19 research outputs found

    Recovery in supported accommodations:A scoping review and synthesis of interventions for people with severe mental illness

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    Research on the recovery domains beside clinical recovery of people with severe mental illness in need of supported accommodations is limited. The aim of this study was (1) to investigate which recovery interventions exist for this group of people and (2) to explore the scientific evidence. We conducted a scoping review, including studies with different designs, evaluating the effectiveness the recovery interventions available. The search resulted in 53 eligible articles of which 22 focused on societal recovery, six on personal recovery, five on functional recovery, 13 on lifestyle-interventions, and seven on creative and spiritual interventions. About a quarter of these interventions showed added value and half of them initial promising results. The research in this area is still limited, but a number of recovery promoting interventions on other areas than clinical recovery have been developed and evaluated. Further innovation and research to strengthen and repeat the evidence are needed

    Overview of recent physics results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)

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    Overview of physics results from NSTX

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    Identifying profiles of service users in housing services and exploring their quality of life and care needs

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    Background Housing services aim to support people with mental illness in their daily life and recovery. As the level of recovery differs between service users, the quality of life and care needs also might vary. However, the type and amount of care and support that service users receive do not always match their recovery. In order to improve the quality of care, this study aims to explore whether subgroups of service users exist based on three dimensions of recovery and to examine and compare the quality of life and care needs of the persons in these subgroups. Methods Latent class analysis was performed with data from 263 service users of housing services in the Netherlands. Classes were based on three variables: personal recovery (Mental Health Recovery Measure), social recovery (Social Functioning Scale), and clinical recovery (Brief Symptom Inventory). Subsequently, the quality of life (MANSA) and care needs (CANSAS) of the different classes were analysed by the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. Results Three classes could be distinguished. Class 1 (45%) comprised of people who score the highest of the three classes in terms of personal and social recovery and who experience the least number of symptoms. People in class 2 (44%) and class 3 (11%) score significantly lower on personal and social recovery, and they experience significantly more symptoms compared to class 1. The distinction between class 2 and 3 can be made on the significantly higher number of symptoms in class 3. All three classes differ significantly on quality of life and unmet needs. Conclusions The quality of life of service users of housing services needs improvement, as even persons in the best-recovered subgroup have a lower quality of life than the average population. Workers of housing services need to be aware of the recovery of a client and what his or her individual needs and goals are. Furthermore, better care (allocation) concerning mental and physical health and rehabilitation is needed. Care should be provided on all dimensions of recovery at the same time, therefore mental health care organisations should work together and integrate their services. Keywords Recovery, Rehabilitation, Housing services, Quality of life, Care needs, Severe mental illnes

    Atraso do amadurecimento de banana 'Maçã' pelo 1-MCP, aplicado previamente à refrigeração Ripening delay of 'Apple' banana submitted to 1-MCP, prevoiously applied to refrigeration

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes períodos de exposição da banana 'Maçã' a 50 ppb de 1-MCP (0; 3; 6; 9; 12 e 24 horas) sobre sua vida pós-colheita e qualidade. Após exposição ao 1-MCP, os frutos verde-maturos foram armazenados por 30 dias em câmaras com temperatura de 13ºC &plusmn; 0,5 e umidade relativa de 95%. Em seguida, as bananas foram armazenadas à temperatura de 20ºC &plusmn; 1, até amarelecimento completo da casca. A exposição de banana 'Maçã' a 50 ppb de 1-MCP, por 9 horas, retardou em 7 dias o seu amadurecimento, em comparação a frutos não expostos ao 1-MCP, após 30 dias de armazenamento refrigerado (13ºC), sem prejuízos à sua aparência e composição química. A exposição de banana 'Maçã' a 50 ppb de 1-MCP, por 3 e 6 horas, não estendeu sua vida pós-colheita, tampouco alterou sua composição química. Embora a exposição de banana 'Maçã' a 50 ppb de 1-MCP, por 12 e 24 horas, tenha retardado o seu amadurecimento, promoveu alterações indesejáveis na casca do fruto. Logo, a aplicação de 50 ppb de 1-MCP, por 9 horas, antes da refrigeração, constitui-se numa alternativa viável para prolongar o período de comercialização da banana.<br>The aim of this work was to evaluate 'Apple' banana different periods exposure effect to 50 ppb of 1-MCP (0, 3, 6, 9 and 24 hours) on its postharvest life and quality. Mature-green fruits were stored for 30 days in chambers at 13ºC + 0,5 and relative humidity 95%, after exposure to 1-MCP. Then, the bananas were stored at 20ºC + 1 until peel complete yellowing. 'Apple' banana to 50 ppb of 1-MCP exposure during 9 hours delayed in seven days the fruit ripening, comparing to fruit control, after 30 days of cool storage (13ºC), without changing its appearance and chemical composition. The exposure of 'Apple' banana to 50 ppb of 1-MCP for 3 and 6 hours did not extend its postharvest life; neither changed its chemical composition. Although the exposure of 'Apple' banana to 50 ppb of 1-MCP for 12 and 24 hours has retarded its ripening, it promoted undesirable changes in the fruit peel. So, 1-MCP application for 9 hours at 50 ppb, before cool storage, is a viable alternative to extend banana's commercialization period

    Longitudinal study of striatal activation to reward and loss anticipation from mid-adolescence into late adolescence/early adulthood

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    Adolescent risk-taking behavior has been associated with age-related changes in striatal activation to incentives. Previous cross-sectional studies have shown both increased and decreased striatal activation to incentives for adolescents compared to adults. The monetary incentive delay (MID) task, designed to assess functional brain activation in anticipation of reward, has been used extensively to examine striatal activation in both adult and adolescent populations. The current study used this task with a longitudinal approach across mid-adolescence and late adolescence/early adulthood. Twenty-two participants (13 male) were studied using the MID task at two time-points, once in mid-adolescence (mean age = 16.11; SD = 1.44) and a second time in late adolescence/early adulthood (mean age = 20.14; SD = .67). Results revealed greater striatal activation with increased age in high- compared to low-incentive contexts (incentive magnitude), for gain as well as for loss trials (incentive valence). Results extend cross-sectional findings and show reduced striatal engagement in adolescence compared to adulthood during preparation for action in an incentive context