppbv with the slopes against the average ranging from 0.67 (DUAL-QCLAS) to 1.13 (AiRRmonia) with intercepts of −0.74 ppbv (RBD) to +2.69 ppbv (CIMS). More variability was found for performance for lower concentrations (<10 ppbv). Here the main factors affecting measurement precision are (a) the inlet design, (b) the state of inlet filters (where applicable), and (c) the quality of gas-phase standards (where applicable). By reference to the fast (1 Hz) instruments deployed during the study, it was possible to characterize the response times of the slower instruments

    High temporal resolution modelling of environmentally-dependent seabird ammonia emissions: description and testing of the GUANO model

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    Many studies in recent years have highlighted the ecological implications of adding reactive nitrogen (Nr) to terrestrial ecosystems. Seabird colonies represent a situation with concentrated sources of Nr, through excreted and accumulated guano, often occurring in otherwise nutrient-poor areas. To date, there has been little attention given to modelling N flows in this context, and particularly to quantifying the relationship between ammonia (NH3) emissions and meteorology. This paper presents a dynamic mass-flow model (GUANO) that simulates temporal variations in NH3 emissions from seabird guano. While the focus is on NH3 emissions, the model necessarily also treats the interaction with wash-off as far as this affects NH3. The model is validated using NH3 emissions measurements from seabird colonies across a range of climates, from sub-polar to tropical. In simulations for hourly time-resolved data, the model is able to capture the observed dependence of NH3 emission on environmental variables. With temperature and wind speed having the greatest effects on emission for the cases considered. In comparison with empirical data, the percentage of excreted nitrogen that volatilizes as NH3 is found to range from 2% to 67% (based on measurements), with the GUANO model providing a range of 2%–82%. The model provides a tool that can be used to investigate the meteorological dependence of NH3 emissions from seabird guano and provides a starting point to refine models of NH3 emissions from other sources

    Registration of 3D fetal neurosonography and MRI.

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    We propose a method for registration of 3D fetal brain ultrasound with a reconstructed magnetic resonance fetal brain volume. This method, for the first time, allows the alignment of models of the fetal brain built from magnetic resonance images with 3D fetal brain ultrasound, opening possibilities to develop new, prior information based image analysis methods for 3D fetal neurosonography. The reconstructed magnetic resonance volume is first segmented using a probabilistic atlas and a pseudo ultrasound image volume is simulated from the segmentation. This pseudo ultrasound image is then affinely aligned with clinical ultrasound fetal brain volumes using a robust block-matching approach that can deal with intensity artefacts and missing features in the ultrasound images. A qualitative and quantitative evaluation demonstrates good performance of the method for our application, in comparison with other tested approaches. The intensity average of 27 ultrasound images co-aligned with the pseudo ultrasound template shows good correlation with anatomy of the fetal brain as seen in the reconstructed magnetic resonance image