55 research outputs found

    Hadron-nucleon Total Cross Section Fluctuations from Hadron-nucleus Total Cross Sections

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    The extent to which information about fluctuations in hadron-nucleon total cross sections in the frozen approximation can be extracted from very high energy hadron-nucleus total cross section measurements for a range of heavy nuclei is discussed. The corrections to the predictions of Glauber theory due to these fluctuations are calculated for several models for the distribution functions, and differences of the order of 50 mb are found for heavy nuclei. The generating function for the moments of the hadron-nucleon cross section distributions can be approximately determined from the derivatives of the hadron-nucleus total cross sections with respect to the nuclear geometric cross section. The argument of the generating function, however, it limited to the maximum value of a dimensionless thickness function obtained at zero impact parameter for the heaviest nuclear targets: about 1.8 for pions and 3.0 for nucleons.Comment: 14 pages, revtex 3.0, 4 figures available upon reques

    Proton-nucleus scattering and cross section fluctuations at RHIC and LHC

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    We consider high-energy proton-heavy nucleus scattering within the framework of the Glauber-Gribov approximation and taking into account cross section fluctuations. Fixing parameters of the model for cross section fluctuations by the available data, we make predictions for the total, elastic and coherent diffractive dissociation proton-nucleus cross sections for the RHIC and LHC energy range. We predict a strong change of the A-dependence of diffraction dissociation from A^{0.42} at RHIC energies to A^{0.27} at LHC energies. Based on the obtained results, we discuss the approach of the interactions to the black body (unitarity) limit. We estimate the electromagnetic contribution to coherent pA diffraction and find that it dominates the coherent diffractive cross section on heavy nuclear targets in the RHIC and LHC kinematics.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 1 table, 4 figures. This is the final version published in Phys. Lett. B 633 (2006) 245, with recent corrections published as Erratum in Phys. Lett. B 663 (2008) 456. The Erratum concerns Section 5 of the paper: we corrected the Lorentz factor for the calculation of the e.m. contribution and modified Fig.

    Transition to resonance-rich matter in heavy ion collisions at RHIC energies

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    The equilibration of hot and dense nuclear matter produced in the central region in central Au+Au collisions at s=200\sqrt{s}=200 AGeV is studied within the microscopic transport model UrQMD. The pressure here becomes isotropic at t≈5t \approx 5 fm/c. Within the next 15 fm/c the expansion of the matter proceeds almost isentropically with the entropy per baryon ratio S/A≈150S/A \approx 150. During this period the equation of state in the (P,Ï”)(P,\epsilon)-plane has a very simple form, P=0.15Ï”P=0.15 \epsilon. Comparison with the statistical model (SM) of an ideal hadron gas reveals that the time of ≈20\approx 20 fm/cc may be too short to attain the fully equilibrated state. Particularly, the fractions of resonances are overpopulated in contrast to the SM values. The creation of such a long-lived resonance-rich state slows down the relaxation to chemical equilibrium and can be detected experimentally.Comment: Talk at the conference Strangeness'2000, to be published in J. of Phys.

    Heavy Ion Collisions at Relativistic Energies: Testing a Nuclear Matter at High Baryon and Isospin Density

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    We show that the phenomenology of isospin effects on heavy ion reactions at intermediate energies (few AGeV range) is extremely rich and can allow a ``direct'' study of the covariant structure of the isovector interaction in the hadron medium. We work within a relativistic transport frame, beyond a cascade picture, consistently derived from effective Lagrangians, where isospin effects are accounted for in the mean field and collision terms. Rather sensitive observables are proposed from collective flows (``differential'' flows) and from pion/kaon production (π−/π+\pi^-/\pi^+, K0/K+K^0/K^+ yields). For the latter point relevant non-equilibrium effects are stressed. The possibility of the transition to a mixed hadron-quark phase, at high baryon and isospin density, is finally suggested. Some signatures could come from an expected ``neutron trapping'' effect.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, espcrc1 (latex) style. Conf. "Perspectives in Hadronic Physics", ICTP Trieste May 2006, Nucl.Phys. A, to appea

    Interaction of small size wave packet with hadron target

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    We calculate in QCD the cross section for the scattering of an energetic small-size wave packet off a hadron target. We use our results to study the small-σ\sigma behaviour of Pπ(σ)P_{\pi}(\sigma), the distribution over cross section for the pion, in the leading αs\alpha_{s}-order.Comment: Revised version of the report CEBAF-TH-96-0

    Isospin Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions: EoS-sensitive Observables

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    Heavy Ion Collisions (HIC) represent a unique tool to probe the in-medium nuclear interaction in regions away from saturation and at high nucleon momenta. In this report we present a selection of reaction observables particularly sensitive to the isovector part of the interaction, i.e. to the symmetry term of the nuclear Equation of State (EoS) At low energies the behavior of the symmetry energy around saturation influences dissipation and fragment production mechanisms. Predictions are shown for deep-inelastic and fragmentation collisions induced by neutron rich projectiles. Differential flow measurements will also shed lights on the controversial neutron/proton effective mass splitting in asymmetric matter. The high density symmetry term can be derived from isospin effects on heavy ion reactions at relativistic energies (few AGeV range), that can even allow a ``direct'' study of the covariant structure of the isovector interaction in the hadron medium. Rather sensitive observables are proposed from collective flows and from pion/kaon production. The possibility of the transition to a mixed hadron-quark phase, at high baryon and isospin density, is finally suggested. Some signatures could come from an expected ``neutron trapping'' effect.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; espcrc1 style; IX Int.Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Rio de Janeiro Aug.2006; to appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Isospin Effects on Strangeness in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Kaon properties are studied within the framework of a fully covariant transport approach. The kaon-nucleon potential is evaluated in two schemes, a chiral perturbative approach and an effective One-Boson-Exchange model. Isospin effects are explicitly accounted for in both models. The transport calculations indicate a significant sensitivity of momentum distributions and total yields of K0,+K^{0,+} isospin states on the choice of the kaon-nucleon interaction. Furthermore, isospin effects are rather moderate on absolute kaon yields, but appear on strangeness ratios. This is an important issue in determining the high density symmetry energy from studies of strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 15 papes, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physic

    Electroproduction of Charmonia off Nuclei

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    In a recent publication we have calculated elastic charmonium production in ep collisions employing realistic charmonia wave functions and dipole cross sections and have found good agreement with the data in a wide range of s and Q^2. Using the ingredients from those calculations we calculate exclusive electroproduction of charmonia off nuclei. Here new effects become important, (i) color filtering of the c-cbar pair on its trajectory through nuclear matter, (ii) dependence on the finite lifetime of the c-cbar fluctuation (coherence length) and (iii) gluon shadowing in a nucleus compared to the one in a nucleon. Total coherent and incoherent cross sections for C, Cu and Pb as functions of s and Q^2 are presented together with some differential cross sections. The results can be tested with future electron-nucleus colliders or in peripheral collisions of ultrarelativistic heavy ions.Comment: 21 pages of Latex including 14 figures; few misprints are fixe

    On the Lorentz structure of the symmetry energy

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    We investigate in detail the density dependence of the symmetry energy in a relativistic description by decomposing the iso-vector mean field into contributions with different Lorentz covariant properties. We find important effects of the iso-vector, scalar channel (i.e. ÎŽ\delta-meson like) on the high density behavior of the symmetry energy. Applications to static properties of finite nuclei and to dynamic situations of heavy ion collisions are explored and related to each other. The nuclear structure studies show only moderate effects originating from the virtual ÎŽ\delta meson. At variance, in heavy ion collisions one finds important contributions on the reaction dynamics arising from the different Lorentz structure of the high density symmetry energy when a scalar iso-vector ÎŽ\delta field is introduced. Particularly interesting is the related neutron/proton effective mass splitting for nucleon transport effects and for resonance and particle production around the threshold. We show that the ÎŽ\delta-like channel turns out to be essential for the production of pions, when comparing with experimental data, in particular for high momentum selections.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures (.eps

    Diffractive Leptoproduction of Vector Mesons in QCD

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    We demonstrate that the distinctive features of the forward differential cross section of diffractive leptoproduction of a vector meson can be legitimately calculated in perturbative QCD in terms of the light-cone qqˉq \bar q wave function of the vector meson and the gluon distribution of the target. In particular, we calculate the Q2Q^2 and nuclear dependence of the diffractive leptoproduction of vector mesons and estimate the cross section. The production of longitudinally polarized vector mesons by longitudinally polarized virtual photons is predicted to be the dominant component, yielding a cross section behaving as Q−6Q^{-6}. The nuclear dependence of the diffractive cross sections, which follows from a factorization theorem in perturbative QCD, provides important tests of color transparency as well as constraints on the shadowing of the gluon structure functions and the longitudinal structure functions of nuclei.Comment: 32 pages, requires phyzzx.tex, figures can be obtained by sending preprint request to SLAC, minor clarifications and additional references incorporated in revised version, preprint SLAC-PUB-641
