69 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium magneto-conductance as a manifestation of spin filtering in chiral nanojunctions

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    It is generally accepted that spin-dependent electron transmission may appear in chiral systems, even without magnetic components, as long as significant spin−orbit coupling is present in some of its elements. However, how this chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) manifests in experiments, where the system is taken out of equilibrium, is still debated. Aided by group theoretical considerations and nonequilibrium DFT-based quantum transport calculations, here we show that when spatial symmetries that forbid a finite spin polarization in equilibrium are broken, a net spin accumulation appears at finite bias in an arbitrary twoterminal nanojunction. Furthermore, when a suitably magnetized detector is introduced into the system, the net spin accumulation, in turn, translates into a finite magneto-conductance. The symmetry prerequisites are mostly analogous to those for the spin polarization at any bias with the vectorial nature given by the direction of magnetization, hence establishing an interconnection between these quantitiesJ.J.P. and M.A.G.-B. acknowledge financialsupport from Spanish MICINN (grant nos. PID2019-109539GB-C43 and TED2021- 131323B-I00), the María de Maeztu Program for Units of Excellence in R&D (grant no. CEX2018-000805-M), Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid through the Nanomag COST-CM Program (grant no. S2018/NMT-4321), Generalitat Valenciana through Programa Prometeo (2021/017), Centro de Computación Científica of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and Red Española de Supercomputació

    Cinética de la biosorción de Cr(VI) con hueso de aceituna

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    En este trabajo se ha estudiado la cinética de biosorción de cromo(VI) usando hueso de aceituna como sólido sorbente.Los resultados muestran que el Cr(VI) es en parte retirado por el hueso y en parte reducido a Cr(III) y que, a partir de un tiempo de contacto próximo a 300 minutos, el porcentaje retirado de Cr(VI) y Cr total se mantiene constante, lo que indica que no se produce ninguno de los dos procesos. Así mismo, la capacidad de eliminación de Cr (VI) que tiene el hueso de aceituna disminuye con el aumento del pH, siendo este descenso mucho más acusado a pH>2. Para el Cr total los valores de la capacidad de eliminación resultan inferiores a los obtenidos para Cr(VI), lo que pone de manifiesto el efecto dela reducción de Cr(VI) a Cr(III). Los resultados experimentalesse han ajustado a los modelos de pseudo-primer orden, pseudo-segundo orden, Elovich y difusión intraparticular, siendo el modelo de pseudo-segundo orden el que mejor reproduce la cinética del proceso en todas las condiciones experimentales utilizadas. Finalmente, el efecto de la temperatura en la cinética del proceso muestra que, para Cr(VI), la capacidad de biosorción y la constante cinética aumentan cuando la  temperatura se eleva de 25 a 60 ºC, permaneciendo ambos parámetros prácticamente constantes cuando la temperaturaaumenta hasta 80 ºC

    Liquid hot water pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis as a valorization route of Italian green pepper waste to delivery free sugars

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    In this work, liquid hot water pretreatment (autohydrolysis) was used to improve enzymatic hydrolysis of a commonly consumed vegetable waste in Spain, Italian green pepper, to finally produce fermentable sugars. Firstly, the effect of temperature and contact time on sugar recovery during pretreatment (in insoluble solid and liquid fraction) was studied in detail. Then, enzymatic hydrolysis using commercial cellulase was performed with the insoluble solid resulting from pretreatment. The objective was to compare results with and without pretreatment. The results showed that the pretreatment step was effective to facilitate the sugars release in enzymatic hydrolysis, increasing the global sugar yield. This was especially notable when pretreatment was carried out at 180 °C for 40 min for glucose yields. In these conditions a global glucose yield of 61.02% was obtained. In addition, very low concentrations of phenolic compounds (ranging from 69.12 to 82.24 mg/L) were found in the liquid fraction from enzymatic hydrolysis, decreasing the possibility of fermentation inhibition produced by these components. Results showed that Italian green pepper is an interesting feedstock to obtain free sugars and prevent the enormous quantity of this food waste discarded annually

    Variables associated with a higher awareness of gender-based violence by students of the health sciences and social work

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    Objective To determine the attitudes towards equality and prevention of gender-based violence, and analyze variables associated with a higher awareness of gender-based violence by students of the health sciences and social work degrees. Method A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out. The sample consisted of 437 students of the health sciences and social work degrees at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) during 2018 and 2019. The variables of the study were: Socio-demographic variables, academic variables, feminism attitudes towards women''s movement using Feminism and the women''s movement scale (FWMS), attitudes on gender-based violence using the Gender Equality and Prevention of Gender-based Violence Scale (GEPGVS). A correlational study and multiple linear regression were performed, in order to analyze the associated variables. Results Differences in attitudes towards gender-based violence were observed according to sex, age and attitudes in line with the feminist movement. Regarding the linear regression model, the results showed that the FWMS is a predictor of GEPGVS, as well as sex. Conclusions Holding attitudes in line with the feminist movement is a factor that may be promoted in order to increase the awareness of gender-based violence. Objetivo Determinar las actitudes hacia la igualdad y la sensibilización en cuanto a la violencia de género, y analizar las variables asociadas a una mayor sensibilización sobre la violencia de género de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud y trabajo social. Método Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. La muestra consistió en 437 estudiantes de los grados de ciencias de la salud y trabajo social de la Universidad de Zaragoza (España) durante 2018 y 2019. Las variables del estudio fueron variables sociodemográficas, variables académicas, actitudes hacia el movimiento feminista usando la Feminism and the women''s movement scale (FWMS) y actitudes hacia la violencia de género mediante la Escala sobre Igualdad y Prevención de la Violencia de Género (EIPVG). Se realizaron un estudio correlacional y una regresión lineal múltiple para conocer las variables asociadas a una mayor sensibilización. Resultados Se observaron diferencias en las actitudes hacia la violencia de género en función del sexo, la edad y las actitudes favorables al movimiento feminista. Con respecto al modelo de regresión lineal, los resultados mostraron que la FWMS es un predictor de la EIPVG, así como el sexo. Conclusiones Las actitudes favorables al movimiento feminista son un factor que puede promoverse para incrementar la sensibilización sobre la violencia de género

    Perception of the primary health care response capacity by patients with and without mental health problems, and health professionals: qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study is to deepen our understanding of perceptions towards Primary Health Care Response Capacity by specifically using patients with and without mental disorders, as well as family doctors and a manager, in order to compare and endorse perspectives. For it, a qualitative study was performed. In-depth interviews were conducted with 28 patients with and without mental health disorders and focus groups were held with 21 professionals and a manager. An inductive thematic content analysis was performed in order to explore, develop and define the emergent categories of analysis. RESULTS: The fundamental domains for patients are dignity, communication, and rapid service. People with mental health problems also highlight the domain of confidentiality as relevant, while patients who do not have a mental health problem prioritize the domain of autonomy. Patients with mental health disorders report a greater number of negative experiences in relation to the domain of dignity. Patients do not consider their negative experiences to be a structural problem of the system. These findings are also endorsed by health care professionals. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to take these results into account as responsive systems can improve service uptake, ensure adherence to treatment, and ultimately enhance patient welfare

    An analysis of existing production frameworks for statistical and geographic information: Synergies, gaps and integration

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    The production of official statistical and geospatial data is often in the hands of highly specialized public agencies that have traditionally followed their own paths and established their own production frameworks. In this article, we present the main frameworks of these two areas and focus on the possibility and need to achieve a better integration between them through the interoperability of systems, processes, and data. The statistical area is well led and has well-defined frameworks. The geospatial area does not have clear leadership and the large number of standards establish a framework that is not always obvious. On the other hand, the lack of a general and common legal framework is also highlighted. Additionally, three examples are offered: the first is the application of the spatial data quality model to the case of statistical data, the second of the application of the statistical process model to the geospatial case, and the third is the use of linked geospatial and statistical data. These examples demonstrate the possibility of transferring experiences/advances from one area to another. In this way, we emphasize the conceptual proximity of these two areas, highlighting synergies, gaps, and potential integration. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Evaluation Activities in Pharmacognosy

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    La implantación del EEES comporta un nuevo sistema educativo enfocado al aprendizaje basado en el trabajo del estudiante, el cual deja de ser un sujeto pasivo que adquiere y memoriza conocimientos para convertirse en un sujeto activo de su desarrollo competencial y ser capaz de gestionar sus conocimientos eficientemente, bajo la tutela del profesor. Esto implica modificar no sólo la docencia sino también la evaluación, que como parte esencial del proceso educativo, asegura cubrir necesidades de aprendizaje y actualizar contenidos, proporciona retroalimentación, reflexión y análisis de la propia práctica y permite corregir deficiencias y mejorar metodologías. En Farmacognosia, actualmente en segundo curso de la Licenciatura de Farmacia, se han introducido estrategias de evaluación coherentes con los resultados de aprendizaje descritos, a considerar cuando se inicie el desarrollo de sus competencias en tercer curso de Grado. Inicialmente, se ha realizado una prueba de conocimientos previos. Se han aplicado dos tipos de pruebas, unas que enfatizan en la adquisición y comprensión de conocimientos y otras que abarcan competencias disciplinarias y transversales. Entre las primeras se han incluido: tests en aula virtual, que permiten discriminar información y dar una retroalimentación rápida; pruebas de respuesta abierta para comprobar capacidad de expresión, organización de ideas y razonamiento; y resolución de problemas para ver capacidad de gestionar información. Entre las segundas, después de realizar prácticas de laboratorio, se plantea una prueba de ejecución para una droga problema y se elabora un informe que demuestre el desarrollo de la ejecución, búsqueda y selección de información, observación e interpretación de resultados, y posterior exposición oral para valorar capacidad de comunicación.The implantation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) requires an educational system rooted in a competency-based learning approach in which, under professorial supervision, the students become active agents in order to reach a sufficient level of competence, retain more knowledge, and manage and apply this knowledge more efficiently. It implies modifying not only our teaching practices, but also our methods of evaluation, which, as an essential part of the education process, guarantees the acquisition of an ample range of skills and keeps course material up to date while providing students and educators with feed-back, reflection and analysis of the whole process. This, in turn, facilitates the correction of deficiencies and improvement of methodologies. In Pharmacognosy, which is currently taught in the second year of the Pharmacy program and in which ca. 200 students are enrolled, various evaluation strategies coherent with the established learning objectives were introduced to two groups of students. We first administered a questionnaire to ascertain the range of knowledge the students already had in related subjects. Then, two types of test were given: one type emphasizing the acquisition and understanding of knowledge and the other type focussing on more generic, interdisciplinary competence. The former type included: on-line multiple choice questionnaires, which allow for discernment of information and quick feed-back; open answer tests to determine the students’ ability to reason, organize their thoughts and express their ideas; and the resolution of problems to see how the students handle information. The latter type of exercise was given to pairs of students who, upon completing the laboratory component of the class, were given a proposal for solving a problem relating to a crude drug. The students then had to draft a scientific paper-like document describing the experimental protocol along with their observations, analysis of the results, and how they searched for and selected information. Finally, the students gave an oral presentation of the protocol and their findings, thus allowing the professor to evaluate their oral communication skills.Este trabajo ha sido financiado con un proyecto de innovación educativa, modalidad Finestra Oberta (29/FO/8) del Vicerectorat de Convergència Europea i Qualitat de la Universitat de València

    An environmental justice perspective on ecosystem services

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    Mainstreaming of ecosystem service approaches has been proposed as one path toward sustainable development. Meanwhile, critics of ecosystem services question if the approach can account for the multiple values of ecosystems to diverse groups of people, or for aspects of inter- and intra-generational justice. In particular, an ecosystem service approach often overlooks power dimensions and capabilities that are core to environmental justice. This article addresses the need for greater guidance on incorporating justice into ecosystem services research and practice. We point to the importance of deep engagement with stakeholders and rights holders to disentangle contextual factors that moderate justice outcomes on ecosystem service attribution and appropriation in socio-political interventions. Such a holistic perspective enables the integration of values and knowledge plurality for enhancing justice in ecosystem services research. This broadened perspective paves a way for transformative ecosystem service assessments, management, and research, which can help inform and design governance structures that nourish human agency to sustainably identify, manage, and enjoy ecosystem services for human wellbeing