57 research outputs found

    Communities in university mathematics

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    This paper concerns communities of learners and teachers that are formed, develop and interact in university mathematics environments through the theoretical lens of Communities of Practice. From this perspective, learning is described as a process of participation and reification in a community in which individuals belong and form their identity through engagement, imagination and alignment. In addition, when inquiry is considered as a fundamental mode of participation, through critical alignment, the community becomes a Community of Inquiry. We discuss these theoretical underpinnings with examples of their application in research in university mathematics education and, in more detail, in two Research Cases which focus on mathematics students' and teachers' perspectives on proof and on engineering students' conceptual understanding of mathematics. The paper concludes with a critical reflection on the theorising of the role of communities in university level teaching and learning and a consideration of ways forward for future research

    Students’ Evolving Meaning About Tangent Line with the Mediation of a Dynamic Geometry Environment and an Instructional Example Space

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    In this paper I report a lengthy episode from a teaching experiment in which fifteen Year 12 Greek students negotiated their definitions of tangent line to a function graph. The experiment was designed for the purpose of introducing students to the notion of derivative and to the general case of tangent to a function graph. Its design was based on previous research results on students’ perspectives on tangency, especially in their transition from Geometry to Analysis. In this experiment an instructional example space of functions was used in an electronic environment utilising Dynamic Geometry software with Function Grapher tools. Following the Vygotskian approach according to which students’ knowledge develops in specific social and cultural contexts, students’ construction of the meaning of tangent line was observed in the classroom throughout the experiment. The analysis of the classroom data collected during the experiment focused on the evolution of students’ personal meanings about tangent line of function graph in relation to: the electronic environment; the pre-prepared as well as spontaneous examples; students’ engagement in classroom discussion; and, the role of researcher as a teacher. The analysis indicated that the evolution of students’ meanings towards a more sophisticated understanding of tangency was not linear. Also it was interrelated with the evolution of the meaning they had about the inscriptions in the electronic environment; the instructional example space; the classroom discussion; and, the role of the teacher

    Competences of Mathematics Teachers in Diagnosing Teaching Situations and Offering Feedback to Students:Specificity, Consistency and Reification of Pedagogical and Mathematical Discourses

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    In the study we report in this chapter, we investigate the competences of mathematics pre- and in-service teachers in diagnosing situations pertaining to mathematics teaching and in offering feedback to the students at the heart of said situations. To this aim we deploy a research design that involves engaging teachers with situation-specific tasks in which we invite participants to: solve a mathematical problem; examine a (fictional yet research-informed) solution proposed by a student in class and a (fictional yet research-informed) teacher response to the student; and, describe the approach they themselves would adopt in this classroom situation. Participants were 23 mathematics graduates enrolled in a post-graduate mathematics education programme, many already in-service teachers. They responded to a task that involved debating the identification of a tangent line at an inflection point of a cubic function through resorting to the formal definition of tangency or the function graph. Analysis of their written responses to the task revealed a great variation in the participants’ diagnosing and addressing of teaching issues – in this case involving the role of visualisation in mathematical reasoning. We describe this variation in terms of a typology of four interrelated characteristics that emerged from the data analysis: consistency between stated beliefs/knowledge and intended practice, specificity of the response to the given classroom situation, reification of pedagogical discourses, and reification of mathematical discourses. We propose that deploying the theoretical construct of these characteristics in tandem with our situation-specific task design can contribute towards the identification – as well as reflection upon and development – of mathematics teachers’ diagnostic competences in teacher education and professional development programmes

    Where form and substance meet: using the narrative approach of re-storying to generate research findings and community rapprochement in (university) mathematics education

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    Storytelling is an engaging way through which lived experience can be shared and reflected upon, and a tool through which difference, diversity—and even conflict—can be acknowledged and elaborated upon. Narrative approaches to research bring the richness and vibrancy of storytelling into how data is collected and interpretations of it shared. In this paper, I demonstrate the potency of the narrative approach of re-storying for a certain type of university mathematics education research (non-deficit, non-prescriptive, context-specific, example-centred and mathematically focused) conducted at the interface of two communities: mathematics education and mathematics. I do so through reference to Amongst Mathematicians (Nardi, 2008), a study carried out in collaboration with 20 university mathematicians from six UK mathematics departments. The study deployed re-storying to present data and analyses in the form of a dialogue between two fictional, yet entirely data-grounded, characters—M, mathematician, and RME, researcher in mathematics education. In the dialogues, the typically conflicting epistemologies—and mutual perceptions of such epistemologies—of the two communities come to the fore as do the feasibility-of, benefits-from, obstacles-in and conditions-for collaboration between these communities. First, I outline the use of narrative approaches in mathematics education research. Then, I introduce the study and its use of re-storying, illustrating this with an example: the construction of a dialogue from interview data in which the participating mathematicians discuss the potentialities and pitfalls of visualisation in university mathematics teaching. I conclude by outlining re-storying as a vehicle for community rapprochement achieved through generating and sharing research findings—the substance of research—in forms that reflect the fundamental principles and aims that underpin this research. My conclusions resonate with sociocultural constructs that view mathematics teacher education as contemporary praxis and the aforementioned inter-community discussion as taking place within a third space

    Negotiating different disciplinary discourses: biology students’ ritualized and exploratory participation in mathematical modeling activities

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    Non-mathematics specialists’ competence and confidence in mathematics in their disciplines have been highlighted as in need of improvement. We report from a collaborative, developmental research project which explores the conjecture that greater integration of mathematics and biology in biology study programs, for example through engaging students with Mathematical Modeling (MM) activities, is one way to achieve this improvement. We examine the evolution of 12 first-semester biology students’ mathematical discourse as they engage with such activities in four sessions which ran concurrently with their mandatory mathematics course and were taught by a mathematician with extensive experience with MM. The sessions involved brief introductions to different aspects of MM, followed by small-group work on tasks set in biological contexts. Our analyses use the theory of commognition to investigate the tensions between ritualized and exploratory participation in the students’ MM activity. We focus particularly on a quintessential routine in MM, assumption building: we trace attempts which start from ritualized engagement in the shape of “guesswork” and evolve into more productively exploratory formulations. We also identify signs of persistent commognitive conflict in the students’ activity, both intra-mathematical (concerning what is meant by a “math task”) and extra-mathematical (concerning what constitutes a plausible solution to the tasks in a biological sense). Our analyses show evidence of the fluid interplay between ritualized and exploratory engagement in the students’ discursive activity and contribute towards what we see as a much needed distancing from operationalization of the commognitive constructs of ritual and exploration as an unhelpfully dichotomous binary

    Research on Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the Tertiary Level:State-of-the-art and Looking Ahead

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    This topical survey focuses on research in tertiary mathematics education, a field that has experienced considerable growth over the last 10 years. Drawing on the most recent journal publication as well as the latest advances from recent high quality conference proceedings, our review culls out the following five emergent areas of interest: mathematics teaching at the tertiary level; the role of mathematics in other disciplines; textbooks, assessment and students’ studying practices; transition to the tertiary level; and theoretical-methodological advances. We conclude the survey with a discussion of some potential ways forward for future research in this new and rapidly developing domain of inquiry

    Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017

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    A double burden of malnutrition occurs when individuals, household members or communities experience both undernutrition and overweight. Here, we show geospatial estimates of overweight and wasting prevalence among children under 5 years of age in 105 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) from 2000 to 2017 and aggregate these to policy-relevant administrative units. Wasting decreased overall across LMICs between 2000 and 2017, from 8.4% (62.3 (55.1–70.8) million) to 6.4% (58.3 (47.6–70.7) million), but is predicted to remain above the World Health Organization’s Global Nutrition Target of <5% in over half of LMICs by 2025. Prevalence of overweight increased from 5.2% (30 (22.8–38.5) million) in 2000 to 6.0% (55.5 (44.8–67.9) million) children aged under 5 years in 2017. Areas most affected by double burden of malnutrition were located in Indonesia, Thailand, southeastern China, Botswana, Cameroon and central Nigeria. Our estimates provide a new perspective to researchers, policy makers and public health agencies in their efforts to address this global childhood syndemic